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The War of the Gilded Beasts (Magnus Dynasty Saga Book 2)

Page 13

by Grady P. Brown

  “We may be waiting for now, but you have to admit that we have a perfect view of the mountains in this place,” Nergal purred as he gazed at the landscape.

  Following Nergal’s advice, Vaeron looked ahead and sighed in awe at what he saw. The mountains that protected Veiporran’s flanks were covered in glittering glaciers that resembled colossal diamonds. Numerous waterfalls rippled down the sides of the cliffs as the glaciers slowly melted, creating the roaring river that flowed in front of the castle. Flocks of birds soared through the air like willowy spirits. Looming over everything was a cloudless sky that came in multiple shades of red, orange, and purple. A cold breeze blew on Vaeron and Nergal’s faces, bathing them in a soothing aura.

  Emitting a relaxing sigh, Vaeron said, “If we weren’t at war, this would be a nice place to live. Maybe someday we can make that happen. Wouldn’t that be something?”

  Nodding his serpentine head in approval, Nergal agreed, “Aye. That would be a lovely idea. Once we beat the Sylvas, we can pretty much do whatever we want.”

  Chuckling, Vaeron said, “I guess you’re right. All I want to do after the war is hunt with Freya in Storuuk’s forests until the end of all days.”

  “I will hunt with you if that’s all right.”

  “You know it’s all right.”

  Suddenly, Vaeron and Nergal felt the ground start to gradually shake, as though the earth itself was trembling in fear. Below them, the duo could hear their men panicking.

  Confused, Nergal asked, “What’s going on? Earthquake?”

  When Vaeron noticed scouts returning to Veiporran and a massive dust cloud forming in the distance, Vaeron corrected him, “No, Nergal! They’re here!”


  Within an hour, the Magnus army got into position. Archers, crossbowmen, and engineers were ready to launch projectiles from the towers and battlements. Outside the walls, the infantry formed an impregnable wall of shields and spears. Perched on top of the tallest tower of Veiporran was Vaeron in full plate armor and riding Nergal’s back. The Magnus force stood ready as they watched the dust cloud continue to grow in the distance.

  Finally, their enemy emerged from the haze. The Imperial Army was much larger than the rebels and the ground shook with their march. Tens of thousands of infantry, archers, and cavalry moved as though they were all part of an enormous titan. Above the Imperial Army was a giant chimera with an armored rider on its shoulders. The great beast emitted its chilling shriek at the sight of Nergal while its rider pointed his sword at Vaeron. After a long march, the Imperial Army stopped just outside of the bridge that connected Veiporran with the rest of the continent.

  For a while, neither army made a move as they waited for one to attack the other.


  Prince Valton Faan sat on his horse alongside his younger brother Lyman Faan as he surveyed the layout of the battlefield. Both brothers wore elaborate scale mail, barbute helms, and surcoats that displayed the Faan sigil: a blue tower on a white field. They were also flanked by their teenage sons and nephews who served as squires and possessed nervous expressions as they saw the Magnus army.

  Noticing his kin’s anxiety, Valton chided, “Toughen up, lads! This is not some training session in the courtyard! This is war!”

  Squinting through his visor, Lyman asked, “Their defenses look formidable, brother. How are we going to break through there? They have a dragon and one of the most impregnable strongholds in the Empire.”

  Scoffing, Valton boasted, “We are going to break through there by force! We have a chimera and his High Prince master, some anti-dragon engines, and five times their numbers! Let’s do this!”

  “Brother, are you sure that’s wise? We will sustain heavy losses if we take that route. Besides, our men are tired from the march. We should make camp and further study their defenses before attacking,” Lyman pointed out.

  “Bah! We came all this way for a fight and we will bring them one!” Valton said as he drew his sword, pointed it forward, and roared with eagerness.

  At Valton’s command, the entire Imperial Army charged towards the bridge that led to Veiporran. The chimera and its rider also took flight towards the castle. In moments, it became clear that the bridge was so narrow that it served as a bottleneck. With their foes tightly packed together, the soldiers guarding the bridge easily swept their foes aside with one swing after another. The Battle of Veiporran had begun.


  On top of the tallest tower, Vaeron and Nergal watched as the giants managed to fend off the Imperial Army on the bridge while the rest of the enemy was crowding on the other side of the crossing. Changing tactics, Vaeron could see the Sylva archers forming ranks on the field and firing volleys of arrows over the bridge towards the Magnus infantry. Fortunately, the shield wall held, but took a few losses in exchange. In addition, the Magnus archers and crossbowmen were launching thousands of arrows and bolts over the bridge, taking out hundreds of Sylva soldiers at a time. Then the trebuchets and catapults threw flaming projectiles over the bridge and incinerated many more Imperial troops with each hit.

  Musing, Vaeron said, “We seem to be doing well so far. They are taking more losses than us. We’re lucky that their commander is such a reckless fool.”

  “Their chimera is approaching,” Nergal said.

  “Engage them while I call some friends to the fight.”

  “As you wish.”

  Nergal took flight as Vaeron released a mystical scream with his Druid magic. The dragon and the chimera were roughly the same size and they cast massive shadows as they collided. After a brief exchange of slashing claws, the two beasts parted ways before launching blasts of fire and lightning at one another, which lit up the night sky. Moments later, a giant swarm of birds, bats, bees, and wasps formed in the sky above them before flying down and mobbing the chimera, its rider, and the Imperial Army below.

  The Imperial forces were driven mad by the cluster of creatures, with the chimera lashing out wildly, almost knocking its rider off of its shoulders. With the foe distracted, Nergal flew towards the chimera while Vaeron drew his dagger. As they drew closer to their targets, Vaeron used his Druid magic to create a wind-based chakram around his dagger and Nergal prepared to breathe fire.

  Then Vaeron threw his empowered blade at the chimera’s rider, slicing him across the back, and Nergal melted half the chimera’s face. Shortly afterwards, Vaeron and Nergal collided with the chimera and wrestled with it in midair. In moments, Vaeron saw the chimera’s rider, who was stooping over from his back injury.


  High Prince Tytus Sylva was struggling to stay conscious after receiving his back wound from his Magnus opponent. His vision blurred and his lungs burned as his breathing became more ragged. Desperate for breath, Tytus frantically removed his helm and gasped in relief. In his wounded state, Tytus was having trouble staying on his chimera as it wrestled against the dragon.

  I can barely see and his limbs feel like they’re made of jelly! I better not die here! With Gyran disinherited, I am next in line to the Imperial Throne! I can’t die until I am emperor! Gods give me strength! Tytus thought as he battled his increasing infirmity.

  As the dragon and chimera clashed, Tytus spotted his Magnus opponent, who was clad in black and gold armor with a Ferruman longsword in hand. The upstart was climbing over the shoulders of the two great beasts to reach Tytus.

  Eagerly, Tytus lashed out and snarled, “Die, Magnus scum!”

  Then Tytus called on his Druid magic and fired a bolt of lightning at his foe, but the armored warrior deflected the blast with his Ferruman blade. Still, the force of the lightning threw Tytus’s foe off balance. Seizing the moment, Tytus drew his own Ferruman sword and lumbered towards his enemy. The two duelists exchanged three sword swings before breaking off from each other. To Tytus’s satisfaction, he saw that he sliced through his adversary’s left side, forcing him to his knees.

  However, Tytus’s chest froze as a geyser of blood burst
from his breast. All sensitivity in Tytus’s arms and legs left him and he knelt. Every inch of Tytus’s body felt as though they were encased in ice.

  “No! I can’t die yet! I’m not emperor yet! Curse you, whelp!” Tytus wheezed as warm blood seeped in his lung.

  Tytus could see himself falling off his chimera’s shoulders, but he no longer had the strength to stop himself. Within moments, Tytus found himself in a freefall towards his army below. Above him, Tytus could see the dragon ripping off one of his chimera’s wings and gutting it with its claws.

  With his final breath, Tytus sighed, “Damn the gold phoenix!”

  Then Tytus’s world went black.


  Vaeron dragged himself back onto Nergal’s back, gripping his injured side as blood flowed profusely from it.

  Sensing his rider’s pain, Nergal exclaimed, “You’re hurt!”

  Removing his helm, Vaeron gasped, “I can’t breathe! My heart is pounding out of my chest!”

  “We have to get you to a surgeon!”

  “No! We keep fighting until this army is beaten! Now fight on!”

  Reluctantly, Nergal did as he was told and breathed fire on the Imperial Army. The chimera’s corpse then crashed on top of the Sylva forces in the back, crushing multiple soldiers under its weight. Desperately, several archers fired arrows at Nergal, but normal steel was no match for dragon scales and they harmlessly bounced off of Nergal’s belly.

  Then something caught Vaeron’s eye in the distance and he asked, “What is that? It looks like a giant crossbow.”

  Suddenly, Nergal shook violently and released a screech of pain before slowly descending towards Veiporran.

  “What happened?” Vaeron exclaimed.

  Vaeron looked over Nergal’s shoulder and saw a scorpion bolt as big as a person wedged into Nergal’s left breast. Liquid fire spewed out of the wound and rained on the ground, setting it ablaze.

  In shock, Vaeron cried, “Nergal!”

  At that moment, Vaeron looked up and his soul froze when he saw that the dying Nergal was hurtling towards their own army.


  King Marek oversaw the battle from the battlements. On either side of him, archers and crossbowmen fired arrows and bolts like rain against the Sylva army. Above him, catapults and trebuchets bombarded the enemy with fireballs. In front of him, the infantry was doing well fending off the Imperials. However, the status of the overall battle was changing.

  The Sylvas eventually overcame the vanguard on the bridge and were climbing through the trenches before clashing with the other spearmen. Then the battle turned in favor of the Magnuses when Marek watched Vaeron and Nergal slay their chimera and its rider. After the chimera violently crashed into the right Sylva flank, the entire garrison in the castle cheered in triumph. Moments later, Vaeron and his dragon proceeded to incinerate more of the Imperial Army. The sight of Nergal unleashing his wrath upon the Sylva forces drove the Magnus host into even more of a frenzy. In the distance, thousands of Imperial loyalists were starting to break and run.

  This is it! With their chimera and Imperial figurehead gone, the Sylvas are done for! The day is almost ours! I have been training for this moment my entire life and I can almost taste my first chance at ever-lasting glory! Freya can say I am not worthy of being king, but I am about to prove her wrong! Marek thought as he surveyed the battlefield.

  Suddenly, something unexpected caught Marek’s eye. Amongst the Sylva army was a large wooden engine that resembled a giant crossbow. Sitting on the machine was a scorpion bolt tipped with a familiar metal. Gradually, the colossal ballista took aim at Vaeron and Nergal.

  With his gut collapsing into itself, Marek gasped, “Ferruman! They can’t possibly . . . !”

  Then the worst-case scenario happened as the scorpion fired its projectile straight into Nergal’s chest. The dragon screamed in agony as his heart was pierced and he started to drop like a pheasant shot by an arrow. Liquid fire spewed from Nergal’s skewered breast as he descended towards Veiporran’s front gate, causing the Magnus garrison to panic.

  Upon realizing they were about to be hit, Marek cursed, “Damn it all!”

  Then Nergal and Vaeron collided with the front gate and exploded in a blast of flames that caused the courtyard and battlements to collapse. The last thing Marek saw was the flash of golden light while the last thing he felt was his superheated armor fusing onto his flesh before turning into cinders.


  Princes Valton and Lyman Faan watched as Veiporran was set ablaze. All around them, their surviving army cheered at their victory.

  Valton laughed maniacally as he boasted, “Look at those scum burn! The Magnuses’ Ferruman may have made them obscenely rich, but they sealed their dragons’ fate when they traded the ore with the rest of the Empire! Thanks to the best blacksmiths and engineers gold could buy, we found the means to use the Magnuses’ wealth against them! The rest of them will be in for more of such surprises! The day is ours, Lyman! The day is ours!”

  Unimpressed, Lyman chided, “At what cost? High Prince Tytus and his chimera are dead along with half of our army! At least ten thousand more of our men fled before the dragon fell! Worse, you got our sons and nephews killed! We may have defeated the rebels and cleared a path to the northern kingdoms, but we no longer have enough men to quell them! Your arrogance and recklessness has cost us all!”

  With one swift motion, Valton drew his dagger and stabbed it into Lyman’s visor and into his eye, killing him instantly. Valton watched callously as his brother’s corpse fell from its horse and into the mud.

  When his soldiers gave him shocked and disgusted looks, Valton challenged, “Anyone else?”

  In response, the Imperial Army looked away with unease.

  Satisfied, Valton ordered, “We march to the north as soon as the flames die down!”


  On board the Magnus flagship Phoenix, Caelum sat in his cabin while reading The Life and Reign of Byron of Valai. Outside of his window were raging waves and signs of a storm brewing in the sky. The ship creaked and wobbled heavily as the sea continually crashed onto its hull. A sense of uneasy squeamishness filled Caelum as his innards churned violently.

  Reaching for a cup filled with Aemarran brandy, Caelum took a sip and savored the spicy richness. Soon afterwards, Caelum’s gut was struck with a fresh jolt of nausea and Caelum took another sip to quell his stomach.

  As he continued reading, Caelum mused, “Modern historians may regard King Byron as a tyrant and a butcher, but he knew how to keep his vassals under control. If it weren’t for him, House Rosa would not exist and we would not have Valai’s support in this war. It saddens me greatly, but I fear we might have to follow King Byron’s example if we hope to bring the rest of the Empire to heel. That is if we are successful in taking the Imperial Throne.” Then a knocking came from his cabin door and Caelum called, “Enter!”

  The door creaked open to reveal Caelum’s new brother-in-law, Prince Thanon Ganjol. Thanon was clad in boiled leather armor and chainmail with a pair of battle axes hanging from his belt. A sneer appeared on Thanon’s face as he saw Caelum.

  “What news do you bring, brother?” Caelum asked.

  “We are reaching the border between Waes and Darrm. At this rate, we will reach Chrysos in less than a month if the weather remains good. Also, news has reached us that your brothers have all but conquered Waes and are preparing to strike Raevor next. They fought the biggest and bloodiest battle in recent memory just outside of Sylva Harbor, wiping out half of the Imperial Army.”

  “What about Vaeron and Nergal? Any news about them?”

  Thanon’s initially joyful expression faded and he answered, “We also received word that Prince Vaeron, his dragon, and the entire garrison at Veiporran are all dead. Whatever Imperials survived the battle are marching into Storuuk! I fear the northern kingdoms are about to be razed in our absence! Do we turn back and provide aid?”

  A sense of shock
consumed Caelum as he digested Thanon’s revelations. Multiple memories of Vaeron flashed through Caelum’s mind before his soul froze to the core. The emotional impact of Vaeron’s death was so great that Caelum lost his balance and fell out of his chair. Tremors surged through Caelum as his hands trembled uncontrollably while his vision blurred.

  Caelum could barely hear Thanon ask, “Do we turn back or continue? As the brother of the rightful Emperor, you alone can give the order!”

  Suddenly, the entire ship shook and Thanon loudly cursed, “What the hell was that? Are we under attack?”

  Stiffly rising to his feet, Caelum said, “Take me to the deck. If we are under attack, I need to ride Rhea.”

  “Are you sure you are emotionally fit to fight?”

  “It doesn’t matter. Vaeron is dead and gone. All I can do is make sure he and Nergal didn’t die in vain. Now help me the hell up, gods damn it!”

  Hastily, Thanon grabbed Caelum by the arm and pulled him to his feet.


  Once outside, Caelum and Thanon were greeted by an unexpected sight. It was night, and the Phoenix’s crew were in disarray with some looking over at the water. Above them, Rhea flew while surveying the scenery below her. Caelum and Thanon followed the gazes of their men and were awe struck by what they saw.

  Swimming amongst the Magnus fleet were hundreds of colossal Leedsicthys. The behemoths were fish that were as big as whales, but did not seem to notice the ships. They made mournful cries that produced a harmonious song that echoed across the sea. Every once in a while, the Leedsicthys accidentally bumped into some of the Magnus vessels. Fortunately, the apparently gentle giants did not sink a single boat so far.


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