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Heart of a Stripper

Page 7

by Harris, Cyndi

  He raised a confused eyebrow at her as they continued to walk.

  “I’m not that type of guy. I just like to go after something I think is worth having.” He smiled slyly as he grabbed her books.

  “I’m no one’s possession.” She protested.

  “I would never think of you as that. I just meant, I think you’re worth getting to know. Even if it’s just as friends.” He replied, still smiling and a smile teased Nevaeh’s lips.

  “Name’s Jaxon, do you want to have lunch?”

  “Sure.” She blushed.

  Mitchell paced his office as he pondered if he did the right thing with Nevaeh. Hurting her had torn him apart, but it was for the best. Or at least that’s what he thought. He had still planned to be there for her, but only as a friend. His thoughts got cut short as the door opened. Looking up, he saw Kaitlin. Her blonde hair was pulled tightly into a high ponytail, and she had on a cream pea coat and sunglasses.

  Her usual look.

  “Hi darling.” She smiled, snatching the glasses off to reveal her eyes.

  Walking over, she kissed him on the cheek and hugged him. That caught him off guard because he usually pulled her in for a hug.

  “Hey sweetie.” He replied watching her sit in the chair in front of his desk.

  “Did you miss me?” she asked.

  “Of course I did.” He responded sitting in the chair beside her.

  Her smile brightened even more as he stared at her. There was a glow about her today, she only had that when she had big news.

  “What’s up?” he asked curious.

  “What do you mean?” she frowned.

  “You’re—happy.” He answered.

  “Because I’m here with you silly.” She giggled.

  That made him feel good, it was something he longed to hear from her. She hadn’t seemed overly happy to see him since they’d first met.

  “Is the wedding planning going well?” he muttered.

  “Fine. I’m taking a break to spend time with you.” She smiled looking him in the eyes.

  He smiled at her words. Whatever had brightened her mood, he was happy to see it. It even made him realize he was marrying her for the right reason.

  “Ok, how about we have dinner and a movie tonight?” he insisted getting up and walking in front of her.

  “I’ll do dinner, but you know how I feel about the cinema.” She said appalled.

  “Kate, its one night. No more than two hours, and there’s something I want to see.” He pleaded.

  “We can watch a movie in your home theater. I hate being surrounded by—”

  “Don’t!” he shouted cutting her off.

  He hated her “holier than thou” attitude. She thought she was better than everyone, and didn’t deserve to sit among middle classed people. In reality, she would’ve been nothing if it weren’t for him. She was only getting recognition as a model because of his name behind her.

  “Fine.” She replied throwing up her hands in surrender as she shot to her feet.

  “Thank you.” He said grabbing her by the hands, and pulling her in for a kiss. She gave him a peck before throwing her sunglasses on.

  “Just don’t try to make this a habit.” She insisted.

  “Until later.” She said as a goodbye before she waved and left.

  Chapter Nine

  Mitchell walked down the aisle of the movie theater as he held Kaitlin’s hand. She tried to inch by everyone, without brushing up against them. She was wearing a glitzy top, with white pants and a fur coat. Mitchell begged her to wear jeans and a t-shirt, but she refused. Everything was like a red carpet event to her, even going to sit in the dark amongst strangers. Spotting a few empty seats in the perfect row, he slid over to them. Sitting her down, he intended to go get her some popcorn and treats, not that she would eat it. But he wanted to have the full experience.

  Going to the movies was a thing he loved to do while he was growing up. It was the only time he could escape the reality of home. Those few hours sitting there pretending to be the guy on the screen was everything to him. But as life grew harder, slipping off to the movies had become nearly impossible, so he had one built into his penthouse instead.

  “Are these fine?” he asked, as they sat own.

  “I guess.” She replied, rolling her eyes.

  Sitting back in his seat, he stared up at the huge screen, and a smile spread across his face. Looking to his right, he saw the theater filling up. Someone sat beside him, and after getting a good look, his smile faded.

  Nevaeh had taken the seat, and her smile soon dropped as she spotted him.

  “This movie is going to be awesome!” Jaxon replied sitting on the other side of her.

  Mitchell gripped the armrest as he sucked in a breath. What were the odds of them seeing the same movie, on the same night? Not to mention sit in the same seats beside each other? If the universe thought this was a funny joke, it wasn’t. He thought it to be more cruel than kind. But it made him ponder.

  Were they supposed to stay in each other’s lives regardless of the strained situation?

  It seemed obvious that they were because of the way they met. She was obviously thrown into his life for a reason.

  “Maybe we should get some other seats.” He whispered to Kate, who sneered at him.

  It was obvious that she had gotten comfortable and damn sure wasn’t moving again.

  “Mr. M!” Jaxon shouted excited, obviously spotting him.

  His heart sank because he knew he was going to be now stuck sitting beside them. He had told Nevaeh to find a boy her age, but didn’t think it would actually be this quick. Who was he kidding? She was gorgeous and knew she could have any guy if she put her mind to it. But he didn’t expect her to move on so quickly. Not that they were together—

  Not that it mattered; at least that’s what he scolded to himself.

  “Jaxon, what’s up?” he smiled fakely, looking over at him.

  Letting out a breath, he stared back at the screen uncomfortably.

  “You want some popcorn?” he heard Jaxon ask Nevaeh and she nodded.

  The lights went dim, and the previews started shortly after.

  “I have to go to the bathroom.” He heard Nevaeh reply. “I’ll be right back.”

  Mitchell watched her disappear, and thought it would be the opportune time to go get the refreshments.

  “I’ll be back Kate, I’m going to get some snacks.” He replied, getting up and sliding past her.

  Heading up the aisle, he disappeared into the hall and searched for Nevaeh. He spotted her as she rounded the corner, and he stalked after. She disappeared into the bathroom and he waited for her to return. He couldn’t just leave things awkward between them. A few minutes later, she emerged from the bathroom and was definitely shocked to see him. Sucking in a breath, she started walking and he walked beside her.

  “So—you and Jaxon?” he asked a bit jealous.

  “We’re on a date, yeah.” She nodded.

  “Can you stop with me at the concession stand?” he inquired, and she looked over to him skeptical.

  “Sure.” She nodded.

  Getting in line, they waited.

  “So, do you like him?” he asked looking up at the menu and prices.

  “He’s a nice guy. I’m just trying to get to know him, I do need friends.” She insisted looking over to him.

  “Friends?” Mitchell nearly smiled, but he refrained. “Friends are good, especially being new.”

  “Yeah, I think he really likes me though.” She added, and he gritted his teeth as they made it to the front.

  He ordered a few things, and asked if she wanted anything. Even though she refused, he brought her a pack of Reese’s Cups. It was secretly her favorite candy, so she accepted.

  “So, do you want a ride back to my place after this?” he blurted out as they walked back to the theater.

  Looking at him in disbelief, she shook her head.

  “I’m not going back to
your place.” She retorted.

  “Why not?” he asked frustrated. “You’re not going home with him.”

  She looked at him as he stared down at the carpeted floor.

  “Are you?” he added in a whisper.

  “No.” she answered truthfully. “I’m going home.”

  “No, you’re not!” he protested irate looking up into her eyes.

  “I can’t stay with you. That would just be weird.” She smiled, liking the fact that he was concerned about her.

  “Weird but safe.” He responded.

  “You know I’m right.” She replied, and he rolled his eyes because she was.

  “I’m not letting you go back to that house.” He said clearly. “Call me after this and I’ll take you to a hotel.”

  “I can’t afford a hotel. My money went to rent and bills at home.” She replied.

  “Money is no issue.” He insisted.

  “Mitchell, I can’t take your money.” She bit.

  “It’s either that, or you’re going to stay with me.” he insisted again.

  “I can’t call you; I don’t have a cell phone.” She sighed, folding to him.

  “Take mines.” He said pulling his iPhone out of his pocket, and handing it to her.

  He opened the theater door for her, and she acknowledged him as he held it for her. They quietly slipped down the aisle and back to their seat.

  “I was beginning to think you got lost.” Jaxon snickered as Nevaeh sat down. “Or ran from me.”

  “No, just grabbed some candy.” She smiled, holding up the Reese’s as he slipped his arm around her.

  Mitchell brushed his hand against Nevaeh’s, and she pulled away. Looking over at her, his heart sank as she cuddled Jaxon.

  “What took you so long?” Kate inquired, grabbing his attention.

  “The line was long.” He replied, going to put his arm around her, but she blocked him.

  “I don’t know what you brought all of that junk for. It’s no good for you.” She snapped.

  Rolling his eyes, he watched the movie silently.

  After the movie, he grabbed Kaitlin by the hand, and quickly escorted her out. He wanted to take her home, so he could go back and pick Nevaeh up. Taking her back to her apartment, she pulled him inside.

  “How much did you miss me?” she asked pulling him close to her.

  “More than you know.” He smiled uncomfortably.

  “Tomorrow’s our engagement party.” She replied, letting him go and taking off her heels.

  “Is it?” he frowned.

  “Yes!” she shouted spinning around to him. “So you better not be late.”

  “I won’t.” he frowned looking down.

  “What’s the problem?” she asked glaring at him.

  “Why do you love me?” he asked walking over to her.

  “Because you’re hot.” She winked, grabbing him by his collar.

  “No,” he said, grabbing her by the hands. “Seriously.”

  Glaring at him, her expression changed.

  “Are you trying to pick a fight with me?!” she shouted shoving him away.

  “No. I just—why do you want to marry me?” he pushed.

  “Because…” she mumbled, looking away. “Because! You know what?! Leave!” she shouted.

  “Kate, I didn’t mean it like that—I just—”

  “Just get out!” she shouted, cutting him off before shoving him to the door.

  Obliging, he opened the door and left. He hadn’t meant to get her pissed off, he just wanted an answer. He just wanted to know that she truly loved him. The wedding was approaching vastly, and he wasn’t sure he could shake the dreadful feeling that was slowly creeping over him. Throwing the issues to the side, he used his car phone to dial his cell. It rung for a moment until Nevaeh answered.

  “Hey, where are you?” he asked putting the key into the ignition.

  “Outside my house.” She answered.

  “Are you ok?” he asked concerned.

  “I’m cold.” He heard her chatter.

  “Stay there, I’ll be there soon.” He replied hanging up.

  Driving off, he made it there in record time. Just like she said, she was sitting on the porch, wearing his jacket. He hated that she had to live in such circumstances. Unlocking the door, she got in. Settling into the seat, he pulled off as she got warm.

  “You can’t make it a habit of being my hero.” She jabbed.

  “I’d rather be that then let anything happen to you.” He jabbed back.

  “Then I hope you’ll be prepared to see me fall for you more than I already have.” She whispered.

  He looked over to her briefly before gripping the steering wheel.

  “Nevaeh we talked about this.” He retorted.

  “No, you talked and I barely listened.” She snapped. “You can’t just turn my feelings off. I am falling in love with you.” She bit.

  He let out a stifled breath as he gripped the wheel tighter.

  “I don’t know what to do with that.” He answered truthfully.

  “Be honest with me!” she shouted. “I’m not a kid! I had to grow up fast. I can handle the truth, but I can’t handle you being here for me and then telling me I mean nothing to you.”

  “I never said that!” he snapped. “I didn’t like seeing you with Jaxon tonight ok?! You think I like this any more than you do?” he retorted.

  “Then tell me how you feel.” She insisted, as he stopped at a red light.

  “I can’t.” he whispered. “I’m the adult here, and it has to stay platonic. That’s all I can offer.”

  He looked over to her and saw the pain written all over her face.

  “Then I don’t want this. I don’t need your help! I was doing fine without you!” She shouted hopping out of the car and running down the block.

  Nevaeh ran as fast as she could to the middle of nowhere. All of her fears were present. It just seemed like no one wanted her around. She was always a burden. So, just like always, she tried to stand on her own two feet as best as she could, but it seemed the cold cruel world had no place for her either.

  Mitchell circled the block searching for her, but to no avail. He was always screwing up with her, and it wasn’t fair that he shoved her to the back of his list where things were convenient for him. She was right though, he kept protesting that he wanted nothing to do with her, but his actions showed otherwise. She was his drug, something he couldn’t see himself without, but too ashamed to claim. He was worried about what everyone else would think, and that would always be present.

  His father had raised him to be fear stricken of tarnishing their image, so he’d done everything by the book. Everything except live his life the way he wanted to. He wasn’t stupid, the only reason his father had built him the school was to show off to his friends. He wanted Mitchell to fail, and to come crawling to him begging for a job. But so far Mitchell had proven him wrong. The school had been a success for a year and counting, and Mitchell planned to keep it that way.

  After a while of searching for her, Mitchell had headed back to her house. He was hoping to catch up with her there.

  Chapter Ten

  Mitchell sat at the bar as he ordered another scotch on the rocks. Drinking really wasn’t his thing, but tonight he was taking them back. Glass after glass. The small fight between him and Nevaeh had rocked him to his very core more than he thought it would. She of all people didn’t deserve to be hurt more than she was. He knew all about growing up too fast because he had to as well. He had technically been mature at an early age too. Age was nothing but a number, and it was evident that Nevaeh was damn sure wise beyond her years. She’d single handedly taken care of her father any way that she could even though he was a bastard.

  Mitchell had waited for her at her house the night before, and she did eventually show up. She refused to talk to him, and headed inside only for her dad to open the door. He pulled her inside and gave Mitchell a curt goodnight before closing the door. While
heading back to the car, Mitchell heard them shouting at each other, which led to things being knocked over. Hearing things crash, Mitchell headed back to the door and pounded. No one answered, but he heard Nevaeh scream. That kicked him into high gear, and he tore the damn door off the hinges. Seeing Nevaeh on the floor, he charged her father and proceeded to beat the living hell out of the guy.

  Nevaeh had grabbed a few things from her room and fled the house in the midst of the confusion. Mitchell had called his cell over and over hoping she was ok, but she never answered. Heading home, he couldn’t sleep, nor did he focus at school the next morning because she never showed up.

  After work, he had gotten ready for the damn engagement party. To say he was scatterbrained would be putting it lightly. Kaitlin had entertained their guest as he sat at the bar and drank himself into a stupor.

  “For a guy who doesn’t drink, it sure seems like you know what you’re doing.” Adam replied sitting beside him.

  “I’ve realized drinking isn’t so bad.” He said finishing the glass in his hand.

  Adam grabbed the glass and saw the bruises on his friend’s knuckles.

  “Mitchell, what the hell happened?!” he asked concerned.

  “I screwed up Adam, and I don’t know what to do.” He said truthfully.

  “What did you do?!” he shouted.

  “I’m marrying a woman I don’t love.” He said out loud, and Adam opened his eyes wide.

  “You don’t mean that.” Adam insisted.

  “I do.” Mitchell said pinching the bridge of his nose. “I don’t know how I got here.”

  “Sure you do, you drove.” Adam chuckled, and Mitchell looked at him stone faced.

  Adam’s smile drooped as he realized his friend was being serious.

  “Mitchell, you need to go freshened up before dinner.” Adam insisted standing his friend up.


  “Mitchell, Kate will flip if she sees you like this or even hears what you’re saying. If you want to talk after tonight, we can. But right now you need to pull yourself together.” He insisted and Mitchell nodded with a sigh.

  He knew his best friend was right. Disappearing from the party, he headed up to a bedroom and went into a bathroom. Washing his face, he stared at himself in the mirror before he heard the door open. Standing quiet, he heard kissing. Cursing to himself, he stood quiet for a moment before peeking through the door. He saw a girl dressed in ruby red, entangled in a guy’s arms.


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