Plus-Sized Perfection

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Plus-Sized Perfection Page 1

by Sam Crescent


  Copyright© 2017 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-332-2

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  To everyone, you are beautiful, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise.


  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One

  Hunter Reynolds stared around the large room, watching as the women laughed and gossiped while the men tried not to whip their dicks out to show who was bigger and better than the others. None of them were bigger than he was, nor were they better. Some of the men in the room came from old money, and were reported to be complete wastes of space when it came to their work. Others, like him, had built from the ground up, but they were dirty. They had money and connections to the mafia.

  He had built everything from his backyard as a kid, taking the world by storm with his products. It had started out as a small distributing firm, to now owning firms he had once been part of. His corporation now had deals in entertainment, food, technology, and they would be advancing soon into clothing. They had a designer, and several models lined up, but for Hunter something didn’t fit right with him. Their designer was known for expanding to the whole market, and yet the models didn’t seem to fit that mold that she wanted.

  The photographer had done his best to capture the mood, but again his little designer wasn’t happy. Elise Hamilton had been one of the hardest women to please, but she was wanted by so many that not having her was not ideal. She had been wanted by fashion lines all over the world, and yet he’d been the one to get her, and he was determined to get her what she wanted. The clothing line wouldn’t go out to market until she was satisfied with every element of the marketing. She was being a pain in the ass, but he liked her for taking a stand.

  When she had showed him the boards the photographer set up she said that it looked like a damn photo shoot where people look, and don’t really see the clothes, and just flick past in magazines.

  “I want someone fresh, who people look at and see beauty, but they can also see themselves wearing it.” That had been what Elise had told him a week ago.

  He had finally grown tired of staring at beautiful women. They had all blurred into looking like one.

  “You need to put on a smile,” Daryl Biggs, his charming PA, said.

  “I don’t feel in the mood to smile. This is a charity event, and people are wearing gowns that could feed several homeless kids,” he said. This was part of the society that he hated more than anything. The false sense that they were doing something good. Yes, they would donate money, but it wasn’t going to make much difference.

  He was becoming cynical in his old age. His birthday had been a couple of days ago, and he was forty years old. His mother had asked him what he’d achieved in life. All he had to say was he owned a billion-dollar corporation. That was it. His parents had never been able to handle his wealth. They were more than happy with his success, but they still owned the home where he started from. His bedroom was the same as when he left it at sixteen years old.

  Life had just been flying by, and his parents wanted grandkids. They wanted him to find love that they had, and he simply didn’t believe in love.

  Forcing a smile to his lips, he sipped champagne and watched everyone mill around. When a large group began to laugh, he was drawn to the sound, and then he paused. The first thing he saw was the figure hugging white dress. Most of the women at the event were all near size zero, but this woman had an ass on her, and it was enhanced by the dress. Every single curve was on display, and all he saw was her black hair in ringlets down her back.

  “Who the hell is that?” he asked. His cock had already begun to harden, and he’d not even see her face yet.

  Daryl looked in the direction of his gaze. “I don’t know if you’re joking or not.”

  “Who is the woman in the white dress?”

  “That’s Payton Hicks, sir.”

  “Who is she?”

  Daryl began to laugh until Hunter’s scowl stopped him. “Oh wow, you really don’t know, do you? Okay then. She is a plus-sized model. Her picture is like everywhere, and she has been making a great deal of headlines. Of course there is always good and bad publicity. People think she’s setting a bad example for kids, and others think she is a role model that breaks tradition.”

  Hunter headed in that direction, and he rounded the group so that he could finally get a good look at her. He wasn’t disappointed. This woman was perfection. She had nice large tits, rounded hips and stomach, and was every single inch a woman. What he loved, and he was sure what every single man in the room loved, was the confidence on her face. Some of the women were giving her evil glares, and others he saw admiration in their eyes.

  “Ah, Hunter, it’s good to see you,” Harold said. He was an old associate, and one of the good ones in the business. “Payton, have you been introduced to Hunter Reynolds?”

  “I’ve not had that pleasure at all,” she said, smiling at Harold, and then at him.

  “This is him. A deadly businessman, and funnily enough, he does work in your area as well. Modeling. You’ve got a firm, don’t you?” Harold said.

  Payton smiled. “I’m very aware of your firm, Mr. Reynolds. I believe it’s called Image Counts.”

  “Yes, it is.” He held out his hand, and she took it. “I have to say I’ve not seen you there before though, and I’m very involved in all types of our business.”

  “Oh, you wouldn’t see me on your books. They declined my application as I didn’t first certain criteria that they were looking for.”

  Hunter didn’t like the kick he got to his gut. Payton, though, didn’t change at all. There was no hatred in her eyes. She merely smiled, and he didn’t want to let her hand go. Unfortunately, someone pulled her away, and he had no choice but to release her hand. She got distracted, and began talking with other guests.

  He smiled and did what was necessary even as he was pissed.

  “What the fuck did she mean that she was turned away?” he asked, looking at Daryl.

  “I have no idea, sir. Would you like me to find out any of the possible causes?” Daryl asked.

  “I want to know by the end of this party exactly why Payton Hicks isn’t on our books, and why she was turned away.” He put his empty glass on a passing tray, and watched as Daryl began typing on his keypad. “I mean it, Daryl. I want answers.”

  “I will have to leave you alone while I get to the bottom of this.”

  Hunter nodded. Daryl was also a friend. He had hired the guy straight out of college, and hadn’t looked back. That had been over ten years ago. He was the best PA in the world, and Hunter couldn’t do without him. There had been a few times that he thought he was going to lose Daryl through one relationship or another. The worst was when the guy’s girlfriend actually came onto him, which fucking sucked. Daryl had walked in as Hunter was throwing her off him, and Daryl ditched her.

  It had been a strange kind of friendship, but he wouldn’t be without Daryl, not for a second.

  Returning his attention back to the beautiful woman currently walking across the floor toward
the entrance, he was completely entranced by her. She was such a beautiful woman, and those curves, he wanted to get his hands on them, and fast.

  He also noticed a guy didn’t leave her side, and was always there, whispering in her ear, or pointing out people. Hunter didn’t like the swell of jealousy that was rushing through him.

  Who was this woman, and where the hell had she been?

  It wasn’t long before Daryl was coming back into the room, and he didn’t look impressed.

  “What do you have for me?”

  “Payton is an internet sensation. She has made her mark on positive body image even during some rather hideous cyber bullying about her weight.”

  “I can find out about that any time, Daryl. What about my company? Why did we not take her on?”

  “They deemed that she was too fat to be part of your name or your company. She was turned away, and given advice that she should leave the modeling world behind.”

  The anger Hunter was feeling wouldn’t bode well for the head of his modeling firm. “I want her details on my desk Monday morning. By Monday afternoon, I want an appointment, and I want you to get Elise on this as well.” He stared at Payton and smiled. “I think we’ve just found the perfect fit.”


  “You do not need to worry. You look beautiful. Stop being nervous,” Rick, her agent, best friend, and manager said. He was her childhood friend, confidant, more a brother than a friend.

  She turned toward him, and smiled. “I’m not nervous.”

  “You’re surrounded by a bunch of people you don’t know. I know you, and you’re nervous.”

  Payton clasped her hands together and smiled, chatting with guests as they passed. This wasn’t her first charity event, and it wouldn’t be her last. She had campaigned and helped to raise a great deal of money for this venture. Forgotten children was something she felt passionate about, and seeing some of the images, they filled her with hope that with each donation they could help raise enough money to get children off the street, and away from predators that lurked there.

  They were escorted into a dinner where the auction part of the charity would continue. She sat with Rick, laughing to the comedians, and then listening to the speeches. She had been asked to contribute but had declined. Speaking at events was never her strong suit.

  Some days she would find herself laughing that a woman who gets nervous at events was in fact a model. She had taken a new stand on her life, and in doing so, had found happiness that she never thought she would.

  “I saw Hunter speaking to you earlier.”

  “You know him?” she asked. She knew of Hunter Reynolds, and even though his firm pretty much told her she was too fat, she hadn’t felt any anger or resentment. They were not the first, and wouldn’t be the last firm in the world to turn her away.

  She refused to change who she was to suit their needs. Women were all different shapes and sizes, and she was tired of women with curves being put down because they ate. She was healthy, exercised regularly, ate healthily, and also enjoyed some of the comforts in life, which extended to ice-cream and fried chicken. Life was too damn short to waste it being afraid to do something with it.

  “I know of him. This has been a fantastic event.” He held up his cell phone, and she chuckled at some of the selfies he’d posed with her and some new friends. “Already getting massive hits on social media. Listen to this, ‘totally rockin’ that dress, babe, want to marry me?’”

  “I do get those comments a lot.” She shrugged. She got marriage proposals all the time, and brushed them off as quickly. The evening wore on, and when Harold came and asked for a dance, she was more than willing. He was a nice man, charming, and he’d been kind to her.

  He led her onto the dancefloor and placed a hand at her hip. This was what she adored about him. He was a gentleman who was happily married, and didn’t forget that he had a wife in the background.

  “I saw the way Hunter was looking at you, dear. I think you should be careful with that,” Harold said.

  She laughed. “You think I should be careful with everyone.” He was one of the few men who had been kind to her, and had offered Rick endless advice.

  “Well, I know your history, and let’s just say I know from personal experience how difficult that could be. I’m sorry about your sister.”

  Payton didn’t tense up, or well up. “Thank you. Did you lose someone as well?”

  “No. We got her the best care, and she’s five years down the line.”

  “That’s good to hear. It’s nice to know there is hope.”

  “Do you mind if I cut in?” Hunter Reynolds asked.

  “Certainly not. Payton, it’s always a pleasure.” Harold kissed her hand, and she watched him go.

  Hunter took his place, and she smiled at him. “I saw your flattering donation. You’ll help a lot of kids,” she said.

  “I saw the pictures you had taken. You look amazing.”

  “They were taken as I was in an orphanage that had opened downtown. I wanted to help, and the guy there asked if he could take some. I don’t see why not. I’m always getting my picture taken, and it was nice to do it for a good cause.” She believed in helping others. Hunter was a sexy man, and he knew it as well. The confidence he displayed she found more than appealing. Usually she was indifferent to most men. With her generous curves, she was used to be told that she was pretty for a fat girl, or other crap like that. It was like her curves somehow took away from who she was as a person, which she hated. “Are you here with your partner?” she asked, recalling the man she’d seen him standing with.

  “Daryl is my PA, and I’m not in a relationship. I’m also not gay if that is what you’re asking.”

  “I wasn’t asking anything.” She chuckled. “I wouldn’t mind either way.”

  “What about the man you’re with. Is he someone special?”

  “Rick is my everything that is important. He’s my agent, manager, and all around best friend. We’ve known each other since high school, and well, he’s the one that has had the most faith in me.” Without Rick, she wouldn’t have a clue what she was doing. He was always there at the photo shoots making sure she was taken care of, and that no one took advantage. Some of the things she had been offered over the past few years were just scary. A porn company had asked her to sign with them. Sex tapes were all the rage, and then a reality show. Nope, not happening. Her life displayed for all to see was not what she wanted. She liked to keep a healthy balance of privacy and sharing on social media.

  “Any husband? Boyfriend? Lover?”

  The way he said “lover” sent tingles down her spine. What didn’t help was how his hand moved to dip in the curve of her ass, drawing her closer. The tension mounted between them, and for her everything else faded away.

  “No. I’m focused on my career, and I don’t have time for relationships. I’ve found that men don’t like sharing their women with other people. Modeling is what I do, and with it I share a part of myself. What about you, Mr. Reynolds? Any special someone in your life?”

  “Call me Hunter, and no. I’m very much on the market.” His gaze went to her lips, and Payton couldn’t believe how much she wanted him to kiss her.

  The heat of his body heightened her own, and she suddenly felt too hot. His thumb stroked the base of her back, and she licked her lips, needing some space.

  “Payton, are you ready to go?” Rick asked, breaking into the haze, for which she was grateful.

  “Certainly. It was lovely to meet you, Hunter.”

  “The pleasure was all mine.” He took her hand, pressing a kiss where many men had that night. In a weird way she wondered if he was trying to replace all of their touches.

  Saying her goodbyes she walked out of the charity event with her arm through Rick’s as they waited for their car.

  “You two were smoking hot on that dance floor,” Rick said.

  “Shut up. We were not.”

  “You totally were. I stood watching
you for the longest time, and I swear I got a hard-on with the way he was touching you.”

  She giggled, and rested her head on his shoulder. Rick had this way about him that put her at ease. They had been friends forever, and even though many of people thought they were lovers, they weren’t. Neither of them was attracted to the other. When it had come up one day, Rick had told her plainly that even though he thought she was beautiful, he didn’t want her that way. She had told him the same thing. Their friendship had stood the test of time, despite boyfriends and girlfriends coming and going. “You’re the worst. It was some night all right.”

  “Vivian called and said a big thank you. Your contribution will help their charity. You’re well loved, Payton, and I’m so proud of you.”

  Payton smiled thinking about her sister. Bethany would have loved this, without a doubt. Her sister once had so much love, so much spirit inside her. It was moments like this that she missed her sister more than anything.

  “I couldn’t have done any of this without you.”

  “You’re the one that started it. I just make sure you’re not taken for granted, and never forget, you do pay me.”

  Rick was her best friend. He’d been there through Bethany’s illness and her death. Every moment throughout her life, he was there. Just like she was always there for him. Whenever a girl broke his heart, or he failed his driving test, she was there for him. They were best of friends.

  “Did you get his number?”


  “Please, don’t try and pretend you don’t know who I’m talking about. You know.”

  She chuckled. “No. I didn’t get his number, and I won’t need to.”

  “You need to get a man in your life.”

  “I don’t need a man. I’m too busy for a relationship, and I have a very demanding boss.”


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