The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2]

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The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2] Page 20

by CJ England

  Gallegar looked inquiringly at Danolas. “You speak of healing him?"

  "You can cure him of AIDS?” Benjamin questioned. He thought of the research his lab had done on the AIDS virus. It was frustrating and slow. “Through magick?"

  "Yes. If he wishes it."

  Gallegar felt a part of himself begin to relax. “It is a good idea. Better than having to change him. And if he is able to continue working at the medical examiner's office, he could keep an eye open for other unusual occurrences."

  He looked at Danolas, knowing the strength of magick it would take. “I thank you, my brother."

  Danolas bowed. This virus was one of the worst known to mankind. While it could be healed, it took a great deal out of the witch involved. But Danolas knew whatever the spell took from him, it would be less than what would have been taken from Gallegar if he had given the order to change Tony into a vampire. That type of pain might never cease.

  Patrick began looking through the file of papers. “We will have to move on this quickly. This could be the beginning of what we saw in Kira's visions."

  "Could it be a vampire?” Koran asked as he took a paper and perused it thoughtfully. “There was no blood found at the scene or in the body."

  "If it was, it wasn't one of mine.” Of that, Gallegar sounded sure. “Mine are all accounted for. Since the wards were put up, I know where each of them are."

  "It could have been a werewolf.” Patrick glanced at Lucas, who was looking over Danolas’ shoulder reading the information in the file.

  "I don't think so,” he muttered. He flushed as he met Patrick's eyes. “Too much left of them. My kind usually goes for flesh. We wouldn't just slit a throat and leave the body alone."

  "I must see the body for myself. Where did the human say it had been taken?” Gallegar paced over and looked at the papers himself.

  "He said it had been taken to a funeral home.” Danolas thumbed through the papers. “Morpheus Funerals."

  "We should all go.” Koran set his whiskey down and walked over to Gallegar. “Two heads are better than one and all that."

  * * * *

  Forty-five minutes later they all stood outside the funeral home. They had all taken their first official ride in the new limo and, other than a squabble between Lucas and Benjamin over who got to sit nearest the wet bar, all had gone well. Patrick especially was pleased, since now he could ride along with his friends.

  The funeral home was a long low building built of whitewashed adobe and trimmed in dark green. The adobe was so clean that it glowed, even in the moonlight. Every bush, tree and flower was perfectly manicured.

  "Jesus,” Lucas growled under his breath. “I'll bet they even press the grass!"

  "I don't know who these people are,” Benjamin muttered, as they walked around to the back. “But they are serious neat freaks."

  They waited as Danolas spell-opened the backdoor lock and rendered the security system inoperable. When the door swung open, they all crowded in together.

  "So, where do we go from here?” Lucas asked, his silver eyes glancing curiously about him.

  "Follow me,” Benjamin said. “I think the place where they do everything should be back here.” He glanced back at the others as he led them down a shadowed hallway. “My lab has dealings with funeral homes."

  "What kind of dealings?” Patrick floated up next to him.

  Benjamin shrugged. “We often purchase cadavers from funeral homes. The Institute does many types of research.” He looked sourly at Danolas. “Including AIDS."

  Danolas smiled. “I wish I could bottle up a spell to cure the virus. Unfortunately, healing it with magick is almost as difficult as finding a cure—"

  "This should be it,” Benjamin interrupted. He tried the door. “Locked."

  "Allow me.” Koran stepped forward, and his eyes glowed amber for a moment. The door swung open without a sound.

  "Jackpot!” Lucas muttered as they all stepped inside. The room was as clean and sterile as the outside of the building had been. A row of stainless steel tables lined two of the walls, with cabinets and carts filled with instruments taking up the others. The smell of disinfectant and something else permeated the air. It felt like a refrigerator inside the room.

  Kira wrinkled her nose as she shivered. “What is that smell?"

  "Embalming fluids, sweetheart. They use them on the bodies.” Benjamin stepped forward, and picked up a small scalpel from a tray. “It's a nice setup."

  "I do believe this is what we've come to see.” Patrick floated over to one of the tables and pointed down at a sheet draped figure.

  Gallegar stepped forward and, without a word, reached down and pulled the sheet back. Everyone gasped at what met their eyes.

  Lying before them was a man. Or what was left of one. He was tall, with long dark hair. His facial features were pulled into a death grimace and he was pale ... oh, so pale, making the dark hair on his body a horrible contrast. All their eyes were drawn to the gaping hole in his throat.

  "Was it done by a vampire?” Koran asked, his golden features grim. He stared at the husk of a man.

  Gallegar bent and examined the body closely. “The body is drained of blood—that is certain. But this gash at the throat ... a vampire would not do this."

  Danolas frowned as he moved to look for himself. “A vampire would leave wounds, like Kira has on her neck from your joining. If there are marks here, the slash in his throat has hidden them."

  "Yet, this does have the taint of a vampire attack.” Gallegar gently probed at the torn flesh on the neck of the body. “But something..."

  "Mo Chridhe..."

  "I am not sure. Everything points to a vampire. But I sense something else. Something I cannot put my finger on."

  "Then what is going on?” Benjamin ran a confused hand through his dark hair.

  "I need to find out who did this immediately.” Gallegar looked over at Lucas. “And I will need your help, my friend."

  "My help?” Lucas stared at the intent vampire. “How can I help?"

  "I want you to track this creature for us."

  Lucas swallowed heavily. “I don't know how. I'm no tracker."

  Gallegar gave a low laugh. “Lucas, I have been telling you that you have the skills of a Master Shapeshifter. Just because you have not been trained does not mean you do not have the ability."

  "And you can show him how?” Koran asked.

  "Yes, but we will need to go to where the man was found. From there, Lucas can track to where the vampire creature went after the attack."

  "I don't get this,” Lucas said stubbornly. “I don't know what skills you're talkin’ about."

  Gallegar sighed, understanding the hesitation in Lucas. The big man had fought against using his werebeast skills from the very moment of his first change. While he was much more accepting of his fate after Kira came into his life, he still had some issues to be dealt with.

  "I will show you those skills. They are a part of your beast heritage."

  "Can we do it somewhere else?” Benjamin asked, preventing Lucas from arguing further. “We don't want to be caught in here."

  "Agreed,” Patrick said wryly. “I'll go make sure the coast is clear.” He popped out of the room almost before he finished speaking.

  "Lucas.” Gallegar motioned him up next to the body and Lucas reluctantly obeyed. “Before we go, I must ask you to inhale deeply and get a good scent of all that is around this body."

  "Are you nuts?"

  They all chuckled as Gallegar patted the werewolf's arm. “No, my friend, I am not nuts. The scent you need to track the attacker is here. Now, you must acquire it."

  Lucas cast him a speaking look and then grumbling, bent down, and putting his face close to the body, breathed in deeply. He could smell the pungent cleaner that the mortician had bathed the body in, as well as the fluid Benjamin had told Kira about.

  Lucas’ senses came alive as he continued his deep breathing. Everyone else in the room disappeared
as he concentrated only on the smells that permeated his brain. Down deep, he felt something shift inside of him. Hunters’ instincts, so long denied, fought their way to the forefront. He wanted suddenly to run, to seek, to find ... He growled when he felt someone's hand on his arm.

  "Come back, Lucas,” Gallegar's voice was low and commanding.

  Lucas snapped back to the present and stood upright quickly. “What?"

  "You did very well.” The vampire slapped Lucas on the back. “You needed none of my help to use the instincts you have been given. I think this will be easier than you think."

  Lucas stood dazed, and Kira quickly put her arms around him to steady him.

  "All clear,” Patrick said, as he appeared again in the room.

  "Then let's get out of here.” Gallegar led them all back out of the lab. “On to Golden Gate Park."

  * * * *

  In the limo, even after the experience at the funeral home, Lucas wasn't clear on what he was supposed to do. “So you want me to sniff the ground and tell you what I smell?” He scratched his head. “Even if I can smell something, how will I know it's whatever killed the guy?"

  "You will sift through the scents and find the correct one,” Gallegar repeated patiently. “Just as you know the difference between the smell of ... say, roasted peanuts and roasted beef, you can differentiate between the scents you will find at the park. You know the smell of what killed the human because of what you scented back at the funeral home. Now you must separate those scents, until you find the correct one."

  "You can do it, Lucas, I know you can,” Kira encouraged him. She sat next to him in the limo, since Lucas hadn't given up his hold on her since she had embraced him. “You didn't see yourself back there. We could all tell something was going on."

  When Lucas didn't answer, Gallegar narrowed his eyes. “Perhaps a trial run is in order. This should make it easier to understand. Kira, turn and face Lucas.” He waited until Kira had done so. “Now, Lucas, do to Kira what you did to that unfortunate man at the funeral parlor. I think you will find it much more enjoyable."

  Lucas raised his eyebrows at his words, but then grinned. “Oh yeah, much better.” He bent forward and putting his nose into the curve of Kira's neck, inhaled deeply. “Ummm,” he said, hearing Kira giggle.

  Gallegar smiled. “Keep your mind on the task, Lucas."

  "Spoilsport!” Lucas muttered. He concentrated, and breathing in, let himself go like he had before. This time it was easier. He fell into the rhythm of it so quickly he was startled. He could smell each separate scent on Kira's body. Her shampoo, the scent of coffee, the smell of the dye on the fabric she was wearing; the very essence of what made Kira who she was. He could also scent a darker smell on Kira, one he wasn't sure he liked. Going deeper, he breathed in, and could sense the smell of the strawberries she had eaten the day before and then deeper yet, the scent of the very blood that flowed through her veins, warm and spicy.

  Finally, he breathed in something that set all his senses on fire. He lifted his head in astonishment and met her curious eyes.


  He closed his eyes again and shuddered, putting his nose back into her neck. “I can smell your power. I never ... it's just ... Oh, hell, you smell great!"

  Everyone broke into laughter and Lucas opened his eyes, grinning widely. He wiggled his eyebrows at Kira. “I could use some more practice.” Kira giggled even harder.

  "Tell us what you smelled.” Koran was bursting with curiosity.

  Lucas sat back and tucked Kira under his arm. She snuggled against him and lifted her gaze to his.

  "It was easier this time,” Lucas began. “I didn't have to think about it, it just happened. I could smell her perfume, even the smell of the stuff that colored her clothes."

  Kira looked down at her blouse and sniffed at a sleeve. “I don't smell anything unusual."

  "And you won't, A Ghra ... It is a shapeshifter skill. You would have to learn it, while to Lucas, it comes naturally."

  "How do you know all this stuff about shifters?” Benjamin asked curiously.

  "Our kinds have had many dealings with each other.” Gallegar smiled and his face was amused. “In the old days, it was not uncommon for a vampire to use a werebeast as a familiar or a pet."

  "A pet?” Patrick choked out, struggling not to laugh.

  Lucas scowled.

  "Aye, but sadly ... those days are gone."

  They all laughed again at the look on Lucas’ face. Trying not to glare at the amused vampire, the wolfman continued. “When I went deeper, I could smell her blood, her bones. Everything that she is.” Suddenly, he remembered the other smell ... the one that had disturbed him. He bent back to Kira and took a deep breath as he frowned in concentration.

  "What is it?” Danolas leaned forward in fascination.

  "I don't know ... there is a scent here I can't identify.” He sniffed again. “It is dark and almost familiar, but it bothers me in some way."

  "Find it and isolate it if you can.” Gallegar narrowed his eyes at the wolfman's words. He had his own thoughts about what Lucas had smelled.

  "All right,” Lucas agreed. Searching, he quickly found the scent he was looking for. He took a long whiff, to imprint it on his senses. “Now what?"

  Gallegar shifted in the seat, crossing his long legs. “See if you can scent the same smell anywhere else. Try here, in the limo, to start."

  Lucas closed his eyes again and began his search. He learned Benjamin wore cologne that made him want to sneeze and Danolas’ smell of magick was virtually indistinguishable from the witch himself. He could smell the newness of the seat cushions and the scent of food in the tightly closed fridge. As he scented his way past Patrick, who didn't smell at all except for the fleeting odor of fresh open air, he caught the scent he'd been looking for. Everyone saw him as he snapped to attention and his nostrils flared.

  "Follow it,” Gallegar said quietly, not wanting to break Lucas’ concentration.

  Lucas barely heard him. This odor troubled him and he was determined to figure out why, and what it was. Quickly, he followed it, tracing it rapidly to the side of the limo near Gallegar. His eyes flew open and he met the knowing ones of the vampire as he realized the scent he was tracking ... was Gallegar himself.

  "You...” he breathed in confusion.

  "Me,” agreed Gallegar as all stared in amazement. “I thought as much."

  "But ... why?” Benjamin frowned. “I don't get it. Why would Kira smell like ... Oh...” He trailed off uncomfortably.

  "I think if Lucas tried, he could scent all of us on Kira, even himself,” Gallegar inserted smoothly. He didn't want Lucas to get angry.

  "I noticed this one though ... why?” Lucas had a feeling he already knew. He didn't like the fact Gallegar had been anywhere near Kira and that was why he had reacted that way.

  "I believe...” Gallegar said, purposely avoiding the obvious. “That you recognized the scent as the same one you smelled on the body at the funeral home. And now that you know what a vampire smells like, you will be able to track the one that attacked that man.

  Lucas was not feeling as confident as Gallegar. He was still irritated about finding the vampire's scent on Kira, even though he knew it made sense. “We'll see."

  * * * *

  Minutes later they were standing at the crime scene, where pieces of yellow tape still drifted in the breeze. The faint outline of the body could be seen in the grass.

  "I wonder what the human was doing out here?” Koran knelt down. “The file set the time of death at two in the morning."

  "He was homeless,” Kira said quietly. “His name was Bruce Naylor. He was a Vietnam vet, who never made the transition back to peacetime living."

  The Chosen all stared at her and she flipped her silver hair back over one shoulder. She shrugged. “I can read a report too."

  "Ummm, yeah,” Lucas said, kneeling down as well. “You want me to do my thing now?"

  "Yes,” Gallegar s
aid. He reached out and took Kira by the hand.

  "Can you smell anything, my wolf?” Kira asked.

  "I don't know,” Lucas said. “It is different out here in the fresh air. So many distractions.” He bent down and inhaled a second time.

  "Separate the scents one at a time as you did before,” Gallegar instructed him. “Take your time."

  Lucas obeyed, allowing himself to fall into that same semi-trance he had before. He allowed his instincts to go deeper, to where he swore he could smell every blade of grass in front of him. He could scent the fresh earth and even the smell of worms and grubs deep beneath the surface. He felt the shift in himself again, as he picked up the elusive smell he was looking for. Again, he felt the urge to seek out the source of this odor.

  The Chosen standing behind him could also see when he found it. His body had almost drawn in on itself as he knelt; the only movement was his short cut hair blowing in the breeze.

  "Is he all right?” Kira whispered.

  Gallegar smiled. “He is hunting."

  Lucas barely heard them. He was too caught up in the instincts taking over him. He cast around for the scent he was looking for and when he had found the source he quivered in excitement. His inner being began to change, his olfactory senses expanding, his eyesight improving to that of his namesake ... the wolf. He leaned forward on all fours, preparing to change and track the scent back to his enemy.

  "Lucas, you must not change.” Gallegar's voice was urgent. “It is not safe. Track it in your human body."

  Lucas didn't want to hear that. He knew what he was. He was not human. Why stay in this puny body when he could be stronger and faster? He growled deep in his throat and ignored the voice.

  "Kira.” Gallegar turned to her swiftly. “He mustn't change. It is too dangerous for all of us, especially him, here in the upper city. He will listen to you."

  Kira didn't hesitate, but stepped forward and unflinchingly put her hand on Lucas’ arm. She could feel the bands of muscles growing even as she touched him. “Lucas, stop! You cannot change completely."

  Lucas heard her, but the beast inside was calling him. He turned to her and growled. “Leave me. I go!"


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