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Space Rogue

Page 10

by Jay Toney

  "Now this is some eye candy, that de Tomcat would like to sample." She blushed turning a brilliant shade of pink. She was still modest, lacking confidence, and not quite use to wearing her new clothes.

  "Quit teasing Kim," Amber said. "Besides you have plenty of eye candy to feast upon."

  Doc, accompanied by Jane, was next to enter the bridge.

  "Nathaniel, Jane and I were looking over the ship. I have never seen her looking so good. She looks like new." Doc said.

  "The maintenance chief out did himself, with this job. Everything has been cleaned, painted, or polished. I can't tell what has been repaired or replaced. All of his work looks like it is original to the ship."

  Jane said, "I will be the judge of that. Randolph and I will be spending the rest of the night inspecting the ship from bow to stern."

  Natasha jokingly said to Jane, "I purr like a kitten now. Purr, purr, purr."

  "We will see about that." Jane said, taking Randolph and Kim with her to start her inspection."

  The five of us went to the officers galley, where Doc made a stew. Natty served herself a healthy portion of stew joining us with our meal.

  "Doc, the stew looks very yummy," she said sitting down to eat.

  The stew was fantastic. The vegetables, were easy to identify, originating from Earth stock. There were plenty of potatoes and carrots, there were also onions, peppers, and celery. The meat while tasty, was something I had never eaten.

  "Doc, what kind of meat is this?"

  "The meat comes from a lizard tail, that is harvested by the Hani in the desert regions. I find it to be quite tasty and very tender. How about you?"

  I agreed, "The meat while different, is very good."

  "The stew was very yummy," Natasha said, while licking her bowl and hands clean.

  Manners were something Natasha didn't seem to carer about. I had yet to see her use any eating utensils. "Natty, let Jane, Randolph, and Kim know we left some stew for them in the galley." She used the ships comms to contact them. "You all need to eat some of the Yummy lizard stew Doc made for us, before its all gone."

  After cleaning our dishes and Natty's face, we headed to our cabin. Once there I removed my clothing and climbed into bed, to tired for anything else but sleep.

  "Poor Nathaniel, all tuckered out after a long day," Amber teased, undressing and snuggling up to me.

  Tanya undressed and joined Amber and I cuddling with us. I noticed that Natty was right. Neither she or Tanya were wearing panties. Natasha, now naked, climbed on top of me saying, "Cappy, just lay back and relax. I'll take care of you."

  I woke early in the morning cozy and warm with my three wives blanketing me with their bodies. I continued to lay there not wanting to disturb their slumber, waiting for them to awaken.

  Amber was first to stir. Noticing me awake she said, "Good morning Nathaniel." She kissed me passionately.

  Natty was next to awaken.

  "Natty, I thought you didn't sleep," I said teasing her.

  "I don't... I must have fallen asleep... but how?" She said very confused.

  "You are getting more and more human everyday."

  Tanya was awake now too. I suggested that the four of us take a hot shower before dressing and heading to the bridge.

  Chapter 29

  The four of us headed to the bridge, stopping at the galley for breakfast on the way. We served ourselves. I selected a couple of pastries and a mug of coffee. We sat with Doc, who was already enjoying his meal.

  "I see you chose the Double Nocturne Blueberry Danish," Doc said, "The green fruit on the other danish is remarkably like strawberry."

  Natty had a pastry in each hand alternately taking a bite out of each.

  "These pastries are very yummy," she agreed, between mouthfuls.

  We finished our meals and coffee, refilling my mug, before continuing to the bridge. Jane, Randolph and Kim were already on the bridge when the five of us entered.

  "Jane, how was your inspection?"

  "I spent all night searching, and couldn't find anything amiss. Everything is to clean and shiny for my liking. Just wait and see, something will go terribly wrong."

  "Purr, purr, purr," Natasha teased Jane.

  "Stop that!"

  We all laughed at Jane's displeasure."

  "Tanya, are all crew members aboard?"

  "According to the ships log, everyone is accounted for."

  "Amber, let Beverly know, its departure time."

  "Oh, its slipped my mind, I completely forgot to give her any advance notice," she snickered. "Tanya, hail my sister, on screen please."

  An image of Beverly appeared on the view screen. She was still in bed, with Sultan. Seeing that it was us, she let the blanket she was holding to her drop, exposing her voluptuous breasts.

  Ignoring her sister she said to me, "Nathaniel, what a pleasant surprise. Would you care to join me?"

  "Beverly, you have been wanting Sultan for so long, isn't he satisfying you?" Amber asked.

  "I could ask the same about you, Nathaniel... and the girls."

  "There is no need to worry, they are satisfying all of my needs. The reason I called, is that we are ready to begin our shake down cruise. You are needed to escort us in case we encounter any problems. We and that includes the Lucy depart in 5 minutes. Tanya, end transmission."

  It was all I could do to stifle my laughter. I waited a full ten minutes before giving the order to undock. As we maneuvered to clear the station, the Lucy followed.

  "Natty set course to Helios, ahead half speed."

  "Aye, aye Cappy."

  Helios was the 7th planet in this system. It was a gas giant with 9 moons. The moons were lifeless, but mining them provided several metals for use on San Paulos. Mixed amongst the moons orbits were several asteroids ranging from a few meters to hundreds of kilometers in diameter. They would make excellent targets, and the rubble would make easy pickings for the miners.

  As we approached Helios, I ordered Natty to insert us into orbit."

  "Doc, and Jane I need you on the weapons consoles."

  "I got Dorsal." Doc announced.

  "I got ventral." Jane replied.

  "Natty, I will need you to target and fire the laser."

  "Kim, I need you at the engineering station to monitor and stabilize energy levels."

  "Yes Captain."

  "Doc, we are approaching target one, lock on and fire when ready."

  The upper deck weapons pivoted to face their target. When the weapons locked onto the small asteroid, bolts of energy from the particle beam weapons streamed toward the asteroid reducing it to ruble in seconds.

  "Jane, target two is coming into range, lock on and fire when ready."

  The particle beam weapons fired bolts of energy toward the asteroid from the ship's belly weapons blasting the asteroid apart. Scavengers from the mining outfits started collecting and netting the small pieces of debris from the first two asteroids. Their jobs were made a lot easier, from our weapons test.

  "Natty, lock on target three, fire when ready."

  The laser fired tracking across the asteroids surface bisecting it across its equator. Then she targeted the asteroid again making a longitudinal cut, neatly quartering the asteroid.

  "Everyone stand down from weapons."

  "Natty set course for San Paulos, Flank speed."

  The Lucy followed our course slipping further and further behind as our speed increased enroute to San Paulos. The shake down cruise was complete with the ship performing in peak

  "Captain, we are receiving a call from Red," Tanya reported.

  "Put him on screen."

  "Nathaniel, I have a job that needs urgent action, time is critical. Your just the man for the job. Can I count on you getting it done?"

  "Red, we have just completed a short shake down cruise and weapons test. I'd be glad to do a job for you. What do you need?"

  "Someone has stolen a shipment of salvaged military weapons from one of my storehouses. They are in a freighter bound for the Castel System. I can pay you 200,000 credits plus any salvage is yours to do with, what you want."

  "We are on the way Red, we will return shortly."

  "Tanya end transmission."

  Chapter 30

  "Natty, has your astronomical data been updated?"

  "Yes Cappy, Chief Mike was kind enough to update our files. I have Navigational Maps for this sector of the border systems."

  "Natty set an intercept course for the Lucy. We will have to link up with her and tow her. time is critical and we need to move fast."

  "Tanya, inform the Lucy that we will be intercepting her, for docking."

  "Message sent Captain."

  "Natty, how long to intercept?"

  "About two hours Cappy."

  "Nathaniel, you need to beware of my sister. I can sense that she is up to something, but i'm not sure what. It's one of those twin things, I can't explain it."

  "She seems to be trying to interfere with our relationship, but why?"

  "She had her sights aimed on Sultan for the last few years. Somehow she got it in her head that I was romantically involved with him, even after I was married to Stan. Sultan and I were never anything more than business associates, he is not my type. When he left with me to expand his business, Beverly became jealous of us, and left, going her own way."

  "But she has Sultan all to herself now."

  "I don't think that's good enough for her right now. I think she wants to chase something she can't possibly have, to continue her rage. I'm afraid she will be coming after you next."

  "But we are married. And, she had her chance, not so long ago."

  "That won't stop her. I know, because it wouldn't stop me."

  "I am happily married with you, Tanya, and Natty. There is nothing she can do to change that."

  "Never the less, she will try."

  "Beginning docking maneuvers," Natasha reported,"... docking clamps are locked."

  "Natty, sync with the Lucy's AI, resume course and enter hyperspace when ready."

  "Aye, aye Cappy."

  "Girls, I am going to our cabin for a short nap, care to join me?"

  They beat me to the door dragging me down the corridor, to our cabin. When we entered the cabin the first thing I saw was a trail of clothes leading toward the bathtub, followed by splashing sounds. We followed the trail and came upon Beverly, naked and luxuriating in our bathtub. Natty made a little growling sound.

  "How cute, the little sex kitten purrs," Beverly said.

  "Nathaniel and ladies, care to join me? The hot water feels so good," she taunted us.

  We undressed and entered the bathtub. My afternoon delight was visibly spoiled.

  "Captain, I thought you would be excited to see me. You were, not so long ago, as I remember. You were a quite drunk then, so perhaps you don't."

  I sat next to Amber, as far from Beverly as the bathtub would allow.

  "Nathaniel, come sit by me," she said.

  I continued to sit with Amber, remaining silent.

  "Nathaniel, I don't bite, well maybe just a little bit but not very hard."

  She moved toward us sitting next to me. Underwater, she started rubbing my inner thigh, working her way up, hidden from view by the bubbles.

  "Perhaps I was wrong, maybe you are excited by me," she said as her hands found what they were questing for. "Amber and I use to share everything. Perhaps she will share you with me," she said, fondling me.

  Natty, was very upset by her new sister in law's treatment to me. She stared at Beverly, while being held in place by Tanya.

  "I like the sex kitten too. Perhaps she will play with us?" Her fondling became faster and more vigorous. Visible to everyone now.

  "Leave him alone!" Amber shouted.

  "Perhaps your right, I am finished anyhow. Next time, I promise I'll give you that second tumble and more Nathaniel. Please come see me when you are ready to play, and bring the sex kitten with you," she said, getting out of the bathtub and drying off.

  "Sis, you are welcome to Sultan anytime you feel the need, I still believe in sharing."

  She finished dressing, and left, heading back to the Lucy.

  "I am so sorry about my sister," Amber apologized to all us.

  Tanya and Natty moved to sit next to Amber and I. They tried to sooth my damaged ego.

  "I feel so disgusted."

  "Cappy what can we do to make you feel better," Tanya said softly.

  The girls helped me out of the bathtub, drying me and themselves. They led me to the bed where they cuddled with me and tried comforting and cheering me. Natty sent a private message to Doc, explaining what Beverly did to Nathaniel. She told him that they were going to stay with me, continuing to comfort me, during the jump.

  "Tanya, I'm so sorry. I didn't want Beverly to...," I begged forgiveness.

  "I know you didn't want her touching you that way."

  "Let us make you happy again Cappy," Natasha said. "I don't like it when your sad."

  Natty made the jump to Hyperspace, while wanting more than anything to make Cappy happy again.

  Chapter 31

  The girls guided me into the shower. While they showered playfully, I scrubbed myself mercilessly, trying to wash away the events from a few hours ago. They dressed in yellow mini dresses, trying to brighten my mood. They dressed me in a light blue shirt and black shorts. I let them lead me to the bridge, while I was still feeling depressed.

  "Dropping out of hyperspace now," Natasha said, while shifting the ship back into normal space.

  Tanya studied the sensors as data became available to her. "We are in the Auelra System. It has a Red Dwarf sun, with four planets. There are traces of traffic, but no other ships currently in the system."

  "Tanya, I can access the navigation bouys to see if their has been any ships traveling to the Castel System recently," Natasha said.

  "I didn't know you could do that," Tanya replied.

  "It is included in a software package that Red had Chief Mike install. It allows me to hack into many different computer systems accessing their data," Natasha explained.

  "Please, see what you can find."

  After a few minutes Natty informed us, "The bouys recorded single a freighter leaving this system less than a day ago."

  "Natty, continue this course, and Jump to the Castel System as soon as we can," Nathaniel ordered.

  "Amber, what is Beverly's greatest fear?" I asked.

  "I'm not sure. When she was a little girl, she use to have nightmares about aliens."

  "Was she afraid of aliens, or was their something more specific?" I asked.

  "I think she was afraid of being abducted, and the aliens having their way with her," she answered.

  "I'll have to give that some thought."

  "Cappy, we are ready to jump."

  "Natty, jump to hyperspace."

  Natasha came over and climbed onto my lap, hugging me.

  "I don't understand why Beverly's grouping yo
u made you so upset," Natasha said.

  "Normally I enjoy sex, but in this case it was a violation. It was not consensual, I didn't want her touching me that way," I replied. "Why were you so upset with Beverly?"

  "Because it wasn't one of us making you feel good and happy, and somehow she was making you unhappy, "Natasha replied. "Are you sure there isn't anything we can do to make you happy? None of us are wearing panties." She hiked her dress up a little to show me.

  "Well, perhaps in a little bit. I have an Idea. Why don't you play some dance music, and dance with Tanya and Amber, do something seductive that shows plenty of bare flesh, be naughty," I said, "That will get me in the mood."

  "We can dance naked for you," she said while slowly removing her dress.

  "No, put your dress back on, and just do some dirty dancing with the girls."

  Natasha played some old Earth Caribbean music. The girls danced, shaking their bodies and gyrating their hips. Their dresses lifted as they twirled, revealing bare skin. Natasha was being exceptionally naughty. She repeatedly lifted her dress, suggesting I join her. I passed the remainder of time watching them as we journeyed in hyperspace.

  De tomcat was starting to feel like himself again. The horn dog was back.

  "Natty, decelerate to sublight."

  She disengaged the hyperdrive, and slowed the ship using its dampers to brake us. Soon we were at cruising speed.

  Chapter 32

  Once again distant stars and nebula filled the view screen as we dropped out of hyperspace.

  "Tanya, scan the system and see if we can find our cargo ship."

  "Scanning... I have a bulk freighter, on an outbound trajectory. I'm locking on to it. We will have to get closer to scan its cargo bays. I am not receiving any transponder information from it."

  "That has got to be the freighter we are searching for. Tanya signal the Lucy, its time to undock, sound condition yellow."


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