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All I Want for Christmas Is a Cowboy

Page 12

by Jennifer Ryan

  She shifted beneath him, increasing the sweet friction. Her body tightened around his. He took her mouth in a searing kiss, sliding his tongue deep, even as his hard cock thrust into her. Her hands clamped onto his hips. She pulled him to her as her hips rose to meet him. Everything in him focused on her and sending her over the edge. Her body convulsed around his, and he threw his head back, thrust deep one last time, and let himself go.

  Summer didn’t know how he did it. One minute, she lay beneath him after he collapsed on top of her, his chest heaving as deep as her own. The next, she found herself lying completely on top of him, her head on his shoulder, and his arms locked around her back.

  “Was it something I said?” she teased.

  “Say it again,” he whispered into the dark night. At first, she thought it might be a dare that she’d say it and he’d make love to her like that again. With her head on his chest, her ear pressed to his skin, she realized he’d stopped breathing, waiting for her response.

  She rose up on her elbows and stared down into his dark eyes. “I love you, Caleb, with my whole heart.”

  He traced her forehead with his fingertip down to her ear, tucking the wild mass of hair away from her face. “I love you, too.”

  Chapter Eleven

  SUMMER LAY IN Caleb’s arms, her leg thrown over one of his, their feet tangled together. She didn’t know what woke her, but she felt Caleb stiffen beneath her. She cocked her head back and stared up at his handsome face. After two weeks, she still couldn’t believe how things between them had changed, how close they’d become.

  This time she felt Caleb jolt. His hand fastened onto her thigh where it usually rested through the night. Oh, how she loved the way he held her, so safe and protected and loved.

  She moved her leg up and over his hip, straddling him, her heart pressed to his. She leaned up and kissed his chin and then his lips, waking him slowly and in the most fun way. The hand on her thigh moved up to her ass, and he pressed her down onto his growing erection. She rocked her hips against him, making him groan.

  “Good morning,” she crooned.

  “It is now,” he said, a smile brightening his face.

  “You were having another dream.”

  “About you,” he lied to cover for the nightmare she’d pulled him from. “And here you are, right where I want you.”

  Both his hands slipped down her panties and covered her bottom. His fingers squeezed and she sighed, enjoying the first steps of the dance they did so well together.

  She traced his smile with the tips of her fingers, happy the terrifying and disturbing nightmares had eased over these last days. He slept more peacefully, and when a nightmare overtook him and he woke in a cold sweat, he hugged her close and she stroked his hair until his heart stopped thrashing and he breathed easy again.

  He pushed her legs down the side of his, her panties sliding down and off her legs. Her tank top didn’t stand a chance against his marauding hands. Somehow he managed to lose his boxer briefs and pay homage to her breasts at the same time. The man could multitask. One hand slipped over the back of her thigh. His fingers stroked and caressed, one dove deep into her wet core, stroking until the tingling started and her body tightened. He reached for the condom on the side table. Always prepared, her military man. She smiled down at him, took the condom, and slid it on his hard shaft. Falling forward on her hands again, she leaned down and kissed him, her tongue sliding over his just as he guided her down on his hard cock, both his hands locked on her hips, urging her on as she rode him.

  He loved her so well and in so many ways, she liked them all and craved more and more. His need quickly turned to demand. His hand smoothed up her back to grab hold of her hair. He pulled back, drawing her face up, making her back arch as he drove into her hard and fast. He kissed her throat with a sweep of his tongue over her sensitive skin, sending a shiver down her back. She loved his show of dominance and strength coupled with his gentleness. It made her feel sexy and wanted and drove her need higher. He thrust deep once, twice, and on the third time, they both fell over the edge in a blazing orgasm that made them both groan and melt into a puddle of spent passion. She fell on top of him, her face in his neck. She breathed as hard as he did and smiled against his skin.

  Caleb wrapped his arms around her and held her close, feeling her lips pull back into the smile she always had for him after they made love.

  “Ah, sweetheart, you do the nicest things to me.”

  “Merry Christmas.”

  “Looks like I got my gift early.”

  “I know, you like the hat,” she teased him, deliberately misunderstanding he meant making love to her.

  Just to be ornery, he squeezed her ass and kissed her on the side of the head. “It is my favorite thing.”

  She pinched his side and made him squirm and laugh. He blocked her hand from repeating the small hurt. “Besides you, sweetheart. You know you’re my favorite in the whole world.”

  “Better,” she said, stacking her hands on his chest and smiling at him.

  “You’re the best, honey.”

  “I’m so glad you remembered.”

  “I’m sorry about last night. Jack and Sam dragged me into town for a beer after the outstanding dinner you made us. We got to talking and playing pool and time got away from me.”

  “It’s okay. If you want to hang out with my brothers more than me, I get it. I mean, what’s not to like. Beer. Ball games. Talking about horses and whatever nut-job case Sam’s working on at the FBI.”

  “Nothing compares to you, sweetheart. Sam’s only in town for a couple days. Now that we’re seeing each other, I thought it important to get to know him better.”

  “You all seemed thick as thieves when you got home last night.”

  “We had fun.” He rolled her onto her back and leaned down and kissed her softly. “I made it up to you when I got home.”

  He’d fought so hard to make it back home after the war, only to discover he didn’t feel normal anywhere. Then he found her and discovered home was with Summer. Now he needed to make that home permanent.

  He checked the time on the bedside clock. If he didn’t get her moving, they’d be late meeting Jack and Sam for his surprise.

  Caleb gave her a playful smack on her very fine behind. “Go take a shower and get dressed. Something warm. I’m taking you somewhere.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Christmas surprise.” He rolled out of bed and dragged on his jeans. “I have to run up to the big house for some clothes.”

  “You can bring your stuff here. I’ll make room.”

  They’d talked in general about the future they both wanted, but since this was so new, they’d skimmed over the details. No matter how long he’d known her, or what anyone might think, he aimed to make her his forever. Soon. Starting today.

  “This place is rather small.”

  “Yeah, we’ll need a bigger house soon.”

  Her easy words made his heart leap. He hid his smile.

  “I’ll be back in an hour to pick you up.”

  He gave her a quick kiss and tried to pass her, but she grabbed his arm and pulled him back. Her lips met his in a soft kiss, so tender, he felt her pour all her emotions into it. She ended the sweet kiss and touched her forehead to his.

  “Our first Christmas together.”

  “The first of many, sweetheart. Get ready. I’ll be back for you soon.”

  She stepped out of his arms and walked into the bathroom. He rushed down the loft stairs and grabbed the bag he’d left outside the back door. He pulled the wrapped packages out and tucked them under her little tree for later. He turned on the Christmas lights and stepped back. She’d love it. After dinner and presents with Jack and Sam, they’d come back here and sit by the fire and open them.

  Caleb rushed to the house and found Jack and Sam in the kitchen putting the turkey in the oven.

  “Are you Betty Crocker wannabes ready?”

  “Almost. We j
ust need to finish off the stuffing, and then we’ll help you with the rig.”

  “Cool. I’ll be down in twenty minutes.”

  True to his word, Caleb raced down the stairs after his shower and met Jack and Sam in the kitchen again. The place smelled amazing. “How did you two learn to cook overnight?”

  “We called Mom. She walked us through everything. She and Dad are in South Carolina with our aunt and cousins,” Jack said.

  “I wish they could be here for this.”

  Summer would want her whole family together.

  “They can’t wait to talk to Summer later,” Sam said, slapping him on the back.

  “Well, to that end, let’s get this show on the road.”

  The three of them went down to the barn, uncovered the sleigh they’d borrowed from Mrs. Little last night, and harnessed up the horses. Sam tossed a thermos on the front seat.

  “What’s that?”

  “She loves hot chocolate on Christmas morning.”

  “Thanks, Sam, for all your help.”

  “Keep making my sister happy.”

  “I plan on it.”

  Jack slapped him on the back and gave him a hug. “Go get her, brother,” he encouraged.

  Caleb worried things between him and Jack would get weird and strained. Instead, they’d grown closer after Caleb confessed his plans for today and enlisted Jack’s help. Jack meant that brother, and Caleb appreciated it so much, especially since he was spending another holiday away from his family.

  It didn’t take long for him and Jack to ride over to Summer’s place. Jack held the horses while he went inside to get Summer. He found her in the loft, zipping up the garment bag she’d left hanging there days ago.

  “What’s in the bag?”

  “New Year’s Eve dress.”

  “We going to a party?”

  “I hope so,” she said vaguely.

  Too nervous about what he planned, he dropped the New Year’s thing. “Let’s go.”

  He took her hand and led her downstairs and to the Christmas tree.

  “Where did all these presents come from?”

  “Santa.” He pulled one of the small packages free and handed it to her.

  A bright smile bloomed on her face. Without hesitation, she tore into the paper, revealing the black velvet box. Her eyes went wide, but she hesitated to open it.

  She thought it was a ring. He meant her to. He’d laid a few traps to throw her off.

  She opened the box and discovered the blue topaz earrings inside. “They match your eyes,” he said, giving her a kiss and trying not to laugh as her face changed from disappointment to surprise and happiness.

  “I love them.” She put them on and held her hair back for him to see.

  “I wanted to get you something special for our first Christmas together.”

  “You shouldn’t have spent so much money.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. “Thank you.”

  Nervous, he led her to the door and grabbed the jacket off the peg and handed it to her. She pulled it on and he opened the door and let her go out first. She stopped short and gasped.


  “We’re going for a sleigh ride?”

  “It’s Christmas.”

  “It’s wonderful. Where did you get it?”

  “Mrs. Little.”

  She sighed. “Her husband used to take her out every year.” Her eyes went soft and misty with the memory.

  “Come on, honey.”

  He waited for her to hug Jack hello, then helped her into the sleigh and took the reins. Jack winked and gave him a reassuring grin as they rode away, sleigh bells jingling.

  Summer grabbed the blanket and draped it over both their legs. She snuggled close to his side and giggled. “This is so much fun.”

  He laughed with her. “I’m glad you like it.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see.”

  They rode for twenty minutes along a roundabout route to the spot he’d picked out with Jack. When they came around the bend, she sat up straight and stared.


  “The one with the pink scarf is a snowwoman.”

  “Is that supposed to be me and you?”

  “Kinda. Come see.”

  He helped her down and walked her toward the snowpeople. He stopped her a few feet away and stood behind her, looking over her shoulder.

  “Do you see it?”

  “What am I looking at? What are all these lines drawn in the snow?”

  “Open this.” He reached around her and held out another small black velvet box on the palm of his hand.

  She took it with shaking hands, glanced over her shoulder, and he gave her an encouraging smile.

  Summer opened the lid and frowned at the necklace with an old-fashioned key charm inside, not understanding at all. She’d thought the first box contained an engagement ring. She thought the same of this box. The man might drive her insane by the end of the day.

  He took the necklace and clasped it around her neck.

  “It’s lovely, but I don’t understand what this has to do with the lines drawn in the snow.”

  “You’re standing on the porch of what will soon be our new house. Mr. and Mrs. Snowman are standing in the living room.”

  She scanned the wide open area and realized he’d drawn out a floor plan. The key necklace was a symbol of their future home.

  “You said, Mr. and Mrs. Snowman.”

  She turned and found Caleb down on one knee in the snow, a beautiful diamond solitaire glinting in the sun held up to her between his index finger and thumb.

  “I love you so much. You are my favorite thing in this whole world,” he repeated the declaration he’d made just this morning in her bed. “I want to make a life with you by my side. I want us to have a family and grow old together, here on this ranch, in our house. Will you marry me, Summer, and be the sunshine in my life always?”

  “Yes.” The word burst from her mouth and tears filled her eyes, spilling over.

  Caleb sighed out his relief and stood, taking her shaking hand and sliding the ring on her finger. He kissed her palm and held it to his cheek, wrapping his other arm around her and drawing her close. He kissed her and didn’t stop for a long time.

  “I love you, sweetheart.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “We’ll meet the architect in January. They’ll start construction in April. We should be in our new home by September.”

  “You really mean it. We’re going to live here?”

  “Literally, right here.”

  She took in the snow-covered ground, the towering green pines and other nude trees. Close enough to the big house, but far enough away to have their privacy and space to be together and raise their children.

  “It’s perfect.”

  “It will be once we’re married.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  “I’ll leave the date and details to you, sweetheart. I don’t care when or where, just so long as you’re my wife.”

  He kissed her again, rubbing his hands up and down her back. “Let’s get back. It’s freezing out here, and you’re shaking.”

  “I’m excited.”

  He led her back to the sleigh, helping her in and pouring her a mug of hot chocolate. She wrapped her cold hands around it and settled in next to him as he took the reins and set the horses in motion.

  “You guys didn’t go to town last night, did you?”

  “No. Your brothers helped with the snowmen and getting the sleigh. We did share a few beers while they alternately threatened to kill me if I didn’t make you happy and encouraged me to propose a hundred different ways. Ninety percent were stupid and corny.”

  She laughed and kissed his cheek. “Sounds like them. It was perfect. I’ll never forget this day.”

  “We’ll make a lifetime of memories.”

  They came around the bend and she spotted her brothers with a tall, dark-haired s
tranger, who looked a lot like the man beside her.

  “My Christmas gift to you arrived.”

  “What’s that, sweetheart?”

  She pointed to the porch.


  “I didn’t want you to spend Christmas without your family.”

  Caleb reined in the horses. Her brothers and his came down to join them. Sam plucked her out of the sleigh and hugged her close, spinning her around.

  “You sure you want to keep him? I could arrest him for something.”

  Sam turned her loose and Jack hugged her close. “I can probably call in a few favors and get him deployed again.”

  “Not a chance.” Caleb folded her into his chest and kissed her on the head. She melted into him.

  “If you’re into tall, dark, and handsome, honey, I’m your man,” Blake said, shaking her hand.

  Caleb laughed, let her go, and socked his brother in the gut. “She’s mine. Get your own woman.”

  “I want yours,” Blake teased, and wrapped Caleb in a bear hug and gave him a hearty slap on the back.

  “You can’t have her.” Caleb held out his hand and she took it and he pulled her close. “I can’t believe you two plotted behind my back.”

  “Oh, your girl didn’t have to do much prodding. Gabe and Dane will be here Wednesday as requested by your lovely bride-to-be. Mom and Dad will arrive on Thursday.”

  “Wait. What?”

  Summer smacked Blake’s arm.

  “Uh-oh,” Blake said. “Guess I let the cat out of the bag.”

  “Someone want to tell me what’s going on? Summer?”

  “I did what you said.”

  “What did I say?”

  “That you’d marry me anytime, anywhere, and that I can plan the wedding.”


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