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The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2]

Page 13

by CJ England

  "We tested it out,” was the unconcerned reply.

  Kira froze as she was exploring the bar area. She turned toward Benjamin, anger appearing on her beautiful face. “What do you mean ... you tested it out? Are you telling me Gallegar crawled into this machine and waited to see if he would be exposed?"

  The obvious horror in her voice had Benjamin throwing up his hands in supplication. “No, sweetheart, no. Gallegar didn't try it. He wanted to, but he knew better than that. He asked for volunteers and we tried it out this morning, after you had already gone to the loft."

  No need to tell her they had wanted her out of the way just in case something did go wrong. Benjamin gave Kira a quick hug to comfort her. “There were no injuries. The extra tinting we had put on the glass made all the difference. Any vampire will be safe in this vehicle, I promise you."

  The worry faded from Kira's face and she began to look around again. “It is good it was tested. I am very glad no one was hurt, but Gallegar must be kept safe."

  After a while, they left the limo, and Benjamin looked around. “I know Koran is here. I'll go look for him and see if I can help out in any way."

  Kira smiled and shook her head at him. “Both my brother and Patrick are here somewhere. You don't need to look, Benjamin. Use mind-speech. Even better, follow them in your mind."

  Benjamin grinned. “I keep forgetting I can do that.

  Together, they went into the loft and Benjamin followed Kira into the elevator. Once she'd gone up to her bedroom, where he knew she would be safe, he made his way downstairs to find his brothers.

  Outside, Lucas and Danolas had arrived, and parking their cars, walked over and surveyed the new limousine.

  "It's a beauty,” Danolas said as he ran a hand over the shining chrome accents. “You and Benjamin did a great job choosing this car."

  "I don't like the color,” Lucas stated in a surly voice. “But Kira sure as hell didn't think about making it silver."

  Danolas looked sharply at the werewolf, hearing the bitter words. It was the same every time they all got together. Lucas either made some nasty comment or ignored Kira completely. If Lucas didn't snap out of it soon, they could all be in danger.

  Narrowing his eyes, Danolas realized he was fed up with Lucas and his jealousy. Making a decision, he turned on his heel and started into the loft. “Come on, let's go have a drink."

  They took the elevator to the main room, where Danolas immediately went over to the wet bar and pulled out a beer for Lucas, before fixing a drink for himself. Using a tight beam of thought, he called the others to come upstairs. Then, unbeknownst to Lucas, put a privacy shield around Kira's loft room. What he wanted to say, he didn't want Kira to hear.

  While he waited for the other Chosen, he stared at Lucas with an intense look on his handsome face.

  After a few minutes of feeling Danolas’ stare, Lucas began to move restlessly in his seat. Finally, he set the bottle down with a thump. “What the hell are you staring at me for?"

  Danolas just shook his head, leisurely sipping his drink.

  "God damn it—” Lucas began, only to be interrupted by the arrival of Koran and Benjamin. Patrick popped in a few seconds later.

  "What's up?” queried Benjamin, as he took in Lucas’ tense features. Obeying Danolas’ silent plea, he poured a couple fingers of whiskey for Koran and himself and then sat down.

  "Danolas has something to say,” Lucas said with a sneer. “That is ... if he can open up his mouth and do it!"

  "You wish to know what I am thinking?” Danolas shot back with surprising anger in his voice.


  "Well then...” Danolas sat back in his chair. “I think you're an ass!"

  Koran choked on a mouthful of whiskey and Benjamin had to pound him on the back before he could get his breath back. Lucas was so angry he hardly even noticed.

  "What did you say?"

  "You heard me.” Danolas shrugged. “You are an ass."

  "Now, Danolas—” began Patrick.

  "No!” The witch stood, towering over them. “I've had enough. What else do you call a man who is so childish he makes everyone else around him miserable because he is unhappy?"

  "Now, just a damn minute!” Lucas thundered.

  "Shut up, Lucas. We have all been pussyfooting around you long enough. You are acting like a damn idiot, just because you didn't get your way with Kira. She has done something you disagree with, but instead of dealing with it like a man, you are acting like a surly kid!"

  "She chose Gallegar over me!” Lucas shouted, losing his temper completely. He shot to his feet and went toe to toe with Danolas. “After she told us both to lay off and give her time. Then she decides to stay with him and leave me out of the picture. How am I supposed to react?"

  Now it was Benjamin who frowned at the wolfman. “But, Lucas, she didn't choose Gallegar over you. That vision scared her ... made her worry for him. We all saw it."

  "Granted, she may have been a bit abrupt in how she dealt with it,” Koran put in. “But she'd just been through an awful experience. She was still in shock."

  "But it's over now, damn it!” Lucas wasn't giving an inch. “The wards protect us. So why isn't she back at The Keep, or with someone else?"

  "Perhaps it isn't over.” Danolas was gentler now, trying to make the thickheaded shapeshifter see reason. “None of us truly knows what she saw in that vision."

  "You think she lied to us?” Benjamin asked in astonishment.

  "Of course not.” Danolas shook his head. “But she was hiding something. That, I could see."

  "What are you talking about?” Lucas questioned. He sank back into his seat, his temper spent for the moment. “What do you mean ... she was hiding something?"

  "At the beginning, you could say, I had a feeling.” Danolas smiled wryly. “But when I looked inside her, Kira had shielded part of herself from me. That, in itself, made me wonder."

  "What is she hiding?” Patrick asked.

  "I truly don't know,” answered Danolas. “But, I think it has something to do with Gallegar.” He stared again at the wolfman. “Think, Lucas. In the past, has Kira ever taken sides like you say she is doing now? Hasn't she done what she could to make sure all of us were at peace with each other?"

  "Remember, this very loft in which we sit was built for the purpose of giving us a place to meet so there wouldn't be any jealousies.” Koran stated that relevant fact in a thoughtful tone. “No one knows what is going on."

  "No,” answered Danolas. He looked hard at Lucas. “Not even Gallegar."

  Lucas sat quietly for a long moment before speaking. “Are you telling me all of you knew Kira was hiding something and that's the reason she's so clingy with Gallegar?"

  "We all saw what happened that night, but we weren't so quick to jump to conclusions.” Danolas put his hand on the big man's shoulder to ease the sting of his words. “We tried to weigh what we saw, with what we know of Kira. She wouldn't deliberately hurt you, Lucas, so that meant there must be another explanation. Her obvious fear of being apart from Gallegar shows us something is wrong."

  "She must have a good reason not to tell us,” Patrick mused.

  "Good reason or not, she has made her decision. And knowing how much it hurt you didn't change it. That tells me just how strongly she feels about it,” Danolas added.

  "And your attitude sure hasn't helped much,” Benjamin said. He put up his hands when he saw Lucas bristle. “Wait a minute. You tell us you are in love with her, but hell, you've been treating her more like you hate her. You're nasty to her. You act like you don't want to be around any of us. Like this whole Chosen thing is a big mistake. You've put us in danger, ‘cause that cosmic wagon wheel of ours has a break in it, and you're responsible."

  Benjamin shook his head. “As for Kira ... even if she did feel anything for you, you've pushed her so far away it's a wonder she wants anything to do with you. You haven't just been acting like an ass. You've been acting the fool!"

>   For several minutes there was silence in the loft following Benjamin's short speech. Lucas felt like he had taken a punch in the gut. Realizing he had been acting just like the ass Danolas accused him of, and was in fact pushing Kira right into Gallegar's arms, he groaned out loud.

  What a fool he had been. His brothers had seen what he hadn't and had tried to tell him, but he had been so proud and angry he hadn't listened. And now it might be too late. Would Kira forgive him? And if she did, would he still stand any chance of gaining her heart? He reached over, and taking a long breath, lifted the slightly warm beer to his lips and drank it down, shuddering at the taste.

  "I'm sorry,” he said, wiping the foam from his lips. He lifted his gaze and stared at Danolas. “You were right all along and I just wouldn't listen. I was jealous. I can't seem to help it."

  He looked next at Benjamin. “I've put us at risk because of this. All I can do is say ... I'm sorry. I'll do my best to never let something like this happen again."

  Danolas breathed a sigh of relief. It was going to be all right. Out loud he said, “I think the Chosen will forgive you more easily if we knew you had made peace with Kira. And with Gallegar."

  Lucas firmed his jaw in an unconscious gesture of strength. “You're right again. It's time I ended this once and for all. I'll need a moment alone with her."

  The Chosen all glanced at each other and then Koran shrugged. “She is up in her room. You will have the necessary privacy there."

  * * * *

  Lucas paused on his way up the steps that led to Kira's loft. He suddenly realized he would rather face down his boss Elijah with the truth he had joined with the Peacekeeper, than have to admit to Kira what an idiot he had been. It hurt him to think, no matter what he did in the next few minutes, he might never get back that special feeling he'd experienced when he and Kira had joined. He shook his head, again thinking of how utterly foolish he had been. If he lost her he would have no one to blame but himself.

  What would she do? How would she respond to his apology? Hell, he didn't even know what to say to her. Lucas heard movement up in the loft room and then Kira's soft voice singing one of the mystical chants Danolas had taught her. Her voice was soft and soothing, but Lucas felt only the fear of losing her all together. Before he could talk himself out of it, he took a deep breath and stepped into her room.

  Kira was smoothing down the covers of her bed when she saw him. For a moment her face lit up in joy, but then, just as quickly, the look became wary as she gazed at him. It smote his already tattered heart.

  "Kira...” he began hoarsely. His words trailed off into nothing as he realized he hadn't a clue how to begin.

  "Lucas?” Kira questioned, taking a hesitant step toward him. “What is it?"

  He just stared at her. There was a lump the size of a baseball in his throat. He opened his mouth and then shut it again, squeezing his eyes shut in despair. Where were the words? Why couldn't he be as poetical as Gallegar or as eloquent with speech as Danolas?


  He opened his eyes and saw Kira had stepped closer to him. She looked at him with loving concern and it shattered him.

  He held out his arms. “Oh, honey...” he breathed brokenly. “I'm so sorry."

  Kira's golden eyes filled with tears and then suddenly she was in his arms. Picking her up, he carried her the short distance to the bed and sat down. He held her tightly against him. All he could say, over and over again was ... “I'm sorry ... I'm sorry."

  * * * *

  Gallegar arrived to find the other Chosen sitting quietly in the main room. He knew instantly something had changed and when he didn't see Lucas or Kira, he knew what that something was. Frowning, he glanced up at the loft room.

  "I have shielded it for privacy,” Danolas said, his eyes meeting the vampire's. “I think I will leave it. Sound travels quite easily in this old place."

  "What has happened?"

  Benjamin finished his drink and rose to make another. “Lucas was shown the error of his ways.” He grinned at Gallegar's raised eyebrow. “Danolas explained things to him."

  "Things?” Gallegar went over and poured himself one of the special concoctions Kira kept there for him. Then, he turned back to Danolas. “Which things?"

  The witch smiled and without words showed Gallegar a picture of what had happened earlier in the room. The vampire's eyes narrowed as he took in all the possible ramifications of Lucas’ change of heart.

  The past few weeks had made Gallegar feel like he and Kira were a couple and he had been imagining a future together. What would happen if Kira forgave Lucas his stupidity? Would he lose her again? He cleared his throat. “How long have they been up there?"

  "Not long,” Danolas answered. “About half an hour or so."

  "I think Lucas was really sorry about how he acted,” Koran put in.

  Gallegar didn't respond, his whole being attuned to the upstairs loft. He knew he wouldn't feel secure until Kira and Lucas were both downstairs. The other Chosen made quiet conversation, for the most part ignoring the uneasy vampire as he stood staring out the window into the night sky. His face was a blank, but they all knew his mind was full of tangled thoughts about the wolfman and Kira.

  It seemed like a long time later when they heard Kira and Lucas come down the stairs. The Chosen all watched as they came into the room. Kira's face was wreathed in smiles and Lucas grinned triumphantly.

  Gallegar turned from the window and stared at them impassively. Lucas met his stare and drawing Kira with him went straight to the vampire.

  "I know the others told you what's going on. I owe you an apology, too. I treated you like shit because I was jealous. I'm really sorry for that.” Lucas looked down at Kira, who was gazing at him with pride. “Kira has forgiven me, even if I don't deserve it and I trust in time, you'll do the same."

  He looked back at Gallegar and held out his hand. “Even if that's not possible right now, I hope you will put aside our differences so we can work as a team. Can you do that, Gallegar? If not for me, for Kira and the company?"

  Gallegar stood very still in a way only a vampire can do. He stood there so long Lucas began to grow afraid he had failed in getting Gallegar to understand. He was just ready to drop his hand, when Gallegar suddenly put his out and grasped the shapeshifter's strong one.

  "I forgive you, Lucas.” Gallegar looked unsmilingly at the blond man. “For the sake of the company ... and for our friendship.” He smiled then, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. “But you hurt her. You made her cry."

  "Gallegar...” Kira began.

  "No, A Ghra ... ” Gallegar dropped the wolfman's hand and moved closer so he could trail a caressing finger down Kira's soft cheek. “None of us should treat you that way. I give him leave, because you have forgiven him. But ... I will not let him hurt you again."

  Lucas stiffened as Gallegar spoke, but he forced himself to relax. “It's okay, honey. He's right. Maybe if someone had kicked my ass sooner, I wouldn't have acted like such a jerk."

  "The wagon wheel is complete again. No broken places.” Danolas waved his staff around to make his point. “I suggest we try to put the last three weeks behind us and focus on what is coming up. Namely ... a war."

  Gallegar and Lucas looked at each other for a moment. Gallegar sketched a short bow to Lucas, who returned it with a mocking grin. That settled, they both went and sat down in front of the fire. Kira trailed after them, her face soft with happiness.

  Settling down on the soft rug before the hearth, Kira sighed. “It is good to finally be done with this place. I had no idea shopping could be so tiresome."

  The men, who had all been on one of Kira's shopping sprees ... groaned.

  "You are an ... enthusiastic shopper, sister,” Koran said with a hint of mockery. “If I wasn't an immortal, I think you would have killed me."

  "You knew exactly what you wanted, but that sure didn't stop you from window shopping in every mall in San Francisco ... without stopping,” Benja
min muttered, but his eyes were laughing.

  "You tired me out ... and I'm already dead!” Patrick quipped, causing the rest of the company to break into peals of laughter.

  "But you have done a wonderful job, A Ghra ... ” The vampire smiled at her, warmth in his eyes. “You have taken this empty building and turned it into a home."

  "I may be new to this world,” Kira said, her gaze sweeping all of them. “But I do know this ... a home is not made up of furniture and decorations, but of the people who inhabit it. It is your presence that makes this a home."

  "Ahhh, honey...” Lucas began, but his words were drowned out by the clanging of a gong.

  "Dinner is served!” The announcement was made in Chef Louie's best voice.

  "May I escort you, my Lady?” Danolas inquired, offering Kira his arm.

  Kira smiled and rose to her feet. “I would be honored, sir."

  The two stepped into the dining area followed by the rest of the company. Automatically, they all went to the same seats they had used when they ate at Danolas’ Keep. Gallegar sat at the head of the table, with Kira on his left and Danolas on his right. Lucas sat at the other end with Koran on his right, next to Kira and Benjamin on his left, with Patrick between the Suprahuman and Danolas.

  Louie bustled around with his assistants, making sure all were served, before making their way back to the kitchen.

  "Ummm,” Benjamin moaned, as he sipped the soup that had been put before him. “Louie has outdone himself tonight. This is delicious."

  "I think I will try to steal your cook away from you,” Koran said slyly to Danolas. “My father would appreciate this type of magick."

  "He wouldn't go,” Danolas answered smugly. “You called him a cook. Louie is a chef!” Everyone laughed at his certainty.

  "I, for one, am glad he has taken so well to Kira. This way he will feed us wherever we choose to meet.” Gallegar dropped a kiss on Kira's forehead.

  "I don't know what ya'll are so excited about,” Patrick said, amusement shadowing his voice. “What good is food anyway?” Again, there was laughter at the table.

  "Well, we know what Louie was doing all day long.” Benjamin smiled as he thought about it. “I spent my time working on my accounts. Perfectly boring! The best part was this evening, when I picked up the new limo. You should have seen Kira's face."


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