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The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2]

Page 10

by CJ England

  "My God,” Benjamin breathed. He glanced at Gallegar, who sat stiffly on the chaise. His eyes were glowing green, his jaw clenched in fury.

  "Is there more?” the vampire asked, his tone stiff.

  The vision changed. It must have been later, and the scene was once again back to Patrick's domain. All the company stood in front of the house.

  Without warning, they were attacked. It came not from the house, which was what was expected, but from the woods around it. Wizards of all shapes and sizes came pouring out of the trees, firing bolts of white light at the Chosen. The Chosen banded together to fight their enemy, and a fierce battle ensued.

  With their attention on the wizards, none noticed when the house behind them started to glow. It wasn't until the woods themselves began to shine with unearthly radiance that anyone noticed what was happening. By then it was too late. The house had disappeared again under the shifting lights of Hell's Gate. Smoke boiled from the Gate, and even though it was a vision, all could smell the choking odor of brimstone.

  The Gate heaved, once, twice, a third time, before it spewed forth its contents, like a drunkard vomiting up a stomach full of poison.

  The Chosen watched in utter horror as the Gate disgorged the same shades and vampires it had ingested earlier. But they had been changed. Bodies were twisted and deformed. Their faces were cruel and full of malice. The eyes empty of all joy and laughter.

  They had lost their souls.

  They came surging out from the Gate of Hell, their purpose ugly in their eyes. As one, they all turned on the Chosen.

  Patrick gave a sob, as he saw his vision self recognize one of his closest men, just before that evil shade tried to slit his throat with sharpened claws. Gallegar saw himself in a deadly battle with Noah, whose eyes were wild and full of bitter hatred. He heard Kira sobbing and pulled her hard against him.

  The other Chosen fought valiantly alongside each other, but there was just too much evil to contend with. Slowly, they retreated backwards against the trees. Danolas threw his staff into the air and when it came down, the Chosen disappeared.

  The vision didn't end there. It continued on, showing the evil dead as they broke up into small groups and made their way from The Haunted House into the upper city.

  "If they are seen by humans, it would mean none of our kind will be safe anymore. There will be a witch hunt like no other. No supernatural would escape unscathed.” Koran was pale, his golden skin dulled in shock.

  Gallegar still focused on the vision. “It is more than that. Look at the numbers of dead that came out of the Gate. This is not an attempt to frighten the humans. This is the start of a war."

  Kira gave a loud sob and huddled closer to Gallegar.

  The Chosen frowned. Kira was right to be upset, but she was not normally so afraid of things.

  Lucas, as usual, didn't mince around. “What else happened, Kira? Is there more to the vision?"

  "He showed me many battles. Between the humans and those that came from the Gate. The demon's goal is to wipe out all of humanity, so they can be masters of the earth."

  "And what about the other supernaturals?” Benjamin's tone was even, but his face showed his concern. “We would fight to stop them."

  Kira shook her head, her eyes wet with tears. “They will incite the humans against you. The humans will destroy you before you can make them understand you are trying to help them. Then, when all is done, the demons will sweep in and take the humans out. This is what I have come to stop. It is why I was sent."

  "The war you were sent to prevent is the one between the humans and the supernaturals?” Patrick asked carefully.

  "Yes, I was sent to you so what happens in this vision does not come to pass.” Kira wiped her face.

  "Is there more of this vision?” Koran repeated Lucas’ earlier question. “If there is, better we should see it. Forewarned is forearmed."

  Kira sighed and then dropped back into the vision. It started off slowly, with hauntings and poltergeist activities. Then the tempo of the intimidation increased. Vampires were whispered about when corpses were found with the blood drained from their bodies. The hauntings became more dangerous and shades began to cause the deaths of humans.

  An investigation was put together and humans began to realize for the first time, they were not alone in the city. The violence began to escalate. Bodies, ripped apart and half eaten, were found around the city. Rumors of shapeshifters began to fly. People began to talk of witches and evil faerie folk. Humans were confronted by corrupt Ethereals and the fights that ensued were reported all over the world.

  It got worse. The men saw bloody and barbaric battles, as they began to rage between the humans and those that had been corrupted by Hell's Gate.

  Eventually, the other supernaturals were brought in, and the Chosen saw their own faces as they fought in many battles. They all watched as they came together against a group of shades and vampires, led by the wizard Adrian himself. A fierce battle broke out, and with a gasp, Kira cut the vision off.

  "I can't take any more,” she cried, burying her head in Gallegar's shoulder. “So much death. Please ... don't make me look again."

  "It is all right, A Ghra ... You need look no longer. I think we see what the vision entailed.” The vampire's strong hands gentled Kira as he ran them up and down her stiff back.

  "I think we could all use another drink.” Lucas stood and walked to the bar. He kept his face turned from Kira and Gallegar. He didn't want them to see the despair on his face. Something had happened to Kira when she was in the Gate. Something that threw her right into Gallegar's arms. He slammed a drink back and felt the fiery glide of the whiskey as it burned its way down his throat.

  "Are you going to drink it all by yourself, or are you going to bring the bottle over here?” Benjamin's mocking words helped even out Lucas’ unpredictable temper.

  "Keep your shirt on,” he managed as he picked up Kira's wine as well as the whiskey bottle. Walking back, he passed the whiskey to Benjamin and then leaning over, topped off Kira's glass of wine.

  "What I still don't get is why the Gates got closed.” Benjamin's brow was furrowed in confusion. “If they wanted evil creatures to come out of Hell, the Gate should have stayed open."

  Kira sighed. “The Gatekeeper explained it to me."

  "Go on...” Patrick encouraged her.

  "The Gatekeeper told me when shades make their way into Hell, they are expected and a place is set aside for them. But the number of shades entering Hell was not enough to build the army the demons want. So they destroyed the Gate of Heaven. That way they would have access to all of the shades in the city."

  She glanced around at her men and saw they were all listening intently. “Hell's Gate was closed so the shades could build up their numbers. The demons wanted as many shades as possible before they sprang their trap."

  "But why leave them on this plane of existence? Why not send them to Hell immediately?” Patrick was still confused. A glance around at his brothers showed him he wasn't the only one.

  "They couldn't bring them in as they died. The dead needed to be sucked in all at once. By doing that, it will create an overload in the Gate. Hell was never meant to hold so many dead in that one place. By forcing the Gate to receive so many at once, it will unbalance the realm. Hell cannot take it, so it will spit all of the dead out."

  "All of the dead?” Danolas sat forward, his sapphire eyes gleaming.

  "Yes, not only those that were sucked in, but those that had been denizens of Hell for eternity. All manner of creatures ... some more horrible than our worst nightmares."

  "So the Gatekeeper pulls all of the dead in the city in just long enough for the fires of Hell to work their corrupting magick. Then every creature in Hell is sent out as warriors fighting for the demons,” Gallegar summed it up neatly.

  "But now we know the plan. The Gatekeeper has blown the element of surprise. Maybe we can prevent the whole thing from happening.” Lucas finished off
his whiskey and his silver eyes glowed like diamonds. “Kira's escape has thrown a monkey wrench in his plans."

  "I don't know.” Danolas drew a finger along the rim of his whiskey glass as he thought aloud. “Knowing she had escaped, he should have triggered the Gate immediately, but he didn't. He just ... as Lucas so eloquently put it ... threw a tantrum. Have either of you felt anything happening to your people outside the wards?"

  "My people are frightened, but all right. I told them to stay away from the house, but I can sense some of them drifting back. The Gate still calls them.” Patrick looked worried.

  "My flock is well. Nothing frightens them.” Gallegar turned Kira so she was facing the Chosen, but he kept her firmly against him.

  "Then we can assume nothing is happening at this moment.” Danolas stroked his bare chin. “I wish we knew more."

  "He did say Flora had tripped the Gate early,” Kira reminded them. “Since he did not set it off when we were there, I would think he could not do it. It was not ready yet."

  "I think Kira's right. He must have been pissed when she got away. He knew she would tell us everything.” Benjamin didn't see Kira's face go white, but Danolas did.

  "There would be no advantage to him waiting. With the element of surprise gone, he should have sprung the trap right then. He didn't.” Koran's study of strategy was helpful at this juncture.

  "So we can assume the Gatekeeper didn't do anything because there was nothing he could do ... yet?” Patrick theorized.

  "He knows about the wardings,” Kira said fearfully. “That part about Patrick and Gallegar being safe within them. He could use that against us."

  Koran nodded. “He could indeed. If I were in his place, I wouldn't spring the Gate right away. I would know that you would keep as many safe as possible. I would wait until your attention had relaxed. Until both your peoples began to feel safe again. Then, I would open the Gate."

  "But that could take a long time,” Kira said worriedly.

  Koran shrugged. “Demons have infinite patience."

  Danolas poured himself another finger of whiskey. “One thing we must realize is the vision Kira saw was not the future."

  "What?" Kira cried, coming off Gallegar's lap. To all their surprise she knelt down in front of Danolas. “You do not think the vision was true prophecy?"

  What was this? Danolas studied Kira's face. The worry was written all over her. “I believe the vision was a mixture of both prophecy and the wishes and hopes of the demons. Think back about the part of us in The Keep. Kira was in that one, weeping over Gallegar and what we had to do to him and Patrick."

  "So?” Lucas didn't see a point.

  "So, if Kira had been confined to Hell, and the part about The Keep was a demon's vision, why was she with us?"

  Everyone sucked in their breath, as they realized the accuracy of Danolas’ words. He continued softly and slowly, his words weighted by truth.

  "I believe the part about us and The Keep may be true. We will have to restrain Patrick and Gallegar from going to their people. But the other parts, how much is prophecy and how much is wishful thinking on the demon's part ... that, I don't know."

  "Are you saying,” Kira said, in a low careful voice, “that everything I saw is a possibility, not a guaranteed future?"

  "Yes, my Lady."

  Kira dropped her head to Danolas’ knees, as if overcome with emotion. Wonderingly, he stared down at her, and then raising his head, met Gallegar's searching gaze. He patted Kira on the head. “We will win this fight, my Lady. We have the advantage now."

  "What if they change their plans?” Benjamin wanted to know.

  "Highly unlikely,” Danolas said with a smile. “They have been planning this for many years, longer than the Gates have been closed. They may try to change some details, but the basic plan will remain the same. In their arrogance they will believe we can do nothing."

  "I am betting my people's souls on your being right, my friend. I hope we know what we are doing.” Gallegar reached down and carefully pulled Kira off the floor and back onto his lap. He smiled as she snuggled against him.

  "We will have to get Kira's personal warding finished,” Koran mentioned, as he took another sip of his drink. His shudder was much smaller this time. “We should be all right going home tonight, but I wouldn't chance it much longer."

  "Why do you think we will be okay tonight?” Lucas raised an eyebrow at his assurance.

  "As was said earlier ... if he wanted to open the Gate, he would have done so immediately. Also, part of the vision showed we were there when the Gate was opened. It would be just like a demon to have the arrogance to open the Gate when we are nearby. He'll want to show off a bit. That battle took place during the night. It is near to dawn now. Even if the Gatekeeper springs the trap tonight, we should have time to get Kira warded."

  "Not just me,” Kira said suddenly, her eyes a molten gold. “Gallegar and Patrick should be warded first. That way, if they are caught outside a warding, they will still be protected."

  "Can it be done?” Benjamin questioned.

  Koran and Danolas looked at each other.

  "Yes,” Danolas answered, his face thoughtful. “All it takes is for us to tweak the personal setting a bit."

  "All of us should be warded,” Kira announced.

  "Why, honey?” Lucas frowned at her. “The Gate can take only those who are dead."

  "Do we know that for sure?” Kira asked. “I am part shade and vampire. I am what I am, because I am a part of them. Who knows what the Gate might do to me when it is opened? You are linked with a shade and vampire. Do you want to take the chance it is only his enthralling power you received?"

  Lucas stared at her in amazement. Not only for the logic of her words, but also because she knew he had enthralled Gallegar to get him to give up Kira at The Haunted House. He himself hadn't realized what he had done till they were driving away.

  "I think Kira has a point.” Koran stood up and stretched his lithe form. “It won't hurt to ward us all immediately. We will begin first thing tomorrow morning."

  "I'm going to need some sleep before we attempt any spells,” Danolas muttered, as he too pushed himself to his feet. “Don't want to turn anyone into a parrot.” He heard Kira's giggle and immediately felt better.

  "Gallegar.” Kira's voice caught his attention. The vampire bent his head forward so she could speak to him. “Both Noah and Gabriel should be warded as well. They are often out with you and deserve our protection."

  In her eyes, Gallegar saw the memory of Noah as he fought to kill his master. “You are right, A Ghra ... It was good of you to remember them.” He caught the witch's attention. “Danolas, my protectors should also be safeguarded. Will you do this for me?"

  "Of course, my friend. All those in danger must be protected.” Danolas raised his voice so all could hear. “If you can think of anyone else who may need the warding, let Koran or I know. We don't want to lose anybody."

  "Patrick should come home with us, to The Keep,” Danolas said. “I can ward him first, so he will be in no more danger."

  "As you wish.” Gallegar inclined his head in acknowledgment. “So we are agreed. Getting the wardings set is our first priority. Second would be getting as many of Patrick's people behind safe wards as we possibly can."

  "Your kind too!” Benjamin reminded him.

  Gallegar nodded. “My people will not like being confined to Sanctuary, but they will obey me. Once we know all are safe, we can design a strategy to bring the Gatekeeper out of hiding."

  "Come on, honey, I'll carry you to Danolas’ car.” Lucas approached Kira with a grin on his face. “I know your shoes got knocked off in the blast."

  "I am staying here."

  Chapter 6

  Kira's words fell into a pool of silence, as all the men turned and gaped at her. She raised her chin up a little, feeling Gallegar stiffen against her.

  "Now wait just a minute—” Lucas began, a thunderous look forming in his silve
r eyes.

  "No,” Kira said softly. She met Lucas’ glare head on. “I want to stay with Gallegar.” She turned and looked at Gallegar's surprised face. “Is that all right with you, Mo Chridhe..."

  "Uh...” Gallegar looked from Kira's beautiful face, to Lucas’ angry one. “Of course you may stay with me, A Ghra ... Are you sure that is what you want?"

  Kira turned and buried her face against his chest again. “Oh, yes. I want to stay here. I need to be with you.” She didn't look at Lucas again.

  Gallegar gazed at Lucas over the top of her head, his face baffled. He had no idea why Kira was reacting this way. She didn't want him out of her sight and she didn't care if she was hurting Lucas in the process.

  Lucas stared at Gallegar, but didn't see the look of victory on his face as he expected. Instead, his eyes were just as confused as Lucas felt. Even Gallegar didn't know what was going on in Kira's mind. The wolfman's pride came to the rescue.

  "If that's what you want, then I'm outta here.” Lucas nodded stiffly at the other Chosen. “I'll see you all back here tomorrow after dark.” He turned and stomped out of the chamber.

  The rest of the Chosen silently made their way out of the large room. Flora was still unconscious, but well enough that Danolas had decreed she could be taken to The Keep and Morag could take over her healing. She left with Jorad and Tobias carrying the stretcher.

  Soon, Gallegar and Kira were alone. For a long time the vampire kept silent, just feeling her soft body next to his. Her being here was just what he had wanted, but somehow the feeling of triumph escaped him. Any thought of it had disappeared, when he'd seen the look on Lucas’ face.

  Finally, Kira stirred and gave a big sigh. “I want to be with you while you sleep. Especially after what happened to us today. I need to have you where I can see you.” She tried a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.


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