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Rhiannon's Alien High Chancellors

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by Becky Wilde

  Rhiannon's Alien High Chancellors

  Becky Wilde


  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  Publishers Note:

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and events are the work of the author’s imagination.

  Any resemblance to real persons, places, or events is coincidental.

  Becky Wilde ©2011



  Rhiannon Lyons is devastated by her best friends disappearance. She had filed a missing persons report but no one had been able to ascertain why, who or where her friend Honey Potts is, or whom has abducted her.

  Honey has been missing for months. The police investigators have found no evidence of foul play. All Honey's clothing, jewelry and even her purse, which still has cash and her ATM and credit cards in it, are still in her house. Her friend has just seemed to have vanished into thin air.

  Rhiannon had fallen into a deep pit of despair, and is barely managing to go through the routine of daily life.

  Rhiannon and Honey have been friends for a long time; and she misses her one and only, true friend. They were like sisters and since Rhiannon has no living relatives, she is once again all alone.

  She spent the first month of her friends disappearance searching all their favorite haunts, handing out missing person fliers and hounding the police. She hasn't given up hope on finding Honey, as she feels she would know if her best friend had died. She would feel it in her heart.

  Rhiannon and Honey had a pact; every Friday night 4

  after work they would have a night out on the town.

  Rhiannon could not face going out without her friend, so she had taken to drinking at her apartment in the honor of Honey. She spends every Friday night drinking herself into oblivion.

  Nearly three months to the day of Honey's disappearance Rhiannon dreams of three bright lights floating above her, as she lays in an inebriated stupor on her sofa. She is filled with such warmth, hope and joy as the lights drift towards her body and brush over her, she finally drifts into slumber with a smile on her face for the first time in months.


  Chapter One

  Rhiannon groaned out loud and then winced as the noise knifed through her pounding head. She opened her eyes to mere slits and then closed them quickly, as even more pain stabbed through her skull. God why did she do this to herself every Friday night? She held her head between her hands until the pounding receded slightly. Her mouth felt as if it was full of cotton wool and the taste left behind from her binge was worse.

  She pushed herself into a sitting position, swung her legs to the side of the sofa and pushed herself up to stand.

  She gave a shriek as she fell to the floor, after she realized her feet hadn't been touching the floor, before she stood up.

  She landed with a thud onto her knees as her legs buckled.

  She stayed on all fours on the floor until her head stopped spinning and pounding with her eyes closed. She gave another groan as a slight swishing sound pierced her sensitive head. She crawled over to the leg of the sofa and used the muscular warm length to gain her feet.

  What? Her sofa didn't have muscles and there was no way in hell it should have been warm. She opened her eyes to slits and stared in fascination at the leg beneath the palm of her hands. She was still kneeling but was in an upright position, if she had kept her hands climbing, she would have ended up with her hands on a strange males 6

  crotch. She tilted her head back and looked up and up and up, until she was in danger of toppling over backwards.

  When she reached the males face she did topple over onto her ass and scooted along the floor, as far away from the stranger as she could. She came up against a cold metal wall and stared in horror as she saw three blue giant gorgeous, hunky, muscular males. She knew her mouth was hanging open, but couldn't help her astonishment.

  “Are you alright, little woman?” asked a deep musical soft voice.

  Rhiannon knew the thing in front of her had spoken, but for the life of her she couldn't have said what he had asked her. Her mouth was still hanging open as she stared at the three giant, blue males, with white hair and yellow eyes. She closed her eyes and slowly opened them once more.

  Oh god, she had finally lost it. She was hallucinating, she would swear there where three blue giants standing in the room with her. Rhiannon knew she had been close to the edge since Honey's disappearance, but she didn't realize how close she was. It was time to stop her Friday night binge drinking and get her life back on track.

  “Are you ill little female?” a deep voice echoed across the room.

  Rhiannon opened one eye to a slit, oh god, she was now a sandwich short of a picnic. Her hallucination was 7

  talking to her, she was hearing voices in her head. “You're not rea,l go away,” Rhiannon stated in a firm emphatic voice.

  “I assure you, little woman, we are very real,” a deep male voice stated.

  Rhiannon gave a whimper as she heard three sets of feet walking towards her. She shoved back against the wall with a whimper and curled into a tight ball. If she ignored them they would eventually disappear from her over stressed mind.

  A large shadow cast over her as the three blue men stood in front of her, blocking the light from her eyes. She opened her other eye and whimpered again when her hallucination seemed to become more solid as her eyes finally began to clear.

  “I know you are not real, so get the fuck out of my head,” Rhiannon stated as she glared at her apparitions.

  “Go away and leave me alone.”

  “We cannot go away. and I assure you little woman, we are very real,” the deep male voice reiterated.

  “Okay, okay. so you say you are real, which I'll go along with for now. Who the hell are you then, and where the hell am I?”

  “I am High Chancellor Adarm Vlog and these are my brothers, High Chancellor Thed and High Chancellor Gram. You are currently on our ship and we are headed to Calt. Your name is Rhiannon Lyons and you are best 8

  friends with little Honey Potts from Earth.”

  “Okie dokie, of course you are. What the fuck is a High Chancellor and where in gods name is Calt?”

  Rhiannon asked the one called High Chancellor Adarm and then her eyes wandered to the his brothers. They were absolutely magnificent, they were built like a brick shit house and had the features of an Adonis. Rhiannon could feel her panties becoming damp as she looked from one to the other.

  “A High Chancellor is like what you would call a higher being in law enforcement on your planet Earth. We have the skill to be able to break a life's spirit joining, if the joining is not a happy one; and we also have more powers than any other male on the planet Calt. Calt is many light years away from your planet Earth. It will take up to three to four of your Earth weeks to get to Calt in our spaceship.”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Rhiannon stated as she held up a hand to halt the conversation. “You said you knew, I was best friends with Honey Potts. How the hell do you know that? Do you know where Honey is? If you have hurt my friend I am going to rip your balls off and shove them down your throat.”

  “Little Honey Potts is on our planet Calt. She has life spirit joined with her mates, Sven, Igor and Cail. We would never harm a female and I am insulted that you think we would,” explained Thed, as he looked d
own at Rhiannon his arms crossed over his massive chest.


  “Honey was abducted by Aliens? Oh please, I told you, I know you're not real. I've finally lost the plot, I knew it was gonna happen eventually but why did it have to happen now? God I need some coffee and a shower, maybe then you'll have disappeared from my head,” Rhiannon muttered to herself.

  Large blue hands moved to within her line of sight.

  She felt electricity spark through her body turning her insides to molten lava, as the hands grasped her small waist and hauled her to her feet. The hands stayed around her waist until she was steady on her own two feet. She looked up until her neck got a crick in it.

  “Can you please move back and give me some room? You're making my neck hurt having to look up so far. God how tall are you anyway?”

  “I am seven feet in height little Rhiannon, Thed is six foot eight inches and Gram is six foot nine. You are very tiny for a female,” Adarm said with a grin, as he stepped back a few paces.

  “Well, I not that small. I might be a little below average but you're just frigging huge. If what you're saying is true even if I don't believe you are real. Why did you abduct me and now that you have me what are you going to do with me?”

  “You are our life's spirit mate little Rhiannon and we wish to join with you,” Thed stated.

  “Oh you have got to be kidding. Now I know for 10

  sure I'm a screwdriver short of a tool box. You aren't real, you're a figment of my imagination. No one would believe that bullshit. I am playing a Sci Fi movie in my poor demented alcohol soaked brain.”

  “I assure you little Rhiannon we are very real. You are not a screw short tool box and you are out mate,” Gram said as he moved towards her.

  “Hey stop right there blue man,” Rhiannon protested as she held up a hand. “I don't like being touched.

  I am giving you fair warning if any of you touch me you will regret it.”

  “What can you do to us little Rhiannon, you are much to small to hurt us, you would just end up hurting yourself,” Adarm asked with a condescending tone.

  “Just try it blue man and you'll be sorry. Don't say I didn't warn you,” Rhiannon stated with a sneer.

  Adarm moved in towards her and placed an arm on her shoulder. The next thing he knew he was staring up at little Rhiannon from flat on his back on the floor. His mouth was gaping open then his facial features turned into a scowl as he pushed himself into a sitting position.

  “I warned you,” Rhiannon reminded him as she backed away from Adarm when he stood to his feet.

  “You are a little quark aren't you Rhiannon? I can see you are going to be nothing but trouble,” Adarm sighed.

  “What the hell is a quark?”

  “It is like what you humans would call a wild feline 11

  on Earth. I was not insulting you, little female, I was giving you a compliment.”

  “Yeah right; and pigs fly backwards. Have you got any coffee?”

  “What is coffee?” asked Thed.

  “Okay, I can go along for now. Coffee is a bean which is ground down into a powder, you add hot water to it and drink it. It's a perfect pick me up first thing in the morning or after a hard night on the booze.”

  “No we do not have any cough-eee. What's booze?”

  asked Gram.

  “Oh never mind. Have you got anything to drink?”

  Rhiannon asked.

  “Yes, please follow us little female,” Adarm requested as he pushed a yellow button to the side of the door and stepped out into a hallway.

  Rhiannon stood with her mouth hanging open with awe, as she had been unaware there was even a door hidden in the wall, then closed it with an audible snap. She followed the three blue giants out the room and along the hallway. They came to another room and she followed them into what looked like a kitchen, dining room. The furniture was all bright colors which did wanders for her throbbing head, but the peculiar thing about it which caught her attention, was it seemed to be floating in mid air. There were no legs on any of the tables, chairs or sofas in the room.


  “Well Alice I think you've fallen through the rabbit hole upside down and now you're in Oz,” Rhiannon muttered under her breath. She followed the blue giants into the room and tentatively sat on one of the floating chairs positioned at the table which was at her shoulder level. She gave a shriek and closed her eyes as the chair molded to the contours of her body and floated higher from the floor until she could reach the table comfortably.

  Thed went over to the kitchen area, pushed a few buttons and opened a cupboard when it dinged. He pulled a red cup from the cupboard, walked towards her and placed it on the table in front of Rhiannon.

  Rhiannon looked at the green liquid in the cup and felt her face turn as green as the liquid in front of her,

  “What the hell is that?”

  “Rata, the same as your Earth water. You are not feeling well, are you little Rhiannon?” Gram asked.

  “No shit, genius. You wouldn't be either if you had drunk a whole bottle of wine by yourself. How come you can speak English?”

  “We are not speaking your language little one. We implanted a translator into your ear so you would be able to understand us when you awoke from your slumber. All the people on Calt have a universal translator implanted in their ear from birth, so we understand many different languages,” Thed stated as he looked at his mate.

  They could all feel the pull little Rhiannon's life's 13

  spirit had on their own. The more time spent in her company the more aroused they became. They needed to convince her to join with them within the next twenty-four Earth hours, before Rhiannon and themselves began to feel the burning fire of the mating fever. They would have had longer but their little mate had slept for a long time. Their time was running out.

  Rhiannon sniffed the green liquid in the cup. When she found no odor she took a tentative sip, she gulped the rest down thirstily when she realized she was in fact drinking water or whatever the hell they had called it.

  “Wait just a goddamn minute. Did you just say you inserted something into my ear?” Rhiannon asked, her voice escalating in tone.

  “It will not harm you little one. We would never do anything to harm you Rhiannon. You are our life's spirit mate, we would give our lives to protect you,” Gram stated earnestly.

  “Look, I don't give a shit if you are the king of fucking Siam. You need to turn this whatever the hell we are on, around and take me back home,” Rhiannon stated, hoping the quaver in her voice had not been audible.

  “We cannot do that little female. Once our life spirit has touched yours the mating fever begins. We have less than twenty-four hours to join with you or we will all feel an excruciating burning pain in our bodies,” Thed explained.


  “Oh, that's a good one. I've never heard that line before, at least it's original. Do you think I was born yesterday? Look here you bloody blue giant, I am not going to join with you or your non existent blue brothers. That would mean I had to acknowledge you actually existed; and I know that I have had a nervous break down or something and you're not even real. If I ignore you, you'll eventually go away,” Rhiannon said with an ambivalent tone and proceeded to ignore them.

  Adarm, Thed and Gram were unsure how to convince their mate they were real. She was determined she was imagining them and that she was going insane. She wouldn't let them touch her, so how were they going to be able to join with her so she would not feel any pain. That was something they never wanted their life's spirit mate to experience. They could try and seduce her while she was asleep but they needed her cooperation because they needed to join with her all at the same time.

  Adarm decided to use some of his powers and show their little mate they were actually real. He concentrated on the empty cup in front of her and made it float in the air in front of her face.
r />   “Hmm, are you a magician?” Rhiannon asked with skepticism.

  “Well, since I am just a figment of your imagination, I would think it was obvious the cup floating in front of your face is also in your mind,” Adarm stated 15

  with a smirk.

  “Ha ha, very funny blue boy. Can you fly like superman? Oh I know, you can probably make yourself invisible like that woman out of the cartoon show.”

  “I have had enough of your smart mouth little female. I don't understand what you are talking about and I know you think you are funny, but your sarcasm is starting to aggravate me,” Adarm stated with a firm voice.

  “Too bad, 'cos I'm just getting warmed up. Can you leaped tall buildings in a single bound? Oh I know, you can stop a bullet with your muscular chest. Have you got a gun so we can find out?”

  Thed, Gram and Adarm were becoming very impatient with their mate. Gram grabbed the cup floating in mid air and took it into the kitchen, he indicated for his brothers to follow him. They huddled around the food simulator and talked about how to convince their female they were real.

  “I think we should show her our life's spirits,” Gram suggested. “She can't refute what she is seeing with her own eyes forever.”

  “She seems to be doing a good job of that already,”

  Thed said indignantly.

  “Well I don't know how else we are going to convince her we are real,” Adarm stated.

  “Take her to the bridge,” Gram said suddenly.

  “Surely seeing the stars and planets flashing passed the 16

  window will show her irrefutably, that what we have been telling her is real?”

  “I don't know Gram, she seems determined to ignore what is right in front of her face,” Adarm stated.

  “I think we should put her on the pleasure bed and fuck her brains out,” Thed suggested.

  “Good idea. Except she is likely to have you on the floor like she did me before you can even blink,” Adarm said scowling.

  Gram looked at his comm wrist unit, “We have less than eighteen hours left to join with our little Rhiannon before the mating fever kicks in. I have seen women going through the pain of the mating fever and it was not a pretty sight. She will be writhing in pain and burning up with the fever. We feel the effects also, admittedly we won't suffer as much as our little female, but I would like to prevent her from having to experience that sort of pain if possible.”


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