The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2]

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The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2] Page 9

by CJ England

  Then he remembered the way the two of them looked when Gallegar brought her back from the lost library. His heart dropped like a stone. Had they taken it farther? Was she lost to him now? He clenched his fists to his side, forcing down the rage that rose up within him. With an oath, he strode away, pacing over to the other side of the room.

  Koran and Benjamin watched him in concern. Benjamin shook his head. “It isn't like Kira to play favorites like that. Even with Gallegar. I wonder what's going on."

  Koran stared at the screen Danolas had conjured up to hide Kira's nakedness. “I am not sure, but I hope Lucas and Gallegar can keep their tempers. Dissension between them could be a great problem. We don't need it right now."

  * * * *

  Gallegar sat next to Kira on the chaise. She wanted him as close to her as possible. She kept her eyes on his as she listened to Danolas explain what he was going to do.

  "It will hurt, my Lady,” Danolas warned. “It will not be like last night when I magicked your clothes off and your pajamas on."

  "I wondered how I changed my clothes.” She wanted to take Gallegar's hand, but her burns were too painful. She settled for burrowing her face against his chest. It made her cheeks sting, but the small amount of pain was worth being close to him.

  Gallegar stroked her hair with his good hand and then raised his gaze to Danolas. “She is ready. Go ahead. Cast the spell."

  Danolas nodded and lifted his glowing staff over Kira's prone body. His eyes brightened as he released his power over her. A shimmering veil of blue cascaded over her and the jumpsuit vanished before Gallegar's startled eyes. His attention was jerked back to Kira as she gave a muffled scream into his shirt. A second later, she went limp, again.

  "What happened?” Gallegar demanded, as the witch put his staff back on the floor next to him. The vampire laid Kira back on the chaise lounge carefully. He tried not to look at her long slender legs or the lacy triangle that covered her womanhood. His body tightened as he looked up at her face, and he was distracted by the rise and fall of her soft breasts as she breathed shallowly. The dainty bra barely covered her. He moved uncomfortably. This was not the time to get hard.

  "The pain was great,” the witch responded. “She lost consciousness. It will be better for her. The healing will be painful as well and this way she won't remember it.” Danolas closed his eyes and began running his hands carefully over Kira's wounds. He started with the ones on her hands, since they were the worst. His fingers traced each burn as he murmured the soft words of a healing spell.

  Gallegar watched anxiously as the burns on her hands slowly began to fade. It took many sweeps of power and several recitations of the healing spell before Danolas was satisfied.

  "Her hands were badly burned. I have done what I can."

  Gallegar took one of her hands in his. “They are still very red. Can't we do more?"

  Danolas shook his head. “Her hands must finish their healing on their own."

  "What about her stomach? It is my fault she was burned there.” Gallegar's voice showed his anguish at the thought of hurting her.

  Danolas put a calming hand on the vampire's shoulder. “Better a burned belly, than a dead Lady,” he said bluntly. “If it hadn't been for you, she would have been lost to us."

  Gallegar felt marginally better when he saw Kira's stomach burns were not as bad as the ones on her hands. Because Kira had given him her heart, he was as alive as a vampire could be. The Gate hadn't affected him as if he were really dead.

  Kira woke up as Danolas ran soothing fingers over her cheeks. “That feels nice,” she murmured throatily. “Am I done?"

  "Yes, my Lady.” Danolas swept careful eyes over the rest of her, making sure she was completely healed. “The redness will fade."

  Kira turned to Gallegar and took his good hand in her newly restored ones. “Now it is your turn.” Her worried gaze fixed on his arm and her eyes filled with tears. “You will be healed soon."

  Her worry warmed his heart. “I will allow Danolas to heal me now I know you are better. But first let me send for something for you to wear.” Concentrating telepathically, he sent Noah into his private room for one of his shirts. A few minutes later, a bright blue silk dress shirt was handed to him. Carefully, he helped Kira don the shirt.

  "You look beautiful,” he whispered to her. He gave her ear a quick nibble as he reached behind her to fix her collar.

  Kira's body gave a little shudder and her eyes glowed brightly at him. Once she was dressed, she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face back in his chest. “I thought I had lost you!"

  Over the top of Kira's head, Gallegar's eyes met Danolas’ in puzzlement. “You were the one in danger, love, not me.” Gallegar soothed her by running a strong hand down her back. “I will be all right once the spell is spoken over me.” He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Are you ready to see the others?"

  Kira sniffed, and after a long moment nodded, still keeping her face buried. Moments later, she was surrounded by the rest of the Chosen, including Patrick, who had arrived while she was being healed.

  Lucas crowded forward and took her hand in his to check it. Reluctantly, Kira moved out of Gallegar's arm.

  "How ya doing, honey? Do you feel better?” The wolfman's grip was possessive.

  Kira nodded distractedly, then looking around, caught Patrick's eye. “Flora ... is she alive?"

  The shade reached down to take her hand, and then stopped. He swore under his breath as he saw the redness on her fingers. He contented himself with a touch to her hair. “Flora is alive. They are working on her now. She is badly burned, but Jorad thinks she will be all right ... eventually."

  "That pleases me.” Kira smiled weakly, before turning back to Gallegar. “Now it is your turn to be healed."

  "Whenever Danolas is ready,” the vampire answered.

  "Let's do it.” Danolas stepped to Gallegar's burned side. “The same routine applies to you. First the shirt ... then the burn.” When he got Gallegar's nod to start, he quickly magicked the tattered shirt off his body.

  Gallegar gave a harsh gasp of pain and swayed on the lounge. It was Kira who held him upright as sweat broke out all over his torso. He leaned against her, panting, trying to keep from passing out.

  "Get on with it!” he gritted out. He didn't watch as Danolas began speaking the words of the healing spell. Pain burgeoned as he felt the witch's hands glide over the tender burned flesh. Gallegar heard Kira whispering the spell, as she held him. Gradually, after many long minutes had gone by, the pain lessened.

  It was a long time before Danolas was done. Healing the burns caused by Hell's Gate on vampiric flesh was different than those on Kira.

  "You will take longer to heal than Kira will. And there may be scars.” Danolas ran his hand over the dry red flesh on Gallegar's upper arm. “That Gate was designed to burn the dead. You were lucky."

  Gallegar flexed his arm. It was slightly stiff and it itched badly. He looked at Danolas. “I wasn't lucky. I had Lucas and Benjamin holding onto me. They kept me from moving. You and Koran worked spells to weaken the Gate. If you all hadn't been there..."

  "I, too, must give you my thanks.” Kira looked at the men standing over her. “I know I did something without thinking and my actions put us all into danger. I am sorry for that."

  Benjamin tousled her hair in his large hand. “You were just doing what came naturally, sweetheart. You could no more have left that shade to die than fly to the moon."

  "Still, I must be more careful.” Her eyes darkened. “With what is coming, I can take no chances with your lives."

  "Something happened in the Gate.” Gallegar brought her chin around so he could look in her eyes. “Tell us what you saw.” He felt Kira tense and then she closed her eyes and gave a shudder in remembrance.

  "It was awful!” she whispered, her eyes full of the memory when they opened. “I couldn't let her go. She was so horribly burned. Her skin peeled away before my eyes."

  A quick flash of memory was transferred to her Chosen through the link they shared with her. The picture of Flora's Ethereal flesh melting off her bones was etched forever into their memories. As one, they all shuddered with Kira.

  "It was a demon,” Kira blurted out, and then pressed her face against Gallegar's bare chest. She closed her eyes again as if to erase the memory. “He called himself ... the Gatekeeper."

  Danolas swore a Celtic oath. He leaned forward, his face intent on Kira. “You are sure, Kira? It was the Gatekeeper?” He swore again at Kira's quick nod. She didn't move her head away from Gallegar's chest.

  The vampire's brow furrowed in concern at her obvious fear, his strong arms cradling her against him. She still had hold of Lucas’ hand, and from the wolfman's raised eyebrow, she was exerting some force in order to keep him nearby.

  "Who is the Gatekeeper?” Benjamin's gaze touched each of the Chosen.

  Patrick sank into a chair next to Danolas'. “The Gatekeeper is just what his name implies. He is in charge of the Gate and is the one who pulls souls into Hell. He is the one who sends them to wherever in Hell they will spend eternity."

  "He has great power in his own realm. To have him reach into our own ... It is not a small thing.” Danolas rubbed his forehead in consternation. “I am afraid we may not have seen the last of him."

  "He is the one who destroyed Heaven's Gate and controls the Gate to Hell,” Kira's tremulous voice agreed.

  "How do you know, honey?” Lucas’ voice was very gentle, as if he knew how shaky Kira was feeling.

  Kira finally pulled her face away from Gallegar's broad chest. When she looked at them, they were taken aback by the stark expression on her face. She looked back up at Gallegar, as if gaining strength from his nearness. “I know this, because ... because he told me so."

  "He admitted it?” Patrick came to his feet in amazement. “He gave that away? Why would he be so stupid?"

  "Because he thought I would not be able to leave. He did not know Gallegar was holding onto me outside the vortex. He thought he had trapped me forever."

  "Well ... that explains the temper tantrum when we left.” Lucas’ voice was smug. “He just didn't know you well enough, honey. You were stronger than he expected."

  "I don't suppose he told you why he shut the Gates?” Patrick's voice was noncommittal, as if he didn't really expect to get an affirmative answer. He didn't expect Kira's face to suddenly go white. He leaned forward in concern. “Sugar, what is it? Did he tell you something?"

  "He ... he..."

  "A Ghra ... ” Gallegar calmed her. “Why don't you start at the beginning? Let us see it through your eyes."

  Nodding, Kira closed her eyes and drew her men into her vision. She led them through her conversation with the demon, feeling their anger and repugnance at everything he had done.

  Lucas swore loudly, as he watched the demon touch Kira's frozen body. He met Gallegar's eyes, for once in perfect accord. The demon would pay for putting his filthy hands on the woman they loved. Abruptly, Kira broke off the vision, her face white and fearful.

  "Damn it...” Lucas swore, putting an arm around her and giving her a quick hug. “We shouldn't have made you go through that again."

  "Noah,” called Gallegar. “Get the Lady Kira some wine and bring the rest of us something stronger. We can all use it."

  Kira sat quietly until after she had gotten her glass of wine and the men were pouring out their own libations. She sipped at the sweet liquid, feeling the coolness on her parched throat. What she had seen was so horrible, she wasn't sure she could tell anyone about it. Memories stirred and she gave a convulsive shudder, almost spilling her wine.

  "Here now, sister.” Koran plucked the wine from her nerveless fingers and set it down on a nearby table. He sat down where Lucas had been. Gallegar retook his own seat, pulling her back against him. She went gladly, needing to feel the strong beat of his heart.

  Benjamin sat opposite Kira and stared steadily at her expressive face. “You saw something else, didn't you? You need to tell us, sweetheart."

  "Kira.” Gallegar took her hand in his. “Tell us the rest."

  Kira gave one more convulsive shudder as she drew in a deep breath. “The Gatekeeper was very free with his words once he thought he had me trapped. He wished to rub it in that I had failed in my mission."

  "Your mission?” Danolas queried in excitement. “Are you saying he knows what your purpose is here?"

  Kira nodded. “Yes. He told me one of the reasons I was created was to stop what he called “the demon's grand plan.” He laughed at me, because he thought the Power would be disappointed in me since I was so weak, he was able to catch me."

  "He was wrong,” Gallegar said quietly.

  Kira gave him a grateful smile—one that faded away just as quickly as it appeared. “I asked him questions. It amused him to give me his answers.” She stopped speaking and withdrew her hand from Gallegar's, twisting them together in her lap.

  "There's more, isn't there, honey?” Lucas searched the frightened face of the woman he loved. Something was very, very wrong.

  "He wished to torture me. To show me what I could not prevent. He showed me a vision of his grand plan."

  "Are you telling us, you know what they have arranged?” Patrick shouted, as he flew from his seat. “You know what this means? It means we can fight them. We'll have the advantage of knowing their plans."

  "Yes, you are right, Patrick. Knowing their plan is a good thing. It is just what they have put together is so horrible, I can barely face telling you about it."

  Gallegar squeezed her shoulders that were braced against his chest. “Then show us as you did before. I think that is easier for you to do."

  Kira bit her lip in agitation, but she nodded. “All right then ... I will show you the horrors I saw.” Meeting Danolas’ gaze and drawing strength from his powers, Kira gave herself over to the vision the demon had showed her. She felt the Chosen join her on the psychic plain.

  She started the vision where she had left off, when the Gatekeeper was bragging about what he was to show her. Then the vision changed slowly and they all could see it was different now.

  This was the memory of another, not of the woman before them. They watched as Patrick's domain swam into view. The Haunted House looked just as they left it, except for the burning lights that bled through the broken windows.

  "It will happen when Patrick is away, so he cannot help his people.” Kira's voice was full of anguish when she spoke.

  The Chosen watched as a glowing light appeared on the wall in the ballroom. It grew quickly to immense proportions. The shades in the room flitted nervously as they watched the strange sight, but seemed more curious than concerned. The vortex grew bigger and bigger until it filled the entire wall.

  Suddenly, much like it had done earlier, the Gate burst open, this time throwing lavalike tendrils of fire into the mass of shades. Their screams filled the room. Shades tried to flee from the hot fire, but were caught in the crush. Few made it out of the door. Then, without warning, the Gate reversed itself. Instead of throwing out the fire, the Gate gave a great heave and sucked the fire back in. The shades closest to the Gate were caught, and tumbled screaming into the Gate's ravenous maw. The Gate grew stronger and soon all the shades in the room were captured and dragged within.

  Kira felt Patrick shaking at her feet, and she put her hand on his shoulder to comfort him. He jerked once and then bowed his head in anger and pain as he continued to watch.

  The Gate was greedy and once it had sucked up all the Ethereals in the ballroom, it cast its net of power about for other victims. Shades from all over the house began to scream in pain and panic, as the Gate caught hold of them and pulled them in.

  Slowly, Hell extended its grasp. Once, all the shades in the house were captured, the Ethereals outside were targeted. When they were hauled in, kicking and screaming, the Gate expanded its search even further. Soon no shade in the city of San Francisco wa
s safe. All had been sucked into the mouth of Hell.

  "Where am I when this is happening? Have I abandoned my people?” Patrick's voice was hoarse with suppressed emotion.

  "Continue watching,” Kira whimpered, breaking into soft sobs.

  The Gate throbbed. Its yellow and red fiery light glowed like a beacon. The vortex swirled faster as it grew, until it enveloped Patrick's entire domain. Pulsing, smoke billowing from its maw, the Gate spoke a single word, the sound dark and evil.


  Now it was Gallegar who jerked in shock, as he watched those of his own kind try to fight off the powerful pull. They too, had no chance. Vampires from all over the Lower City were towed hissing and spitting straight to the enormous mouth. They too, disappeared without a trace.

  "All of the dead in the city...” Danolas whispered incredulously. “But why?"

  Gallegar heard Lucas swearing, but it didn't really penetrate the coldness that had overtaken him. He was too taken up in the painful knowledge his kind were also under attack. He watched as the last vampire was hurled into the boiling Gate.

  There was no movement for several minutes. Only the Gate as it writhed and shuddered. Then, as suddenly as it began, the Gate winked out of sight. Only The Haunted House could be seen, dark, cold, empty and silent.

  "Where are Patrick and I?” Gallegar croaked out, his voice failing him. As if in answer, the scene shifted to The Keep. The Chosen all came to attention, as they watched Lucas and Benjamin struggling to hold on to Gallegar as he fought to go outside. Patrick was lying in a heap, next to Danolas’ bed. He was covered in a glowing blue flame.

  Sobbing, Kira crawled into Gallegar's lap and pressed her face to his throat, where she could feel his wildly beating pulse. “You both wanted to go help your people, but we couldn't let you. Only those safe within the wards will not be pulled in. If you had left before the Gate closed, you would have been lost too. We couldn't let that happen."

  Gallegar watched mutely as Lucas and Benjamin pulled him back into the room. Danolas raised his hands and the same blue fire slid from his fingers and covered Gallegar's body. Instantly, Gallegar fell to the floor next to Patrick. Weeping, Kira dropped to her knees beside him and took him in her arms.


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