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Fallen For Shame

Page 13

by Edwards, Anna

  “I think that’s a wise decision.” She turned around and made to leave. “Teagan,” he called after her.

  “Yes.” She faced him again.

  “Do you want to take things slowly? Maybe try dating again. I’ll do whatever you need to,” he asked.

  “Is that what you want to do? Slowly. I know that you have a lot going on and there’s the counseling that Kas is going to make you do. He’s going to demand a lot of your time, and I’m going to be at the Council a lot with the committee. It might be the best thing to do,” she blustered a little with her response. The hesitation over the words speaking volumes of the emotions that were flowing through her head.

  “Honest answer?”


  “If you’d asked me first thing this morning, when I was still in the cage, I would’ve said slow is good. But now, right here, I want you, Teagan. I want to feel something that’s normal and so familiar that it’s the part of my life that I want to focus on forever more. I love you. When I thought that I’d killed you……”

  “No. Don’t.” Her eyes filled with tears.

  “It has to be said.”

  They were still on opposite sides of the room; the air was electric with the need to be a couple again.

  “I don’t blame you,” she whispered.

  “I know. But when I thought that you were dead that was the moment the drug haze disappeared. You cured me of it. The thought that I would never hear your laugh again or watch you tumble down a hill because you’ve got your feet in a tangle. My God, I even yearned for the quickstep lessons. To know that I wouldn’t have that again blew the need for drugs away. I fell for shame for a bit. I got my priorities wrong. I made the wrong decisions but in that second I saw what I truly needed to be. I would have died fighting Nuka because without you I am nothing.” All the time he was speaking he prowled closer to her. At the last minute, he dropped to his knees and worshipped before her. “I don’t want to waste another second of our time together. I want to be with you, in every sense of the word. I want to mate with you. I want to call you mine for eternity. I want to stand by your side at those committee meetings and be the proud husband of the greatest woman that has graced the halls of the Council. I want you to be proud of me again. I thought I gave up the drugs years ago, but it was merely lying dormant below the surface. Fueled by the guilt I felt it grow and that’s why Nuka was able to trap me. He used my weakness and exploited it. That weakness is dead now, but I have a new one. I’m sure any drug counselor will say that’s a major issue replacing one with another, but fuck them. I find the one that I’m replacing it with incredibly sexy, and if it means I need to be buried deep inside her for the rest of my life then so be it.”

  Teagan let out a big cluck at his passionate speech. It wasn’t really the response he was hoping for. She clucked again. “Are you ok?” he asked

  “Cluck. I’m perfect. Cluck. It’s what wild dogs do when we get super, super, super emotional.”

  “You cluck?” He couldn’t help but look at her as if this was a bit strange because, well, it was.

  “Cluck. Yes. Do you think I’m stupid? Cluck.”

  “I think it’s a little strange, but you know what, it’s you,” he chuckled.

  “You want to mate with me?” She beamed. The corners of her lips turned up so that it looked like she was an angel smiling down on him.

  “Hell yes!” he replied and got to his feet. He bent down to swoop her into his arms but thought better of it when she told him no.

  “Nothing too energetic,” she admonished. “You need to rest.”

  “Teagan. I need to be inside you, so I guess that means you’re on top.” He winked and strode over to the bed. Sex was the last thing he’d thought about doing this morning, but right now it was so right. He whipped his towel away and lay flat on his back. His cock rose proudly to the sky.

  “Fancy a bounce?” he teased.

  She nibbled on the edges of her lips again, wondering whether she was doing the right thing. Kas had spoken endlessly to her about the pitfalls of addiction over the last few days. He’d heard the polar bear’s words in his more lucid moments. That was the sort of man Kas was. He’d want to prepare her for every eventuality.

  “Tea, it’s just me now. I want this. If you don’t want to just say so and we’ll stop. I’ll cuddle you instead. We’ll take things at the right pace for us even if you’re in charge!”

  She stepped closer to the bed. For a moment he thought she was going to say no, such was the indecision on her face. But slowly she started to lower her jeans. She pulled the purple t-shirt she was wearing over her head and let it drop to the floor. Her bra and panties followed suit and she was left naked before him. She was exquisite. A stunning angel who he’d work hard, every day of the rest of his life, to deserve.

  “If it gets too much for you, then you just say, and we will stop.” She crawled up the bed towards him and settled herself over him.

  “You have my word.”

  He brought his hand to her pussy. It was already glistening for him, but he wanted more. He grabbed her backside and moved her so that she was positioned on his face.

  “I want to eat you first. It’s been such a long time. I thought that I would never eat such a heavenly meal again.”

  He hadn’t seen her look so excited in a long time. She wiggled above his face, and her scent invaded his nostrils. It was the best scent ever. He decided in that moment that he had an addictive personality. She was his new addiction. Specifically, her pussy. He stuck his long tongue out and lapped at her honey. He traced her folds and parted them. With a strong thrust he stuck his tongue inside her. She squirmed on top of him and whimpered a demanding growl.


  He thrust his tongue harder and used his fingers to rub her clit.

  “Oh God. More.”

  “Demanding little wild dog.” His voice muffled by his favorite succulent meal. He blew at her pussy, and she shuddered.

  “More, more, more,” she chanted.

  He pulled his tongue out of her and moved his teeth to her clit. He bit down and she came. She drenched him in her orgasmic juices and he lapped up every part of it.

  “Jesus, Tea, that was amazing.”

  “Huh.” She collapsed on the bed next to him. “Good.” She had a dreamy look her on face with a great big smile.

  “You have the best orgasm face ever,” he chuckled, and she stuck her tongue out at him.

  “Fuck me, Tyler.” A look of devilment crossed her face now. He rose up above her and placed himself at her entrance. He shut his eyes and just allowed himself to enjoy the moment of filling her. He knew he was stretching her with his girth. She told him often enough he was massive. Not that she needed to flatter his ego. He was just happy that she was with him. His hips touched her backside. He was all the way in.

  “Home.” The words left his lips in a tender caress of the emotions he was feeling. He leaned forward and kissed her. She responded, and soon their lips felt as though they would be joined forever more. They ceased to be Teagan and Tyler. They became one. Tealer or Tygan. The thought popped into his head, and he laughed. She pulled away.

  “What?” she asked, her eyes wide with horror. “Have I done something wrong?”

  “No. Not at all. I had a silly thought, that’s all.” He still hadn’t moved. He’d just buried himself and was enjoying the feeling.

  “Tell me.”

  “No, it’s too silly.”

  “Tell me.” She looked up at him with mischief in her eyes now. She reached up and tickled him. His cock jumped inside her.

  “Alright,” he laughed. “Stop that, or I’m going to come like a teenage wolf getting his first sniff of tail.”

  She stopped immediately.

  “I gave us a joint name in my head.”

  “A joint name?” She raised an eyebrow.

  “Yeah, like TomKat, Brangelina, or Kimye.”

  “Oh what was it?” She wiggled und
erneath him in excitement, so he pulled back and thrust hard back into her. “Fuck,” she panted.

  “No, that wasn’t it,” he laughed. “I was trying to decide between Tygan or Tealer.”

  “Which one won?” She rotated her hips against him again, willing him to move inside her. This time he allowed her to win and set a punishing pace with his own pelvic thrusts.

  “Tygan has a nice ring to it, but I decided on Tealer because you always come first.”

  “Tealer we are then.” She let her head fall back when he hit that special spot inside with his rigid cock. “Tealer, Tealer, Tealer.” She did a little chant, and he brought his mouth down on hers to capture the approval she gave him.

  “I’m going to come again,” she shouted out, he went to thrust back in but stopped. His mind flooded with so many feelings at once.

  “Tyler.” Teagan placed her hand on his cheek. “Stay with me.” She leaned forward and kissed his forehead.

  “I want to mate with you.” The words tumbled from his lips before he even realized what they meant. Most couples would be so happy to mate, but what would she think? She said they were mates but the actual act meant him biting her and marking her as his. “I’m sorry.” He started to thrust again. He’d make her forget what he said with an orgasm.

  “Stop,” she called out. He halted.

  “It’s too much to ask.”

  “No, it isn’t,” she whispered. She brought her hand up to the scar, that marred her beautiful neck, where he’d already had his teeth in her skin. “This will heal. It’ll take a little time, but a mate’s kiss doesn’t. It stays with you forever. It’s a magical anomaly. None of us know why it lives on our skin. I want to wear your mark Tyler. I’ll show it off proudly, because it’ll be given to me with love. Take me, I’m all yours forever more.”

  He pressed a kiss to her forehead and left his lips there. He whispered into her head. “I love you.” He pulled back so that their eyes met. Her green and his gray, locked together. He thrust again never leaving her gaze. The crescendo between them built again. Teagan exploded around his cock. She milked his own orgasm from him. It flooded from his body into hers and mixed their release together. As the very last drop left his body Teagan presented her neck to him, and he let his fangs drop. He stuck them into her, marking her as his for eternity. Life had never been easy for either of them. They both suffered from shame, but together they’d overcome the trials they’d have to face. Now, they could be a strength together. Tealer forever more.


  “Tyler, you mark off everything so we can check we have it all.” Scott pointed towards where his wolf friend sat with a clipboard and pen.

  “I’ve got the list to hand.”

  “Right, first cigars.”

  “Here.” Zain held them up and placed them on the table.


  “Here.” Brayden placed a couple of six packs down.

  “Brandy, for after the beers are done.”

  “I have that.” Tyler leaned over the side of his chair and held up the vintage Rémy Martin Louis XIII Cognac. “Just don’t tell Kas. I put it on expenses because it was four thousand dollars.”

  “I’m about to become a father for the first time, he’ll understand. Only the finest for my beautiful woman.” Scott frowned at the stupid wolf.

  “Er. Will your woman actually be drinking any of it? I thought they couldn’t do that when they breastfeed the cubs.” Brayden took one of the beers out of the pack and popped the cap off.

  “Hey no drinking until they are born.” Scott snatched the beer from him and took a long draught.

  Brayden held his hands out. “Hey. No drinking.”

  “I’m different. This labor thing’s a tortuous process. You’ve got it all to come. I swear that I’m going to get gray hairs after this. Next time I’m wrapping my dick, or better still, she can get Jessica to do some magic mumbo jumbo to prevent her from getting pregnant. It’s been the longest four months of my life.” He sat down in the chair and finished the beer in one long gulp. Brayden took another one for himself and threw one each to Zain and Tyler. “It was being sick, and then ‘I’m so fat nothing fits’, and then swollen ankles and freaky stomach shapes. I wasn’t sure what was going to come next. Then, apparently after we can get tears, piles, and saggy skin. It’s just one thing after another becoming a father. You know I’m sure my hair is getting thinner. That’s one of the things pregnancy can do to you as well. Life will never be the same again.” He placed his head in his hands and let out a long groan.

  “Scott Frazier, get your fucking ass up here now!” Emma’s, not so dulcet, tones shook the mansion. “If I find you are down there drinking beer I’m going to make sure Jessica and the others give you an enema to clear you out!”

  He looked at the beer and quickly placed it on the table. Emma had been in labor for a few hours now. He’d been upstairs to see her a few times but had just gotten in the way of all the ladies who fussed around her. They’d told him to go and get some rest until he was needed. He tried but failed. He hated hearing his woman in pain, and knowing there was nothing he could do to help her. It also weighed a little heavily that it was partly his fault that she was in such pain. He was definitely wrapping it next time.

  “How the hell can her voice carry so far?” Tyler looked at the ceiling.

  “I know. It’s kind of scary.” Brayden turned a little white. His partner was expecting the next baby, and he had a whole first ever multi-shifter situation going on as well; it was worrying for him and Selene.

  “Scott.” Kas filled the door way. He was not a happy polar bear. “You’re the reason my best fighter is currently giving me a headache with her screaming, and all the women in this place have gone completely crazy. I suggest you get upstairs before I drag you up there by your hair follicles.” Scott wrapped his hands around his hair and was on his feet, pushing past the polar bear in an instant.

  “If you guys are starting on the beer then I might as well join you, because I’m getting no work done.” He heard Kas say behind him. Scott took the stairs two at a time and pushed open the door to the birthing room, which was actually their bedroom. Fuck, he would need to get a new bed now. How could he sleep in the one where she’d been in so much pain? It would haunt him forever.

  He froze at the sight that welcomed him.

  “What the fuck is that?” He stared at the sight between his mate’s legs. It was all hairy. Emma kept herself shaved down there. It was also stretching the place he loved to shove his dick more than anywhere else in the world. Fuck, it was massive. He’d fall out the next time he tried to have sex with her. Shit, it was moving. His head started to swim. “I don’t feel too good.” he said, before everything went black. The next thing he knew there was water soaking him and penetrating through his favorite Guns N Roses t-shirt. He sat up from where he was currently lying on the floor. The hairy thing was still between Emma’s legs. He shuddered.

  “Get up and get over here,” she screamed out at him.

  Katia helped him to his feet. “That’s your first baby coming out. You need to help Emma. She’s getting tired.”

  As quick as his legs could carry him he went to Emma’s head and took her hand.

  “The baby’s coming.”

  “Oh God, another contraction.” She grabbed his hand and squeezed. She screamed. He screamed, when he felt the bones break in his hand. The baby also screamed when it came out.

  “It’s a boy,” he called out when he saw a length between its legs. “And what a boy.” Jessica, who was doing the delivery, looked at him in confusion.

  “Er, that’s the umbilical cord. This one’s a girl.” Jessica gave him a better view.

  “A daughter. We have a daughter.” He burst into tears. The joy of happiness tumbled down his cheeks. “She’s just like her mom.”

  “What do you want to call her?”

  “Sahara,” Emma spoke. “A part of our ancestry.” She clutched her stomach, a
nd Sahara was handed over to Jane who wrapped her up and cleaned her.

  “The next one is coming?” he asked

  “Yes,” she cried. “If my vagina ever recovers can we not have kids for a while, please?”


  He watched his woman bravely give birth to their second cub, a little boy called Morocco after his ancestry. She was the Queen of the Jungle at this precise moment. This was something that he could never have done.

  “Is the yucky stuff all over? Can we come in?” Zain, Tyler, Brayden, and Kas popped their heads around the door.

  “Yes.” Teagan wrapped herself around Tyler when he entered the room.

  Jane placed both the babies into Scott’s arms, and everything happening around him disappeared. It became just him, and Emma, and their two children.

  “Hey.” He smiled down at them. “I’m your daddy. If you need advice you’re best to ask your mom, unless it’s about hair and then I’m the fountain of all knowledge.”

  Emma chuckled. He could tell she was exhausted.

  He whistled, not too loudly, but loud enough that it got everyone’s attention.

  “Ok, time for my woman to rest. You lot go celebrate. I’ll be down when they’re all asleep.”

  Emma raised an eyebrow.

  “Ok, I’ll be down in eighteen years when the babies are all grown up.”


  The honey sandwich tasted perfect. It was the first thing he’d eaten since breakfast, and having a couple of beers to toast Morocco and Sahara had gone straight to his head. He’d not been sure that he’d make it today. He’d had to shift and run, as fast as he could, through the forests of Montana to the capital, Helena but he was so glad he had. He needed to see her. It had been such a long time with everything going on with Tyler, and then the birth. He missed her smile. The clock struck nine. It was closing time at the library. He waited patiently. The car pulled up. Any second now. The front door opened, and she stepped out. Imogen Ross, the girl he’d known since birth, but who thought he was dead. It was safer that way. She pushed the glasses up her nose and looked around. It was as if she sensed him watching her every time. But that wasn’t possible because she was a mere human. The car door opened, and her father got out. He took her bag from her which was no doubt filled with heavy books, classics such as Jane Austen and George Elliott. They were her favorite, the reason she’d studied English Literature at university and become a librarian. She got to stick her nose in books all day and help all the students, from the nearby university, to answer the difficult homework that they got. It was when she was at her happiest, and her being happy made him happy.


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