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Collateral Trade

Page 11

by Candace Smith

  “You locked a strap around my neck.”

  Tian’s strides were so long and fast. Sharell was being tugged by her arm and struggling to keep up. She did not think anything could anger the blonde man, but something she said made him mad. She jerked her arm. “Slow down, already.”

  “You will not leave quarters again until you understand your place.”

  “My place is on Earth, but I guess the cruelty of tearing someone away from their home is not in your history scrolls. It wasn’t in Jerome Tanner’s, either.”

  “Your Earth was destroyed by your people a year ago.” Tian was pulled to an abrupt stop when her feet froze. Shock ripped through the wave of sensation spilling from her.

  Sharell looked into his eyes and could see he was speaking the truth. Her stomach seized and her knees buckled. Thoughts of Henry Thompson Park and her last perfect day strobed through her mind in increasing flashes until everything went black. She felt Tian’s arm wrap around her as she slid to the floor.

  “It is possible their Chairman does not know. Their communication devices are so primitive they might not have reached that far.” Danilo’s voice echoed through darkness.

  “Wouldn’t he have been aware the time was close? I thought we decided that was the reason he built his ship.” Chaya was pacing while his brother sat with Sharell’s head in his lap, misery filling his blue eyes at the trauma he caused her.

  “I assumed so, when he insisted his destination was still Rashilla Three. Perhaps he had different reasons not to return to his home planet.” Danilo poured himself a drink. “Have you told any of the other twins?”

  Chaya shook his head. “Tian and I saw no need to. When you had us study their planet before the trade, we did not want a deterrent to the mating by letting the other twins know they destroyed their own planet.”

  “We need to decide if the best course is to tell them. On one hand, it may help the women adjust if they know their home planet is no longer an option. It could, however, send them into despair.” Danilo looked at the pale girl and was relieved to see a little more color filling her cheeks. “Perhaps we should ask Sharell. Even with her stubborn nature, she has a warmth and compassion within her. I do not think she would advise us to do something that would hurt her friends.”

  “I’m so sorry, Chaya. It never occurred to me she did not know. We were arguing, as if that is not bad enough.” Tian stroked through her hair, infusing as much calmness as he could blend with his regret for hurting her.

  Sharell was overwhelmed by his blast of remorse and it tore at her chest as much as his words had done. For some reason, she felt a strong need to ease his self-condemnation. Her eyes fluttered open and she stared directly into Tian’s sad gaze. “Thanks for catching me,” she smiled.

  Tian combed his fingers through her hair. “I have failed you. Instead of calming you, I joined with your anger and thoughtlessly hurt you.” It was the most grievous error a light twin could cause his mate.

  Sharell reached up and pushed his long blonde hair behind his shoulder. “How could you have known I had no idea what had happened? I know you didn’t mean to upset me.” She stroked a thumb against his cheek and his eyes softened. “You have worked too hard to make things easier for me to have meant to do that.”

  He helped her sit up and handed her some juice. Not the sachan, Sharell realized with relief. She looked up at Danilo. “I heard what you said. What happened to Earth?”

  Chaya answered. “Tian and I do a study of the species’ planet before father agrees to a trade. It is important to learn what we can before choosing a destination for them to be led to. There is no sign of life there, and heat from fires wave off the surface. Because of the radiation, my guess would be war instead of a cataclysmic natural event.”

  “Things were pretty messed up when we left,” Sharell admitted. “So, the place you have sent my friends is for people who war and destroy?”

  Danilo shrugged. “I have no control over how they rule their new planet. They have been led to the destination the Chairman requested. The place he calls Adam One.” Danilo finally figured out what may have tempted the man. “The planet’s atmosphere used to be clean and it would lengthen lifespans with the lack of pollutants. This was many centuries ago, though from a scan of the Manerea’s communications equipment, the information they received traveled light years and was not current. Rashilla Three travels a rotation through darkness and a belt that collects debris. The surface is able to sustain life, but the inhabitants will have to work hard clearing trash and rocks to reach topsoil.”

  “All his money and he will be ruling a landfill.” King Poopah’s plan was not exactly what he had hoped, Sharell decided.

  “Most likely not, as the ruler, I mean. The Casiquas landed first, which makes the planet theirs. We don’t get involved with political squabbles of primitives,” Danilo replied.

  “Some of those primitives are my friends, and innocent prisoners duped on to the Manerea.”

  “And if they had remained on your Earth? This is a complicated situation of semantics we stay out of and a reason we treasure our structured hierarchy.” Despite his excellent argument, Danilo felt certain the young woman did not comprehend the logic. His sons were in for a battle gaining their stubborn mate’s submission. “Chaya?”

  “Our mate will learn the value of our ways.” Chaya’s lightning reflexes caught the glass before it crashed against his skull. He glared at Sharell, and she shrunk back onto Tian’s chest. “Father, please leave us to our training.”

  Danilo walked over to the couch and gripped Sharell’s jaw until she was forced to look into his eyes. Gone was any semblance of warmth or humor, and she trembled. “If you ever attack one of my sons again, I will personally punish you.”

  Oh shit. My bad. “He can’t…”

  “Silence.” Danilo walked to the door and slammed his palm against the bio lock.

  It took a moment to gather herself and she shrugged free from Tian’s hold. “Send me to this Rashilla Three.” She paced around the room, clenching her fists. “Find someone else more agreeable. Your father despises me, and I’m not going to cower to your training.” She slammed her hand against the bio lock, more frustrated than surprised when it did not open. “I’m sick and tired of being a captive on spaceships. I want to be with my friends.”

  I sense more confusion and frustration than fear and sorrow. And anger, Chaya. There is plenty of anger.

  You are certain it is not fear of us or the training?

  I don’t think she has any idea what the training involves. She is fighting for control and independence again.

  And when I take this away from her? What then?

  I think she will learn our ways are not disagreeable… if she gets over her rage.

  “Stop that,” Sharell snapped. “Besides being incredibly rude, it pisses me off. If the two of you have something to say, speak it. And not in that weird silent thought shit.”

  “I think you have had enough of an adjustment period. You certainly do not fear us, and you understand your purpose,” Chaya replied.

  “My purpose? Hmph. Shuttle me to the other planet and pick someone else.”

  “I think suffering through the adjustment of one primitive is enough. And father is right, you deserve to be punished.”

  “Stay away from me, Chaya.” She turned to Tian. “Keep him away from me. You’re supposed to look after my well-being.”

  Tian’s quizzical stare made her nervous. “Whatever gave you that idea? I merely help communication flow freely so our family prospers with no misunderstandings. By your actions, I think you fully understand you have earned correction for your outburst, and Chaya is the leader of our family.”



  Sharell’s eyes flew to Chaya. “Excuse me?”

  “Remove the shift.” Chaya leaned against the console, crossing his ankles and arms as if he was calm. Inside, uncertainty flooded his system, but he was reli
eved with Tian’s silent support.

  Sharell’s eyes narrowed and she gave him wide berth while she made her way to the wardrobe. “Fine, I’ll put on one of those silly oversized tunics. That should cool your jets.”

  A large hand reached over her shoulder and slammed the door shut. “I said, strip.”

  “As in naked?” Well, duh… what do you think the macho ass means?

  “Except for your collar, of course.”

  “This is so not happening. You’ll have to rip it off me.” Sharell watched his eyes flash dark, and then soften to almost tan. “Get away from me.” She tried to duck under his arm, and he caught a fistful of her hair. Sharell swept a long leg out to kick him, and he caught her ankle. Tian sent a blast of calmness into her and her other leg threatened to buckle. “No fair double teaming. You said you were staying out of this.”

  “I said I help communication. Right now, Chaya, our family leader, has communicated he wants you to strip.” Tian felt Chaya’s building passion with his first major influx of dominance. “I suggest you do as he has ordered.”

  Sharell was sunk. She was exhausted from fighting Chaya, and Tian’s calming voodoo was melting her. Her fingers released her grip on the hand Chaya had wound through her hair. “Fine.” He dropped her leg. Angry tears sprung from her eyes and she reached for the hem of the shift. “If ordering me around makes the two of you feel so damn good about yourselves, well, just fine.” She tossed the shift towards the couch and swiped her cheek. It pissed her off to cry, but she always did when she was this angry. “Now what? Is this enough punishment for you?”

  “Lie down on the bed.”

  “You said you couldn’t… oh fine.” Sharell stormed over to the large bed, climbed on, and pulled the blanket over herself. She looked at Chaya’s face and tossed it off again. “Fine. Feel better about yourself, Mr. Control Freak?”

  She is still raging inside, but I sense a flicker of desire I don’t think she is aware of yet.

  Be prepared to help, Tian. I want her passion overloaded with need for us.

  A wise course, Chaya.

  “Dammit, stop that.” Sharell’s body turned to gelatin with the calmness Tian threw at her and her head swept towards him. “And you, stop that. Let me be pissed off if I want to be.”

  “There’s no reason for you to be angry,” Tian replied.

  “I’m lying on your bed naked except for a collar, being bombarded with Mr. Mushyfeeling’s voodoo and Mr. Macho Butthead’s demands. My planet has exploded, and my best friend is on her way to a piece of shit landfill. I’m not in the mood for warm and fuzzy.”

  Warm and fuzzy? Tian thought of small animals on planet, but he did not think this was right. He glanced at his brother.

  No clue. Maybe it’s like a hat? Chaya watched her thumb stroke the edge of the blanket and he longed to feel her hands on him. He walked over to the bed and stared down at her. She’s so beautiful, even when she’s angry. Her green eyes flash like brezan jewels. He sat next to her running his fingers through her hair, letting her wind down.

  There is some fear and confusion on the edges, with desire feeding the feelings.

  For me and my touch, or you and your push?

  A combination of both, I think, though I have pulled back a lot of my influence. She’s exhausted… even more so than last night.

  Her rage has tired her.

  Sharell knew they were communicating again. She was beginning to think it was as natural to them as breathing, and not something they could stop doing without concentrating. Chaya’s eyes were dimming from anger, at least. She suspected Tian’s were lightening, as well. “I don’t know what else you want from me.”

  “Your outburst is finished?” Chaya asked. This would be something she must control on planet. He could not have her trying to match wills against him and suggesting he could not lead their family. No doubt unbonded Casiqua mate twins would challenge for the opportunity to claim her.

  “Why is it I have to learn your ways, and mine don’t matter?” Sharell rolled onto her side and shivered when Chaya’s hand continued stroking her hair down her rib cage to her hip.

  His eyes darkened for just a moment, but Sharell thought she sensed passion instead of anger. “Because we did not blow up our planet.”

  “That’s not fair. I had nothing to do with that.”

  “It is within your species to be so destructive, and it would upset our balance.” His fingers brushed over her nipple and his balls tightened.

  Tian joined them, lifting one of her arms and caressing it. “You are under the impression we are rigid and have no creativity or spontaneity. This is not true, Sharell. We have artists, musicians, weavers and such. The most lovely and inspiring pieces are created by our women.”

  “But you have no books, other than your scrolls.”

  “No, there are no books.” Tian gazed into her eyes and she gasped with a soaring feeling of wonder. “It is because we live our adventures, Sharell. We don’t need to create fantasies that cannot compare to what we experience. Even Chaya and I have pieced together wonderful times, after living under the shadow of our first twin brothers.”

  Chaya removed his clothes during Tian’s speech and stretched out behind her. His arm wrapped around her and fingers moved up her belly and ribs to her breast. Tian pulled his tunic over his head and shook his mane of blonde hair. “Um… guys?” Gads, he was gorgeous. His golden hair cascaded over bronze chest muscles and his eyes were blue glass.

  Chaya nudged her hair off her neck and whispered under her ear, “You have earned punishment, Sharell.”

  Her mind swirled in terror, but her bottom pressed against him while her pussy cramped with his threat. Logic told her she should be screaming to get away from them. Something deeper, instinctive, led her to certainty they would not hurt her. Tian lay in front of her and Sharell continued to gaze into his icy stare.

  Tian smiled at her and ran a finger over her lips. He arched a brow in amusement. “You mean to use me to avoid punishment?”

  Sharell smiled. “It crossed my mind, you being so compassionate and all.”

  “Mmm… Mr. Mushyfeeling.”

  “You turn me to mush.”

  Chaya’s fingers were coaxing her nipple to peak. Not a tough thing to do, as she could already feel her pussy damp and itching to have him inside of her.

  Tian’s lips brushed against hers. “And this is a bad thing?”

  Oh shit. “No. It’s just weird having you screw with my emotions.”

  His lips settled onto hers and his tongue reached out to trace her mouth. He pulled back and murmured, “Have you been hurt by my influence?”

  “I don’t like being controlled.” Shit. Chaya rolled her nipple like a pebble, pinching harshly and then rubbing the pad of his finger over the swollen tip. At the same time, his fingers massaged her breast with gentle pressure. He kept brushing his lips on her neck and his warm breath breezed her ear. She closed her eyes for a moment, imagining how his magnificent body must look cradled behind her.

  Tian’s hand traced the path down her side and over her hip. Her thighs pressed together and she pushed herself further into Chaya’s groin. His shaft was rock hard and nestled in the crevice of her bottom, pulsing occasionally and making her squirm. Tian’s fingers trailed over her belly, reaching down. Sharell held her breath and her lips trembled against his.

  The assault on her body was overwhelming, and she finally sucked in air. Tian kissed the side of her mouth while Chaya kept playing with her nipple and squeezing her breast. His lips and tongue stroked her neck while Tian’s fingers sifted through the damp curls of her pussy. Her hips rocked forward when he ran his finger between her labia, and every nerve in her body jolted when it brushed over her clit.

  Her channel clenched around a finger. Tian’s, she thought. Shit, what’s happening to me? The two and a half year dry spell on the Manerea seemed like a distant memory. She pressed into Tian’s hand while trapping Chaya’s cock between her thighs,
rubbing herself against hands, fingers, and lips. Her breaths came in shallow panting gasps and her body began to quiver with her impending climax.

  And then, everything stopped. Chaya gave her nipple a pinch and both men kissed her quickly while their hands deserted her. Sharell shook her head and her half-lidded eyes opened to Tian’s smile.

  “Punishment, Sharell,” Chaya’s voice whispered from behind her.

  “You have got to be kidding. Over two years I’ve been doing without, and now you alien creeps are teasing me?”

  “Punishing,” Tian reminded her. “You were warned.”

  Sharell rolled onto her stomach. “Fine. I’m warning you. This is not going to work.”

  Chaya ran a finger down her spine and she quivered. “By the way, our father does not punish this way. It is best to avoid angering him.”

  The twins curled towards her, each wrapping an arm around her and settling to sleep. No matter which way she turned her head, she was facing one of them. They were as opposite as day and night, and yet each excited her more than any man she had ever met. And I can have both of them. God, what am I thinking? It’s just two years dealing with this space nonsense. It’s screwed with my mind. Yes, that and the time in the cave. No wonder I’m batty.

  She turned and faced Chaya. His strong jaw and full lips were mesmerizing, though even in sleep he was intimidating. Sharell reached out and ran her fingers through his hair. It looked coarser than it felt and slid easily through her hand. Her fingers brushed along his bicep. His skin was warm, and the muscle underneath tight. Her hand swept across his chest and her thighs clenched.

  Chaya’s eyes opened and he smiled into her shocked green stare. Quickly turning her head towards Tian, she was met by his ice blue gaze. Both men tightened their arms around her.

  And I’m supposed to relax like this? Sharell closed her eyes and felt Tian’s soothing brush waving her to sleep. “Stop that,” she sighed. She drifted off with his lips pressed against her forehead.

  Just as the morning before, Sharell woke alone, staring over an empty pillow at the wall. More than ever, she needed to get away from them and sort out her feelings before she lost her willpower to fight them. The thought of stowing away aboard the spaceship made her queasy. If she followed their instructions she could go onto the planet and finally put her feet on solid ground.


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