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The COMPLETE Coventon Campus Series: Books I, II, & III

Page 48

by Wright, Kenya

With a bored tone, Malcolm said, “I’m not someone you want to threaten.”

  Jay formed his fingers into fists. He was never the type to carry on a long and heated conversation. Granted, he barely ever argued. Probably because he didn’t have much control of his temper. Plus, he’d always been bigger than everyone else. If the talks got out of hand, he handled it his way—fists and a tussle here or there.

  I got in front of Jay. “What did you do to Pipe? There’s blood all over his suite. He fled the hospital. What the fuck happened?”

  Malcolm’s frown twitched again. “I don’t know who your friend is, but I hope that you find him, and he’s okay.”

  “Move out of the way, Evie. I’m just going to tear his head off. I’m done.” Jay didn’t move, but I got sensation of heat roaring behind him.

  “Mr. Taylor, you’re a busy man. First, you’re nude on a balcony as you trot into a woman’s unsuspecting hotel room. Now you’re planning to have a brawl in one of the most popular restaurants in Miami.”

  “Nude on a balcony?” My eyes widened.

  Is he talking about last night, when Jay came through my room? No way!! Did someone record that!

  Too full of anger, Jay stalked around him. “I don’t know what sort of riddles you’re trying to give me to buy time away from you hurting my best friend, but you can end it here.”

  “Wait.” I held my hand against Jay’s chest. “What are you talking about—?”

  “Fuck him, Evie.” Jay reached over me and slapped the shit out of Malcolm. A pop sounded right as his hand hit the sick guy’s face.

  The restaurant went silent. Only the classical music played, and I could’ve sworn someone lowered the volume as the booming of my heart slammed in my ears.

  “Move, Evie.”

  “Wait!” I shoved against Jay, spotted several people getting out their phones, and taping it. “I was the one that would hit him if necessary, not you.”

  Chuckling, Malcolm touched the side of the face that was hit, smiled, and whispered, probably so no one but us could hear him, “Your friend didn’t tell you that I liked it rough?”

  “No, but I saw the video,” I lied. “He taped you.”

  Malcolm’s smirk disappeared. “He didn’t.”

  “He did.”

  “Pipe wouldn’t.”

  Jay spat out the words. “Oh, you know him now?”

  Scanning the whispering people around us, Malcolm got a little closer and muttered, “And you want money for them?”

  “No, I want answers. What did you do to make Pipe run off?”

  Malcolm quirked his eyebrows. “Wouldn’t you have seen it on the video?”

  “He didn’t tape the last time you both were together.”

  “Too bad.” Malcolm winked like a devil watching a playground of children die. “He should’ve taped it. That night, I did my best work on your friend’s face.”

  At that moment, I forgot what I was going to say to Jay. Something about the way Malcolm said your friend as if that was all Pipe had ever been to the man. Someone else’s friend. Not his. Not a human. Not someone to love or treasure or treat with some sort of respect.

  What did you do to him, you piece of shit? You cut his face?

  My eyes watered.

  “All over his face, huh?” Adrenaline blazed through my veins. I fisted my hands, drew my right back, and landed one straight to Malcolm’s jaw. “How’s your face?!”

  The punk lost his balance and tilted back like the old man that he was. I got him in his gut before he hit the floor. Jay might’ve kicked him in the side. I wasn’t sure because, at that moment, things got serious.

  Almost everyone held their phones up to take the scene in. People at the bar gathered their purses and belongings and gave us some distance. The bartender headed our way, and he didn’t look happy. Neither did the hostess as she fast walked to our end of the bar.

  “Get up!” Jay roared. “You can cut up my friend and leave him right there to die, spilling his own blood, but you can’t take a punch?”

  People whispered around us. I couldn’t catch who was saying what, but people were definitely talking. I only caught parts of conversation.

  “Did you hear that? Malcolm Ward cut someone?”

  “Can’t be. I think this Jason Taylor guy is on drugs. Steroids probably.”

  “They’re all doing it now.”

  “Why hasn’t someone called the police?”

  Groaning, Malcolm rubbed his jaw and tried to get up. A man sitting at the table next to us looked like he was about to help Malcolm up, gazed up at Jay, and must’ve reconsidered because he looked away.

  “Get up!” Jay yelled. “You cheat on your kids and wife with my friend, and then you cut up my friend like he’s nothing! Get up you piece of shit!”

  Two servers crashed into each other. They must’ve been looking at our scene as they balanced those trays on their heads. Both people bumped into the other. Food fell from their heads and splattered all over the ground. Some of it hit the table next to them. A woman jumped up and shrieked, wiping the yellow soup from her white dress. “Oh my God, Cecil! Look what they’ve done to my—”

  “Evie, run!” Jay grabbed my arm and dragged me away before I could get what happened with the women and the servers. “Ward must have some men or something.”

  I checked where he was looking. Sure enough, two bulky guys in suit jackets and pants barreled our way. “Fuck.”

  “Yeah.” He stepped over Malcolm. “See you later you adulterous attempted murderer!”

  “Oh!” A woman shrieked and held her hand against her chest.

  “Come on, Evie.” Jay pulled at me as I tried to flip my damn high heels off. If we ran, I would do it barefoot. I was sure there were probably many other options that we could’ve taken in that moment. But, Jay and I had both lost our tempers.

  Once my shoes came off, Jay rushed away with me, and all I could do was be dragged away as I glanced back. The guards got to Malcolm and kneeled next to him as if checking to see if he was okay.

  I don’t know why, but something caught my attention on the wall behind the bartender. I got out of Jay’s grip and stumbled forward, but my focus remained on the bar’s TV behind me.

  Oh shit.

  The popular sports show Back to Back played. Three football legends sat in suits and Jay’s picture showed above their heads.

  Why are they talking about Jay? Is it more draft pick predictions?

  I slowed down and almost vomited as the show switched to a video. On the screen, Jay crept along the hotel balcony naked.

  “Evie!” Jay rushed back and got me.

  “Jay!” I pointed to the TV.

  “We’ll be fine.” He didn’t even look that way as he rushed us forward.

  “But Jay!”

  “Hurry, Evie.”

  Once we got outside, Jay flagged a cab. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “Good, everything went according to plan.”

  “What was the plan again?” I asked out of breath and slow jogging with him to the vehicle. One of my nipples popped between one of the copper straps. I pushed it back in but knew Jay had caught it. “Put your tongue back in your mouth, Jay, and then close it.”

  “I like that nipple.”

  “Not really important right now. I have to tell you something.” I checked behind us. No one had come out. Maybe it had been Ward’s guards, and he’d told them not to go after us. “Okay. Good. For a minute there, I thought we made a complete fool of ourselves and might’ve gotten you more national news coverage.”

  “Naw.” He nervously wiped away the sweat from his forehead. “That would just be crazy, and trust me, I’m saying that with a whole lot of sarcasm. Sheila is going to kill me.”

  “Do you think Malcolm will press charges?”

  “No, not if he doesn’t want Pipe to press charges.”

  “True.” I panted. “Yeah. Uh, did you happen to see the television screen at the bar?�

  “No.” He opened the cab’s door. “I was busy making a fool out of myself and getting only a tiny bit of revenge out of my system. Only a tiny bit. I need more.”

  I jumped in and quickly scooted over in the backseat, so he could get in. “We need to talk about the whole balcony thing.”

  “What balcony thing?”

  I pulled out my phone, did a quick google search of his name, found the video, cringed, and played it for him.

  “Fuck!” His phone buzzed some more. “Can a man walk across the balcony naked without it going viral?!”

  Chapter Sixteen


  Kush’s stolen painting lay next to the bathroom door. For some reason, I kept the image on display instead of turning it over and having it face the other way.

  Does Kush really think I look like that?

  I studied the image all day as I lay in bed. Me, the bruised angel, floated in the sky. My cut face looked sad, not wearing a frown, but definitely on the verge of tears.

  Kush possessed major talent. Though injured, my face showed color and exquisite shaping. The bluish-purple marks near my cheek bones served more like a rouge than the evidence of abuse. Every feather could be spotted on the white wings that spread out from my muscled body. He made sure to keep me only in battered pants.

  Why is he so fascinated with the scars?

  The rest of me lay naked—bare feet and scarred flesh, hard lines of muscle amid discolored skin. My chest looked like a warrior’s torso, a hot one. I could’ve been on the cover of one of those trashy paranormal romances novels about scratched up angels in desperate need of love and cock.

  That reminds me. I should read more.

  After a while, I couldn’t look at the angel. I started to like him too much. This bruised angel was growing on me.

  No. This isn’t some fantasy story. I’m real. He’s real. And Malcolm hurt me more than anyone could. I won’t wear these scars with pride. I won’t smile and embrace it.

  I checked out the other parts of the painting. A stormy sky thundered and crackled lightning behind me. And then I spotted something far off on the ground in the distance.

  What’s that?

  I got out of bed to get a closer look, tip-toeing across the room.

  That’s a man. Kush painted someone else in the painting? How didn’t I see this before?

  I leaned closer and squinted.

  Is that him?

  The man kneeled on the ground far below the angel. Light brown dreadlocks hung around and hid his face. He remained on his knees with his hands in a prayer position.

  “Who’s supposed to save who?” I dragged myself back to bed and wondered what Kush was praying for in the picture.

  Mostly, I hid under my blankets, slept a few hours here and there, and sulked the rest. I kept the air conditioner temperature low yet freezing. The machine’s buzzing served as a lullaby. Silence came from next door. No music, fighting, or sex.

  I might’ve appreciated the sounds of sex.

  In those chilly moments within the folds of soft fabric, I touched myself and imagined Kush’s hands all over Saka. I wasn’t ready to be a star in my own masturbation fantasy. The scars did that. They made me doubt my own sexiness. Who would want to lay next to me, a man who had once been drooled at who now looked like a freak show?

  But Kush and Saka, together in bed. She had curves like Evie—thick hips and enticing mounds. There was something so beautiful about a woman’s body. I didn’t desire them, but I could never stop looking at one and appreciating the naked art.

  I’m so horny right now I could probably do some serious damage to a nice wet...anything. Anyone.

  I rubbed my body in the mattress, relishing in the feeling of something caressing my flesh. I yearned for lips—kissing my neck, brushing against the curve of my chest, and wrapped around my cock, hard and sucking until I released all over the person’s face.

  Anybody’s face.







  Old or my age.

  I ran my fingers through my hair and savored the silky feel of my hair. “Mmmm.”

  Someone save me.

  In my head, Saka climbed Kush’s solid frame, and he grunted in need as he bit that full lip. I’d stared at that plump mouth the whole time while he painted me. Kush lay on his back with his hands splayed across the bed and his dick standing up ready to be mounted. “Ride me, Saka.”

  And she obeyed, sliding her soft folds onto the top of his dick, the stalk thick and long, the point bulging and warm like mine did against my thigh.

  My cock sprung up in my pants. It ached to be stroked, sucked, lathered with saliva by someone’s tongue, and enclosed in warm slippery flesh.

  “Mmmm.” I groaned and pushed away the covers, pulled off my boxer briefs, slung them on the floor, and slid my hands along the outline of muscle on my stomach. Satin used to cover my six pack. Now all that lay were bruises and hard, jagged lines along my skin. They scraped at my fingertips and my stomach tightened into disgust.

  Don’t think about that. Picture Kush and what he would do to that beautiful Saka. God, both of them have amazing bodies. Why would they lay next to me like that? Were they teasing me? I should go over there, knock, and show them why they call me Pipe.

  I grabbed the lotion from my nightstand. One of Evie’s presents.

  “What do you want for Christmas?” she asked.

  Devilish thoughts swirled in my head, but I didn’t go there with Evie. “I want that lotion that you’re always wearing.”

  She laughed. “Rose Passion? The same bottle you’ve mocked me all year about?”

  “Yes. It’s named Rose Passion. The company expected people to mock it.”

  “And you want that for Christmas?”

  “Yes. A box of a whole bunch of them. Can you afford it?”

  “Yes. I’m not a high-end girl. All of my expensive shoes and clothes are from you and Jay.”

  “They’re all from me. If Jay gets them, I pick it out.


  “Either way, I want a big ass box of them.”


  I licked my lips and wondered if she was naked over the other line. “None of your business.”

  “You’re being weird.”

  I forced myself to stop thinking of her in that way. “Aren’t I always weird?”


  Tears fell from my eyes. I blinked within the shadows of my studio, wiped them away, and pushed the old conversation out of my mind.

  Evie never knew that I used that Rose Passion lotion only for jacking off. Shit. I didn’t know why I did it either. Sometimes I just liked to have Evie’s presence in the room, witnessing my nasty private moments.

  Sick. That’s the shit that got me into this mess.

  An exasperated breath left my lips.

  This is the worst jerk off session ever. I’m crying and reminiscing.

  I poured some lotion into my hand and massaged it along my cock. Evie’s scent filled the air, and I went harder than I’d been in weeks. There was a sense of safety in the room. Like if Evie stood in there, I could be confident that nothing would happen to me. She wouldn’t judge my thoughts like Jay. She’d just love me. Touch me. Kiss every scar and tell me that she’d punch the hell out of the demon I once loved. She’d protect me. Fuck me. Help me forget the person I used to be.

  “Evie,” I moaned.

  Instead of Saka, Evie rode Kush. Those lush breasts with chocolate nipples poked the air. How many times had I seen them and craved to touch them? Not many, but damn sure enough for Jay to be worried. No one knew. It gave me the few times to safely slip my hands along those mounds when Evie came so close that all I could do was breathe her in, and never let go.

  I thrust into my closed fists. “How’s his cock, Evie? Do you like it, baby?”

  Kush clasped his hands on her soft as
s and lifted her up and down on him, taking control. His balls slapped against her bottom. Her wetness drenched them, and I wished I could transport myself there and lick them both. Just position myself between Kush’s thighs, lower my head, and lap at it all—the slick path from cunt to the rose bud of her ass, Kush’s taint, and anything else I could get my tongue on.

  “Fuck him, Evie.” My cock surged on fire as I stroked myself with no mercy, Rose Passion swarming all around me, dripping between my fingers, and spilling down to my thighs. “Take it, baby.”

  Kush flipped Evie onto her back and pounded into her. The bed moved under them, and I wished I was right there, sliding myself behind Kush, spreading his ass apart and thrusting hard into him.

  Or would I pull him off of Evie and start with her first? Who needed it more? Who deserved my attention? Who would groan louder and appreciate this cock busting come all over their skin? Who would smear those milky white drops into their skin?

  Evie was the best type of naughty girl. She loved sex, and she relished in fucking. I caught Jay inside of her more than once. It made me crazy to watch them. Passion and Heat. Hard things going into soft things. Lush and Solid. Both my friends. Both people I loved.

  Yes. Both of them.

  Kush’s face shifted to Jay.

  “Fuck!” I bucked into my lotion enclosed fists. The bed rocked. The headboard slammed, but I refused to slow my pace.

  Fuck it if Saka and Kush hear me. I’m horny and in need of release.

  “Take her!” I groaned.

  And then a boom sounded at the door.

  No! Damn it! No!

  I froze in the center of the bed, slippery erect cock in hand and heart pounding in my chest. I had to catch my breath and wipe the sweat off my forehead.

  Someone knocked again.

  Maybe if I don’t answer, the dumb ass will go away.

  “Pipe.” Kush banged the door again. “Rise and shine, Angel. Day is almost done. Finish jacking off and come outside.”

  I rolled over and buried my face into the pillow.

  “The walls are thin.” Kush knocked again. “And you are horny, my Friend. Who are you pounding into in there?”

  I raised my head off the pillow. “Go away!”


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