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Their Salvation

Page 8

by May Gordon

  3 hours later

  We’re waiting near the drop site. Dan wants us to go to the long-term parking at the airport. I spent the last few hours worrying myself sick. Pierce passed the incriminating information regarding Dan and my father stealing from him to the police, but for now, kept the fact Dan kidnapped Eli to himself. Though he does have a few security guys nearby. He also has Josh tracking everything Dan does. Last we heard, he was on his way to the meet.

  “Diana, when you see Eli I don’t want you to run to him. I know that’ll be hard, but I need you to stay back,” Pierce tells me and I nod. I can barely process like an average human at this point.

  Suddenly, we see Dan’s car and it takes everything in me not to run to it. He parks not that far from us, then gets out and pulls Eli from the back. He looks unharmed from what I can see.

  “Diana stay behind me,” I hear Pierce whisper and I do but not too much that I can’t see Eli.

  “Where’s my money?” Dan yells.

  “In my car, now give me back my son,” Pierce hollers back.

  “And Fred?”

  “He’s going to jail for stealing from me,” Pierce tells him. “I’ll walk over with the keys to my car, and you let Eli go.”

  Dan pulls a gun from the back of his pants and I gasp. “No funny business or he dies.” He points the gun at his head as he shoves Eli toward us. Pierce starts walking to meet them. It’s then I see what’s stuffed in the back of his suit pants. Oh god, I have no idea what Pierce is planning, but I trust him.

  Pierce has his keys in his hands while Dan still holds the gun aimed at Eli. Eli looks at Pierce, his bottom lip wobbling from trying to hold back tears. I hear Pierce mumble something to him and he nods slightly. Eli passes then steps over so Pierce is blocking him from Dan's line of sight.

  “Now Eli,” Pierce yells. Eli hits the deck and before I know what’s happening, Pierce whips out his gun and fires at Dan. Dan hits the ground like a sack of potatoes, letting out a long groan.

  “Eli!” I scream and run to him. He scrambles off the ground and runs into my arms. “Oh baby, are you okay?” I run my hands over him looking for injury.

  “I’m not hurt, mommy.” He’s trying so hard not to break down and cry.

  I see Pierce who is now on the phone and a bunch of his security guys huddled around Dan. Eli glances at Pierce, and they lock eyes as he hangs up the phone and walks toward us.

  “Daddy,” Eli calls and runs to him. Pierce picks him up and hugs him tightly. I join them, and Pierce engulfs us both in a punishing hug. I hear Eli crying, and I can't help but do the same. Pierce keeps his strong warm arms around us. The man who saved us, loved us. I want to hold o him tightly and never let go, and I know he’ll never let us either.

  Chapter 15

  Pierce~The next day

  The last twenty-four hours have been a blur. Unfortunately, I didn’t kill Dan, but hit his shoulder. He was hauled off to the hospital then arrested. We took Eli to get checked out as well. He wasn’t harmed, just hungry and scared. After he got a clean bill of health we went home. There was a lot to deal with between the police and my security team, but luckily, I told them I’d answer all their questions later. I just wanted the night to be with my family. And that’s what we did, spending the rest of the evening eating pizza and watching movies. Eli passed out early, and I carried him to bed. Diana kept checking on him every five minutes until I eventually distracted her by making slow, sweet love to her. It was something we both needed, which is why we spent most of the night getting lost in our passion.

  Both Diana and Eli are staying home today and I still need to find a personal bodyguard for them. He's not going back to school without one. I’ll never make that mistake again. I need to protect my family at all costs.

  I'm currently waiting at the police station to talk to Fred. He was arrested because of my evidence. He was already in custody under suspicion of kidnapping Eli. As soon as Dan was patched up and interrogated, he sang like a bird, further incriminating himself and Fred.

  “Mr. Thorne, he’s ready for you,” the detective tells me. I stand and follow him to the interrogation room. Fred is in prison orange and is handcuffed to the table.

  “Fred, got to say, I love the new colors.” I smile at him. He looks like shit, good. “I have a lot of questions, but the only one that pops into my head is why were you so interested in the sale of Brayer if you were stealing from it in the first place?” Yeah, probably not the most important but it’s been working through my mind.

  Fred looks like he’s given up since there aren’t enough lawyers to get him out with the proof we’ve collected on him. He lets out a deep breath and says, “I knew if you thought I wanted to buy it you wouldn’t sell,” he tells me. “I didn’t want it to go through extra eyes and possibly get caught,” he explains.

  “Well, you did anyway, and because of Diana no less.” I can't help but chuckle then add, “You had such an amazing person in your life and threw her away. You’ll pay dearly for that.”

  “Are we done here?” He asks, clearly bored with this conversation.

  “One last thing.” I lean over the table and get in his face. “If you ever so much as think about Diana and Eli again, I’ll kill you. I’ll place a bounty so big on your head every inmate you’re locked up with will be sharpening their shivs to get to you.” He looks scared. Good.

  The detective is waiting for me outside the room and says. “I'm going to ignore that threat.”

  “What about Dan?” I ask him.

  “As I told you over the phone, he's confessed and has had no problem spilling everything on Fred, and not just about stealing from you, but his own company and others as well. We’re investigating so it’ll take time,” he explains to me.

  I pull out a card and pass it to him. “Call my tech guy, Josh. I’ll pay him to freelance and he’ll do it for you.”

  “Thanks, Mr. Thorne. If there’s anything else, we’ll call you.”

  “Thanks, Detective.” I walk to my car and head to work.

  When I arrive, I head up to my office to meet with Charles.

  “Jen,” I greet her.

  “How’s Eli?” She asks not even saying hello to me.

  “He’s doing much better now. Thanks for your concern.”

  “And Diana? I talked to her yesterday, and the poor dear seemed out of sorts.”

  “The same. Her and Eli are taking a few days off, but I’ll have her call you tonight.”

  “Thank you, sir. Charles is waiting in your office now.” I nod and walk in to my office.

  “Mr. Thorne,” Charles stands to greet me.

  “Charles how are you?” I ask while shaking his hand.

  “Good, sir. I’m surprised you wanted to see me after everything that’s happened with your family,” he tells me as we sit.

  “This needed to be done as soon as possible,” I state.

  “Of course, sir. I have the paperwork right here.” He pulls it out then passes it to me to look over. “As you can see Mr. Thorne, the adoption papers are all laid out. You just need to sign. As for the other set of documents, it indicates Diana as your partner in the business and Eli as one of your heirs.”

  Everything appears to be in order, so I sign before returning them to Charles. “I’m guessing this will please the board?” I ask him.

  He chuckles. “Yes, sir. They’re more than happy. A few have worked with Diana over the last month or so and were very impressed.” He smiles and gets up. “I’ll file these and send you a copy.” We shake hands, and I walk him out.

  I close the door and lock it behind him. Going back to my desk, I dial Josh.

  “Sir,” he answers.

  “Josh. I was wondering if you got the test results yet?”

  There’s a short pause before he says, “Yes, sir. I got a match.”

  I suck in a breath at his statement. A few weeks ago, I’d sent Josh some of Eli’s DNA, asking him to find a familial match, if any.

“Who?” I growl out.

  “Hank Swallow. Twenty-six. He was some frat boy who attended the same university as Diana. A year after her attack he flunked out, did some time for dealing prescription pills, and has spent the last two in prison for beating up and almost killing his girlfriend,” Josh explains.

  “Why wasn’t it flagged when he first got arrested?” I bark out.

  “It was in a different state so they didn’t look outside it for other crimes.” Damn idiot cops. That pisses me off. “Do you want me to start building a case against him for the attack on Diana?”

  “No. Put out a hit on him,” I bite out.

  “How much?” He asks. That’s a hard question because the truth is I’d give my fortune to see Diana's rapist suffer.

  “I want it done ASAP. What would get that done?”

  “Honestly, anything over a million,” he tells me.

  “Ten then, but only if they make him suffer.” I bark out, feeling my anger rise inside me.

  “Done, sir.” He pauses a beat then asks, “Will you tell Diana about this?”

  “No, she’s worked hard to find some peace, and I don’t want to put a name or face to her attacker, or Eli’s father,” I tell him honestly.

  “I think that’s a good idea,” he tells me. “Should I call you when it's done?”

  “Just text me when it's taken care of,” I say. “And Josh, thank you. Expect a big bonus soon.”

  “Thank you, sir.” And we hang up. I then stand and leave, saying goodbye to Jen on my way out. I’m more than ready to go home.

  Something I’ve never had. A home, family, people to love, and be loved back.

  When I enter the house, I hear Diana and Eli in the kitchen. When I join them, Eli sees me and comes running.

  “Daddy,” I hug him tightly. Every time he calls me that or Dad, I feel my heart overflow with love and happiness.

  “Hey man, helping mom make lunch?” I ask.

  “Yep and talking about my party next week,” he gives me a toothy smile as he answers.

  “That’s right, I forgot to tell you. I have six different Mustangs coming for the car show.”

  “Really?” He asks, all excited. “Which ones?”

  “You’ll have to wait and see.” I wink at him.

  “You hungry?” Diana asks me.

  “Starving.” I walk to Diana and kiss her. She wraps her arms around my waist, bringing me closer.

  She looks better now. She's been through a terrible ordeal, and it took a toll on her. It seemed like making love to her was the only way to keep her calm and relaxed.

  “We made sandwiches.” She smiles as I help set the table, and we sit down and eat.

  As a family.

  One week later

  This last week has been a healing one for us all. We spent a lot of time together and tried to find a way to move past what happened. Fred and Dan will be in jail for a long time. It seems like Dan was so bitter toward Fred he told the cops he orchestrated the kidnapping of Eli, so he’s a goner. I bought up all his remaining businesses and resold them, returning the money to those he stole from. Tiffany, Diana’s mother, hightailed it out of the country as soon as Fred was arrested. We don’t ever expect to see her again. Josh texted me less than twenty-four hours after the hit went out. It was done, the fucker who raped my Diana dying slowly and painfully. I stand by my decision not to tell her, and that’s something I will never regret. She needs to focus on essential things, like me and Eli.

  Today is his party and the front yard has eight different classic mustangs parked on it. Eli lost his mind he was so excited. So were the other kids, and some of their dads. The backyard is littered with kids from his class. He’s only been there a month or so, and everyone loves him. Jen, Ellen, Rusty, and a large group from the retirement home also came and he was over the moon to see them. Diana is chatting with some of her new friends, moms from Eli’s class.

  I pull Eli inside to go over our plan. “So, you remember what we talked about?” I ask him.

  “Yeah, Daddy. I need to get mommy out front with all the Mustangs and give her the present when you say so.” He smiles at me.

  “Good man.” I ruffle his hair.

  “Can I see it again?” He asks. I chuckle and pull out the ring, opening it to show him.

  “It’s so sparkly.” He gushes, making me chuckle.

  “Okay, now get to it,” I order, and he runs off.

  I go out front and wait near my car. I’m assuming most men are nervous before they ask the woman they love to marry them, but I feel nothing but excitement to make her my wife, mine in every way.

  I see Eli come out the front door holding Diana's hand, dragging her with him. “Eli, what’s the surprise?” She laughs then sees me, and her eyes light up. “Pierce, I'm guessing you're in on it.”

  Eli nudges Diana closer then runs to stand beside me. He has a big grin, definitely no poker face on this kid.

  “Okay, what’s going on you two?” Diana asks with a smile on her face.

  I nod to Eli, and he walks to Diana and gives her the rolled papers in his hand. Diana looks at them and lets out a gasp, tears welling in her eyes.

  “Pierce,” her voice is breathy.

  “Daddy wants me to be his son for real,” Eli pipes up. “I’m going to be a Thorne.” He grins, excitement clear in his voice. Diana is holding the adoption papers to make him Eli Thorne. Her hands are visibly shaking.

  “Hmmm, well if I'm a Thorne, and you are too, I think your mom would feel left out. Right, Eli?”

  “Yep!” He nods ecstatically.

  I take a step and pull the ring from my pocket, getting on one knee. Her mouth opens in shock.

  “Diana, before you I was a man just going through the motions, not living, just existing. Then you saved me. You’re my love, my salvation. And I want nothing more than to make you my wife, and Eli my son. Please do me the honor of becoming Diana Thorne.” Tears are falling from her eyes now.

  “Yes, of course, yes,” she cries out. I stand and slide the ring on then pull her to me, taking her lips with mine. I feel Eli wrap his hands around us and smile down at him.

  “Good job, little man.” I grin at him.

  “Now what?” Eli asks.

  “We become a family,” I tell him.

  “We already are,” Diana informs me, and like always, she’s right.

  We are.

  Epilogue 1

  Diana~One month later

  “Pierce, please stop teasing me,” I moan as his mouth slides up my inner thigh.

  I reach down and grip his hair roughly. He lets out a deep growl and moves to my centre, licking, sucking, and exploring every inch of me. He knows exactly how to set me off. His arms reach up and he plays with my nipples. I moan at their sensitivity; it doesn’t take long before I'm coming on his face, and like always, he eats me like a starving man.

  Pierce doesn’t give me time to recover before he attacks my lips with his. I taste myself on him, and it turns me on more. “Please, Pierce,” I beg, needing to feel him inside me.

  “Mine,” he proclaims as he thrusts into me hard. We both moan in pure pleasure.

  We’re like animals as we go at it. I feel owed by him but also loved. I'm addicted to his touch, the feelings he evokes in me, the way he makes me think. He leans down and takes one of my nipples, gently rubbing his teeth against it, and just like that I'm about to come again.

  “Pierce, I'm close,” I pant out.

  “Yes, come with me, Diana. Now,” he demands, taking my mouth in a punishing kiss. We come together, and I feel him empty himself inside me.

  He braces his arms on either side of my head while trying to catch his breath. He leans down and peppers my face with kisses, making me giggle before rolling over and gathering me up.

  I feel so tired now, the events of today finally catching up to me. We got married a few weeks ago and were on our honeymoon. Pierce took Eli and I to Disney World. Not the most conventional honeymoon spot, b
ut we wanted a family trip. We spent all day eating lousy food, playing games, and going on rides. I was tired, to say the least, but never too much to make love to my husband.

  “I love you,” I hear Pierce whisper in my ear. I look up and notice his eyes are closed but know he's not asleep yet.

  I’ve been trying to find the right time to tell him and feel bad hiding it from him for so long. I’m pregnant. I know he’ll be ecstatic, Eli too. I guess now is a good time. Besides, it's not when I tell him that matters, but the news itself.

  “I love you too,” I whisper, leaning up to kiss him gently. “Pierce,” I say his name stronger and he opens his eyes. “I’m pregnant.”

  His eyes widen, and a huge grin spreads over his face. He rolls on top of me and gives me a deep kiss. “This is amazing!” He laughs with pure happiness then caresses my naked body to my tummy, leaving kisses all over it. “I’m so fucking happy right now. I can't believe this.” His voice is full of awe.

  “So, you're happy?” I joke.

  “That’s too inadequate to describe how I feel,” he crawls back up. “I love you so much, Diana.”

  The joy in my heart is unending. I feel so complete and it’s all because of Pierce.

  “I can't wait to see you grow big.” He kisses my lips and rests his hand on my stomach. I can't help but laugh.

  “Well, I’m glad you're looking forward to it because I'm sure not.”

  “You’ll be the most beautiful pregnant woman ever.” He nuzzles my neck. “We’ll need to make five more of these,” he says and that cracks me up.

  “How about we have this one then we can talk?” I muse.

  “I'm holding you to that,” he growls, making love to me all over again.

  Epilogue 2

  Diana~5 years later

  “Mom. Daddy bought me a puppy!” Emily, our 4-year-old, is standing in the kitchen doorway struggling to hold up a chocolate lab.

  I almost drop the grilled cheese I'm plating while holding Adam, our one-year-old, on my hip as I get lunch ready. Eli comes in with bags of what looks like puppy supplies.


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