Hiding Katherine

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Hiding Katherine Page 23

by GG Shalton

  Spending time with Daniel meant spending your time riding. It was all he wanted to do. Taking the dull sword that Alexander had given him when he turned twelve years old, he practiced relentlessly as they rode around the loch. “Oh, Daniel. Let us stop and rest. We have a picnic. I am sure there are many other invisible soldiers that you can run through later.”

  He chuckled. “Very well, Mama. If you are tired.” He pulled back on the reins and brought his horse to a stop. He dismounted and went to help his mother. Daniel was a very caring young man who adored his mother and treated her like glass. Alexander hid his disciplines with her to the privacy of their chamber. Katherine was thankful as she didn’t know how Daniel would react if he witnessed anyone punishing her.

  “Come and sit with me, Son. It’s a beautiful day.” She took the basket and sat on a blanket that Daniel had spread out.

  “Mama, do you think that I will be a great warrior and fight the rebels?” He held his sword up in the air swinging it around and around.

  Katherine smiled. “Of course. Your battle skills run in your blood.”

  He smiled satisfied with her answer. “Do you think Father is great fighter?”

  “Yes, that is what I meant. Your father is a powerful earl and was a great fighter in his younger days.”

  “I will bring honor to our home and become legendary.” He took a seat and filled his mouth with berries.

  “You must eat more than berries. A great fighter must keep up their strength.”

  He reached for some bread and took a big bite. “I will eat extra every day.”

  Katherine watched him chew, marveling at his strength of a man yet in a child’s mind. She wondered how big he would get.

  “I received a letter from your Aunt Deanna. She is sending her son James to foster with you in a few months. It may be fun to have a cousin with you.”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know him very well. Father never wants us to visit. But perhaps we will get along when we foster together.”

  “I hope so. I haven’t seen him in years.” She thought of what he said about his cousin. Deanna had five children now—three boys and two girls. Her two youngest children, Katherine had never seen. Alexander did not like her to visit or have them visit. He thought Deanna was too much of a bad influence on her and discouraged any communication. Alexander also wanted her to receive no communication from her family in England. They had tried sending her letters, but Alexander gave strict orders to the staff that no letters were to be given to her. Although a few snuck by. Deanna brought her news about her brother’s financial trouble and asked her to send some funds to help them. She said it was not for Father, but for her brothers and their household that were suffering. Katherine had no money without asking Alexander. And when she did, he grew very angry and forbade Deanna from speaking of it again.

  Deanna used to sporadically show up uninvited, but on her last visit, Alexander asked Dorian to stop the visits. He complained that he needed Katherine to be able to travel at a moment’s notice and she could not if Deanna was there. It upset Katherine, but she did not argue and accepted his decision.

  Of the few letters she did receive, Deanna told her Dorian had run into a friend of Alexander’s and he told him that Daniel would be fostering with Lord Dunbar. He was an old friend of Dorian’s family and they accepted to have their son foster there as well. Deanna was relieved that he would be close to Katherine and living with his cousin. Katherine hesitated telling Alexander because she didn’t want him to change his mind. She decided to wait until after his first visit home.

  Daniel stood in front of her with his hands on his hips, tapping his foot. “Mama are you listening?”

  She shook her head. “Forgive me. My thoughts took me away. What is it?”

  “I want to swim. Will you watch me?” He started taking off his shoes as Katherine nodded her head.

  “Be careful. It’s chilly today.” She smiled as he took off his shirt showing the indentions in his arms where muscles were forming.

  “Have you ever swum, Mama?” He looked at her as he put his toe in the water to check the temperature.

  Her smile faded as she thought about his question. The only time she ever swam was with Ian. One of the best days of her life. She couldn’t help but wonder if he still visited his special place and if he thought of their day there. Those thoughts twisted in her stomach even though she knew she had no right to think of him anymore. He deserved to be happy and she would keep her memories to herself.

  “I never learned to swim, my love.” It wasn’t a lie. Ian carried her through the water, so she never really swam. She didn’t have the strength to explain to him about Ian. One day she would.

  He waded deeper into the water and dunked his head under. Not seeing him for a few seconds always made her slightly panicked. She let out a breath of relief when she saw him pop his head up to take a breath and swim to the middle of the lake. He twisted around laying on his back splashing his legs. She laughed to herself at his carefree youthful fun. After a few moments, he swam back to shore and climbed out of the water using the blanket to dry off.

  “Perhaps someday you will come with me and I will teach you to swim.”

  Katherine smiled. “Perhaps my son. Now let’s get back home.”

  They both heard a sound and looked up the hill to see a horse coming toward them. Katherine used her hand to shield the sun and spotted Alexander mounted.

  “Pick up the food and put it in the basket. Your father is coming, and he was not due until tomorrow.”

  Daniel ran out to meet him before he approached Katherine. The earl dismounted and patted him on the back. “Father, did you see me swim to the middle of the lake and back?”

  “I did my son. Swimming will make you strong.” They walked toward Katherine as they spoke.

  When the earl approached, his smile faded. Katherine furrowed her brow in concern. “What is wrong? You are back a day early.”

  “I am afraid I have bad news.” The earl took a deep breath.

  She looked at Daniel. “Son, please ride back and get changed.”

  The earl reached for Daniel’s shoulder. “No, he is old enough to hear this now.”

  Katherine reached out and touched Alexander’s arm. “Tell us what is troubling you.”

  He patted her on her arm. “We have lost strongholds in the west. The rebel’s new leader is Ian Travis, otherwise known as Cold-Heart.”

  Katherine gasped and then covered her mouth with her hand. Alexander’s eyes met hers for a moment.

  Daniel took out his sword saying, “I will battle this Ian Travis and show him no one will turn away from our king.”

  Katherine shook her head unable to speak.

  Alexander cleared his throat. “I need you to train hard, my son. Scotland will need you soon. We are building our armies from the east. I will command the troops. I leave tomorrow.”

  Chapter 31

  The years blurred one after the other. Daniel thrived at Lord Dunbar’s alongside his cousin. Alexander had wanted to pull him from his care when he found out James was there as well. He complained that Deanna would use it as an excuse to visit. Katherine was thankful that Lord Dunbar convinced Alexander to let Daniel stay with him. But she had to pay for not letting Alexander know sooner. He thought it to be a betrayal and had to teach her a lesson.

  Katherine did send letters as much as she could to Daniel. Lord Dunbar’s estate was close by, but Alexander thought Daniel should only visit sparingly. He said it interfered with his training if they allowed him to leave too much. It broke her heart, but she did get to see him a few times a year at home. She also managed to sneak over to Dunbar castle when Alexander was out of town. Her daughters stayed at home as they chose not to send them to foster. Mary was her last child and she did not become pregnant after her. H
er daughters looked like her, except Mary had darker hair like her grandmother.

  Daniel’s lessons and challenging work paid off. He became quite skillful by sixteen years of age. Lord Dunbar wanted him to stay and serve with him, but Alexander refused. He wanted Daniel to serve with his family. He had spent the last several years building his army and uniting the clans. The constant threat of the rebels was always a sore spot and he felt it divided the country. The rebels did not seem to care about the English and spent all their resources in sieging castles and lands in Scotland. Alexander had to divide his armies at the border and the rebel’s areas, giving him a disadvantage.

  “Katherine, make sure the girls wear heavy cloaks. The snow is coming down harder now.”

  Katherine pulled her gloves tighter on her hands. “They have blankets as well as their cloaks. Their trunks are packed, and they are snuggled in the carriage. I still don’t see why we have to leave our home.”

  “Katherine, please I am exhausted. I don’t want to have to warn you again about questioning my decisions. Ian Travis’s ruthless siege of my properties put you and the girls in danger. He purposely targets my lands and the king’s loyal men. Even if the rebellion has not reached our home here, I don’t trust him. He could send mercenaries to destroy our castle.”

  She rubbed her lips holding her tongue. The thought of Ian hurting her, and the girls was asinine. He would never harm her no matter what people said.

  Alexander placed his hands on her shoulder leaning down to whisper, “He is not the same man you met years ago. Please don’t let your guard down. His men are trained killers with a viciousness that wreak havoc on Scotland. Prison changes people, especially when tortured for years. His men would not hesitate to slaughter you and our children. Please Katherine, going to Dorian’s is the safest place for you to be. It kills me to admit to that, but his lands are neutral and have the protection of Ian’s family. They will keep you and the girls hidden until I can squash this rebellion.”

  “What about Daniel? He is only sixteen and too young to fight.”

  He patted her arm in comfort. “He needs to witness the travesty that is invading Scotland on the borders and in the mountains. I will keep him away from the fighting and he will only travel with the healers. I have warned him to not engage in the battle.”

  “Please promise me you will keep him safe.” She pulled on his arm. “He thinks he is invincible. Although he is bigger than most men, he is still a child. Even if he doesn’t realize it himself.”

  “He is my son, Katherine. I would give my life to protect him.” He reached out and touched her face.

  His words stilled her as her eyes met his. For the first time in her marriage, she felt warm toward her husband. He really did love her son. That alone made her pause and she reached up to kiss him on the mouth. A long kiss and she released. “Thank you. Please be safe.”

  “I love you Katherine.” She smiled unable to find any more words. They stared at each other for a moment before he opened the carriage door for her. She boarded as the girls all sat up and hugged their father goodbye. “We love you, Papa. Come for us soon.”

  He blew a kiss to all of them and instructed his guards to protect the most precious cargo he owned. Mounting his stallion, he headed to Lord Dunbar’s to gather Daniel and an army of men to head to the rebellion in the mountains.

  “Sister! I have not rested since we received the missive from your husband.” Deanna reached out and embraced her. Kathrine could not believe her eyes, Deanna was pregnant again. She was nearing thirty-six years old and was as big as a horse. Probably due to deliver any day. Leaning back from her hug, she could see the lines on Deanna’s face showing her age and her graying hair gave away the stress of so many children. This would be her eighth.

  Katherine looked around her, eyeing her nieces and nephews standing behind their mother. “Come here all of you! Give your aunt a hug.” The children shyly stepped forward as Katherine embraced each one. Her daughters stayed near the carriage as Deanna reached out and welcomed each of them to her home.

  Deanna picked up her one-year old son Richard and she walked back to the castle. “We will dine soon. I am happy you made it here before dinner. The children have been so excited to spend time with their cousins. The girls will share a chamber with Maddie and Janet. They are around the same age.”

  Katherine nodded. “I can share a chamber as well.”

  Deanna stopped walking, letting down her youngest from her hip. “Don’t be silly. Dorian is laird now and we have a chamber just for you. It’s small but comfortable. Dorian had a few chambers converted into two for more space.” She rubbed her stomach. “The kids keep coming.”

  Katherine giggled. “I don’t know how you do it. I haven’t been pregnant again since Mary. She is going to be ten next month.”

  Deanna looped her arm with Katherine. “You look the same as when you were seventeen. How have you not aged? Your body is a little curvier, but overall, you are as beautiful as the day we came to Scotland.”

  “I have aged more than you know. Life for a woman is not easy no matter how many titles you have.”

  “I am sorry to hear that, my sister. I wished you a life of happiness.”

  Katherine looked away not wanting to talk about her troubles with her husband or the daily guilt that invaded her about her deception of her child’s father. Hurting Ian that day destroyed her, and she would never be the same.

  “Here is your chamber. I asked the servants to bring in your trunks. Please relax and I will show the children to their chambers. We already have beds set up for them. We dine in an hour.”

  Katherine thanked her sister and took a moment to lie down.

  A month later, Katherine had settled into living with Deanna. Her daughters flourished in their unfamiliar environment and enjoyed the playmates they had with their cousins. There was always a game to play or an adventure to have. Katherine took to watching the children. Deanna gave birth a week earlier and was recovering. Dorian was not back from his trip and was not able to be there for the birth of his latest child—a son that she named Drake after his uncle.

  Katherine thought back to their conversation after the baby was born. She was surprised about the baby’s name. Deanna did not mention that her brother Drake was in contact with her in any of her letters. Apparently, Drake had visited her a few years ago. Katherine was saddened to find out that her brother Donald had returned to help his family but died in battle at the border a few weeks later. It drove her father and her brother Darin over the edge. Drake worried about their welfare and the lack of funds to survive. The cousin her family was living with was not faring much better than they were. They had lost the support of many nobles favor due to Katherine leaving the Earl of Delbert at the altar.

  Deanna seemed hesitant in telling Katherine too much about Drake’s visit. Their anger at Katherine fueled their hate and Deanna said Drake feared for her safety as her family plotted revenge. He was not in support of hurting Katherine and had asked Deanna to warn Katherine in person. Not to put any of the concerns in letters. She made a promise but was forbidden to see Katherine, so she did not tell her until she arrived.

  Katherine shivered at the warning. Besides the border wars and the rebellion, she now had to think about her own family plotting their revenge against her. Would they not take responsibility for their own actions? She wished Alexander would send them money, but he refused. She was not allowed to touch his money. What could she do?

  The children were running around playing a game. Her oldest daughter Sara was the winner. Normally shy around others, she seemed to laugh and come out of her shell among her cousins. She looked the most like Katherine of the three, although her cheek had a defined dimple like her father.

  “Let’s go clean up and have some supper,” she called out to the children.

They groaned. “Just a little longer, please Mama.” Katherine could not deny her little Mary and agreed to let them play a little longer. She stood up looking at a flurry of activity near the gates. Walking up to see who was arriving, she dropped her basket. Daniel stood beside his stallion drenched in sweat. Her heart dropped as she ran toward him. His face was dirty, and stains riddled his clothing. Tears were pooled in his eyes as he grabbed on to Katherine holding her tightly as he trembled. Seeing her child in such a state, she began to cry as well. “What has happened, Daniel?”

  “Oh Mama, it was so awful. I can barely say the words.” He took a deep breath and backed away to stand in front of her. Trying to gain his breath he stared into his mother’s eyes. “It’s Father.”

  Katherine’s hands went to her mouth. Her throat tightened, and her eyes burned with tears. “Is he…”

  Daniel’s eyes filled with tears again, nodding. Katherine wrapped her arms around her son as he sobbed into her shoulders. “He wouldn’t let me go with him, Mama. I could have saved him. It’s my fault.”

  Katherine cupped his face. “Never say that! Your father loved you very much and would never want you to save him. This is not your fault!”


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