The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2]

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The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2] Page 7

by CJ England

  "Oh, Patrick ... This Gate is not just closed. It has been destroyed."

  "Sweet mercy,” Patrick breathed out. His eyes went to the blue pool of light. “That can't be. This Gate has to be able to reopen.” He looked back at Danolas and there was fear in his face. “You have to be wrong."

  "I'm sorry, my friend.” Danolas’ eyes were full of pity. “It is no mistake. When Adrian shut this Gate, he destroyed the doorway. What you see here is nothing but a memory ... an old picture of what once was."

  "Are you saying no one can get to Heaven anymore? That there is no Gate to Heaven?” Benjamin looked back and forth between Kira and Danolas.

  "Not in this city.” The witch walked over and put his hand on Patrick's shoulder.

  The shade gazed at him, pain written all over his face. “Can you fix the doorway? Can you return it to what it once was?"

  "No ... I can't. But I won't let that stop me from trying to find another way. I will not give up on this. You must not either.” Danolas looked back at Kira for help.

  Immediately, she stepped forward and put her arms around Patrick. “This is not your fault. This was done long before you became leader."

  "My fault or not...” Patrick's voice was hoarse with emotion. “I am responsible now. I must find a way to reopen this Gate."

  "Or build a new one.” Koran stepped forward and they felt him send his own magick into the void. “Danolas is right, Patrick. There is nothing here to reopen, but that doesn't mean we have to give up hope. If a Gate was built once, perhaps we can build it a second time."

  "This changes things,” Lucas muttered as he paced the room. “Whoever closed the Gate never planned on reopening it. Now I wonder if the Gate to Hell is closed for good as well."

  "That must be our next stop,” Kira said, looking worriedly up at Patrick. The shade's face was grim and unhappy. She gave him another squeeze. “We will figure this out, Patrick. Do not worry. You are not alone anymore."

  Patrick blinked, as he focused on her face for the first time. He had been so caught up in his anger and fear, he'd literally forgotten her and the others. He managed a shaky smile and cupped Kira's soft cheek in his hand. “I almost forgot that, sugar. But I won't again.” He gripped her hand firmly in his and then looked around at the other Chosen. “The Gate to Hell is in the big ballroom. Follow me."

  * * * *

  When Kira stepped into the ballroom, she was taken aback by the number of shades that had crammed themselves into the large room. So many unhappy thoughts. Even filtering them out, she could hear them. Sorrow, anger, even hatred were the emotions that permeated this room. She wondered if it was because of the Gate. Were the negative emotions in here because Hell was thought to be such an unpleasant place?

  She reached over and took Gallegar's hand. He looked down and smiled the smoky, seductive smile that tripped her heart whenever he flashed it at her.

  Here was love. No hate, or anger or sadness. Just his love for her. It was something to hold onto in this frightening place.

  Patrick stopped in front of the far wall. It was completely bare, with plaster peeling in long strips falling to the floor. The floor was bent and buckled in places.

  "Here it is, sugar. Are ya ready?” The shade glanced back over his shoulder at her. Taking a deep breath, she nodded and made her way up next to him. Patrick put out his hands and sent power streaming against the wall.

  "Show yourself..."

  The vortex appeared suddenly, taking everyone, even Patrick, by surprise. Hurriedly, they all stepped back.

  It was huge, almost twice as big as Heaven's Gate, and its power was much more intense. The swirling color was almost blinding to the eyes—a hot yellow-orange tangle of brilliant hues.

  The colors were so vivid, the sight of them almost made Kira sick to her stomach as she continued to stand there, battered by the Gate's power. It reminded her of the pictures she had seen of the sun, with its leaping tendrils of flame. As she watched, her eyes became more used to the glare and she noticed something.

  "Did you see the vortex to Heaven moved clockwise, but this one moves counterclockwise?” Kira continued to stare at the Gate in fascination. “This is no memory ... this is the real thing."

  The Gate gave off an allure that repelled her. She remembered Patrick saying that was how the Gates pulled in only the people meant for it.

  Suddenly, a harsh voice broke into her musings. “Get away from there, human! You are not welcome here!"

  Kira turned and saw a group of about twenty shades standing off to the right of the Gate. They were a mixed group of the old and the young, but all had the same expression on their faces. Deep anger and mistrust.

  "Flora!” Patrick's voice held warning, as he strode over to stand between Kira and the group. “How dare you interfere? What do you think you are doing?"

  As one, the Chosen also moved and flanked Kira protectively.

  The woman named Flora stepped forward, gray eyes spitting anger at her leader. “You have desecrated the Gates by allowing this creature in here. She has no right here and we challenge your ability to lead our people. God knows you've made a mess of it so far."

  Patrick's jaw tensed, but when he spoke his words were diplomatic. “These people are here at my invitation. They are going to help us figure out what to do about the Gates. I don't need your permission, Flora. I am leader here. You have been on this plane just a few months. You know nothing of what has come before. I've done everything I know how to get the Gates reopened so ya'll can go to your rewards. When the Peacekeeper came to me, I saw someone with power enough to help me fix this problem. Not only that, she brings alliances with the most powerful supernaturals in the city. I'd be a fool to ignore such bounty and I ain't no fool."

  Flora took a step back when Patrick began to speak. His power was no trifling thing, but she was flushed with false bravery, due to the spirits at her back. “We all know you had Sebastian killed so you could take over. Did you tell the Peacekeeper and those others, you were the one who convinced him to go get help?"

  Patrick went so still, Kira knew Flora had struck a nerve. She waited for a moment to see what Patrick would say, but when he didn't respond, she cleared her throat.

  "So? Talking his leader into finding help was an intelligent thing to do. Why would we fault him for that?"

  "Because ... Patrick was the one who sent him to that horrible wizard. I've always thought it was because they were in it together. The wizard got rid of Sebastian for Patrick, so he could take over."

  There was another silence. Patrick knew if a shade could sweat, he'd be doing so. Would Kira believe Flora's lies and half truths? Would she turn and look at him with distrust in her eyes? He waited stiffly for her to speak. But he just turned and stared at what Kira did do.

  She started to giggle. She laughed so hard she leaned into Lucas so she wouldn't fall over. Patrick looked at the other Chosen, and they were all grinning back at him. He allowed himself to relax and his own grin broke free.

  Flora looked at Kira as if she had lost her mind. “You think this is funny?” Her face was so flushed, it was frightening. “He has someone killed and you think it's a joke?"

  Kira stopped laughing abruptly and her golden eyes pinned Flora so hard, the woman stumbled back a pace. “No,” she said, “It is not a joke. But you are ... if you think I would believe such a thing of your leader. He is a good and trustworthy man, who has done everything he could to help your kind. I will not hear another word against him. You are not worth spending anymore time with. Leave us, so we can help Patrick fix the Gates.” With that, she turned her back on Flora and took a step closer to Hell's Gate to continue her examination.

  Defeat was written all over Flora's face, as she watched Kira turn away. Looking back, she saw all those that were with her, swiftly moving off, hoping Patrick would pay them no more heed.

  Infuriated, she gave a chilling scream that had everyone turning back to her. “I will kill you!” she shrieked at Kira a
nd leaped through the air at her.

  Kira could see the hate glistening in her eyes. It seemed like the moment was caught in time, but Patrick, who was closest, managed to get an arm on Flora, giving her a strong shove. It sent her careening away from Kira and across the path of the Gate.

  It was then, all Hell ... literally ... broke loose.

  With a screaming roar like a runaway freight train, the Gate heaved. The vortex shuddered and began to pulsate rapidly. Like a whirling sunset, the maelstrom started to swirl faster and faster, till the ribbons of individual light were no longer visible. There was a thunderous explosion and the Gate became one solid wall of hot, burning, lavalike mass. Smoke billowed and fog poured out over the ground. An acrid burning smell began to permeate the air, causing all nearby to choke and gasp for air. Strange lights flashed on and off, making everyone turn away to protect their eyes.

  At that moment, the Gate heaved again and sucked in Flora, who was lying amid the reflections of color. She screamed ... this time, a sound of sheer terror.

  Without a thought for her own safety, Kira leaped into the burning mass of colored light. Heat slapped her in the face, making it almost impossible to breathe, but she reached out and grabbed the shade by the forearm. Instantly, her hand began to burn. She felt herself being pulled into the storm with Flora.

  "Gallegar!” she screamed, refusing to let go of the shade.

  Gallegar saw her sliding forward. Saw that Flora was in the clutches of something stronger than Kira, and he lunged forward with one arm, grabbing her around the waist. He too gave a shout of pain as his arm began to burn when it was enveloped in the odd yellow light.

  Kira felt Gallegar grab her and then her stomach began to burn like acid had been tossed on her. She screamed again, but refused to let go of the terrified shade. She watched in horror as the flesh on Flora's body began to burn. It shriveled and crisped, turning black. Then it began to peel away from her body and drop off, leaving muscle and bone that also began to burn and flake. The unfortunate shade's hair melted, and her scalp peeled back leaving Kira looking at eyeballs in a grinning skull's head.

  Flora's screams were like knives in Kira's ears, but still she held on. Once again she could feel herself slipping forward, even though Gallegar held her tightly.

  Behind her, Gallegar was fighting a losing battle. The strain on his arm was telling, and he didn't have to look down at it to know something horrible was happening. He shouted at Lucas and before he had even finished the shapeshifter's name, Lucas’ strong arm was linked with the vampire's, providing the anchor they needed. He heard the shouts of the other Chosen behind him, but he was too dizzy to understand them. All he knew was he needed to keep Kira safe, no matter what.

  Lucas’ arm wrapped tight around Gallegar's. The wolfman sensed Benjamin go into his extra strength mode and then grab Lucas around the waist. He was grateful for the extra energy. He had a feeling they would all need it.

  "What the hell has happened?" Koran roared above the screaming of the Gate. His hair whipped around him in the blasts of wind. The sheer heat made it hard to breathe. He stood with Danolas at the edge of the Gate, hands lifted as he tried to decide what to do.

  Patrick was standing behind them, shouting at Ethereals to get out of the room. When he heard the question, he turned back and his face was haunted. “The Gate has been opened! Somehow, the Gate was activated."

  Kira heard none of what was happening outside the Gate. She desperately held onto Flora as the shade's body was pulled inexorably into the vortex. Flora didn't have much of a face left, but Kira could see the terror in the Ethereal's eyes. Kira knew instinctively that Flora, even though she was a troublemaker, didn't belong in Hell. She forced her eyes to meet the burning shade's grisly gaze.

  "I will not let go,” she promised.

  Suddenly, the Gate changed. The vortex still pulled at Kira, but the screaming sound of wind and terror ceased, leaving behind a false calm, like what might be felt at the center of a hurricane. Kira looked down and saw Flora had mercifully fallen into unconsciousness. All around her the colors faded and separated into different pictures.

  She watched in amazement as houses began to appear, then streets, and finally trees and flowers. Soon, before her, was a beautiful pastoral setting, complete with mooing cows and dogs barking in the distance. It was unbelievable. And totally, utterly, wrong.

  "This is not right,” Kira muttered to herself. “This is not Hell.” Then she heard the laughter. Soft and incredibly evil sounding, it made her shudder to hear it.

  "You can see through my illusion?"

  The voice was so quiet, Kira couldn't tell where it was coming from. She held Flora's arm firmly and looked straight ahead of her. A section of colors coalesced again and left a small spot of darkness in the corner of the beautiful scene. Out of the darkness came a face, one that could live in a nightmare.

  His face was twisted and sneering, his expression filled with so much hate, Kira didn't know whether to pity him or be afraid. Cold red eyes glared at her. Then he smiled and sharp pointed teeth showed, along with a blue forked tongue that flicked in and out as he breathed. She had never felt such pure evil before now.

  "I have been expecting you, Peacekeeper.” The face grinned and hate-filled eyes widened in glee. “Although, not so soon. I thought I had a bit more time to put together my surprise for you. But this one...” He pointed to the unconscious Flora. “This one sprung my trap a little early."

  "But how?” Kira asked. “The Gates are closed. How can one shade open them?"

  The face chortled evilly. “She had enough anger to break through the seal I had on it. I was preparing to open it soon, you see and so the Gate was unspelled. She got caught."

  He took in a deep breath and the pull on Flora increased. “Why not let her go?” he whispered. “She wouldn't help you if things were reversed. She would let you die.” His voice had taken on a mesmerizing sound, as if he was trying to hypnotize her into letting go of Flora.

  "No!” Kira said firmly. “She does not belong here and I gave her my word."

  "Your word.” The face swirled back into the darkness and then popped out again with a harsh chuckle. “I'm afraid you won't be keeping your word. You see, just because I wasn't expecting you, doesn't mean I'm not going to take advantage of having you here."

  "What does that mean?"

  The face laughed again. “It means ... I am going to keep you, my dear. You aren't going anywhere."

  * * * *

  Outside the Gate, the Chosen were getting worried. Gallegar was barely conscious, hanging on to Kira with willpower alone. They tried to pull her out, but she was frozen inside, like a statue, her eyes fixed on a sight none of them could see. Danolas could see on the psychic plain, both Kira and Gallegar had serious injuries, and that alone was worth getting them away from the Gate. But no matter what he and Koran tried, they couldn't make the Gate release Flora and by the stranglehold Kira had on her arm, if Flora wasn't going, neither was the Peacekeeper.

  Patrick paced back and forth, speaking in a near shout over the sound of the Gate. “Maybe if I were to go in? I'm stronger than Flora. Together, we could get them out."

  "You can't go near the Gate, my friend,” Danolas admonished him. “It can only hold the dead. Look at both Flora and Gallegar. They are the ones who burn. Kira is burned because she touches them. If you were to go inside, the Gate would take you as well. We can't risk that."

  "Then what the hell can we do?” panted Lucas. His blond hair was matted to his head with sweat, his efforts to keep Gallegar out of the light, costing him as well.

  "We will keep trying spells, but until we find the right one, we can't do anything.” Koran sent another amber shaft of power at the Gate. He watched in disgust as it was absorbed into the shifting colors.

  Danolas frowned as he looked at Kira's frozen form. “She should be helping us, but she isn't. Maybe there is something going on in there we can't see."

  Benjamin groa
ned as he shifted his weight and braced Lucas again. “I hope we figure this out quickly, because we can't do this forever."

  "We ... will hold ... on,” Gallegar gritted out. His elegant shirt was soaked with perspiration and tattered beyond repair. His right arm had been pulled in up to the shoulder and it got blacker and blacker as the minutes went by. He kept his eyes on Kira. “I will ... not let ... her go."

  * * * *

  Back inside the Gate, Kira stared at the face in horror. “Who are you?” she choked out, her mind spinning at his declaration she wouldn't be leaving Hell.

  "Who I am isn't important, my dear.” The face enlarged until she was standing right in front of it. Face to face as it were. “But what I am is."

  Her power flickered. “You are a demon."

  Its eyes narrowed and then a feral grin lit its face. “Yes, a demon. But not just any demon. I am the Gatekeeper of Hell.” It was said with a twisted kind of pride.

  Kira chewed on her lip. Maybe she could get some information. “So what? What good is a Gatekeeper?"

  She reared back in surprise, as the face howled and increased its size to take up all the space in the Gate. She was pressed close enough to smell the rancid scent of the demon's hidden body and feel the whispers of air moving as his tongue went back and forth from his lips.

  "The Gatekeeper is the most important position in Hell, you foolish girl,” the demon spat out angrily. “I am the one that leads those poor lost souls to their final reward.” His laughter swelled out for a moment. “I send them to exactly what they deserve."

  Kira listened, aghast at the demon's joy in his work. She saw in his face he would have no mercy for those shades that made the mistake of not believing in that higher power. The demon would find great joy in torturing and maiming any who came his way.

  "But why do you want me?” she asked curiously. “And why did you close the Gates? If you are this important demon, why would you make it so you cannot do your job?"


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