The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2]

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The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2] Page 8

by CJ England

  The demon chuckled again, a sound that ran like slime down Kira's back, making her long for a hot shower.

  "I am the Gatekeeper,” the demon hissed, his breath feathering her cheeks with foul odor. “And I did it because sometimes, you have to go backward to take a step forward. It is all part of the grand plan. One you were most likely created to stop. But no longer, because I have stopped you."

  Her heart stuttered to a halt. Could this horrible demon know the reason for her creation? Something she didn't even know herself? She had to find out more.

  "You have not stopped me. I chose to come in here. I can leave anytime I want."

  "Not without the shade.” The demon chuckled again. “And I'm afraid it's not just her keeping you here anymore. I ... I have you as well."

  Kira paled. Testing his words, she tried to move herself out of the vortex. To her absolute horror, she was trapped, frozen in the pulsating light. Her arm and stomach began to ache with renewed force. The demon smiled cruelly and breathed in, and she felt herself scooting forward against her will.

  "No!” she cried out loud, as she tried to leap backwards. Tears filled her eyes as she realized she couldn't move. The demon's harsh laugh grated in her sensitive ears.

  "I told you,” he said with an ugly leer. “You belong to me now. Soon your strength will give out and you will fall into the vortex of Hell. Just where one like you deserves to be.” He gave another harsh laugh.

  Kira was fast getting tired of his mirth. She realized because of the way she was grasping Flora's arm, the demon didn't know Gallegar was holding her steady outside the vortex. It gave her hope.

  The demon grunted, and out of the darkness a single hairy arm appeared. A hand stroked her cheek in a horrible parody of the caresses Gallegar often gave her. She tried to turn her face away, but he grabbed it with fingers that burned.

  "All that spirit, all this beauty ... now mine.” He leered at her again and his forked tongue flicked out, licking her soft cheeks. “Shall I show you it all?” he asked, as if enjoying the feel of her held tightly in his control. “Shall I show you the grand plan you were created to foil? How disappointed your mistress must be. You have not served her well, have you? You truly are pitiful."

  He let go of Kira's face and the arm pulled back into the darkness. The face retreated back to where the murkiness waited. “Here, Peacekeeper, see what we have planned for all your people. Watch our plan unfold. See for yourself why the Gates of Life were closed."

  His laugh surrounded her and she stopped breathing as the demon took hold of her consciousness and forced her to see what he wanted her to see.

  "Our Grand Plan,” the demon whispered in her ear. “We have been preparing it for years. Nothing can stop us now."

  His voice battered into Kira's head and suddenly, her mind was filled with pictures. The whole plan played in her brain like a horrible movie she couldn't turn off or walk out on. She moaned once, as she saw the destruction that waited ahead and then went silent in shock, as she absorbed all that was given her.

  The demon's arm was back and its strong burning hand ran down her shivering body, stopping to squeeze her breasts cruelly. “You will stay here in Hell and will not be able to help any of them. You will just have to sit and watch them destroy themselves. All those you care about.” The voice was a sibilant whisper in her head. “Even the one you truly love. All dead. All destroyed because you were too weak to fight me.” Again, his laugh whipped out of him, loud and triumphant.

  "No!” Kira screamed and with every molecule in her body, she dug deep and sent a burst of power straight at the darkness.

  * * * *

  Outside the vortex, things were becoming desperate. Lucas’ strong arm was beginning to shake and Benjamin was also feeling the strain. Gallegar was holding on to consciousness by picturing Kira in his arms. It was working ... barely.

  Suddenly, his eyes popped open, as he felt Kira tense beneath his arm. It was the first time she had stirred in almost an hour.

  "She is moving,” Gallegar gasped out. “Something is happening.” They all waited, watching Kira closely. A few minutes later, she screamed and they all felt her power punch out of her with tremendous force.

  Without even being told, Danolas and Koran started firing magick at the Gate, hoping to help Kira in any way they could.

  "Pull!” Gallegar shouted, his arm screaming with the pain of his injury. He felt Kira's body move toward him a little. “She's shifting. Everyone pull harder!"

  Benjamin bit off an order and, a second later, his two protectors as well as Gallegar's joined him in the chain, their extra strength a welcome relief for both Lucas and Benjamin.

  Gallegar shot a glance at the witches and saw all three of them, as well as the faeries, were firing away at the Gate.

  Kira kept moving, and as soon as her head was free of the whirling hues, she looked straight into Gallegar's frantic eyes. He could tell she took strength from them. He shouted her name, as she put her head back inside, and using both her hands now, pulled on Flora's unconscious and peeling form.

  Slowly, Kira edged out of the seething mass of burning colors. When she was completely free, she gave a shrill scream and fired one last volley of immense power back into the Gate.

  With a roar that shattered what was left of the windows in the room, the Gate let go of its prizes. The whirlpool of colors blinked out in a single heartbeat. Kira and Flora fell backwards into Gallegar's waiting arms.

  Everyone stared at the wall, as the winds disappeared and the smells dissipated. It was as if nothing had ever been there before.

  Gallegar gathered an unconscious Kira into his arms, disregarding his own pain. He carefully peeled away her fingers from where they had been clutching Flora's arm. Under them was the only white flesh left on the hapless shade.

  "Can you do something for her?” Patrick asked, as he leaned over Flora's battered body. Tears ran down his cheeks as he tried to find some place on the woman to touch and soothe.

  "Jorad!” called Danolas, as he gave Flora a quick look. He was more interested in Kira, but Flora was too pitiful to ignore.

  "My Lord?” The witch came immediately. He looked at Flora and sucked in his breath. He swallowed rapidly, hoping not to disgrace himself by being sick.

  "You and Tobias take this shade over to the window seat and see what you can do for her. The Lady Kira saved her soul. Let's see if we can save her essence."

  "What about Kira?” Benjamin asked as he knelt down next to her.

  "She's badly burned,” Gallegar said. His voice broke as he examined his beloved's injuries. “Why wouldn't she just let go?"

  "Because then she wouldn't be the Kira we all know and love. There is no way she would let that shade go, if it wasn't her place to be.” Lucas patted Gallegar on the back as he spoke.

  Koran smiled. “She is just a bit stubborn.” He looked pointedly down at the blackened arm Gallegar was cradling Kira with. “Must be the vamp in her."

  Gallegar frowned at him, knowing what he was saying, but not caring. What did it matter if he was burned?

  "We should be able to heal those burns. Both on Kira and on you, Gallegar.” Danolas put his hand on the vampire's shoulder in a soothing motion, but Gallegar shook it off.

  "Don't worry about me,” he said intensely. “Take care of her first. She is what matters.” His emerald eyes moved over her pale face. “Why won't she wake up?"

  "It's best she doesn't,” Lucas commented. He moved to Gallegar's other side and stretched his back muscles. He was going to be sore tonight. “If she's awake, she'll feel those burns. Better to heal her while she's still out."

  "He's right, Gallegar.” Koran ran a brotherly hand down Kira's head, tucking back the stray hair that had been blown out of her braids by the vortex's winds. “Let's get them taken care of."

  Gallegar nodded. He watched Danolas examine the burns on her arms, hands and stomach. He frowned, as he saw the witch trace the marks of fingerprints burned into
her soft cheeks.

  "I will kill whoever has touched her,” he told Danolas softly. All who heard him heard the ring of a true vow.

  As if she had heard him herself, Kira came awake with a gasp. “Mo Chridhe...” she asked as she blinked up at him.

  Gallegar smiled and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips, taking care not to touch the burns on her cheeks. “Everything is all right, A Ghra ... All is well."

  Kira stared up at him with panic in her eyes. “We must leave this place,” she said. She tried to sit up, her motions jerky with fear. “Please, Gallegar ... It is not safe here. Not for any of us."

  "My Lady?” Danolas tried to soothe her with a quick spell. “We are within the wards. Nothing can hurt us here."

  Kira shook her head and her burned hand clutched at his, uncaring of the pain. “You do not understand. Because the Gates are here, it is not safe. There is evil in the Gate and it can come out at any time.” Kira's eyes were wild as she tried to make them understand. “The evil is within the warding here. We cannot be safe. See ... It is happening again."

  They all turned and looked at the wall that held the Gate of Hell. As they watched, a slow swirling of an ugly orange color appeared at its center.

  "Shit!” Lucas growled, and he jumped to his feet, followed by all the rest of the Chosen. “We gotta get out of here. Kira knows what she's talking about.” He looked at Patrick. “You better get your people away from the house. We don't want any more Floras."

  "You're right.” The shade blinked out, and they all felt a wave of his power flow over the house. Ethereals began to wink out one by one.

  Lucas looked at the wall. The swirl was getting bigger. “It's time to go.” He knelt back down next to Gallegar, who was struggling to lift Kira with his injured arm. “Gallegar, let me take her.” Silver eyes met green. “You can't carry her with that arm. Let me do it. You can hold her once we get in the car."

  Lucas waited impatiently as Gallegar fought with his dazed thoughts. “We don't have much time.” Without knowing it, he used vampiric powers given to him at their linking to enthrall the king. He made his voice commanding. “Give her to me.” He was shocked when the vampire allowed him to take Kira.

  Lucas swept her up in his powerful arms and headed for the front door, knowing Benjamin was there to help Gallegar up and out. They made their way quickly through the house. Shades were fleeing as fast as they could run, float or fly. In short order the house would be empty.

  Once outside, Lucas made for Gallegar's car. He pulled open the passenger side door and waited until the unsteady vampire seated himself. Then he gently placed Kira in Gallegar's arms and shut the door. Going around to the driver's side, he waited until he knew all the Chosen and their kind were out of the house. Once the others had gotten in the car, he started it up and peeled out of the driveway. The other cars followed him.

  Lucas gave a glance in the rearview mirror and what he saw shook him. “Look behind us,” he growled, his fingers gripping the wheel in his anxiety. They all turned around and stared.

  "Jesus!” Benjamin swore.

  The place was lit up behind them like it was on fire. A strange pulsating glow shone from all the broken windows, and frightening sounds began to shake the quiet of the night. They could see shades fleeing from the area. The Haunted House, for the first time in its existence, was truly, a scary place to be.

  Chapter 5

  They drove straight to Crown of Thorns since it was the closest warded domain. Experience had taught them healing could be done faster and better within the wards. Gallegar stared down at Kira, who lay unconscious in his arms. The burns on her soft body made his stomach clench in reaction. The knowledge he was responsible for some of those burns was almost too much for him to bear.

  "Go to the back,” Gallegar told Lucas, his voice hoarse from pain. “I don't want to carry her through the club."

  Lucas nodded and maneuvered the car into the back alley. He sprang from the driver's seat and raced around to the passenger side. Throwing the door open, he took Kira gently from Gallegar's arms, and then waited so he could follow the vampire inside. They were followed closely by the rest of the company. Inside, Gallegar led them down a dark hallway, then to a set of stairs that led deep below the club.

  "This leads into Sanctuary.” The vampire's voice sounded hollow on the dimly lit staircase. “We will be safe here.” Gallegar led them into a large room. It was like a cavern, with tall stone ceilings and hewn rock walls, but was furnished with all the comforts of home. Soft chairs and couches were strategically placed into cozy corners, and tables and chairs were placed in a semi-circle near the far wall. The wooden furniture looked antique and very expensive.

  "This is our meeting room. I govern my flock from this place.” Gallegar looked around as he finished speaking, and then pointed with his good arm at a chaise lounge that sat near an empty fireplace. “Put her there."

  Lucas did so, laying her gently on the soft cushions. Gallegar knelt next to her and carefully took her bleeding hand in his.

  Danolas sent his witches over to a large couch in the corner to work on Flora. Then he made his way over and knelt next to Gallegar. He ran careful hands over the terrible wounds on Kira's body, assessing the damage done. He flashed a glance at the vampire, noting his peeling flesh and burned clothing.

  "You need attention as well, my friend. Let someone tend to you, while I care for our Lady.” He showed no surprise when Gallegar shook his head.

  "I wish to stay with her. Will the healing spell work for something as bad as this?” Gallegar had to swallow hard, as he watched Danolas try to peel away some of Kira's burned clothing. She moaned low in her throat.

  "Getting the clothes out of her wounds must be the first step.” Koran moved next to Lucas, who stood on the far side of the chaise. “If we speak a healing spell over her now, the clothes will stay within her body."

  "Then how will you do it?” Benjamin came up behind Danolas and looked over his shoulder. His jaw clenched in anger over Kira's condition.

  "The easiest way will be to magick her jumpsuit away. It will hurt her, but the pain will come all at once. Not over and over again.” The witch brought his gaze back down to Kira and saw her eyes had opened. “My Lady, how do you feel?"

  Kira stared at him uncomprehendingly for a moment. “Danolas? What has happened? Why am I here?"

  "Don't you remember going to the Gates?"

  At his words, Kira's face went white, and she struggled to sit up. Her confused gaze flew around the room as if searching for someone.

  "My Lady? What is it?” Danolas tried carefully to restrain her. Her movements caused the burned skin on her stomach to open and bleed.

  Kira's face was full of anxiety as she met his eyes. “Gallegar! Where is Gallegar? Mo Chridhe ... I must go to him!"

  "I am here, A Ghra ... I am right here.” He turned her face, so she could see him. “There is nothing to be frightened of. We are all right here."

  Kira's dazed eyes searched his face fearfully. “You are all right?"

  Gallegar bent and placed a kiss on the corner of her mouth. “I am well. We all are, thanks to you. Everyone made it out of the house in one piece."

  "Where is everyone?"

  "Right here, honey,” Lucas said as he, Koran and Benjamin came into her line of sight. He reached down and gently kissed her forehead. “We were pretty worried about you."

  "Where is Patrick?” Kira knew immediately there was someone missing.

  Benjamin smoothed a lock of hair off Kira's burnt cheek. “He said he had to make sure all of his people got out. He should be here soon."

  "He will be too worried about what happened to you to stay away for long.” Koran smiled at her. “You frightened us all, sister."

  Kira looked at each of the men standing next to her. She knew in her heart they had, once again, saved her. Her gaze fell to Gallegar and then to his burned arm. She gave a pained gasp.

  "You need to have that healed.” She
glared at Danolas. “Why has he not yet been taken care of?"

  Danolas hid a smile. “Because he refuses to have me touch him until you are taken care of. He is very stubborn, my Lady."

  Kira narrowed her eyes at Gallegar and opened her mouth to chastise him, but he covered her lips with a gentle hand.

  "I will allow myself to be healed once you are back to normal. There will be no argument.” His emerald eyes caressed her face for a moment. “Please, A Ghra ... Do this for me."

  Kira fought with herself, then sighed and nodded. “All right. You can do me first."

  Gallegar grinned and then rose to give Danolas room to work. Kira's worried eyes followed him.

  "Where are you going?” she cried.

  "Danolas must remove your jumpsuit so the burns can be healed. We will wait over here to give you your privacy."

  Kira looked at Gallegar and the fear entered back into her eyes. “I want you here with me. Please come back."

  Gallegar saw the tears filling Kira's eyes. Immediately, he started back to her, but was stopped by a strong hand on his arm.

  "Where do you think you're going?” Lucas asked, his voice low and enraged. “What makes you so special? You don't have the right."

  "Kira wishes my presence. That is right enough.” Gallegar looked pointedly down at the hand grasping his arm.

  "Damn you!” Lucas growled, losing his temper completely. “You have no rights with her. Not any more than the rest of us.” He shook off Benjamin's restraining hand.

  Gallegar's temper flared as well. He was worried about Kira and in great pain himself. Together, it caused him to be less tolerant than usual. He'd had enough of the shapeshifter and his attitude. “Of all of us,” he said in a low angry tone, heard only by Lucas. “I have the most right. I am the only one who has been close to being intimate with her. I have seen already her body.” He shook off the shapeshifter's hand, and without another word, rejoined Kira.

  Lucas stood where Gallegar left him, his body stiffened in outrage. His mind went back to the night when Kira and Gallegar had been alone in Benjamin's apartment. He was afraid he now knew some of what went on between them. He knew Kira was still untouched; she had told him so herself.


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