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All Fired Up (DreamMakers)

Page 18

by Arend, Vivian

  Lynn edged back on her seat out of his arm’s reach, just in case, cut to the core by his insults.

  “Don’t think for an instant I won’t do what I have to. I have the contacts, and they will find a way to make this go viral in the worst possible manner,” Phil threatened again. “The paper already has pictures on file of the two of you together. I can see the memes circulating already.”

  She cringed involuntarily. He was totally off his rocker. Like tipped-off-the-porch-and-into-the-fishpond off his rocker.

  “Decide. Help me with this innocent ruse, or I send the email.” His tone of voice changed again as he regained his control. Firm and even, oh so reasonable. The Phil who took control in the office and made people snap to attention. “I promise I will never say a word to anyone regarding DreamMakers if you do this one thing for me. Please, Lynn.”

  If it had only been about her, the decision would have been simple. She would have told Phil to take a flying leap. To stick his lying and conniving plot up his fine and pretentious butt. Only she simply couldn’t do it. The whole horrifying situation wasn’t hers to untangle.

  It was Parker’s.

  Lynn hoped she knew what he’d tell her—that no matter what happened, DreamMakers would be fine. But she…

  She wasn’t brave enough to hurt him.

  Pretending to go along with Phil was the only solution she had right now. She wouldn’t let herself be put in physical danger, but until she found a phone and talked to Parker, her hands were tied. “Fine, I’ll do it.”

  He seemed suspicious at her abrupt change of mind. “Really?”

  “I don’t like it, not at all. But I get how if you’re getting on in years—” holy shit, he was twenty years older than her? “—it’s important to have a job that will sustain you into your final years of wage earning.”

  Oh my God, she sounded like some financial planning guru on a late-night show.

  But whatever it took to keep Phil from doing something incredibly stupid, Lynn had to take the chance. Somewhere at their destination she would find a phone and get ahold of Parker. There had to be a way out of this.

  She just didn’t know how.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Where is she?”

  Parker’s head jerked up as Suz burst into the office without warning. He set his beer bottle on the desktop and shot from his chair as Lynn’s best friend advanced on him like a lioness.

  “What are you talking about?” he said gruffly.

  “Lynn.” Suz crossed her arms. “I went to pick her up for our dinner date and she wasn’t at her apartment, so I went to the restaurant and she wasn’t there either. I was just leaving when she sent me a text about going away for the weekend, but it sounds like pure and total bullshit.”

  Parker frowned.

  Suz’s desperation grew clearer. “I even stopped by your place after the restaurant—I thought she might have stood me up in order to screw around with her man. But you weren’t home.”

  A thread of worry wound around his chest. “I’ve been here all evening. I didn’t feel like…”

  Like going home and moping, he didn’t finish. But it was true—the thought of being alone in his apartment without Lynn had been pure torture. He supposed he could have gone to the banquet hall where Didi and the boys were overseeing an engagement party the company had planned, but he hadn’t wanted to bum out the guests. He’d been wandering around like a dead man ever since Lynn had left his office earlier. It had taken all his willpower not to call or text her, but he’d promised to give her space, and he was forcing himself to respect that.

  Now, with Lynn’s best friend alternating between glaring and biting her lip in concern, he found himself reaching for his phone.

  “If you’re calling her, I already tried,” Suz told him. “She didn’t answer.”

  Parker went ahead and dialed anyway, but Lynn’s phone kicked over to voice mail after the first ring, doing it again when he called two more times. He shot over a quick text asking where she was, then glanced at Suz.

  Her golden blonde hair was arranged in a messy twist held in place by two ornamental chopsticks, and her wraparound sweater dress molded to her curves like a second skin. “You were supposed to have dinner with her tonight?”

  Suz nodded. Her teeth sank into her lower lip again. “This isn’t like her, Parker.”

  “No, it isn’t.”

  Suddenly those eyes sharpened again, her tone of voice becoming hard. “What the hell did you do?”

  He swallowed. “She didn’t tell you?”

  “She didn’t sound too happy with you when we spoke at work, but she didn’t dish out any details. We were going to talk about it tonight.” Her jaw tensed. “How about you fill me in now?”

  Parker hesitated, gulping again as a lump of shame filled his throat. After a beat, he opened his mouth and told Suz everything. When he finished, her expression had gone from vaguely angry to downright livid.

  “Fucking hell! How could you be so stupid?” Hands balled into fists, Suz took a menacing step forward. “I should kick your ass, Parker!”

  He stifled a sigh. “And I deserve it, but can we save the ass-kicking until after we find Lynn?”

  His worry was growing swiftly, forming a tight knot in his gut. Lynn was the most responsible person he’d ever met. No way would she cancel a dinner appointment without giving a good reason. And to not answer her phone or text back? She might avoid him, but she wouldn’t shut out her best friend.

  “Can I see the text she sent you?” he asked.

  Without a word, Suz reached into her purse and grabbed her phone.

  He studied the screen, the knot in his stomach turning into a massive ball of alarm.

  I need some space so I am going on a weekend retreat. Do not contact me—I really want some time to myself. I will see you on Monday.

  Parker’s brows dipped in bewilderment. Lynn wasn’t one to fill her texts with LOLs or short-forms, but she at least used contractions.

  I am. Do not. I will.

  The whole message sounded forced, as if a robot had written it.

  Panic crawled up his spine. “She didn’t send this. Or if she did, someone was telling her what to say.”

  Suz’s breath hitched. “You’re right.”

  It was hard to stay focused when his heart was pounding up a storm, but he forced his brain into operative mode. “Was her car at her apartment?”

  “It wasn’t parked out front, but I didn’t check the underground. I don’t think she’s home, though. There weren’t any lights on.” Suz searched his face, her cheeks losing color. “Okay, I was worried before, but you look so serious I’m ready to freak out. You think something happened?”

  “I hope not,” he said through his ever-tightening throat. “But nothing about this seems right. Lynn wouldn’t ditch a friend, she wouldn’t send a message that formal, and she damn well wouldn’t go away for the weekend without offering a few more details.”

  “I know.” Suz paused. “So what should we do?”

  “Did you call her work line to check if she’s still at the office?”

  “Yes, but it went to voice mail, too.”

  He was already reaching for his phone again and dialing his partner. “Jack,” he barked when the other man answered. “Is Didi still with you?”

  “Yeah. She’s talking to the caterer. Want me to get her?”

  “No. Tell her she needs to handle the party alone. I need you and Dean to meet me at the Bay City Press building.”

  “What’s going on, bro?”

  “Not sure yet. Lynn might be in trouble. Tell Didi there’s a huge bonus in it for her if she takes lead on this tonight. And get your asses over to Lynn’s office, pronto.”

  “Got it.”

  Parker disconnected and glanced at Lynn’s friend. “C’mon. Let’s go.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Parker’s SUV skidded into the parking lot in a squeal of tires. His concern had only tripled on the drive over, an
d now a million terrifying scenarios were flashing through his head, like scenes out of a horror movie.

  What if she was hurt? What if she’d been kidnapped? What if a crazed killer with a machete was chasing her through the streets of San Francisco?

  He knew he was probably panicking for no reason. Chances were they’d find out Lynn had gone away for the weekend. Packed her bags, hopped in her car, and gone on a spontaneous trip to clear her head. It wouldn’t be too farfetched, considering she’d told him she had a lot of thinking to do.

  But that scenario was snuffed out like a cigarette the second he and Suz jumped out of his SUV.

  Lynn’s sporty blue car was parked in the lot.

  The relief that crashed into him nearly knocked him off his feet. “Thank God,” he breathed, glancing at Suz. “She’s still here.”

  Suz looked as overjoyed as he felt. She dashed toward the staff elevator, pausing only to toss a glance over her shoulder. “You coming?”

  He picked up his pace, suddenly hit by another jolt of anxiety as Suz pulled out her company access card to activate the elevator. It didn’t make sense. If Lynn was at the office, why had she sent Suz that cryptic message about going away?

  His phone rang, and he fumbled to answer it. “Dean, where are you?”

  “Jack and I are at the front desk. How’s Lynn?”

  “Still not sure. I’m headed up to her office—Suz is with me.”

  “What the fuck? Why is she with you if there’s potential trouble?”

  Dean’s voice echoed off the walls of the small elevator space, and Suz must have overheard because she snatched the phone from his ear and gave his buddy hell.

  “Just exactly how do you think he could stop me? Don’t you baby me, Colter, or I’ll show you my mean face.”

  “Jonesy, you’re going to give me gray hair before my time. You follow Parker’s instructions to the letter. You hear me? I don’t want men all over the city weeping because you’re out of commission.”

  “Yes, Mom.” She returned the phone to Parker then reached for the elevator door controls, gaze fixed on the lights showing their current floor.

  He eyed her cautiously as he put the phone back to his ear. “Well, aren’t you two special.”

  Dean made a rude noise. “What’s the plan?”

  “We’re just about there. Give me two minutes.”

  Suz stabbed the door-open button repeatedly until the cold metal reluctantly slid apart. Parker wedged himself through the instant the gap was wide enough, running down the empty hallways toward Lynn’s cubicle.

  Up ahead, a dark shadow ducked into a side room. He ignored the distraction, spinning around the corner with Suz hard on his heels.

  They slid to a stop outside Lynn’s empty workspace.

  “Shit,” he swore.

  “She took her purse, shut everything down—there’s nothing out of place.” Suz spun the computer chair slowly as she pondered, her frown growing. “It looks as if she finished for the day and left the building.”

  “But she didn’t take her car.” Parker pulled out his phone. “Jack. Is there someone there at the front desk?”

  “You bet. Their security is pretty tiptop. The bro behind the desk has a flashlight on his belt and everything.”

  “Not a time for jokes. Sweet-talk the man. Ask if he has access to the security cameras recordings. We need visuals of the parking area between five and seven p.m.”


  Suz was pacing the hallway when a loud metal clatter rang out from the back of the office, and both of them froze.

  Parker placed his finger against his lips. He suddenly wondered if the shadowy figure he’d seen a moment earlier was perhaps someone other than cleaning staff. Suz fell in silently behind him as he retraced his steps, cautiously peeking around the corner of the main hall.

  A slim woman with impossibly high heels placed a ladder against the far wall, reaching to flip her stilettos off before climbing the metal structure. She opened the nearest roof panel, shining her flashlight inside and peering in.

  Heat pressed down on his shoulder. Suz leaned against his back and put her lips next to his ear. “Dana Hastings. Evil woman, but also the nosiest creature on the face of the planet. She might have seen Lynn.”

  “You want to talk to her?”

  She made a gagging noise. “Only because I love Lynn so much. When we find her, you make sure you tell her about the sacrifices I’ve made on her behalf.” They straightened, Suz tugging everything into place. She wrinkled her nose as she checked Parker over. “You’re going to be trouble. Well, can’t be helped. Play along with me.”

  She grabbed him by the hand and hauled him down the hallway.

  Dana nearly fell off the ladder at the sound of their footsteps. She recovered, wiping the sneer off her face after she glanced away from Suz and instead eyed Parker from tip to toe.

  “You’re here late,” she accused Suz even as she held a hand to Parker. “Hi. Can I help you with anything?” She breathed out the words as if she were inviting him into her parlor.

  He would’ve shaken her hand, but he was trapped by Suz’s iron-tight clasp on his fingers. “We were wondering—”

  “Have you seen Lynn?” Suz interrupted. “I mean since closing? We were supposed to meet for dinner, but I found something else I need to do.” She tilted her head toward Parker suggestively. “I can’t get ahold of her.”

  Dana’s gaze shot over Parker again. “I haven’t seen anyone for the last hour.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m not blind. There’s no one on this floor, and I was upstairs before that when the last of the advertising people left.”

  Advertising. “Mr. Shotelle one of them?” Parker asked.

  Dana’s eyes narrowed. “How do you know Phil?”

  Suz eased her shoulder against Parker’s chest as if guarding him while she warned Dana off. “Trust me, word of slime gets around.”

  The woman lost some of her defensive edge. “Tell me about it. He left at his usual time—five o’clock on the button.”

  Parker’s phone rang.

  It was Jack. “You’re not going to like this.”

  “What?” Parker snapped, stepping away from the women.

  “Digital footage. Six p.m., Lynn exits the elevators, gets in her car. Two minutes later she pops the hood, three minutes later Shotelle shows up—not from the elevators either. It looks like he was waiting in the background in the shadows. She got in his van, Parker. The camera at the exit shows them heading south.”

  His fears ramped up. “Go check her car. We’ll be down as fast as we can.”

  He grabbed Suz by the hand intending to drag her down the hall if he had to. “Let’s go.”

  “Wait.” She nodded at Dana. “Tell him what you offered.”

  The other woman looked extremely guilty for all of two seconds. “Do you want to check out Phil’s office? I have keys. And I have access to the database where all appointments are listed for upper management. I can tell you exactly what Phil has planned for this weekend.” She laughed bitterly. “Or at least the official things he has planned.”

  Parker stared in shock at Suz.

  “What? I just mentioned in passing that Lynn seemed to be missing, and Phil might be in shit.”

  “Which is fine with me,” Dana rumbled, leading them down the hall to the fire exit. “Egotistical, double-crossing, lying son of a bitch needs to have his balls peeled with a rusty spoon.”

  Parker made another mental note to never ever piss off the fairer sex again.

  Dana let them into Phil’s office, heading straight for the computer and turning it on. “And if you’re concerned, this is not illegal. My job description clearly states I have full access to these portions of the system.”

  He made his way around the office, checking the garbage can and all the usual spots for information. “Just like I’m not looking for anything except a way to help Lynn.”

  All three of the
m worked silently. Dana made a disgruntled noise. “There’s nothing on the job calendar.”

  A low laugh escaped Suz as she waved a leather-bound book in the air. “Someone is a little more old-fashioned than we thought.”

  “Day-Timer. What’s in there?” Parker demanded.

  “Invitation to a weekend getaway with a Mr. B. Plus a phone number and land address.”

  Parker ripped the page from the book. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Dana held up her hand. “One moment, please.” She did a couple more entries to the computer, then closed it down. Her smile was more than a touch evil as she ushered them out the door. “You never saw me do that. Because you were never here, right?”

  “Never saw a thing,” Suz promised, hesitating for a beat before throwing her arms around a surprised Dana and giving her a quick squeeze. “Watch your back, girl. Revenge can get messy.”

  Parker was tempted to take the stairs to the parking level, to avoid the slowest elevator on the face of the earth. He hesitated for Suz’s sake, only to have her blast past him into the stairwell, moving fast enough in her high heels to make him have to work.

  Dean and Jack were leaning on the hood of Lynn’s car. “You got info for us? Because someone sabotaged her car.”

  “I’ll give you one guess who.” Parker quickly snapped out orders. “We’re headed south. Jack, you drive. Dean, call in a few favors. We need an airlift.”

  “I call shotgun.” Suz planted her fists on her hips, daring Parker to contradict her. “Don’t even try to leave me behind.”


  “For fuck’s sake, Jonesy, stop distracting our pilot,” Dean grumbled over the headset.

  Suz was quick to voice a protest. “Stop whining, Colter. He asked a question and I answered. It was the polite thing to do.”

  “He asked if you’ve ever flown in a small aircraft before—”

  “—and I said, yes, I have, but I prefer them big. In fact, the bigger the better. What’s wrong with that?” It wasn’t her fault Stu the pilot had broken into a coughing fit that made the helicopter lurch for one stomach-dropping moment.


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