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Conquering Jude

Page 8

by Dakota Trace

Without a word, Jude let go of the manacles. Pivoting, he offered the mistress his back. A twinge raced over him. It’s not cheating, dammit! It doesn’t matter if Olivia is the only one I’ve ever offered my back to before. If I’m going to contemplate joining this lifestyle, I have to get over my wariness of being attacked.

  * * * *

  Jackson sighed and moved to leave. “Such a stubborn ass. All he can see is sexual submission!” Frustration laced his voice and he raked his hand through his dark hair. “Olivia can get that anywhere, Micah.”

  “I know. But shut up and look at your friend, Master Jackson.”

  Jackson turned to the window. His jaw dropped. Jude was no longer kneeling in front of Svetlana. Instead he was standing against the wall, his body completely vulnerable to the woman with his back exposed. And it was of his own free will. No manacles bound his friend. Instead Jude was holding onto them. What the fuck? He won’t even give me his back and he’s willingly offering it to a stranger?

  Jackson watched as Svetlana rubbed the crop over Jude’s back. “You say you want to lick my pussy. What will you do to convince me to let you?” When Jude hesitated, her voice firmed. “Remember, slave. Each time you hesitate or try to lie to me, you will be punished. ”

  To Jackson’s amazement instead of jerking around or even letting go of the manacles, Jude began to speak – albeit slowly. “What do you want?”

  “You know what I want. I want your control gone.” She brought down the crop on the swell where his ass met his back. The muscles in his arms strained and his hands tightened around the manacles as the sound of leather striking flesh echoed through the speaker. Micah winced in sympathy.

  “I can’t.” Jude’s voice was bleak.

  “Not acceptable!” Her tone was firm. “You will submit!”

  Jude’s head dropped towards the wall as she began raining blows, some light, some hard, over his muscular back.

  Micah watched raptly as Jude swayed with each stroke against his skin. The other man’s body remained lax despite the lash of pain Micah knew had to be consuming. The blows continued to strike with a steady rhythm.

  “Are you ready to submit?” Svetlana wasn’t even breathing heavily despite the work out she’d just given Jude.

  “Can I just eat you? Please?” Jude was panting and Jackson could tell it was from his arousal. The beating Svetlana had just given him had done nothing to force his submission and everything to stroke Jude’s desire higher.

  “Why should I let you? So you can hold the power?” She grasped his hair and pulled his head back to stare into his eyes. “Is that it? You want to make me beg to come? I bet once you get your mouth between my thighs, you’ll try to take total control of my pleasure.”

  His head shook. “No. I want to you to tell me when to make you come.” His body shook with need. “If you need or want longer or prolonged cunnilingus – a slow savoring – tell me.” His breath broke in his chest. “If you want to be devoured – give me the order and I’ll consume your pussy until you’re pushing me away because of the pleasure.”

  “That certain of your talents in bed?”

  A cross between a muffled laugh and groan escaped him. “I haven’t had any complaints so far.” A sharp moan filtered through the speaker when the crop met flesh once more. Jackson winced when he saw the welt she left behind. Jude’s body twisted but he refused to let go of the manacles. Jackson caught a glimpse of the straining erection tenting his friend’s shorts. The dark head of his penis was visible above the waistband.

  “Damn, she’s not playing around, is she?” Jackson said softly to Micah.

  He shook his head. “No, I asked her to push him. He’s so ready to submit but something is holding him back. I was hoping with her striking resemblance to Olivia, she might be able to sneak past his walls and reach the inner submissive we know is in there.”

  Svetlana’s voice was hard. “I didn’t ask for a smart ass, slave. Now answer the question.”

  Jude’s breath hissed out. “Hearing a woman order me to please her stimulates me. I’m a freak and I know it! The women I’m attracted to know it. I want to be ordered around. The nastier the command, the better I like it and…” he gave a sigh. “…and if I like something, I put a hundred and ten percent into it. As a result the women are satisfied.”

  “Why do you like it?”

  He paused as if he hadn’t expected her question. His voice trembled with uncertainty as he answered. “You think it’s because I am a submissive?”

  A cry escaped him when the crop struck him again.

  “I know you are. All that’s left is for you to admit it, slave. Only a true submissive would feel that way.” Her displeasure was obvious.

  “Fuck!” His voice tightened and his head dropped forward.

  “So fucking close. Just let go, Jude.” Jackson’s voice was barely audible. He looked over at Micah. “How’s he hanging on?”

  “It’s a combination of fear and stubbornness. I’ve come to the conclusion your friend is amongst the variety of people who need to be shown before they believe.” Micah pushed off the glass. “He needs Olivia and she needs him, so I’m not going to let him fuck up his last chance.”

  Jackson raised a brow. “You’re not?”

  “Nope. He’s not sleeping, Jackson. He’s barely functioning. Jude needs her and is trying his damnedest to be what she needs but he’s lost.” He kicked his shoes off. “I’m going to show him the way.”

  Jackson groaned as Micah headed towards the door. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Joining them. I’m tired of fucking around. If seeing is believing to Jude, he’s about to get an eyeful.”

  * * * *

  The burn of the crop against his skin had the breath hissing out from between Jude’s teeth. With each stroke of the wicked instrument against his skin, he could feel it in his nuts. God I want to come!

  There was a pause in the continuous pleasure-pain. His head jerked when he heard Micah’s voice.

  “Mistress, can I help?”

  “Do you think you can do better than I?” The cold mockery of her voice had Jude shuddering. The woman was definitely not happy to be interrupted.

  “No, Mistress, but I’ve been in his shoes. Let me help him with this. You won’t regret it.”

  There was a pause. “If I do and you succeed, then I get both of you for the rest of the evening, Micah.”

  “Just me, Mistress. If I succeed - you get only me.” Micah’s voice sounded funny.


  Jude’s heart sped up when Micah appeared in front of him, completely nude. His eyes widened. The man’s body was marked with various welts. Did Olivia do that? His eyes met Micah’s.

  “Yes, Mistress Olivia did this for me – because I wanted it. I know you’re not into anything this severe in pain, and neither is Mistress, but she does it to me because I love it.”

  Jude’s mouth dried out as Micah turned around. The dark skin of his back was far worse than his front.

  “She cares about her submissives and rewards their desires of submission. Isn’t that what you need? A woman who doesn’t expect you to apologize for having darker desires? A Mistress who actually luxuriates in the fact you do? Don’t you want the same acceptance?”

  The wall surrounding Jude’s base needs cracked and then crumbled. Oh, God. Tears stung Jude’s eyes. Before his eyes, he was actually seeing the proof of Micah’s words. Jude had seen Olivia in the past do things to men in the club, despite her own feelings on the tasks because she simply knew the men needed it. She’d never turn from me, like Kathleen did – scared and unable to accept or fulfill my needs. Nor would she ridicule my need to be dominated. “Yes.” His head hung. “I’m a submissive - and it scares the shit out of me.”

  * * * *

  Jackson gave a sigh of relief as he heard the admission past Jude’s lips. “Thank God!” He was just getting ready to turn away when his cell rang. Lifting the phone, he swore when he saw the number.
  “Fuck!” He hit the button and held the phone to his ear. “Yeah.” He paused “Fuck! I’ll be there in shortly.” He shut the phone before entering the playroom. Micah glanced up. “Well, Jude you’re going to have to decide right now. Your time has run out. Olivia’s been hurt.”

  Jude and Micah both paled. “What’s happened?” gasped Jude.

  Jackson’s mouth thinned. “Olivia was attacked at her home. The medics are taking her to the hospital right now. Jude, you have guard duty tonight and are going to have to make Olivia believe you’ve accepted the fact you’re a submissive, or my ass is going to be stuck watching her.” Jackson gave Jude a hard look. “And if that happens, I’m kicking your ass, and not in a good way.”

  Jude nodded tiredly. “I understand.” Releasing the manacles, he turned and apologized to Svetlana. “I’m sorry but I have to go, Mistress.”

  Svetlana stepped closer. She cupped his cheek. “No apologies are needed, Jude. You’re my cousin’s even if she hasn’t claimed you yet. She’s the Mistress you need. I’m just happy to have helped you finally realize it. Go take care of my stubborn-ass cousin. Don’t let her run you away.”

  “Thank you, Mistress.”

  Jude gathered his clothing and quickly dressed. When Micah reached for his, she stopped him. “You and I will settle up later, mal-chick.”

  Micah paused. “Of course! At your earliest convenience, Mistress.”

  She gave him a saucy smile “Exactly.”

  * * * *

  Staring at his trembling hands, Jude tried to control his nerves. Sitting in the hospital waiting room down the hall from where his Mistress was being attended and not knowing anything – not the medical details or if she’d even let him be in her presence, was playing hell on his nerves.

  He’d listened to Jackson and Micah bicker back and forth on the way to the hospital. Jackson wasn’t certain Jude would be able to convince Olivia of his change of heart while Micah had his back. The constant bickering had him wanting to fucking ring both of their necks. While he didn’t appreciate Jackson’s lack of faith, Micah’s total conviction in him was grating on his nerves. Fuck! I just need to see her. I’ve got to make sure she’s okay. Even if she kicks my ass out, I need to see with my own two eyes she’s all right.

  “Mr. Larson?” A doctor in dark blue scrubs stood in the doorway.

  “Yes.” Jude immediately stood up.

  “Ms. Metjka is asking for you. Follow me.”

  He nodded. When they paused in front of the door, the doctor gave him a stern look. “She’s got a concussion and a fractured wrist. We’re keeping her overnight for observation, but she insisted on seeing you. Please make it quick.”

  Jude gave him a quick jerk of his head. He was just getting ready to open the door when the doctor took his arm. “Don’t upset her. We had to give her a sedative already.”

  He scowled at the doctor. “Why the hell did you sedate her? If she has a concussion that’s the last thing she needs.”

  “She came to in the emergency room and used a leather crop we weren’t aware she had on the doctor who was examining her wrist. Even with sedation I ended up using restraints on her. We just removed them and I won’t be happy if I have to put them back on.”

  A weary chuckle escaped Jude. That’s my Mistress. “Did you take the crop away?”

  “Yes we did, and I don’t find this funny, Mr. Larson. Dr. Sanchez had to have several stitches to close up the wound she gave him. Why the fool won’t press charges is beyond me.”

  “Because he knows she was just reacting to the extreme pain.” Jackson’s voice was brisk as he walked up to the two men. “Now why don’t you let my friend go in and see her before she comes after you with her cane?”

  The doctor flushed before stalking away.

  “Did she honestly use her crop on Carlos’s brother?”

  Jackson nodded. “Now get your ass in there and convince that hellion to let you be her bodyguard.”

  Jude gave a deep sigh before pushing open the door. “Wish me luck.”

  “You’re going to need it.” Jackson’s words were barely audible as the door shut behind Jude.

  * * * *

  Approaching the bed, Jude’s heart fluttered before speeding up. Laying in a hospital bed with her wrist in a cast, his Mistress looked so vulnerable. Her lashes were fanned over her cheeks while her normally olive skin was pale against the white sheets. Dropping into the chair next to the bed, he cradled his head in his hands. “Damn, what did they do to you, Mistress?”

  “Broke my wrist when he slammed me into my fridge.” Her voice was tired. His head flew up as her dark eyes met his.

  “I’m sorry.” He reached for her good hand. Just before he touched it, he let his hand fall to the bed. “I need to touch you, Mistress. Please?”

  “No.” Her refusal was soft, her eyes searching.

  “I…yes, Mistress.” His nerve endings felt raw. He dropped his eyes. Great now that I’ve accepted my submission is part of me, she no longer wants me.

  “Do you have anything to say to me, Jude?”

  He drew a ragged breath. “I…yes, Mistress.” He slid out of the chair to kneel next to the bed. “I want to be submissive to you. I realize now it isn’t weak of me to want to submit to you and you alone. Submissive doesn’t have to be interchangeable with doormat.”

  “Of course not.” Her eyes were closing from the medication. “I never asked for a doormat. As a Domme, I’ve always wanted a man who is strong enough to submit to me. To let me be in charge of his pleasure — or the lack of it.” She gave a weary chuckle. “I’ve been told I’ve got a bit of a sadistic streak in me. Do you think you could handle that? Having me arouse you to the point of madness and then watch me walk away?”

  Jude stared at her. “Would you eventually return?”

  She nodded. “I always return, Jude. Even when a slave thinks I’m gone, I’m never far away. I take my responsibilities as a Domme seriously.”

  “Then I could submit to you, Mistress, very easily in fact.”

  She searched his face, before closing her eyes again. Her expression was saddened as if she’d come to a conclusion. “How I wish I could believe that. Empty words mean nothing, Jude. I’ve seen you promise one thing and do another. I can’t – no I won’t risk it.”

  Jude felt as if the wind had been knocked out of him. “Mistress?”

  “Go, Jude.”

  His anger flared. Like hell she’s going to dismiss me!


  Her eyes opened in surprise. “You tell me you’re willing to be submissive and then you argue with me?” A bitter laugh escaped her. “As I said, the lips say one thing while the body does another.”

  “Not interchangeable with doormat, Mistress.” He dug for his patience. “You never asked me why I reacted the way I did the night you punished me.”

  “I know why you struck out at me, Jude.” Her voice was resigned.

  He cocked his head. “Do you really?”

  She gave him a look. “Fine, tell me and then go.”

  “I came from nothing more than feeling your flogger against my ass. It aroused me to the point where I lost control over my body for the first time since I was a teenager. It scared the shit out of me. My dad told me cowing down to any woman was wrong and finding pleasure in what we did…” he took a deep breath. “…is a disgusting perversion.”

  “And now?”

  “I know it’s not. My body likes the bite of pain with its pleasure. But it loves being told what to do even more. I went to a club with Micah. I met a Mistress there. Her name was Janice. She took both Micah and me to a play room. She ordered me around like you did. She even had me…” he swallowed roughly. “…jack Micah off for her, just because she wanted to see my pale hands on his dark body.”

  Olivia’s breath rasped in her throat. He wondered if she wanted to see the same thing.

  “Did it arouse you, Jude, to put your hands on Micah?”

shook his head. “No, Mistress. But the idea of pleasing Janice did.”

  “Good, you’re making progress even if it’s slow. You’ll make some Domme a wonderful submissive someday.” She closed her eyes, dismissing him.

  His jaw clenched at the dismissal. He went on as if he hadn’t heard it. “But it was missing something, Mistress.”

  “What was it missing?”

  A rough sigh escaped him. “You, Mistress. I wanted you there, enjoying Micah and I – the two of us together. But evidently it’s not going to happen. I know I can’t force you to accept me. What a fucking fool I’ve been.” He rose off his knees. “Don’t give Jackson too much grief. He only took on your company because I asked it of him. Do as he says, so you stay safe. Let him do his job.”

  “What if I say I’d rather have you, Jude?”

  He paused by the door and turned to see her eyes on him. “I’d say it’s not nice to get this submissive’s hopes up, Mistress.”

  “Stay, Pet. We’ll talk more in the morning. Damn drugs make me so tired.” She yawned deeply before drowsily pointing to the chair next to the bed.

  Jude had to swallow around the huge lump in his throat. “Yes, Mistress.” He sank into the chair beside the bed. Relief filled him. He had one foot back in the door. I will not fuck this up. Please, God, don’t let me fuck this up.

  Chapter Seven

  “Man, that doesn’t even look comfortable. Some bodyguard he is.”

  “Leave him alone, Levough! He’s been up all night. He just dozed off an hour ago. Besides, I think he looks cute – all rumpled. I don’t remember the last time a man stayed up all night just to watch over me.”

  The deep rumble of Jackson’s voice followed by the softer tones of Olivia’s reply barely grazed Jude’s sleep-laden mind. A muffled grunt passed his lips as he attempted to stretch and wake. The tight confines of the plastic chair he’d fallen asleep in during the wee hours of dawn had not been kind to his body.


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