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Fallen Angel Part 5

Page 2

by Alisa Anderson

  “Holy shit. Talk…about…us. Yeah. That’s it. We need to talk about you and me.” Nick sat back fascinated. He had never seen this side of her before. So…in command. So in control.

  “Is there a me and you to talk about, Nick?”

  Jess glided her fingers out, tracing his lips with them. Leaving a light trail of her wetness, before licking it with her fleshy, pink tongue.


  Nick closed his eyes, praying for guidance. With a willpower he didn’t know he had, he resisted the urge to sink into her folds and sat up, hugging her gently.

  “Even looking like death warmed over, you are a menace to my dick.” He wagged his finger at her pout when she realized she was being rebuffed.

  “I have to give you credit, though. That distraction of yours almost worked. You are a dangerous woman to know, kid.”

  He tweaked her nose again. “And there’s always a me and you to talk about. Bank on it. Now. About that driving you home.”

  “What about my jeep?”

  “Carlo can drive it.” He took her keys, which Angel stole from her, tossing them to Carlo. Who appeared, seemingly from nowhere.

  “Grab your things, kid. We’re going for a ride.”


  The silence in the car was deafening, as he drove her across the bridge, back into Brooklyn. Neither sure of what to say to the other. Both having a million things to say. Nick stopped his Benz, pulling up to the building.

  “You want me to come up?”

  “No. I’m ok.”

  “You sure? I don’t mind coming up for a while.”

  “I’m sure.”

  “Well. Goodnight, beautiful.”

  “Night, Nick.”

  She climbed out of the car, closing the door. Starting toward the apartment, she turned back. He rolled down the window, praying she changed her mind and wanted him to come up with her.



  “I love you.”

  “I love you too, kid.”

  She half-smiled. “Still?”

  “Oh God, Jess. Easily the dumbest fucking question in the world. Of course I still love you. Always. I guess like you said. Sometimes love isn’t always enough.”

  “Yeah. I guess so.” She looked away for a moment, seeming lost in thought. Not hearing him get out of the car.

  “But sometimes it is.”

  She gasped, feeling his arms around her as he kissed her. His tongue invading her mouth, exploring all of the places he hadn’t been to in months as if it were years.

  She returned his kiss with fire and intensity to match his, with everything she had to give.

  It was time to get away from Eric. Before he sucked her in, once and for all. Killing every last shred of self-esteem and self-worth she had.

  “We’ll talk about all of this tomorrow. Go to bed and get some rest. That’s an order.”

  “Whatever you say, Mr. Roman.”

  He rolled his eyes and got in the car, waving as he drove away.

  She waited till he turned the corner before heading inside. While talking with Nick she thought she noticed Eric’s car parked on the other side of the street. Looking over, she realized it was indeed his. Which was odd, because he was supposed to be at band practice.

  Climbing the stairs to the eighth floor, she wondered why he was there. Opening the door, she found the front room dark and empty.

  “Eric? She heard moaning coming from Allie’s room.

  Walking closer she swore she heard him moaning.


  From Allie’s room? What the fuck?

  They wouldn’t do that to her.

  Would they?

  Turning the knob quietly, she opened Allie’s door.

  And there he stood. His dick inside her best friend, thrusting into her from behind.

  “I’m sorry. I should….” She backed out, closing the door.

  She became dizzy. Feeling as if the world fell off axis. Sitting on the couch she waited for them to come out. To explain what she just saw. Instead they finished fucking, with Eric seeming to get even louder if that were possible.

  As she kept sitting there.


  Like some dumb ass.

  She reached for the bag of coke in her purse.

  Time to kill the feelings again.

  Eric was the first one out of the bedroom. Allie followed, refusing to look at Jess, saying she would leave them alone. Hurriedly rushing out the front door.

  Blistering anger filled her body, as she continued sitting in stunned silence. It all seemed so ridiculous. Her best friend since grade school and her man.

  Tears burned her eyes, threatening to spill over. She knew she had nerve and if it were anyone else maybe she wouldn’t have cared. But it was her best friend. Some lines you just don’t cross.

  “You came back early.”

  “Obviously.” She whispered.

  “If you hadn’t, none of this would of have happened, you know.”

  And this motherfucker actually had the nerve to sound angry.

  “Pardon me?”

  “If you had stayed at work-”

  She held up a hand, cutting him off.

  “Yeah, yeah. So let me get this straight. This is somehow my fault? Please Eric, enlighten me as to how exactly it is my fault your dick was inside my best friend’s pussy.”

  “You had this coming.”

  “I had it coming?” She shook her head in disbelief

  Eric slapped her across the face. Hard enough to bust her lip.

  “Don’t get fucking smart with me.”

  “I wasn’t-”

  He slammed into her nose with his fist, which immediately started pouring blood. He looked at her with hateful disgust on his face. “You’re getting blood all over the fucking place. Get a towel.”

  She stood, walking past. He grabbed her arm, hitting her hard enough to fall over the end table.

  “You just broke the lamp, bitch.”

  “Oh, I broke the lamp? You know what? Fuck you, Eric.”

  “What did you say to me?” His eyes narrowed, darkening with anger.

  “I said fuck you. I didn’t stutter. Fuck you. Which part didn’t you understand, the fuck, or the you?” Jess used the hem of her dress, wiping the blood pouring from her nose. “Fuck you. Fuck Allie. Fuck all of this. I’m leaving you. This shit is over.”

  He tackled her with the force of a football player, knocking her backwards across the room. Both landing hard on the floor. He sat on top of her chest repeatedly punching her, over and over in the face.

  She fought back. Hitting him, scratching him, doing anything she could, over and over, trying to shove him off of her.

  He drew back, punching her across the right side of her face. She felt the bones of her jaw and eye socket give. Excruciating pain overtaking for a short time, before adrenaline and shock took over, easing it all away.

  “You will never leave me, cunt.”

  After what was an eternity of never ending punches from the both of them, he got off to kick her. Two connecting with her head, causing her to lose consciousness for a short time.

  Coming too, she realized he was once again on top of her, choking the life out of her. Jess gasped for air, clawing at his hands. Trying anything and everything to get them off her neck.

  “Eric, please…get off…can’t breathe…”

  Blackness surrounded her as she heard him say something about erasers, and body parts being spread all over the fucking U.S.

  She had no fucking clue what he meant by any of it. All she knew was Eric was going to kill her if she didn’t do something and fast.

  Somewhere deep inside she found the strength to pick up a vase knocked over from his tackling her. Using all the strength and force she could muster, she busted it over his head causing him to fall sideways.

  The blow dazed him giving her enough time to run, gasping for air, towards the closest room. Trying to y
ell for help, her voice so hoarse from being strangled, no sound would come. With all the strength she had left, she desperately tried to shut and lock the bedroom door, failing as he easily overcome her.

  “You think you can fuck around on me?”

  “Eric, I didn’t -” He punched her once more, throwing her onto the bed.

  “Don’t lie to me, bitch. I know you’re fucking Nick. You think you can leave me for him?”

  “Eric, please don’t. Don’t do this.”

  “Don’t what Jess? Fuck what’s mine.”

  Holding her against the bed by placing a knee into her groin, he back handed her several times before grabbing a beer bottle, breaking it over her head.

  Grabbing her by her blood stained hair, he yanked her head back, placing the jagged glass to her throat. Pushing just hard enough to prick her skin.

  “Your pussy belongs to me. It’s mine.” He flung her to the floor.

  “You hear me, bitch? Mine.”

  He’d broken several of her ribs and her throat was swelling from the pressure of his hands. Choking on the blood coming from her shattered nose, she begged him to stop. Instead she felt her dress rise, him violently ripping her panties off her body.

  “Please, Eric. Stop. I’ll stay. Stop. Please don’t do this.”

  Instead of stopping he forced her to spread her legs, by digging his knees into her inner thighs. Lying on top of her with the jagged edge of the beer bottle still pressed against her throat, he ruthlessly entered her. Ripping her vaginal walls from the force. She could feel wetness she knew was blood, as he continued thrusting violently into her.

  “You’re hurting me Eric. Please…” Jess screamed in agony from the pain. He was tearing her apart, mentally and physically, taking her to place she didn’t think she could come back from.

  “Take…all…of…me…fucking whore.”

  He became lost in his madness as he fucked her, groaning loudly with each thrust. She lay motionless, his knees holding her legs open. Repeating the act two more times before finally deciding he was finally finished. Withdrawing from her and rolling off of her body, roughly shoving her away.

  She lay there broken, discarded. Barely conscious.


  Her blood stained the carpet around her. Just like it did with her mother.

  “I hate you.” Her voice a gravely, cracked whisper. Barely audible. He heard her though.

  “I know you do sweetheart. That’s why this was so much fun.”

  He eyed himself in the mirror, seeing all the places she tried to fight back. “Gotta admit, babe. You really are an ally cat in the sack. I didn’t know you liked it so rough. We should’ve done this sooner.”

  She spat a mouthful of blood at him, which he ignored.

  “You got a lot of heart. You know that, sweetheart?”

  Eric put on his clothes, grabbing his keys. “But it is one I will cheerfully rip out of you. Think about fucking around on me again. I let you off easy this time. Next time I won’t be so gentle.”

  He walked out slamming the door, leaving her there, on the floor.

  Finding a blanket lying next to her, she covered herself before slipping into unconsciousness.

  She had to get to her cell. To help.

  It was the only way.

  Finding an inner strength from only God knows where, she drug herself outside of the bedroom, toward the front room. Making it as far as the hallway before darkness claimed her again.

  Her last thought being they couldn’t find her naked. Her sister couldn’t take it if they did.

  Hearing a key turn in the lock, brought her back again. Panic slammed into her thinking it was Eric, coming back for more. Lying motionless, she silently prayed.

  Please God…no more.

  “What the hell?”

  Joe’s voice.

  She barely was able to speak. “Help me…please.” She started coughing horribly, almost passing out from the pain.

  “Princess? Where are you? Are you ok? Oh my God, princess!” She saw the outline of him run around the corner. Going in and out of consciousness, she heard him talking.

  “Keep your eyes on me, Jess. Focus on me. Yes, I need an ambulance…” Then “Nick, it’s Joe. Jess was attacked. University Hospital? Ok. Yes, hurry.”

  Closing her eyes. Darkness again.

  Opening them to bright lights above her.

  “Get a crash cart in here. We need it.”

  There would be weeks of darkness before she finally opened her eyes again.


  He was sitting beside her, his head on her bed. Reaching forward she touched his hair.

  “Kid? Thank God you’re awake. Do you remember being attacked? Do you know who did this to you?”

  She shook her head, consuming fear engulfing her.

  This can’t be happening. It didn’t happen.

  “Joe go get the doctor. Get Eric, he’s in the waiting room.” Within minutes he was back with the doctor.

  “Welcome back. I’m Dr. Roman.”

  Great. Another fucking Roman.

  “I’ve been taking care of you since you got here. Do you think you can speak?

  She was able to get out a faint, “Yes.”

  “Good. Try not to move. You were beaten pretty badly. We did a rape kit and it came back positive, but we found no semen. You had vaginal tears and internal bleeding from the force, along with several broken ribs and a broken nose.” He cleared his throat.

  “We, um, also found quite a bit of cocaine in your system, young lady. Nicky took care of that for you, of course. Once you are up to it, the police would like to speak with you regarding the rape.”

  Tears pooled in her eyes, burning like hot lava. Moving her legs, she saw the large, dark blue and black bruises on the inside of her thighs. Tracing the outline, her hands trembled as she ran them over her legs.

  Bitter anger grew, her body now heaving as sobs escaped her.

  She saw Eric walk into the room, pausing when he realized she was truly awake. She couldn’t believe he actually had the audacity to show his fucking face after what he did, let alone the nerve to actually bend and kiss her forehead. She flinched away, crying out from the pain as she tried to move.

  “How long have...” She turned to Nick, her eyes begging him for protection. She lay trembling, feeling helpless in the cold hospital bed. The man who put her there looming next to her. She couldn’t get away from him.

  “Since Joe found you. Joe and Angel never left your side. I’ve been here as well. So has Eric.”

  “Why?” Her question puzzling everyone in the room.

  “Of course I’ve been here baby.” Eric sat on the edge of the bed. Gut wrenching fear filled her. She cringed trying to get away from him.

  It seemed her nightmares were only just beginning.


  It was Joe who noticed her odd behavior, first. Looking back and forth between the two of them, having a hunch but needing it confirmed.

  “Hey, guys. What you say we let Eric and Jess be alone for a minute.”

  “No.” She clutched Nick’s hand. Joe watched her knuckles whiten.

  She had to cover. He’d hurt her again.

  “I mean…No. I don’t want any of you to leave. I’m still not sure what happened and I’m scared.”

  “Angel. Want to get some coffee with me hot stuff?” Joe asked, giving him a look he instinctively knew he’d better accept.

  “As long as you don’t try to touch my ass again.”

  “We’ll be right back princess.” Joe leaned in kissing her on the cheek, whispering in her ear. “I know that motherfucker did this to you and I’m telling, bitch. Whether you want me to or not.”

  To his surprise, she grabbed his hand, squeezing it. Tears building behind her eyes, burning like lava. “I love you, fairy godmother.”

  “I love you too, princess.” He gently stroked her hair before following Angel out the door.

  The minute the elevator doo
r shut closed he turned to him.

  “That fucker did this.”

  “Wait, Joe. Who?”

  “Eric. I’m positive. Beyond the shadow of a doubt.”

  “You’re fucking kidding me?” Angel’s tone was calm but his face gave away the rage building inside.

  “No, motherfucker. I wouldn’t be bringing this shit to you otherwise.”

  “How exactly do you know?”

  “When we go back into the room, watch her. She’s terrified of him. Also, Allie told a mutual friend, Jess walked in on them fucking the night all this shit went down.”

  “I hope for his sake you’re wrong.”

  “I hope for her sake, I’m right. Imagine what would happen if she had to leave with him. Jesus, Nick’s gonna carve that boy’s dick into a million pieces.”

  “That’s an understatement. Hypothetically speaking, of course.”

  “Hypothetical as they come, baby.”

  Joe and Angel continued their cover when they got back into the room.

  “Come on. Let me touch that ass.”

  “Stop it, Joe. Besides, you wouldn’t be able to handle it. So let it go. How you doing, bambino?” Angel watched Eric’s every move out of the corner of his eye.

  “I feel so dirty, Angel. I feel like a truck ran me over. Did you happen to get the plate number for me?”

  “Oh. I got his number, bambino. Don’t you worry.” He watched as Eric became agitated, almost annoyed. Eric reached to rub Jess’s hair, trying to cover his tracks.

  The moment he touched her she jerked away. There was no hiding it. Her face said it all.

  He needed to tell Nick without alerting Eric. Visiting for another hour, he made an excuse to leave. Immediately calling Nick when he did.

  “I’m sorry, kid, I need to take this. This is Nick.”

  “Don’t let on it’s me on the phone.”

  “Correct, I’m not happy with the lawn service. They were supposed to cut the lawn lower and the roses were not pruned.”

  “Good. When Joe asked to get coffee he said he knew who did this to her.”

  “Really. Who would you recommend?”


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