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Corporate Retreat

Page 8

by Peter King

  As she watched the pair of slaves on the other side of the kitchen, Dana noticed how strange the bald black woman looked. But her absentee hair was a minor distraction, since she was reminded how all the slaves, Mei and Victoria included, sported nipple and nose rings. She wondered how long it would take for her to receive hers, a thought she tried to ignore, but could not. When she had been with Mei Dana had wanted to ask her about the rings, but there was never a chance, too many other shocking things kept popping up during her first day here.

  Without Mei here to anchor her, Dana’s anxiety started to grow again, doubting her ability to willingly do what they would expect of her. The plug in her ass reminded her that she would soon become a Sodomite, if she weren’t one already with that evil object now violating her. It was too much to contemplate; yet she could not help but imagine the depravities she would face, having witnessed so much already. Just when the thoughts nearly overwhelmed her, Dana heard people approaching the kitchen.

  When she saw Mei enter first it helped her to relax a bit, just the sight of her reassuring the scared girl that there was someone here who was kind to her. She held a leash that was attached to what looked like a life-sized rubber doll that was following her. Dana guessed that it was Greta, though all that was visible through the skintight rubber suit she wore was her bright blue eyes and ringed nipples that were visible through small openings in the outfit.

  When Mei walked her over to the stove Dana noticed the doll was wearing impossibly high heels, yet she walked without trouble. The suit had no arms, but Dana could see how Greta’s arms were trapped at her sides, their outline visible through the tight confines of her garment. When she reached the cooking area, with her back turned to Dana, the kneeling slave saw a bulge in the middle of Greta’s pear shaped rump, and Dana guessed she too had a plug up her ass.

  But Dana’s attention was quickly diverted when Avery came into the room, flanked by the Masters brothers with Hans just behind them. They were all wearing black robes and it appeared to the girl that they were naked beneath them. They walked over to the table and took their seats, with Avery sitting at the head of the table, next to where Dana knelt on the floor. Though she was unrestrained, Dana felt as if she was unable to move, suddenly nervous as she awaited Avery’s first command.

  But instead of issuing an order, he asked, “Did you enjoy your night with Mei Dana?”

  “Yes Master,” Dana replied, her nerves easing a bit.

  “Good, I hope you pay close attention to what she teaches you, it will ease your transition into your new role,” he said. Then he looked over toward the slaves preparing breakfast and said, “You may serve us now.”

  Dana looked up and saw Shonta and rubberized Greta turn around and start walking toward the table. Her eyes went wide when she saw the serving trays strapped to their waists, each holding a pair of covered plates. But it was not that the trays were attached to their waists, rather it was how the outer corners of them were chained to their nipple rings, making their tits carry the weight of the trays. Mei followed them as they approached the table and when they arrived she took the two plates Shonta carried and placed them in front of the Master’s brothers.

  Greta stopped on the opposite side of Avery’s chair from where Dana knelt on the floor, just between where Hans and Avery sat. Dana then heard Avery say, “Stand up and serve us our breakfasts Dana.”

  Dana replied, “Yes Master,” as she rose to her feet, and took the plates from Greta’s tray. She could see the relief in Greta’s eyes when she took the weight off her stretched nipples, again amazed at the way these devious men could torture a woman. Once the plates were in place the men removed the covers and returned them to the slaves’ trays, gesturing for them to leave.

  Mei moved to the spot Greta was at once she walked back toward the other side of the kitchen and Avery made a gesture for his two slaves to kneel beside him, and like she had learned, Dana followed Mei’s lead. The two slaves knelt on both sides of their Master while he ate his breakfast. Dana watched him eating; desperately hungry, and she learned quickly that this was just another form of torture she had to bear. When the men finished eating and were drinking their coffee Dana thought she would faint from the hunger that gnawed at her empty belly.

  As if he knew what was tormenting Dana, Avery then said, “Mina you may feed my slaves now, then bring them to the great room for Greta’s next punishment.” With that said, Avery and the men stood up and left the room, leaving Dana and Mei still kneeling at the corners of the table.

  Once they were gone, Mina said, “Come here girls, your breakfasts are ready.”

  Mei dropped to her hands and crawled toward Mina, with Dana following her. They reached the counter and Dana saw two dog bowls on the floor, filled with scrambled eggs and small pieces of bacon. She saw Mei bend down and start to lap at one bowl, eating like she was a dog. Since Dana was so hungry she followed suit despite the shock of what was expected of her. The two slaves gobbled down the bowls’ contents, making a mess of their faces by the time they were done.

  When Mei was finished she moved toward Dana, who rose up from her empty bowl only to have Mei lick her face clean. When Mei finished cleaning Dana’s face, Dana returned the courtesy. It was yet another humiliation, but Dana was becoming accustomed to such perverse and demeaning behavior. When they were done Mina clipped leashes to the slaves and led them back to the living room.

  Dana saw that Greta was now squatting in the center of the room with her head sticking out of a hole in the center of a small table. The hood she wore had been removed and her sweaty head looked like an odd centerpiece on the bare table. The twins were behind her, combing out her long platinum blonde hair. Then they made two parts in Greta’s hair, about two inches apart from the center of her head. The put a long curved clamp through the center of her hair, allowing the sides of it to spill down the sides of Greta’s head.

  Mei crawled to the right side of the chair Avery was sitting in and Dana took a position to his left, where both girls knelt beside the armrests. Dana watched as the clamp holding the middle of Greta’s hair was attached to a pair of chains at both ends and lifted up and connected to a metal ring dangling from the ceiling. This kept Greta’s head erect, her chin held a few inches above the tabletop.

  “Dana, what you are about to witness is akin to an old biblical tale. Do you remember the story of Samson?”

  “Yes Master,” replied Dana.

  “Greta has always been proud of her hair, since she is a rare natural platinum blonde. Her failure as my slave was having any pride at all, so part of her punishment is to have all her former pride stripped from her. Today she will have her once full mane removed and she will be left with just enough so she can remember what she once had. You may begin slaves.”

  April and May held up the electric clippers they held for Dana to see, just before turning them on and shearing away all the hair on the sides of Greta’s head. Dana watched as clumps of the silken hair piled around Greta’s head, leaving short stubble in the wake of the buzzing clippers. Dana saw the tears pouring from Greta’s eyes and knew that this had to be more mentally painful than some of the real tortures she saw the woman undergo.

  Once the twins had cut her hair nearly down to its roots, they each lathered the sides of Greta’s head and shaved the sides of her scalp smooth, leaving her with a thin strip of hair at the center of her head. Greta, to her credit, endured the denuding of her scalp silently, her tears the only statement she made. When her head was nearly bald, the twins used their straight razors to cut the top of her hair off, leaving the bulk of it hanging from the clamp.

  What was left was a short, spiked Mohawk style hairdo that looked like a white stripe over her shaven scalp. But the twins were not done, coating the sparse patch of hair with black goo that must have been a dye, thought Dana. Based on what Avery told her she knew that what they just did to Greta was an evil and lasting punishment that would remind her every day of what her transgression w
as. She watched silently as the twins removed the front section of the table and helped the sobbing Greta to her feet, her short patch of hair now looking like an oily patch of black grease.

  “Do you now understand your failure slave?” Avery asked her as she stood there facing her old Master.

  “Yes Master,” she sobbed, “this slave understands the folly of personal pride.”

  “Good, you may go with the twins now, they will prepare you for your next punishment.”

  “Yes Master,” Greta replied and then she turned and followed the twins from the room.

  When she was gone, Avery said, “Dana, crawl to the table and take a seat on it facing me.”

  Dana obeyed, her heart pounding in her chest, as she was sure she was about to be tested. When she reached the edge of the table she clambered up onto it and turned to sit on the edge facing Avery. Then, without a thought, she parted her legs to show him her leather-framed sex. It felt strange when she rested her rump on the edge of the table, since it pushed against the plug in her ass.

  “You learn quickly slave, displaying that sweet cunt for your Master. How does the plug in your ass feel?” Avery asked Dana.

  “Strange Master.”

  “Good answer slave, honest, yet sublime. I could have taken your ass last night, but it would have been nothing but painful. So I have chosen to allow you some time to stretch it for my eventual use.” Then he turned to Mei and said, “Bind her to the table.”

  Mei rose up to her feet and walked up to Dana, helping her to lie back on the table’s hard surface. Dana did as Mei urged and watched her as she came around to where her head was as she took her wrists, crossing them above her head. She used rope this time to bind Dana’s wrists and then she pulled them down over the edge securing them beneath the table. Mei moved around to the other side and lifted one of Dana’s ankles, wrapping it in another length of rope and tying it off high to another ring hanging from the ceiling, this one off to the side of the table. She did the same thing with Dana’s other ankle, leaving the girl’s legs hoisted up and widely spread.

  Then Mei knelt between Dana’s parted thighs and pulled her rump over the edge of the table, putting additional strain on her bound arms. Mei used another length of rope around Dana’s waist, right at the table edge, and secured it under the table like her wrists. This made it impossible to pull her rump back onto the table. It was stressful and somewhat painful since the edge of the table was cutting into her lower back.

  But the stress and pain melted away once Mei’s talented mouth found her pussy again, immediately sparking a new wave of lust from Dana’s hungry pussy. As Mei worked on her cunt, Avery rose up from his chair, removed his robe and walked around to the head of the table. He stood just above Dana’s head, stroking his erect cock. Then he asked, “Would you like me to fuck you with this slave?”

  Dana was breathing hard now, Mei’s lips and tongue wreaking havoc on her swollen clit. She was barely able to pant, “Yesss Massster, pleassse fuck meeee,” her desire swelling like a balloon filling with air.

  He tapped the head of his penis on her forehead and said, “Then beg Mei to stop and make room for me.”

  Desperate to come, but also eager to feel his manhood inside her again, Dana cried out, “Please stop Mistress! My Master wants to fuck me!”

  Mei stopped and stood up and looked down at her new pupil, smiling widely with her face coated by Dana’s pussy juices. “Only if you promise to lick my cunt while he fucks you,” she said, running a finger along the length of Dana’s sopping wet slit.

  “Yesss! I want to lick your cunt Mistress, please let me please you!” Dana was frantic with desire, eager and ready to lick Mei’s cunt and feel Avery’s cock inside her pussy. All her inhibitions were gone, bound and spread across the hard table; Dana was ready to unleash the sexual beast inside her. She wanted, no she needed, to feel both Mei and Avery use her at once, to literally be sexually overpowered by them.

  They did not disappoint her, with Mei climbing onto the table and squatting over Dana’s face before grabbing two fistfuls of her hair to pull her face into her soaked pussy slit. While this was happening Avery moved around the table and positioned his cock at Dana’s dripping wet hole. This time he drove forward hard and fast, with far more force than the first time, stabbing his dick deep into Dana’s gash. She screamed into Mei’s pussy, half pained and half delirious with lust.

  While Mei rubbed Dana’s face hard against her cunt, driving herself to an orgasm, Avery started to give Dana a truly brutal reaming. Dana climaxed almost immediately after Avery’s cock speared deep into her womb. Her pussy responded by gushing like a fountain, soaking both Avery and her. This was not like the first time, which was hard, but all the men had pulled their punches when they first took her. Today Avery introduced her to brutal fucking, bone rattling sex that would leave her bruised and sore.

  The only thoughts in Dana’s mind at this point were focused on the cock in her pussy and Mei’s sex rubbing against her face, as she surrendered to the delicious pleasure that infused her body. She struggled to breathe the way Mei forcefully jammed her head into her pulsing sex, but Dana did not care, every aspect of this vicious assault actually increasing the pleasure she felt.

  As Avery pounded his hips into Dana’s dangling buttocks he knew he had found a true sex machine. The way her cunt throbbed against his cock, spewing gushes of girl cream down his thighs, told him all he needed to know. He was not sure if she was just like a genie released from her bottle, or whether Mei’s skilful ministrations played a part in her conversion. But one thing was for sure; Dana was well on her way to becoming the compliant sex kitten he wanted. The only part that really surprised him was that just a day ago she was a God fearing virgin. As he fucked her into utter submission he knew Andrew had found a true gem, something he would have to reward him for.

  As Mei and Avery started to tire from the savage assault on Dana’s bound body, the rest of the crew, except for the twins and Greta, arrived to take their turns with Dana. After Mei came all over Dana’s face and Avery pumped a load into her cunt, they were replaced by Victoria and Andrew. Dana was delirious with lust and did not care who used her as two others took the places of Avery and Mei, she just continued to climax like a bitch in heat.

  The onslaught of sexual abuse lasted for hours, with Dana losing consciousness several times, only to be revived and used again. By the time they were finally done with her she was a sweaty, cum filled pile of flesh that could not remember her name. The men went their separate ways to clean up, while the slaves released and carried the near comatose girl to the bath to wash her. Dana was so out of it she would not remember the careful and gentle bath she was given, or how she was dressed in a fresh harness with a new and larger butt plug. She just floated in a sea of sexual bliss, unaware of the world around her.

  Chapter 9: Discipline For Two

  When Dana finally regained her senses, after several hours in sub space, she found she could not move. She opened her eyes and saw her harnessed tits with her head slumping forward as she sat on a hard wooden chair. Her arms were pulled behind her and over the back of the chair, secured to something that kept them rigidly in place. Her legs were parted and strapped to the front legs of the chair. She looked down to see that the chair had no seat and her achingly sore pussy was pointing at the floor.

  When she lifted her head to see where she was the sight of Greta in front of her confronted her gaze. They were in the living room with Greta positioned in front of the fireplace while a roaring fire raged behind her. She was stretched out between two poles, her arms and legs pulled out to form her into a human X shape. Her short black Mohawk looked so strange, nothing like the beautiful head of blonde hair she once had. The front of her body was covered with welts and Dana guessed she must have missed Greta’s latest punishment.

  Then Dana noticed how Greta was bowed forward and she could see the metal rod wedged against the floor that apparently was speared deep up her ass. G
reta’s pussy was still stitched closed and because of the way she was bound, it was pointed at Dana. Greta’s eyes appeared glazed as Dana looked at her face, with her body drenched by perspiration from the heat of the fireplace behind her. She felt pity for the poor woman and in her mind she again vowed never to displease Avery so he would not punish her like this.

  After staring at Greta’s suspended suffering for a short while, Dana looked around the room and noticed that it was dark outside. The memories of how this day started suddenly flooded her mind and she remembered how cruelly she was used. Her aching pussy was a reminder of the brutal abuse it endured; yet for some reason she felt a kind of physical satisfaction like never in her life. She remembered having a never-ending series of climaxes that shook her to her very core.

  Something inside her had changed, what it was she did not know, but now she felt as if her life had meaning. All those years of struggle to achieve a decent life no longer mattered, now all she wanted was to see how much pleasure she could feel. But the way Greta was displayed before her was a poignant reminder that there was a price to pay if she failed to please her owner. Her owner. Somehow the thought of Avery owning her no longer seemed abhorrent, it was in some way comforting to know she had a place and a purpose as his slave.

  She sat there quietly, wanting to ask Greta questions, but doubting it would be permitted. Not to mention the fact that poor Greta did not seem to be in the frame of mind to say much of anything. She simply hung there, twitching occasionally when a spark from the fireplace would escape to singe her back. In the short time she was here Dana had transformed into something she could never have pictured, a harlot that her parents would never understand. Yet she felt a strong compulsion to follow her new instincts and accept her new life, as if she had any choice in the matter.


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