The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2]

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The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2] Page 21

by CJ England

  Kira gasped when his eyes met hers. They had changed ... gone feral. The silver had expanded and almost swallowed up the black of the pupil. She remembered the night of their joining. How beautiful he had looked. For a moment, she too was lured in by the siren call of the wild. She wanted to join him, to race at his side, free.

  Chapter 12


  She heard Gallegar's voice call her name and she immediately shook her head, coming back to the present.

  "Lucas!” Her voice was shaky, but it was there. “Listen to me. You cannot leave me, my wolf. We need you."

  It was a testament to his love for Kira that he even heard her, so strong was the lure to run free. As he struggled back to the world at hand, Lucas felt like he had run a marathon, his heart racing in his chest. His eyes were still wild when he finally turned to her.

  "I think ... I think I'm okay now.” He groaned as Kira caressed his sweaty face and need replaced the wildness. “Maybe not that okay. You better not touch me for a while."

  Kira dropped her hand. “Are you sure you are all right?"

  Lucas hunched his shoulders, embarrassed. “Yeah, I just need a second to come down. I found the scent. It's a rush, that's all."

  "We will follow it, but you must keep your human form. You can still draw on all your beast senses.” Gallegar watched the shapeshifter closely. “We thought we lost you for a minute."

  Lucas snorted. “You did. I was all ready to run when Kira brought me back.” He looked at the blond beauty still kneeling beside him. “I thought you were going to come with me."

  Kira nodded. “The call was very strong. Even to me."

  "It is because you joined with him,” Danolas theorized. “You received some of the need to go wild."

  "I guess we walk?” Lucas lifted Kira to her feet. He pointed deep into the forest where the creature had fled.

  Benjamin moaned. “Here we have a perfectly good limo and we can't use it. What a gyp!"

  * * * *

  Several hours later, they were all wishing for the limo. The trail led through a thick forest and a small river, which Koran levitated them all over. Then it went down a steep hill covered in bushes covered with stickers. They were sweaty, tired and in Danolas’ case, irritated. The once meticulously clean witch was covered in dirt, from when he had tripped in a rabbit hole and fallen flat on his aristocratic face.

  "How is the trail, Lucas?” Gallegar looked over at the werewolf.

  Lucas’ nostrils flared. “It is still faint, but I think growing stronger. It's easy for me to follow. I don't even have to concentrate anymore."

  "What is wrong with this thing? Hasn't he ever heard of the Bart?” Danolas snarled as he brushed down the robes he was wearing.

  "We are getting closer to the Lower City.” Benjamin looked around him. “I hadn't realized there was so much open land near San Francisco."

  "Too much if you ask me,” groused the cranky witch.

  "My friend.” Gallegar grinned ... he just couldn't help it. “I thought your kind were nature lovers. I've heard of the many ceremonies you have out in the wood."

  Danolas blew an errant strand of hair out of his eyes. He knew he was going to get ribbed about this outing for a very long time. “Yes, I suppose that is so. The earliest witches were forced out into the woods by the narrow-minded humans. But, thank the Goddess, those times have changed. While sometimes it is traditional to go to the woods for a ceremony, most can be done in the safety and comfort of your home. And if you must go skyclad, you can conjure an outdoor setting to accommodate you."

  "Skyclad?” Lucas had never heard the term.

  "Naked,” Koran said, watching Lucas’ face. He knew what was coming.

  "Naked?” The wolfman digested that information for a moment. “Damn."

  "Can anyone go to one of these ceremonies?” Kira asked innocently. “I would like to see one."

  There was dead silence for a minute before Danolas started to laugh. The look on Gallegar and Lucas’ faces had been worth the whole miserable walk ... almost.

  "A Ghra ... ” the vampire struggled with words. “It would not be appropriate for you to go. You would be the only one with your robe on. It might make the others uncomfortable."

  "Oh, I'd go naked ... I mean skyclad too. It wouldn't be right otherwise."

  "The hell you say!” Lucas didn't try and mince his words. “You ain't gonna go naked anywhere!” He stopped and glared down at her. “Do you hear me?"

  There was barely covered amusement in Kira's voice as she answered. “I do believe they can hear you back at the loft, my wolf."

  Gallegar saw the laughter in her eyes and relaxed. Kira had no intention of going naked anywhere. She was teasing them. He chuckled. “Speaking of going, it is time I departed. The sun will be up soon."

  "Do you still have time?” Kira lost her teasing look. She came to him, her face fearful.

  "Aye.” Gallegar took her in his arms and held her, ignoring Lucas and the others. He needed this moment with her. He stared down into her golden eyes, suddenly concerned. “Perhaps, we should all go. We can pick this up tonight. I should be with you to confront this monster."

  "Don't worry so much,” Lucas growled. The sight of Kira in Gallegar's arms made the wildness in him even harder to control. “All of us are here."

  "I understand your concern.” Danolas nodded. “But we can track the creature and then confront it this evening when you are with us."

  Gallegar sighed. “All right, but please be careful.” He pressed a kiss to Kira's forehead and then down to her lips, feeling her soften against him. “We know it has the characteristics of a vampire, but something is wrong. There is something else involved.” He kissed Kira hard again. “Be careful."

  Kira smiled and hugged him. “I will. I promise.” She watched as Gallegar, Noah and Gabriel strode hurriedly away. When the vampires had disappeared from sight, she sighed and turned to the other Chosen. “Shall we proceed?"

  Lucas took her hand silently and they continued on their way.

  * * * *

  "Are you sure this is it?

  Lucas nodded, looking over toward the questioner. “Yeah, Danolas ... this is it. The scent has gotten so strong it's hard to believe you guys can't smell it."

  They had crossed over into the Lower City an hour ago and had been tracking the creature steadily throughout the morning. Danolas surveyed the old building before them. The structure wouldn't be easy to search. It was an abandoned apartment complex, large and sprawling, with broken windows and sagging eaves.

  "I think perhaps we should heed Gallegar's advice and wait until this evening. We're all tired and it will take time to find this thing in here."

  "I didn't track the thing all over this damn town to walk away now!” Lucas growled angrily. “I say we catch it and destroy it. Isn't that what we were brought together to do?"

  Danolas lifted his hands. “I agree, but I am concerned. With Gallegar gone, we are not at full strength, and we are all exhausted from the night's long trek. I think it might be wiser to wait."

  "I could put people on the building so the creature couldn't escape,” Patrick offered. “That way we could come back tonight."

  "Kira ... what do you think?” Danolas looked at her. She was chewing her lip and staring at the decrepit building.

  After a long thoughtful pause she answered him. “I do not like the thought of going in without Gallegar, but I like even less the thought this creature could kill again.” She sighed. “I think we should go in and take a look around. If Lucas can pinpoint the location of the creature, it would be easier for us to capture it later on."

  "Now, you're talkin,” Lucas crowed.

  "All right,” Danolas reluctantly agreed. “But carefully. We do not want to come across this creature thoughtlessly."

  Together, they entered the building. The musty smell made Kira want to sneeze and she could hear the muffled sounds of rodents as they scurried away from the intruders. They wa
lked down a long hallway; the only sound their own footsteps.

  "God, this is creepy,” Benjamin muttered. “Just like in a horror movie."

  The hair stood up on the back of Danolas’ neck. He had a bad feeling about this whole venture and opened his mouth to say so, when they stepped through an arched doorway and into a large open room.

  "The smell is very strong here,” Lucas growled. He pulled Kira closer to him as he gazed around with keen eyes. “It is close by."

  "Then we should be leaving,” Danolas urged. The bad feeling was growing. “I don't like it here. Something is wrong."

  Instinctively, the Chosen formed a protective circle around Kira. They all stared around them, looking for what ever was bothering the witch.

  "I don't see anything,” Koran said finally after several minutes. “Perhaps you are sensing the aura of the resting vampire."

  "What ever it is,” Danolas said, his eyes glowing and his staff at the ready. “It's time to go. Now. We know where to come this evening."

  "Okay, take it easy.” Lucas frowned at the nervous witch. “We can go out the way..."

  It was the very lack of sound that gave him pause. He felt only a soft breath of wind behind him, but by then it was too late. Lucas turned just in time to see a black cloaked figure and Kira rocket straight up into the air.

  "Kira!” he shouted as he lunged up after them, but the creature was too fast. They could all see Kira struggling desperately against the beast. It cuffed her hard in the head and she went limp. The Chosen watched helplessly as it carried her up through a hole in the ceiling and out of their sight.

  "Damn it,” Lucas snarled, his face contorted in rage and fear.

  "We did not protect her.” Koran ran toward the stairs.

  "There will be time for recriminations later,” Danolas snapped, as he followed the angry faerie. “Now we must find our lady."

  * * * *

  Miles away in Sanctuary, Gallegar woke in a cold sweat. Something was wrong. The vampire searched his senses, realizing for the first time, since their fight at Benjamin's, he couldn't feel Kira's presence in his mind.

  He sat up, and sent a fierce mind-call out to her. He got no reply and his sense of misgiving grew. He threw back the bedcovers as he called the Chosen.

  "Danolas, Lucas ... What is going on?"

  "Gallegar! You are awake?" Danolas’ mind-voice was strained and Gallegar could hear the fear in it.

  "What has happened? Where is Kira?" Gallegar waited, but he was afraid he already knew the answer.

  "The creature has taken her. It came right out of the ceiling. I am so sorr—"

  Gallegar cut off the apology, his senses screaming in disbelief. His beloved had been seized and he was stuck miles away without any way of helping her.

  "Gallegar? Are you there?" This time it was Patrick's mind-voice he heard.

  "I ... am ... here." The words were gritted out.

  "We need your help. This thing that took her, it has some attributes of a vampire, but it came out in daylight."

  "It levitated her right up into the air! Right through the ceiling. This place is huge. We don't know where to start looking." Gallegar could hear the pain in Danolas’ voice.

  Gallegar climbed to his feet and paced over to the fireplace. He thought hurriedly as he stared at the carving above the mantel. Tears gathered in his eyes. He would not lose Kira like he had lost everyone else.

  "Look for a closed damp place. If it is a vampire or a creature like one, it would take her back to its nest so it could feed undisturbed."

  * * * *

  Kira woke to a pounding headache and the sour smell of unwashed clothing. She moaned and tried to rise, but the movement sent a shot of nausea through her. Her eyes slowly cleared and she saw she was in a windowless room; the only light, a naked bulb in the ceiling. All at once, memory returned and she looked around swiftly for the creature that had brought her here.

  She struggled to her feet, wondering what had happened to her Chosen. She couldn't contact them with mind-speech.

  Suddenly panic-stricken, she rushed to the only door in the room. When pulling on it had no effect, she blasted it with her power, hoping to punch a hole in it, but the door held firm.

  After some time, she leaned on the door, exhausted. She didn't have the power to break through whatever spell the beast had put on the door, and her head was killing her. She turned slowly and again surveyed the room. It was more of a closet really. Not big enough for any furniture, it was bleak and empty except for the pile of rags in the corner she'd been sleeping on.

  She closed her eyes; the pain from the creature's blow making it difficult to concentrate. She whispered a soft healing spell and sighed in relief when most of the pain receded. At least now she could think a little clearer. Where was the creature and why had it taken her and not killed her when she had been helpless?

  She stared at the nest of rags. What was in it? Kira walked slowly over to the pile, wondering if she could find anything in it that might help her escape.

  As she drew nearer, she could see a glint of metal at the edge of the pile. Her heart leaped. Could it be a key? Had the creature been careless and dropped it on his way out? Excitedly, she reached down and touched the metal.

  * * * *

  "But he took her up, not down,” Lucas groused, as they all trooped back down the staircase. “Why look in the basement?"

  "Because...” Danolas tried to keep his temper. He was feeling guilty enough about letting Kira be taken. He didn't want to start yelling at his brothers. “Gallegar says it needs to be a closed in space, preferably damp. That says basement to me."

  "If this is a vampire...” Koran muttered. “It came out into a sunlit room. That is impossible."

  "I don't care what it is,” Lucas declared savagely. “It will be dead when I get a hold of it."

  * * * *

  Kira recoiled as the pile of clothes shifted and began to rise. She watched in disbelief as the rags she had been laying on grew into the figure that had kidnapped her. The metal she'd reached for, a silver button on his cloak.

  The rags parted and for the first time she saw its face. It had greasy brown hair and sallow colored skin. Its eyebrows were one long line above dark brown eyes. It smiled, showing sharp pointed teeth, but she felt no pull ... no thrall of a male vampire as she was used to feeling when she was around Gallegar, or even Noah and Gabriel. The thrall was part of the hunting mechanism that attracted prey to them. Yet, she could not sense it in this one, even though fangs showed and he smelled like a vampire.

  "Peacekeeper,” the creature said. His rough voice made her jump. “You were so easy to catch. I was disappointed."

  "Who are you?” she asked, ignoring the insult.

  "I am not a who ... but a what.” He laughed and Kira was reminded briefly of the demon in the Gate. “I am a creature from a nightmare. Don't you agree?"

  She gave a snort. She refused to be afraid of this thing. “Only if I dream of a pile of dirty laundry."

  "Do not make me angry, little girl. Or I might forget why I have brought you here and just kill you myself."

  "Why did you bring me here?” Kira figured if he was in a talkative mood she may learn something.

  "I was sent to kill you.” His stark words sent an icy finger down Kira's back. “But I have decided since you were so easy to capture, I will use you instead."

  Nausea pushed its way into her stomach and she swallowed quickly. “And just what does that mean?” she asked, fearing she already knew the answer.

  "It means I am going to keep you alive for a while. Long enough to find out some things."

  "Things?” she repeated blankly.

  "Yes, my dear.” The vampire took a step toward her. “I see your aura has changed. That means the incubus was successful. I am delighted. More fun for me."

  She felt the sickness rise in her. Now, she knew what he meant, and she was terrified she wouldn't be strong enough to stop it this time. “I will n
ot let you."

  The creature laughed. “You are strong, but not as strong as me. My kind has always been."

  All at once she knew. Kira stared at the ragged form. “You are not a vampire. You are a demon."

  The demon laughed. “Very good, Peacekeeper. You are almost right. I was a demon, but now I am something more. Now I am a new creation.” He smirked at Kira. “Doesn't that sound familiar?"

  She was appalled. This horrible demon was trying to compare itself to her? Wrapping her arms around herself for comfort, she ignored what he said, asking him instead, “Where are my men?"

  "Your Chosen, you mean?” He took another step closer as his smile widened. “They are looking for you, but of course they won't find you. They can't sense you through these walls."

  "They will find me,” she stated with assurance. “You do not understand what we are to each other."

  The creature tapped a dirty index finger against its chin, then grinned. “That is a good point. And I think this is the perfect time to change that."

  She backed away warily, not liking the sound of that. “What are you talking about?"

  "I think I will put off killing you for a while. You have information that may be useful to us. My brother, the Gatekeeper, let you escape from him. Your interference could cause us many problems. But once I find out the secrets you hide, nothing will be able to stop our plans."

  "If you think I will tell you anything, you are as stupid as your brother.” Her heart beat rapidly. If this was a demon with the strength of the one that held Hell's Gate, she wasn't sure she could defeat him alone.

  The creature laughed. “I am not so trusting as my brother. And my lust for your beauty can be controlled. I will use your body for my pleasure, after I learn what I need to know.” He took a step toward her. “And then I will kill you and leave you for your Chosen to find."

  * * * *

  Gallegar was out of his mind with worry. He paced up and down in his room, swearing at the fates that made him unable to walk in the light. That was the only reason he was stuck here waiting while the others searched. He knew, without a doubt, if he had been there Kira would still be safe. He knew to guard against an attack from above, the others didn't. He swore to himself. Never would he let Kira do anything without him, again.


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