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Ride Me Dirty: A Cowboy Romance

Page 4

by Parker Grey

  It only takes seconds, because he licks me faster and fucks me with his fingers and in no time at all, I just explode. Light and heat blast through my body and I moan, writhing as I come from Colton's tongue and fingers, harder than I ever have before.

  When all my tired muscles are jerking with every stroke, he finally pulls his mouth away, though he leaves his fingers in me, still twisting and working.

  Colton kisses me, hard, his tongue invading my mouth. I can taste myself, even as he's still inside me, and it's fucking sexy as hell. I didn't know I liked this, but I do.

  "Please," I whisper when he pulls back. "Please, Colton, I want you to be my first. I need you."

  He pulls his fingers out of me. He steps away from the bed, looking at me for a long moment: hands bound over my head, legs spread wide, muscles shaking, pussy soaking.

  Fuck delicate and gentle. I need Colton to take me hard, rough, and without apology.

  Chapter Ten


  She's more beautiful than I could have imagined.

  Hands tied, legs wide, on my bed, body still shaking from the orgasm I just gave her, and now she's begging me to be her first.

  Emmy doesn't have to beg.

  In a flash, I'm stripped naked, shirt and pants off, and I'm kneeling between her legs on the bed, her perfect little pussy right in front of my hard, aching cock. She's watching it a little nervously, and I don't blame her — it's huge, and not the most gentle introduction to the genre.

  "You sure you want this?" I ask, grabbing my cock by the base and then stroking it all the way to the tip, just letting her watch. If she says no, if she backs out, I'll be fucking destroyed, but I won't stop her from leaving.

  "Yes," she says, her voice a little unsteady. "Please, Colton."

  God, I like the way she says that, like if I don't fuck her she'd be totally shattered, her world destroyed. I can't say no to that.

  I pull her onto my lap, still kneeling, my thighs under her ass, the tip of my cock right at her entrance. Emmy's so wet that her juices are running down onto my legs, and I nudge myself between her lips, right up against her tightness.

  And then I thrust inside her, slowly. It takes all my willpower not to drive into her sweet, waiting heat in a single thrust. It takes everything in me to not bury myself inside this perfect girl, but I manage to show some restraint. I feel her muscles stretch and then relax, her breathing ragged as I enter her for the first time.

  She's unbelievably tight, her pussy muscles gripping my cock like an iron fist, and as I enter her I can feel my balls draw up to my body, ready to explode at any second. Emmy's eyes flutter closed and I lean over her, one hand on the bed and the other gripping her thigh, my fingers digging into her soft flesh.

  "Am I hurting you?" I ask, my voice raw with need.

  I don't want to be gentle — I almost can't be gentle — but I don't want this to hurt.

  She swallows, then shakes her head.

  "Just a little," she whispers. "But it feels good, too."

  I keep going slow, fighting every nerve and impulse in my body to take her fast and hard, until at last I'm fully inside her, buried to the hilt, her thighs against my chest, her arms over her head as she sighs softly, her eyelids fluttering.

  "You fit me like a glove," I growl, taking her collarbone between my teeth again. I force myself to stay still and not move until she's ready, because taking this monster your first time can't be easy.

  I wouldn't know. I haven't been with any virgins before, but Emmy is tight and hot and perfect, her pussy pulling and gripping at me, so good I feel like I'm drugged.

  "Colton," she whispers, her eyes closed, her eyelids fluttering. "Oh my god, you—"

  She stops and swallows, breathing hard.

  "You feel so good," she finally whimpers.

  I can't hold back any longer when she says that. I lean on one arm and use the other to pull her against me as hard as I can, sinking all the way inside her and then pulling out just a little, thrusting back in.

  I try to go slow, be gentle, but it doesn't work. Emmy starts moaning, her back arched, and it snaps something deep inside me, something primal that needs this hard and fast and now.

  Soon I'm driving myself into her as she moans, head thrown back, going balls-deep with every thrust, listening for the perfect, guttural noise she makes when I hit that perfect spot inside her.

  Emmy's pussy flutters and tightens around me, her muscles practically pullling me in and clenching around my cock. I can tell that she's about to come, and I fuck her even harder, desperate to feel her in ecstasy around me.

  "Come for me, darlin'," I growl.

  Emmy turns her head to one side and moans, the sound sending a shiver down my spine.

  "Colton," she whimpers.

  "Come for me," I say.

  And she does, her pussy closing around me so tight I can barely move. She pulls at her restraints, her toes curling

  "Fuck me, Colton," she says, over and over again, sometimes a whisper and sometimes nearly a shout. "Fuck me, fuck me..."

  I only last seconds and then I come too, spending spurt after spurt deep inside her as I drive myself into her again and again, as hard as I can, her perfect channel welcoming me, pulling me in.

  My eyes are closed. Everything goes black. I think I see stars. I come so hard I might hallucinate.

  When we finish, I suddenly feel so spent I can barely move, and I lean forward, still inside Emmy, and rest my face in the crook of her neck. Trembling, she wraps her legs around me, like she wants to keep me there.

  I can feel her breathing, her heart beating. Right now, this space feels timeless, like it was made for the two of us and no one else can ever get in.

  It was just sex, Colton, I remind myself. Dangerous sex with the boss's daughter, but just sex.

  Never mind that you did this to her on her first time and she came her brains out. Never mind that she begged you for it.

  It's not real.

  Finally, I pull out. I undo Emmy's shirt and my belt, and she pulls her arms in, rubbing her wrists.

  "Are you okay?" I ask, sitting upright on my bed while she's still lying down.

  Emmy nods. She looks up at me, and there's something wicked and devious in her eyes.

  "If I'm not okay, I'll tell you," she says, putting one hand on my knee. "Promise."

  Chapter Eleven


  I stay in Colton's bed for a while, but I go back to my room before midnight. Without talking about it, we both know instinctively that I can't stay the night, that I can't risk getting caught with him.

  For one thing, I think my parents would disown me. They're nice people, but they're very... traditional. It was always expected that I save myself for marriage, and even though I wasn't ever particularly on board with that — obviously — they would lose their minds if they found out I lost my V-card right here, on the ranch, under their noses.

  To Colton True.

  For another thing, they'd fire him. Then they'd tell everyone they know in the ranching world, which is a lot of people, that he deflowered their innocent little girl, and that would be the end of his career. He'd be working cattle drives for minimum pay again, and he's already worked his way up from that once.

  Besides, that's not how it happened. I showed up at his cabin. I begged him. Even if I was tied to the bed, I wanted it desperately, worse than I've ever wanted anything before.

  And even so, as I get into my own bed, a twinge of soreness between my legs, I wish he was here. I wanted to spend the night there, wake up with the sun, with Colton next to me.

  It's silly. I know. No one ever gets married and lives happily ever after with their first.

  But it's a nice fantasy.

  I wake up in the best mood. I'm not normally much of a morning person — I mean, who is, really — but I swear there are cartoon bluebirds singing outside my window. I put on clothes, brush my teeth, pull my hair back, and head into the ranch's kitchen.
  Because everyone who lives here also works here, we provide all the meals. Lunch is picnic-style, outside, but breakfast is in the main house. I walk downstairs, say hi to Cecilia, the cook, and then walk out onto the patio with my coffee.

  I don't know why, but I'm nervous to see Colton again after last night. Half because I'm a little afraid that I'll just jump on him, wrap my legs around his hips and beg him to take me on the kitchen table, and half because what do you say to the man who just took your virginity?

  Who you begged to take it, who tied you up and gave you the most unbelievable first time in the world?

  The front door opens. Boots come down the hall and into the huge, open space, and I turn, looking over my shoulder through the glass doors.

  Then the boots stop and there's Colton, standing in the kitchen, hands in pockets, looking around. He looks at me, and I wave, like a dork.

  Colton smiles.

  "Hola, Señora," he says to Cecilia. She's standing in front of the stove, one hand on her hip, her long, salt-and-pepper black hair in a bun at the nape of her neck.

  "Coffee's made," she says, tilting her head to one side.

  "You're an angel," he says, and walks to the coffee pot, pouring himself a mug and drinking it down. I haven't been here long, but I'm pretty sure they have the exact same conversation every morning, before most of the ranch is awake.

  I walk back inside just as Colton tries to swipe some bacon from the plate where Cecilia's put the cooked pieces, but she catches him, smacking his knuckles with a spoon and frowning at him. He gets a piece anyway and backs off, grinning and gobbling it down in one bite.

  "You're in a good mood today," Cecilia says, glaring at him up and down.

  Colton just shrugs.

  "It's a beautiful day, Cecilia," he says. "Glad to be alive and all that."

  I take a deep breath, then slide the glass doors open and walk into the house. Colton looks over at me, and our eyes lock. My heart beats faster.

  "Mornin’," he says cheerfully.

  I smile, because I haven't made a fool of myself yet.

  "Mornin'," I say, trying to match his tone.

  I get some more coffee, putting cream in mine.

  "You know a real ranch hand takes it black," Colton says, a teasing note in his voice. It's nothing like the low, commanding growl he used last night, but it's familiar, all pieces of the same complicated puzzle.

  "Let a girl have her vices," I say, teasing him right back. I lean against the kitchen island, cross my feet in front of me, and take a sip.

  "Cream in my coffee isn't so bad," I say. "Think of the other things I could be up to instead."

  I'm teasing him. Right in front of Cecilia, who's known me since I was a little girl.

  Colton's eyes crinkle and he smiles.

  "Still, it's a shame," he says. "Ruining perfectly good coffee like that."

  Holy crap, he's charming. Dashing. Roguish maybe, and even though it's early in the morning my stomach is in knots and my panties are...

  Well, they're not dry.

  "I do it because it bothers you," I say, fluttering my eyelashes.

  "Do you?" he says, his voice dipping toward the low growl I remember from last night.

  A shiver goes down my spine at the sound.

  Before I can respond there are more boots at the door, and my dad walks through. Even though I feel like my windpipe is closing off at him seeing Colton and I in the same room, he barely takes notice, and we both raise our coffee cups in the typical greeting.

  "Mornin'," Colton says, and I just nod.

  "Mornin'," my dad echoes, getting his own cup of coffee, his back turned to us.

  Colton and I look at each other for a long moment, a split second longer than we should. The door opens and closes again, and more of the ranch hands start coming in. The spell's broken, and I turn away, suddenly not sure what to do or say again.

  "Breakfast!" Cecilia commands.

  We all rush to take the food from the kitchen counter to the table, then sit there and eat, drinking our coffee. Colton doesn't sit next to me, and even though I'm the tiniest bit disappointed, I'm also relieved because I have no idea what to do.

  Chapter Twelve


  Late that afternoon, I'm walking horses back to the barn when I see Tom, Emmy's dad, hustling my way. I pretend like my heart didn't just dive into my stomach, nod at him, and keep walking like everything's normal.

  "Colton!" he calls, waving one arm over his head. "Hold up!"

  I stop and wait, one horse on either side of me. He doesn't sound like a man who's just discovered I'm fucking his daughter, but old ranchers tend to play their cards pretty close to their vests.

  "Colton," he says, trotting the last dozen yards to where I’m standing. Even though he's older than me, he's still in good shape. "Good thing you're still here. We've got a problem."

  It still doesn't sound like the problem is you had sex with my sweet, innocent daughter, so I adjust my hat and wait.

  "One of the ranch guests took off on her own with a horse," he says.

  I frown.

  "How on earth did that happen?" I ask. The horses should always all be accounted for, either in the barn or the paddock, and there are plenty of people around.

  They're not shopping carts. You can't just take one.

  "Blasted if I know," Tom says, shaking his head. He looks pissed. "Somehow, she got into the paddock, no one was there or paying attention, and she knew just enough to saddle up and ride off."

  "By herself?" I ask.

  He nods.

  "Her husband is starting to get worried, now that she's been gone for five hours," Tom says, the anger in his voice barely contained. "That's why he thought to alert us to the situation. Can you go out and look for her?"

  "Course," I say. "Any idea which way she went?"

  The ranch is in the middle of miles and miles of wilderness, so I need at least something to go on.

  "Husband said she was all excited to see Gopher Falls," Tom says. "Head that way first. I'll get some other people to spread out a little more. Take a radio. And Emmeline's coming with you."

  He turns away before I can say anything, not that I was going to. I'm worried about the woman who ran off with a horse, sure — she doesn't sound like the sharpest knife in the drawer — but being alone in the wilderness with Emmy?

  That I can handle.

  I saddle up some fresh horses, Oreo and Tumbleweed, and grab a two-way radio from the shed, since cell phones don't work too well out here. In a few minutes, Emmy comes walking up. She hands me a saddlebag with some water and snacks in it, puts one on her own horse, and climbs on wordlessly.

  "My dad say where this lady went?" she asks as we ride the horses out of the paddock and toward the forest.

  "He said to try Gopher Falls," I say.

  "You think she got that far?" Emmy asks.

  "Doubt it," I say. "She took Knickerbocker, and Knickerbocker ain't going much of anywhere without a serious bribe."

  Emmy laughs, the sound’s like pure light, and I smile at it. We ride to the trailhead for Gopher Falls, and enter the forest single-file.

  I let her go first. Partly because it's nicer to be in front, and partly because I love watching her ride the horse — she's been doing it most of her life, so her body moves in perfect time with the animal, relaxed and confident.

  Also, hot as hell. I could watch Emmy ride for hours, thinking about how she'll finally feel when her skin is under my hands, naked and soft and pliant and completely, utterly mine.

  Shit, we're not a half-mile into this ride and I'm already hard as a rock. I grit my teeth.

  Find the missing woman first, I tell myself. Once you've gotten her back to the ranch safe you can do whatever you want with Emmy.

  On the horse in front of me, she turns her head and looks at me over her shoulder.

  "Anything?" she calls back.

  "Not yet," I answer.

  It's a long h
alf hour down the trail, and even though I can hear the falls for the most of the way, I know there's still a few miles of switchbacks before we get there. There's no news of the woman on the radio, and I'm getting increasingly nervous — though this trail isn't really unsafe, there are a few spots where an inexperienced rider, like this idiot, could easily have led a horse wrong and tumbled down a hillside.

  We stop at a fork in the trail, the first wide spot where we can sit side-by-side and talk over the situation.

  "I don't even see horse tracks," Emmy says, glancing down the trail toward the falls. It's late afternoon, and we're starting to run the risk of the guest being alone, on horseback, in the dark, and that's bad.

  I shake my head.

  "I don't think she came this way," I say. I look down both trails but I'm having a hard time concentrating on the missing guest when Emmy is right here, so close.

  So goddamn tempting, even as she looks at me shyly. I know what she's thinking. I'm thinking the same thing.

  "We might just be wasting our time," Emmy says thoughtfully. "If she didn't go this way, we should probably be looking somewhere else instead of here."

  She's right. There's no sign that anyone's been here for a couple of days, not since the last time it rained, at least. I frown and look around, since I know it's my call to make.

  "Okay," I say. "Let's—"

  My radio crackles.

  "Got 'er," someone says.

  I pull it off my belt and listen.

  "She okay?" Tom asks, sounding anxious. After all, if someone gets hurt on his ranch, that's pretty bad for him.

  "Fine, just lost," the other voice says. "Gave her some jerky and water, and we're headin' back now."

  I clip the radio to my belt again. Emmy exhales, blowing a strand of hair out of her face. Then she dismounts her horse and takes a few steps, stretching.

  "I guess we should head back too," she says, glancing over at me. "I just need to stretch for a minute. It's been a little while since I rode this much."


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