Magic and Mayhem: Heidi: A 'Not-Quite' Hellhound Love Story (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The 'Not-Quite' Love Story Series Book 5)

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Magic and Mayhem: Heidi: A 'Not-Quite' Hellhound Love Story (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The 'Not-Quite' Love Story Series Book 5) Page 10

by Julia Mills

  His lips touched the outside of my ear as he whispered, “Up on your knees, my love. I need to be inside you.”

  With one hand around my waist and the other still taunting my breast, Hunter lifted us both to our knees and as we moved together, slid inside me until I had no idea where I ended and he began. We sighed in unison, finally one, together as we were meant to be. My Hunky Hellhound held perfectly still, demanding I do the same by capturing my legs between his and pushing them together as close as he could. The added pressure combined with the contractions of my body and the throbbing of his erection buried deep within me was complete sensory overload.

  Knowing what I needed before I did, Hunter moved the hand he had around my waist down my body, took my highly aroused clit between his thumb and forefinger and gently massaged until I was once again screaming his name. Only then did he begin to move in and out of me. Slowly at first, keeping me just on the edge, not letting my orgasm end but not letting it grow either. Making me want him, need him…crave him with a passion that I knew would never end. No other had ever loved not only my body, but also my heart and soul the way Hunter was doing at that very moment.

  His thrusts became more powerful, his hands on my body more demanding, his kisses more frantic until the sounds of our bodies colliding echoed off the stone walls as we moved as one, pushing each other to our mutual release was all that could be heard. Palming my breasts, Hunter slammed into me as far as he could at the same time that he bit down on the tendon at the base of my neck.

  Roaring my name as I shouted his, my Hunky Hellhound and I shared our mutual release until neither of us could draw breath. Panting like the hound I was, my head fell forward and I thanked Satan that Hunter’s arm was around me to keep me from falling flat on my face.

  Pulling his teeth from my neck, he licked and kissed the mark I somehow just knew would be there forever, before rolling to the side and taking me with him. Laying on his back, Hunter lifted me to his chest where I laid my head over his heart and simply listened to the wonderful beat of his heart.

  When I could finally breath normally and my heart no longer raced, I propped my head on my hand and looked at the man of my dreams. It took a second, but unfortunately, reality came knocking at the door of my mind, crashing my party and pissing me off.

  Forgetting I was naked for the only time in my life I could ever remember, I sat straight up, poked my Hunky Hellhound in the chest and said, “What the hell did you do that for? Now, I have to live my whole life knowing what it is like to make love to you and never being able to do it again.”

  Even when frowning, Hunter was still hot as homemade sin which made staying mad at him extremely difficult but I was working hard at it until he said, “We’re never having sex again?”

  Swatting his chest, I gasped, “Of course not, you can’t cheat on Luci that way. I mean she is a dipshit but that’s just not cool.”

  Grabbing my hands, my Hunky Hellhound’s frown turned into a look of confusion just before he asked, “In what way will I be cheating on Luci?”

  Rolling my eyes and pulling my hands from his so I could swat him again, I growled, “Do not play dense with me.” I poked him in the chest again. “The plan didn’t work.” I flung my arms in the air. “Your crazy Aunties didn’t turn me into a Hellhound.” I jumped off the bed and paced. “I can’t challenge Luci and I can’t stop your wedding.” I got back on the bed. “And now I have to live forever knowing I can never be with the man I love.”

  Grinning from ear-to-ear, the exact opposite expression of what I expected, Hunter asked, “You love me?”

  “Of course I do, you big dumb dog but that doesn’t matter. You have to marry Luci in four days.” Again my arms were flailing and I was quickly heading towards inconsolable.

  Sitting up, Hunter put his hands on my shoulders, looked into my eyes and said, “I love you, too.”

  Pushing against his chest, unable to move the big dumb lug but needing to do something with all my frustration, I whined, (And you know how I hate whining.) “Now, why did you go and say that? Are you trying to torture me? Do you want me to die a sad, old, lonely maid with Hellcats or rats or whatever lonely old bitties collect in Hell as my only friends?”

  Unable to look at my Hunky Hellhound even a second longer I let my eyes slide closed and my head fall forward just as he shifted his hands from my shoulders to my waist, picked me up and sat me on his lap. Placing his hands on either side of my face, he made me look at him, placed a quick kiss on my lips and chuckled, “Hell’s fire if you don’t make me love you more every single minute we’re together.”

  I opened my mouth to yell at him again, but Hunter shook his head and whispered, “Shhhhh,” until I snapped my lips shut. Finally, I gave a single nod and he added, “Heidi, my love, you are never going to shift. You were never supposed to shift. It was all a rouse, concocted by my Auntie Matilda to make sure you were good enough for me. She had to know you had the hellfire in you and would fight all comers to return to Hell to be with me.”

  “She what?” I growled, contemplating Matilda’s death then screaming, I asked, “Did you know?”

  “No, I didn’t know. And before you hit me again or yell at me some more, neither did I know about Lucifer and Auntie Trixie or anything else that happened.” Pulling me closer, he wrapped his arms around my waist even as I resisted and said, “But I do know that I’ve marked you as my mate.” He touched the place where he’d bitten me and I immediately remembered thinking how happy I was that he was doing it at the time. “And that there is no one, not even the Devil himself, who can keep us apart now that you wear my mark and we’ve consummated our union.” He kissed me quickly, pulled away and waggled his eyebrows then added, “And I also know that if you throw your arms around and tease me with those delectable naked breasts of yours any longer, I am going to throw you down on this bed and make love to you all over again.”

  Blushing so hard I felt the heat all the way to the tips of my toes, I thought about continuing our argument but decided I had the rest of eternity to argue with my Hunky Hellhound and there were far better things to be doing at the moment. So, I lifted my arms, jiggled my boobs and chuckled when Hunter was true to his word.

  (Ain’t love grand?)


  You had to know I wouldn’t leave you hanging like that. I mean, come on, we’ve been through too much together for me not to catch you up on the happenings. First of all, it took Hunter and I a day or maybe a week (A girl’s gotta have at least one secret.) to make it out of his dungeon and back into the land of the undead. And as far as Lola is concerned, she’s having a helluva good time living vicariously through me for once in our long relationship.

  Our first family outing was to Matilda’s for Hallow’s Eve dinner. I’m sure you won’t be surprised to find that Tildy was bitching and kvetching about everything. She refused to get over the fact that Trixie had been hanging with Lucifer for over a millennium behind her back and simply would not acknowledge that Luci was her niece. I swear she turned a crazy purply-red color from head to toe and her curls spun on top of her head when the Princess called her Auntie. Hunter had to squeeze my hand to keep me from laughing out loud. I cannot wait for Christmas.

  That of course brings us to the happy couple, or at least one of them. (Patience, give me a minute. I promise I won’t leave anything out.) Lucifer and Trixie seemed blissfully, sickening happy. The King even agreed to let the blonde witch’s gaggle of imps come live in the castle and has assigned another witch to the rogues. They acted like teenagers at dinner, which pissed Matilda off even more, but it was cute, at least in small doses. I will admit to getting a bit miffed when their game of footsie got out of hand and ended up involving my unwilling toes. But as always, Hunter was my hero and quickly pulled me into his lap. All was well after that and we’re invited to the wedding so…whoopee!

  Then there’s Cassie, who at first I felt sorry for but then after getting the whole story had to laugh. I swear tha
t chick will always land sunny side up, no matter the situation. You see, because of her need for sunlight, Lucifer had given her a free pass through the Gates. That way she could go topside get her UV on and then come back whenever she needed to.

  As you know, our favorite curvy, red-headed witch likes to smile and talk to everyone she meets, well, it just so happens she also has a special place in her heart for ‘puppies’ as she calls them. So, it seems that during all her comings and goings she and the one and only three-headed dog himself, Cerberus, started to talk and one thing led to another and now, they are quite the item. Hunter refuses to discuss what will happen if he has to call Cassie ‘mom’ and not Auntie anymore and you know I have to bring it up at least three times a day just to watch him get all twitchy. Being in love just rocks! (Or I guess I should’ve said, ain’t I a little bitch?)

  So, let’s see, we’ve talked about everyone, right? Oh, wait, I almost forgot, (Not really but I had to mess with ya’ for just a second, didn’t I?) Bert and Luci. I know you’ll be shocked to learn that I was right. Bert was getting taller and thinner and less green and…growing hair. I knew it was not all my imagination or hallucinations from the incredible stress I was under. My little buddy was becoming a stud, well, as much of a stud as an imp can be with the help of magic.

  Seems he made a deal with a couple of the rogue witches in Trixie’s basement, a set of twins who believed in true love, happily ever after and all that sappy horse crap. Anyway, the twins conjured up what they called the Prince Charming Charm. It was supposed to be a one-time drink that allowed the user to become a hottie for a twenty-four-hour period but because Bert was such a sweetie and being the romantics that they were, the sisters made a few adjustments, bespelled a never-ending jar of gummy bears and bingo-bango my little buddy is a cuter, cooler version of himself.

  All he has to remember to do is eat a gummy bear from his special jar every day which I’m sure his fiancée, none other than the Princess of Hell herself, will make sure happens and he will stay good-looking forever. It wouldn’t work for me but Bert seems happy, so I’m happy for him. Furthermore, he keeps Luci away from me and mine and that makes Heidi happy. (Yes, I just referred to myself in the third person. No, it will never happen again.)

  Speaking of me and mine, it seems that no matter what we do or how much magic the three dimwits…I mean, Hunter’s Aunties try to pour into me, I will never be able to turn into the four-legged, butt-sniffing daughter of Cerberus I thought I wanted to be and that’s just fine with me. Seems my Hunky Hellhound is enough canine for both of us and after all, I am the chick in the prophecy - what more could a ‘not-quite Hellhound, cursed by her mother’s mistake and doomed to live with the sexiest man in the Universe want?

  Oh crap, how could you not remind me? You guys are slipping. One last thing, about that whole ‘all the power of Beelzebub mishegas’ (I’m getting better with the Yiddish, too.) and Hunter and I taking over the throne of Hell…truth is, neither one of us wants to run Hell. It’s a full time headache and Lucifer’s doing a damn fine job, so we told him not to worry about it and he was good with that.

  See, it’s just like that old saying goes…You can teach an old Devil new tricks. (Yeah, I know that’s not really the saying but I’m cutting back on the whole dog thing, it upsets my Hunky Hellhound.)

  Now, get outta here and raise some Hell. I demand it. And if anyone gives you any grief, send ‘em to me, I finally figured out how to use my whip.

  The End

  (At least for now…)

  Did you know there is a whole Magic & Mayhem World?

  Well, there is!

  Check out all the AMAZING Smexy, Witchy, Shifty, Magical Fun at Robyn Peterman’s Magic & Mayhem Kindle World!

  About Julia

  Find all my stories on Amazon!

  Hey Y’all! I’m Julia Mills the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of the Dragon Guard Series. I without a doubt admit to being a sarcastic, southern woman who would rather spend all day laughing than a minute crying. Living with my two most amazing daughters and a menagerie of animals, keeps me busy but I love telling a good story. Now, that I’ve decided to write the stories running through my brain, life is just a blast!

  My beliefs are simple. A good book along with shoes, makeup, and purses will never let a girl down and no hero ever written will compare to my real-life hero, my dad! I’m a sucker for a happy ending and alpha men make me swoon.

  I’m still working on my story but I promise it will contain as much love and laughter as I can pack into it! Now, go out there and create your own story!!! Dare to Dream! Have the Strength to Try EVERYTHING! Never Look Back!

  I ABSOLUTELY adore stalkers so look me up on Facebook, sign up for my newsletter at and follow me on Amazon.

  Send me a message!

  Thank you for reading my stories!!!

  XOXO Julia

  Also by Julia Mills


  The Dragon Guard Series

  Her Dragon to Slay, Dragon Guard #1

  Her Dragon’s Fire, Dragon Guard #2

  Haunted by Her Dragon, Dragon Guard #3

  For the Love of Her Dragon, Dragon Guard #4

  Saved by Her Dragon, Dragon Guard #5

  Only for Her Dragon, Dragon Guard #6

  Fighting for Her Dragon, Dragon Guard #7

  Her Dragon’s Heart, Dragon Guard #8

  Her Dragon’s Soul, Dragon Guard #9

  The Fate of Her Dragon, Dragon Guard #10

  Her Dragon’s No Angel, Dragon Guard #11

  Her Dragon, His Demon, Dragon Guard #12

  Resurrecting Her Dragon, Dragon Guard #13

  The Scars of Her Dragon, Dragon Guard #14

  Her Mad Dragon, Dragon Guard #15

  Her Love, Her Dragon: The Saga Begins, A Dragon Guard Prequel


  The ‘Not Quite’ Love Story Series

  Phoebe: A ‘Not-Quite’ Phoenix Love Story

  Zoey: A ‘Not-Quite’ Zombie Love Story

  Jax: A ‘Not-Quite’ Puma Love Story


  The Kings of the Blood Series

  VIKTOR: Heart of Her King ~ Book 1

  ROMAN: Fury of Her King ~ Book 2




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