Hiding Katherine

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Hiding Katherine Page 24

by GG Shalton

From the corner of her eye, she saw Deanna approaching with her son James. He had gone inside to tell his mother the news and to ask for her to comfort Katherine. Deanna reached them with James’s assistance and wrapped her arms around Katherine. “I am so sorry, my baby sister.” She reached up studying Daniel for a moment and then kissed him on the cheek. “Let us go inside so you can rest.”

  Katherine looked at James. “Can you get the children? We must tell them the news.”

  Katherine took a deep breath staring into the fire while drinking some wine. Putting the kids to bed was heartbreaking. All three girls wanted to sleep in her room and finally fell asleep in her bed. She would have to sleep on the floor. Despite Alexander’s shortcomings as a husband, he was a devoted father. Emptiness overcame her thinking of her future. She was now a widow with four children and had no idea what provisions, if any, were made for her. Daniel was now the earl, so she would probably remain in her home in Edinburgh. Alexander’s body was taken to Edinburgh for burial. She would like to return home, but Daniel begged her to stay put until the rebellion was stabilized. He had promised his father that he would keep her at Deanna’s until their safety could be guaranteed. Katherine wanted to bury Alexander but would not upset her son further by leaving.

  Her eyes grew heavy and before long she fell asleep. Her sister shook her awake and she sat up realizing that she had never gone to bed and had remained in the chair by the fireplace all night.

  Chapter 32

  “Katherine, wake up. We have to talk.” Deanna handed her a piece of parchment that had a note written on it from Daniel.

  Katherine rubbed her eyes and yawned. “What is it?” She looked down and gasped after skimming the short letter. Daniel had left with James to join the troops. He wanted to avenge his father’s death and told her not to worry. Her chest felt heavy and a groan escaped her lips. “How could he do this? He knows we are grieving and need him! His father would have never wanted him to do this. I can’t stand this!”

  Deanna patted Katherine’s hand. “Sister, I have sent word to Dorian to see if he can stop them.” She wrung her hands worriedly. “Sister, there is something else I must ask you, but I am not sure if this is the right time.”

  Katherine saw the hesitation on her face and asked impatiently, “Well? What is it?”

  “I had not seen Daniel since he was a little boy. His appearance shocked me. He has grown into a man and his resemblance is unbelievable to another man we once knew. Almost identical.”

  Katherine’s resolve broke from years of pent-up deception. “Oh, Deanna. I’ve wanted to tell you for so long.” Deanna embraced her sister and stroked her hair as she cried in her lap. After a few moments, she sat up and looked at her begging, “Please don’t think ill of me.”

  “Stop it. I would never think ill of you. You loved Ian and were to marry him. Did Alexander know?”

  Katherine nodded her head. “Yes, of course. I was well along when we married. He hid his birthdate, so he could have a proper birthright as earl. Deanna, you have to promise never to repeat this to anyone.”

  “We are sisters, Katherine. I love you and would never tell anyone.” She wiped the tears from Katherine’s cheek. “Does Ian know?”

  Katherine took a deep breath and shook her head. “No one knows. Not even Daniel. He adored Alexander and thinks of him as his father.”

  “I had no idea. Have you thought about Ian over the years? You were so infatuated with him at one time.”

  “Please Deanna, I just found out that my husband is dead.” She closed her eyes trying to wish the guilt away. She loved Ian throughout her whole marriage and never gave herself completely to her husband.

  “Forgive me, it’s just that Alexander was always so rigid and possessive. He wouldn’t even let me visit. I worried about what type of husband he was to you.”

  “Alexander was a great father and provider. He offered me his name when I was pregnant with another man’s child and for that, I was always grateful.” She wiped her face with her hands thinking about Alexander. “I guess he was a good husband by most standards, but he could be a harsh disciplinarian especially with me and I often disappointed him. I learned over the years how to comply with his demands and to keep his temper at bay.” She rubbed her lips together thinking about her husband. “I don’t wish to speak about any of Alexander’s faults to his children. They never saw the side of him that I did.”

  Deanna nodded her head. “Of course. I would never say anything ill of him in front of them.”

  “Thank you, Sister. I guess you will have me as a houseguest for a bit longer. Hopefully, Dorian will be back soon with news.”

  “I love having you here with me after being separated for so long.”

  A few weeks later, Katherine sat at the window ledge as she did most days since Daniel left hoping for news. Dorian had not been heard from and she prayed that he received Deanna’s missive about the boys going to avenge Alexander’s death. Every day she prayed for their safe return. The only news she had heard was that Alexander was buried in the garden of their estate in Edinburgh. She hoped to visit the grave as soon as she could.

  “Mama! We are supposed to go riding today with Joseph. I need to wear a different dress.”

  Katherine glanced at Mary and laughed to herself seeing how her daughter closely resembled her as a little girl, hands on hips and all. “Very well, love. Let’s pick out something that will help you ride better than your sisters.”

  The little girl smiled satisfied at her mother’s reply.

  “Katherine! Riders are coming.” Deanna appeared at the door with reddened cheeks slightly out of breath. The blood drained from Katherine’s face and they both ran to the bailey to see who it was. Mary ran after the women worry written all over her face.

  Deanna rushed out the front door and embraced Dorian as he came through the gates. Katherine frantically searched the men’s faces looking for Daniel. She spotted James behind his father and collapsed and kneeled on the ground. James ran to her and put his hand on her back. “Aunt Katherine, he is not dead. He has been captured.”

  Dorian came up with Deanna on his arm. “Katherine, I am sending word to the king as we speak to see if we can negotiate his release.”

  Katherine took short gasps of air and begged, “Please tell me what happened.” Mary started crying and Katherine reached for her, holding her to her chest.

  Dorian ran his fingers through his hair frustrated. “We found the boys on the ridge entering into one of the rebel’s camps. Daniel killed one of the guards and was captured. They did not kill him yet, but he is going to a rebel’s prison camp. We kept his identity a secret as the Earl of Barragan. I will not lie to you, if they find out he is an earl, they will kill him. We need to get word to the king as soon as possible.”

  Katherine shook her head in disagreement. “We don’t have time for that. I will go.”

  All of them cried in unison. “No!”

  “I will beg to speak to Ian. He will hear me.”

  James looked at his parents apparently confused by her outrageous statement “Aunt Katherine, Ian Travis is a savage—he will kill you before he hears you.”

  Dorian softened his tone, “He is not the same man you once knew. He doesn’t even speak to his family. Prison changed him, and he is no longer the same. He is ruthless as ever and without mercy. He won’t see you, Katherine. Even if he does, he will kill you and your son.”

  Katherine stared at Dorian for a moment. “I appreciate your concern. But I am not asking you. I am leaving. I would request an escort, but if you won’t provide one, then I will go alone.”

  Deanna cleared her throat interrupting their exchange. “She is right, Dorian. Katherine must try. I would for my son and so would you.”

  Dorian let out a frustrated breath. “I don’t like it, but I won’t deny yo
u. Let me rest a few hours and I will take you. The rebels camp will take us around five days to reach.”

  Mary whimpered, “I don’t want you to go, Mama. I don’t want you to die.”

  Katherine smoothed her hair comforting. “I know this man, Mary. He will not kill me. Don’t you want me to get Daniel?”

  Mary nodded. “Yes, Mama. Can I go with you?”

  Katherine kissed her forehead. “Not this time, my love. I need you to take care of your older sisters. They are not as strong as you.”

  “That’s true, Mama. I will take care of them. Please come home as soon as you can.”

  The ride was long, but Katherine grew stronger with each day that passed. Her thoughts of Daniel made her brave. She would beg Ian for his life and hopefully, there was something small left of the man she once knew.

  After the fifth day, the riding party went slower as they approached the rebel strongholds. She could see their castle in the background surrounded by fog and heavy air. Dorian camped outside of the enemy lines formulating a plan to get her inside without harm. All his plans involved putting his men in danger and Katherine would not hear of it. She told Dorian, she would walk right up to their camp and ask to see Ian.

  Dorian laughed at her simplicity but had no better ideas. He refused to allow Katherine to go alone, but she snuck off shortly after everyone went to sleep avoiding the guard he had as the lookout. It didn’t take her long going through the trails in the forest to come across two guards outside of the gates of the castle.

  “My lord, I wish to speak to your commander.” Katherine kept her cloak over her hair trying to avoid too much attention.

  The men laughed at her. “A wench to satisfy the troops? Where are your friends? We are many men.”

  Katherine wanted to wretch at the sight of his rotten teeth. “I am here to see Ian Travis.”

  They laughed even harder. “Is that so? No one sees Cold-Heart. But we will satisfy your needs.”

  Katherine straightened her shoulders and spoke confidently, “I am a relative of his. He will want to see me. Tell him it’s Katherine.”

  They studied her for a moment and one of the guards sneered. “Look wench, even if he were here, he would not see you. He holds court once a month, but that’s weeks away. Even then, he usually has one of his commanders reside over it. Now come inside and let us warm you.”

  She raised her brow at the ridiculousness of his statement. “He holds court? For his own atrocities no doubt.”

  They scowled at her statement but was interrupted by a bigger guard who appeared. “Bring the wench to the men and keep on your guard. Enough talking.”

  Katherine yelled, “I demand to see Ian Travis! He will punish you if he finds out you have treated me like this. I promise you he is a relative and will want to see me. Tell him Katherine waits to see him.”

  All three of them looked at each other questioning her claims. The bigger one rubbed his jaw. “I will make some inquiries. You hold her at the gatehouse. If she is lying, we will give her to the men to do as they please.”

  Her heart beat rapidly in her chest, and she prayed that Ian would see her.

  They walked her to the gatehouse and gave her a seat by the door. Two of the guards left while one waited with her. She took deep breaths trying to keep her nerves intact. Her thoughts took her to Daniel who she could feel was nearby. Trying to think clearly, she realized there was no backup plan. If Ian refused to see her, she wasn’t sure if Dorian could save her from being given to the men. The time crept by so slowly. She shifted in her seat watching the door.

  Finally, after what seemed for hours, three guards appeared at the door. “Miss?”

  Katherine lifted her chin up to meet his eyes.

  “It must be your lucky day. He has agreed to see you. Although, you must be searched before entering. We have a female guard that will do that. He also said you have only two minutes of his time.”

  Katherine stood and followed the men through a maze of walls and guards. Finally reaching a large room, she noticed a dais with a table and five chairs around it. A female guard stood on the floor near a single chair. She searched Katherine and removed her covering. The guards twitched at the sight of her but remained at their place. The female guard spoke. “She has no weapons.”

  They nodded to another guard near the door and he opened it speaking to someone on the other side. Katherine’s heart fell into her stomach when she saw Ian enter the room walking up the dais. His boots hit the ground causing the room to echo with each step he took. His hair was long and pulled back away from his face with a band. His beard was trimmed close to his face. Scraping the chair across the floor, he sat down and looked around the room before resting his eyes on Katherine. His eyes were hardened, and his face no longer showed youthfulness but displayed a weathered look from years of battle.

  The men bowed, and no one spoke for a long minute before she heard the rumble of his voice, “Leave us.”

  The men looked at each other and backed away. She could hear them closing the door, but she kept her eyes on Ian up on the dais.

  “I haven’t much time. What is it that you want?”

  “I have come to beg you for my son’s life.” She looked down at the ground fidgeting with her hands.

  “If your son is a prisoner, then death is a part of life. He will meet the same fate as your husband. Until the king agrees to our demands, I will spare no one.”

  “Please, Ian. He is only sixteen and is my only son.”

  “Many sons have died for Scotland. Why should yours be different? I owe you nothing but will give you safe passage back outside of the gates. I believe you have other children. Let them be a comfort to you. You are dismissed.”

  A sob came out of Katherine as she fell to her knees. “Ian, you can’t kill him. He is your son too.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “You lie!”

  Tears fell from her eyes as she exclaimed, “Nay! I do not. They told me you were dead, and I was with child. No one knew we were married and he would have been a bastard.” Unable to look at him, she lowered her head. “Alexander offered to help me, but I had to agree to never tell anyone who his real father was. He kept me hidden and changed the date of birth. He threatened me if I told anyone.”

  Ian crossed his arms. “How convenient you told no one.” A snarl escaped his lips as he spoke through his teeth. “Your son will die on the morrow, my lady. I must ask you to leave.” He stood up to walk away.

  She screamed, “You can’t! Please, you must believe me. I chose your name.”

  He stopped and looked back at her before he reached the door. “You named him Ian?”

  She shook her head. “I wanted to, but Alexander would never have agreed to it. So, I did the next best thing—I named him Daniel.”

  His smile faded.

  “I remember that day you told me that you wanted your first born to be named Daniel. I did it for you. Oh, Ian. You only must look at him. He looks exactly like you.”

  Ian stared at her as she sat on her knees against the floor. “Get up and sit on the chair,” he commanded.

  She complied but was afraid to look at him. She heard him yell, “Guards!”

  They came in and stood in front of him. “Get the prisoner they call Daniel.”

  Katherine steadied her breath unsure of what Ian would do next. He stood by the door in silence until they entered with Daniel in chains. She stood up when she saw him running to him wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “Mother? No! You should not have come.” He was covered with dirt and missing a shirt. His hair was matted to his face and a stench of body odor covered him.

  Ian took the keys from the guard and unchained him while he watched him closely. Katherine kept hold of him as Ian took a few steps away.

looked up to Ian. “Please my lord, we beg you to let us leave.”

  He looked at Daniel and then focused on Katherine. The guards stole glances at each other watching their leader access the prisoner. After a few moments of silence, Ian cleared his throat.

  “Take your son and leave immediately. My guards will escort you to your camp. If you ever cross enemy lines again, I will kill you both.”

  Ian looked at Daniel. “May I suggest you train harder if you want to be a knight. Your skills are not ready for battle.” Daniel opened his mouth to give a retort to his insult, but Katherine squeezed his arm warning him to stay silent.

  He spoke to one of the guards in Gaelic and then walked out of the room. The man looked at them both. “Let us leave quickly. His orders are to have you gone by the time he comes back for dinner.”

  The other guards ushered them out, and Katherine could overhear them talking. They were shocked that Ian had let them go. It’s the first time they had ever seen him allow someone to leave.

  After exiting, the guard gave Katherine a horse and ordered her to follow along. When they got close to Dorian’s camp, they took off on foot. Dorian was meeting with the guards and trying to come up with a plan to find Katherine. He spotted her and ran to her and Daniel. James hugged his cousin and Dorian sighed in relief. Their prayers had been answered.

  Dorian gave orders to the men to clean up the camp, so they could head back home. “Tell me, did Ian see you?”

  “Yes, but you were right. He was not the man I once knew. He is lost and hardened. But I am grateful he allowed me to have Daniel. He warned me to never return or he would kill me and my son.”

  Dorian shook his head. “Not completely lost. Daniel is with us. Come let’s get farther away from here before we camp tonight. I don’t want him to change his mind.”


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