Plus-Sized Perfection

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Plus-Sized Perfection Page 2

by Sam Crescent

Rick laughed. “With the way he was looking at you, I reckon I’m going to get a call for you.”

  “What do you mean? You sound like my pimp.” They often joked about this.

  “The gossip around Hunter is that he’s having a hard time with his latest designer. Elise Hamilton—”

  “She’s amazing,” Payton said, cutting in. “I love her work.”

  “Exactly, and because of how amazing she is, she’s not known for settling. I’ve got a feeling we’re going to get a call.”

  Payton didn’t mind that at all. There was something about Hunter that had left its mark.

  Chapter Two

  From the first meeting with Payton, Hunter had been consumed with finding every little detail out about her. He started on the internet going over social media. Daryl had allowed him to use his accounts seeing as Hunter didn’t have one. Watching how consuming it was, he’d not even joined up, being more interested in work.

  By Monday he had Payton’s portfolio on his desk, and Patricia, head of Image Counts, was sitting in front of him.

  “So, I got the pleasure of meeting a potential employee over the weekend, and when I asked if she had known of our company, Image Counts, not only did she know about it, but she told me she’d been declined.” He had already gone through the multiple shots of her. Some of them were just stunning. What he loved the most was that even the most revealing shot of her had class. She never went nude, and it even said on her accounts that she had declined many offers. He held out the portfolio for Patricia to take. “Why wasn’t she sent to me? Why wasn’t I aware of this?”

  She took the portfolio and flicked through. He didn’t like the look of disgust on her face as she looked at only a few photographs. “With all due respect, Hunter, this woman is fat. Image Counts holds a certain level of requirements, and having a low BMI is one of them.”

  “I checked out that little book of requirements that you speak of, and nowhere does it say that. It says we’re always looking for dedicated women to get our message across, that anyone who is anyone can change their image.” He slammed that requirements book down on the desk, and glared at the woman opposite. “Please, show me where the fuck you get off sending away women like this.”

  She tensed up, and placed the portfolio back on the desk. “I know how to do my job. I’ve been doing it for many years. We don’t have fat people on our books. We will become a laughingstock. This whole plus-size nonsense. They’re fat. They need to lose weight, and then maybe we’ll accept them in our society.”

  There was a noise to his left, and Hunter saw the shock on Daryl’s face that he himself was feeling but didn’t show.

  “I see.”

  “Image Counts is a success. It’s a rival to all other modelling agencies out there.”

  “With all due respect, Patricia, we have lost several contracts with upcoming models, and are experiencing some fall back in demand from reputable clients,” Daryl said.

  That made Hunter even more enraged. They were known for turning women away who were too fat, or what Patricia considered too fat. Bullying, encouragement of starvation, everything he had heard about the abuse at Image Counts had disgusted him. He had spent the weekend talking with his models, getting them to admit to the kind of treatment they are subjected to. Not only that, but he’d also called several other agents of the models that had been turned away. He had been more focused on his current link into the fashion market, and had left Patricia to handle Image Counts while he oversaw other matters. This wouldn’t happen again. Patricia had taken things too far, but he was happy that it hadn’t been going on for that long.

  This was enough, and he wouldn’t be allowing this woman to hurt women anymore.

  “I beg to differ. People come to us before anyone else.”

  “In the past six months, there has been a decline in who we have on our books,” Daryl said. “Our contracts have been running dry for the past few months. Elise, our designer, wouldn’t even consider using our models.”

  “Patricia, you’re fired.”

  “You can’t do this.”

  “The fact this has been going on right under my nose sickens me. I’m amazed that we haven’t been sued by one of those girls. Get your stuff, and get the hell out of my office. If you even think to cause a scene, we’ve got plenty to take you to court. Good day, Patricia.”

  The moment she was out of his office, Hunter felt better. “What a bitch of a woman!”

  “I agree.”

  They didn’t have time to talk about their next meeting as Elise came walking into his office, and flopped down. “My work will never be showcased.” She pressed a hand to her head, and sighed dramatically.

  “You’re in luck. I think I may have found the perfect woman for you.”

  Elise pretended not to look at him, but all the time, her hand was moving out of the way of her eyes. “Really?”

  “Yes, really. Daryl, keep trying to set up that meet, and if not, tell them Elise would love the opportunity to meet her.”

  “Ha, but I don’t know if I want to.”

  Hunter held up a single shot. It was one of Payton in a pair of jeans, and a man’s checkered shirt. Some of the buttons were open, and some wind device was blowing her hair. It was an amazing shot that showcased her curves even as she stared straight toward the camera. Part of her stomach was showing, and also her cleavage, and the smile on her face was just beautiful.

  “Yes!” Elise said, jumping out of her seat. “She would be fantastic. Oh wow, please, Hunter. Please.”

  There were times this woman acted more like a little sister than a colleague. Of course, they were related, but she never wanted that to be discussed. They were cousins, and she wanted to make her way in the world without Hunter helping her.

  He’d not brought her on board because of her family status either. He’d been interested the moment he realized how marketable her new range of designs actually was.

  “I’m working on it. Daryl is working on it, and I’m hoping to have a meeting this afternoon. Maybe you could pick something out for her to try on, maybe tempt her to join with us.”

  “You know what, I have the perfect thing.” With that she spun on her heel and made her way out of his office.

  Hunter watched her go. They were distant cousins, and in the beginning he’d refused to hire her. The projects she had been working on were just not fit for that part of his company. Over the years, she had made a name for herself, and then they had found such a perfect fit that he had to chase after her. Elise had played hard ball, but what he enjoyed the most was knowing that she had in fact learned a great deal with being on her own. She was family so he’d always kept an eye on her, but he made sure his name stayed for away from her. They didn’t have the same last name, so their connection was never brought up.

  The photograph of Payton kept catching his attention. For the past year she had been increasing in popularity, but it was only now that he had ever seen her. It was only on rare occasions that she was seen on events.

  Pulling up his internet search, he used Daryl’s name and password to look find her. Her profile picture on all of her social media accounts was of her hands above her head, her raven hair cascading all over the place, and she was wearing some kind of white shirt that went down to mid-thigh. The laughter on her face was so clear to see that for several seconds he could do nothing but watch and admire.

  He read her life motto, imagining she was standing there right now speaking to him. “You live one very short life. Live it without regrets, and to the fullest.”

  Sitting back, he wondered what had inspired those words.

  One way or another, Payton Hicks was now on his radar, and he wanted her … badly.


  “This is torture,” Payton said, sitting back up for what felt like the hundredth time.

  “Are you going to fart?” Rick asked.

  “No, but you’re not helping. Why are you here anyway? Want to see me torture myself through ex

  “Please, you won’t torture yourself. You’re fit, and we both know it.”

  “I think if I get asked one more time what my BMI is, or my blood pressure, I think I’m going to hit the roof. I mean, seriously, do they know how unhealthy having all low ones are?” Payton collapsed to the floor with sweat dotting her brow. She was in the spare room, which she kept as a gym so she could work out. Sit-ups were a pain in the ass, but three times a week she was here, doing what needed to be done to keep herself fit, not to lose weight, but for her health. She and her curves had been through a lot together, and she didn’t want to see them leave.

  Rick handed her some water, and she sat up, leaning against the wall to drink. “You’ve got that weird look on your face. The one that says I may or may not like what you’re about to say.”

  “I don’t know how you’re going to feel about what I’m about to tell you, but it’s your life and all that.”

  “Just tell me, Rick. Tear that Band-Aid off.”

  “I’ve been getting a call from Daryl Biggs.”

  She thought about the name and came up with nothing. “I don’t know who he is. Is he pretending to be my baby daddy?” She winked at him. A few months ago, there were several men who had claimed she had been their girlfriend, willing to pay the price to sell their lies. She wasn’t some simpering virgin. She’d had a sex life, but those men hadn’t come out of the woodwork. It wouldn’t bode well seeing as her previous lovers had all gone on to get married. If she didn’t know any better, she’d say she was cursed to meet men who would marry other women.

  Pushing those thoughts aside, she focused on Rick.

  “He’s Hunter Reynolds assistant.”

  Now that name she did know, and she stared at her bottle. “What do they want?”

  “They want you to go in for an interview.”

  “Image Counts told me they didn’t take my kind,” she said. At the time it had stung. The woman that had told her had been vile, nasty, and an all-around bitch.

  Payton hadn’t liked her one bit, and still didn’t. The woman was way too negative, and she refused to be around those people.

  During her rise as a plus-size model, she had encountered a great deal of animosity, and even unflattering headlines. Rick had been there every step of the way. Some of them hurt more than others.

  “I know, but you see this isn’t to see Patricia. This is in fact to see the big man himself. You must have made quite an impression the other night.”

  “We danced.” And he held me in a way that I just knew he’d be good with his hands. She had in fact lost a lot of sleep fantasizing about him. Nothing would ever happen though, especially if she decided to work with him or for him. She didn’t sleep where she worked. Never ever. She wasn’t going to be known for sleeping her way to the top, not happening.

  “Please. You and I both know it was more than a dance, and even as you’re trying to pretend nothing happened, we both know it did. You want to see him again?” Rick asked.

  “I don’t know what I want.”

  “You never do.”

  “So, what do you think, boss man? You’re the one in charge. You pimp me out to one function or another.”

  “Well, I do a damn good job seeing as you never know what you want. I think we should go for the interview, and see what it’s all about.”

  “You’ll be there?” she asked, biting her lip.

  “Only if you want me to. I told you I’d never leave you high and dry, and I won’t.”

  Rick had seen how hard it was for her, and when a porn company had called her, and tried to manipulate her into signing a contract, that had been the last straw for him. He’d helped her, and yes, she paid him for it, but he didn’t have to be part of this world.

  “What do you want me to do?” she asked.

  “I think it’ll be good for you to go and see what he’d like. I’d like to know what he wants to see you for.”

  “Okay, make the arrangements,” she said.

  “I did. This afternoon we’re scheduled for.” He patted her knee and stood up. “My advice, wash.”

  She stank, but it didn’t take her long to wash and to get ready for a potential interview. She took a lot of time to figure out what to wear, which was a first for her. She settled on jeans and a shirt that buttoned up. Leaving her hair to cascade down her back, she didn’t bother with makeup, and by three in the afternoon she was riding the elevator up to Hunter’s room.

  “You’re a big hit here already,” Rick said.

  She had signed her name for three women in reception who had told her that she was an idol, and an inspiration. This was the first time in her life that she was nervous. If Patricia was part of the interview she was leaving, simple as that. That woman didn’t bode well for her, and she didn’t need to sit through such horrible abuse again.

  Entering his office, she remembered Daryl and smiled at seeing the man again. He was such a large man that it was impossible to think of him taking orders from Hunter. As if her own thoughts had called him to her, Hunter appeared out of his office. His building was rather impressive.

  “Miss Hicks,” he said, coming toward her.

  “Payton, please. This is also Rick, my manager.”

  “Pleasure to meet you, Hunter,” Rick said.

  After all of the introductions were done, they made their way into Hunter’s office.

  “I’m not sure if you’re aware, but I have acquired rights to the latest Elise Hamilton range.”

  “I’m aware of it. It’s hush hush. No one knows exactly what it’s about.”

  “Elise is reaching out to a larger market. She doesn’t just want to do catwalks and boutiques that everyday men and women can’t afford. With careful planning, we are organizing to open an entire wardrobe aimed at that market.” Hunter handed her a large folder. “Here is just a sample of some designs. She already has the summer market, fall, and winter planned out. Our biggest hurdle is finding the right woman to use as a marketing strategy.”

  “You think I fit?” she asked.

  “You know you fit into this market,” Rick said. “It was what you were all about.”

  “I know.”

  Hunter smiled. “Elise saw one of your old portfolio pictures.” He also held it up.

  Payton remembered it being in the folder she’d sent to Patricia. That woman had been pure evil. Closing the file of amazing designs, Payton could feel her excitement at the venture already beginning to grow.

  “I want to say in advance that I am sorry for Patricia’s appalling behavior and attitude toward you. It won’t be happening again.”

  “It’s fine. What exactly are you offering?” she asked.

  “I want you to spearhead the designs. Your face, your name, your body mixed with Elise Hamilton.”

  Rick moved, and she turned toward her friend. This was a massive opportunity. She was aware of Hunter’s own success. Just being offered this chance was a once in a lifetime deal.

  “I would like to see the contract. I assume you have one for me to look at,” Rick said.

  “Certainly. If you would like to follow Daryl, I can take Payton to go and meet Elise.”

  She turned toward Rick. “Are you happy with that?” he asked.

  “Yes, I’ll be fine. You go and do what you need to do.” She could handle herself, and Hunter.

  Rick left with Daryl, and she stood, handing Hunter back the folder containing all of her images, or at least, the ones she had left with Image Counts.

  “Patricia won’t have anything to do with this campaign?”

  “She’s not part of my staff anymore.”

  “She’s not? I was told that she was the reason Image Counts was still on the map,” she said.

  Hunter laughed, and she was shocked by her body’s reaction to him. Her nipples went hard, and her pussy slick. Down, girl. If she took this contract, then this wouldn’t happen, not ever.

  “You and I both know, Payton, that slowly but sure
ly Patricia’s ideals were destroying Image Counts.”

  She shrugged. “I know her point of views. I’ve heard a lot of talk from some of the other models that don’t think I’m making a mockery of their livelihood.”

  “It sounds like you’ve encountered a lot of bitchy attitudes.”

  “I have. This is not an easy environment to be in.” She locked her hands together. “Would you like to take me to see Elise?”

  “Yes, certainly.” He placed a hand on her back, and they left his office. Heading toward the elevator, they stepped inside. The heat of his hand was making it hard for her to think. It had been a long time since she was with a man, and she just felt drawn to Hunter. She didn’t know why. He was a businessman like all of the others, but the hunger in his eyes, it called to her.

  “Did you always want to be a model?” he asked.

  She glanced toward him. “I don’t know what I wanted to be. I guess … I don’t know … I think this was a calling to me. After my sister died.”

  “You have a sister?”

  “She passed away. Bethany.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay. It was a few years ago now. I guess you can say she was the one that inspired all of this.”

  The elevator doors pinged open, and Hunter led the way to what she felt was going to be a new chapter in her life.

  Chapter Three

  “She’s amazing,” Elise said, walking around Payton. Hunter watched as the woman he really wanted to fuck chuckled.

  “This is new.”

  “I have so many different kinds of clothes I want you to try on.”

  Payton held her hand up. “Rick’s checking things over. There’s nothing guaranteed at all.”

  “Please, just look through some of the stuff, and maybe try a few items on. This has been a dream come true of mine for a long time.”

  “Ugh, you really know how to pull on the heartstrings,” Payton said.

  Hunter just loved having her near him. They had only been in each other’s company a couple of occasions, and she made him smile. He wanted to know more about her. She was a private person for someone being on social media.


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