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Callie Hutton

Page 5

by The Elusive Wife

  Olivia soon entered the dancing in a quadrille with a middle aged baron, who kept studying her through his quizzing glass. It being a long time since she had danced at all, she discovered concentrating on the steps took her full attention. She didn’t notice the Earl of Coventry enter the room with the Marquess of Stafford at his side until the footman announced their names.


  The two notorious members of the ton called attention to themselves by merely entering a room. Both tall and handsome, with the predatory prowl of confident male animals, they made the hearts of debutantes speed up and their mamas to pull them closer. The marriage-minded mothers would love to snare either one of them as husband for her daughter, but knew enough to keep the innocents on a tight leash when the two men were present.

  Jason crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, taking in the assembly. “A few new faces tonight,” he said to Drake while his eyes continued to wander. Selena held an intimate conversation with Lord Wesley who hung on her every word. Maybe she’d already found the next occupant of her very active bed.

  “Not that it should matter to you, old man. You do remember you’re married?” Drake signaled a footman to bring him a glass of champagne.

  “Don’t start, Drake.” Jason’s eyes flashed. “I’ve told you the subject of my marriage is not up for discussion.”

  Drake snorted his opinion and downed the champagne in one gulp.

  “Who’s the lovely miss dancing with Ware?” Jason’s eyes narrowed as he pushed himself away from the wall.

  Baron Ware was not well liked by the ton, but tolerated due to his connection with the Prince Regent. Now the stout, red faced baron practically drooled down the bodice of a beautiful dark-haired woman in a lovely deep blue gown.

  “Don’t know. Never saw the chit before.” Drake frowned. “Another new debutante seeking a husband, no doubt.”

  Jason studied her for a while. Something about her looked vaguely familiar, but he doubted they had ever met. Porcelain white skin contrasted by a delightful blush on her cheeks drew his interest. Her curly black hair sat in a loose knot at the top of her head, a slim velvet ribbon circling it. Wispy curls dangled from her temples and neck. But the smile. Every time she looked at her partner and beamed, Jason felt his groin tighten. He would love to see that grin bestowed on him. And lips designed for kissing created the intriguing smile. Deep red, full, and pouty.

  When the dance came to an end Jason continued to study her as Baron Ware walked her back to Lady Lansdowne. He bowed over her hand and left. So the beauty was an acquaintance of Lady Lansdowne? Hmm. Time to renew his association with the fair Elizabeth.

  “Where are you going?” Drake asked, as Jason started across the ballroom, his attention riveted on Lady Lansdowne and her companion.

  “Nowhere in particular. Just going to circulate a bit. Isn’t it time for your dance with Miss Ingram?” he tossed over his shoulder.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact it is. Stay out of trouble, Jas.”

  Shrugging at Drake’s comment, Jason made his way through the crowd gathering for the next dance. He smiled when he noticed the beauty didn’t appear to have a partner for this dance.


  Olivia’s eyes grew wide as she watched a tall, dark haired man move in their direction from across the room. “Is that him? Blast, with everyone moving about, I’m not sure.” She grabbed Elizabeth’s hand. “I think he’s headed in our direction.”

  “Yes. ’Tis Lord Coventry. Calm down, Olivia. Remember he’s in the wrong, not you.”

  Olivia was certain the entire ballroom could hear her heart pounding. She grasped her ice cold hands together, trying to stop the shaking.

  Good heavens, I’m going to swoon like some delicate debutante right here at his feet.

  “What should I say to him?” Olivia chewed her lip.

  “He’s approaching us, let him do the talking. Maybe you’ll get an apology.”

  “Lady Lansdowne, you’re looking lovely as ever.” Jason grasped Elizabeth’s hand and kissed it. “And who, pray tell, is your beautiful companion?” He turned and looked directly into Olivia’s eyes.

  Elizabeth’s mouth fell open as she looked back and forth between Jason and Olivia. “Lord Coventry, surely you know Lady…”

  “Olivia Grant, my lord,” Olivia whispered, her mouth dry.

  Jason bowed, taking her hand and kissing it. “Earl of Coventry at your service, my lady.”

  He frowned as his gaze slid back and forth between the two women. Olivia glanced at Elizabeth who glared at Jason, her lips clamped in a firm line.

  “My lady, may I request the pleasure of this dance?” Jason said before he released Olivia’s hand.

  Unable to locate her voice, she merely nodded and darted a panicky glance at Elizabeth, before she accepted Jason’s arm.

  He doesn’t even remember me! All this time I’ve been dreading this meeting and the fool has no idea who I am.

  But when he studied her with those piercing blue eyes, she shuddered inwardly. Deserting her was bad enough, but to not even recognize her was the ultimate mortification. Thank goodness only Elizabeth knew the story and had witnessed the exchange.

  Whatever made me give him—of all people—my maiden name?

  The words had popped out of her mouth without even thinking. Now that it was done she would continue on. If only he would stop looking at her in a way that made it difficult to get a full breath.

  Jason made general comments when the dance brought them together. Still unable to form two words, Olivia merely smiled or nodded at his remarks.

  So this is what my husband looks like sober.

  Devastatingly handsome came to mind. His strong jaw and full lips with a slight scar on the right upper corner of his mouth gave him a dangerous look. It was bad enough when he smiled. But when he flashed that irresistibly devastating grin and regarded her with those blue eyes as if to eat her up, her air seemed to cut off.

  Wait a minute. He believes himself married, yet he’s flirting with me?

  Anger and humiliation washed over her like a wave knocking a small boat and her palm itched to slap the captivating smile off his face.

  The nerve of the man!

  Finally the dance ended and Jason raised her hand and placed it on his arm. “You look a little warm, perhaps a glass of champagne or lemonade, Lady Olivia?”

  Again, Olivia only inclined her head. Except now, rage, not panic, stifled her voice.

  They strolled to the refreshment table, Jason nodding at various people they passed. He found her a seat and presented her with a glass of cold champagne before she even realized he had left.

  “Since I have not seen you before tonight, I assume this ball is your first appearance of the Season, my lady?” He settled in the seat across from her.

  “Yes, it is. I’ve just arrived from the country.” Annoyance tightened her lips at the breathlessness of her voice.

  Her cheeks warmed as anger continued to race through her. She carefully placed the glass of champagne on the table to prevent herself from throwing the contents into his face.

  “The name Grant sounds somewhat familiar to me.” Jason signaled the footman for another glass of champagne.

  Do you think so?

  “Is it possible I know your family?”

  “My parents are deceased. But we had not lived in England for quite some time.”

  “In any event, I’m sure all of London is certainly glad you made the trip from the country. You’re staying with Lady Lansdowne?” He continued to stare at her with those eyes, but her anger kept her immune to his charm.

  “Yes, I am her house guest.” She had to get away from Lord Arrogant before she did something to embarrass Elizabeth, or something that she would surely regret.

  Jason sipped the champagne and studied her over the rim of the glass. “Do you ride?”

  “Yes I do.” She gave him a tight smile and added, “Riding’s about our only entertainment in the country.�

  “Perhaps you would care to join me some morning. I ride every day.”

  Olivia panicked. It was bad enough being so close to him in a crowded room, but a ride with just the two of them was out of the question. Although visions of his head smacking into a low branch, and his unseated aristocratic arse landing in the mud did bring a pleasant smile to her lips.

  “Unfortunately, my lord, I have brought no riding clothes with me.” She lifted her chin, ready to dismiss him and return to Elizabeth.

  “Well here’s where you’ve got off to.” A tall handsome man, blond against Jason’s dark coloring, startled them both. He slapped Jason on the back and looked pointedly at Olivia. “May I have the pleasure of being made known to this lovely lady?”

  Olivia and Jason both stood. “Lady Olivia, please allow me to introduce Lord Stafford.”

  He bowed over Olivia’s hand. “Your servant.”

  Olivia smiled at Stafford and turned to Jason. “I would like to return to Lady Lansdowne, my lord, but I’m afraid I don’t remember which direction to find her.”

  “As you wish.” Jason held her elbow, and eased her through the throng, Lord Stafford on their heels.

  Olivia breathed a sigh of relief when she spotted Elizabeth anxiously scanning the crowd.

  “Lady Lansdowne, a pleasure as always.” Stafford bowed to her. Elizabeth returned his smile and presented her hand for his kiss.

  “Olivia, are you all right? You look a little flushed.” Her friend peered at her with concern.

  Olivia didn’t think she would ever feel right again after this evening’s humiliation. If it wasn’t unladylike, she would relieve a passing footman of his empty tray and smack it against Lord Arrogant’s head. Let him make from that what he would.

  “Actually, I do feel a bit lightheaded. Would you mind terribly if we left? I’m afraid I’m not yet used to the crowds.” She took Elizabeth’s arm.

  Elizabeth patted her hand. “Not at all, I’ll have Grif summon the carriage.”

  “I’m sorry you’re not feeling well, my lady.” Jason bowed to her.

  “It’s nothing. Perhaps in time I will become accustomed to London.”

  Elizabeth nodded at the two gentlemen and they made their exit.

  “Elizabeth I think I’m going to faint.” Olivia panted as she grasped Elizabeth’s forearm.

  “No you’re not,” she returned. “Just keep putting one foot in front of the other.”

  Truth be known, Olivia wasn’t used to the crowds of London. Or anywhere else for that matter. Having spent a quiet, contemplative life with her father, the smells and heat of the ballroom smothered her, gave her a feeling of not having enough air to breathe. How in heaven’s name did these people handle such events all the time? Right now she longed for the comfort and quiet of her room at Lansdowne House, a roaring fire, a cup of tea, and her favorite night rail.

  The two women made their way through the crowd to the entrance hall. Elizabeth addressed a footman stationed at the door. “Will you please find a seat for Lady Olivia while I locate my husband? And please have Lord Lansdowne’s carriage brought around immediately.”

  The young footman quickly provided a chair and Olivia sank into it.

  What in heaven’s name am I going to do now? Coventry wants to accompany me on a ride?

  A mere five minutes later Elizabeth returned, Grif on her heels. The women’s wraps handed over, the three descended the stairs, Grif solicitously holding firmly onto a now shaky Olivia.

  “I’m so sorry to cut your evening short, my lord. I’m sure I can see myself home, and you can return to your entertainment.”

  “Nonsense.” Grif tapped on the roof of the coach and they started forward. “Elizabeth will tell you I would much rather relax in my comfortable chair in front of the fire in my library, my wife by my side, than attend a ball.” He chuckled and squeezed Elizabeth’s hand.

  Olivia leaned back and closed her eyes. The occupants of the carriage remained silent for the rest of the ride. In facing Jason again, it had never occurred to her he wouldn’t even remember her. Indeed he’d been very drunk at their wedding, and she had heard such conditions could cause memory loss, but to totally forget the woman he married? Oh, the indignity of it!

  Her heart pounded to think of what she would do now. Olivia hadn’t planned beyond their actual first meeting where she would vent her righteous anger, then they would possibly come to some type of acceptable arrangement for both their benefits. But his ignorance of her identity left her stumped and angry. And somewhat hurt.

  “I think I would like to go to my room. It’s been a long day.” Olivia winced with the pain in her head as she entered the house. The butler removed her wrap, and she ran her palms over her chilled flesh, trying desperately to warm up. But she knew the coldness came from a part of her that would probably never be warm again. The part that wanted desperately to be loved and cherished.

  “Certainly, my dear, we’ll speak in the morning.” Elizabeth brushed her cheek, then sighed as Olivia hurried upstairs.

  Chapter Six

  Elizabeth trailed her husband to the library where he poured a brandy. He held up the sherry decanter and raised his eyebrows.

  “No, thank you.”

  He tugged at his cravat and pulled it free from his neck with a sigh. “At last, will you now tell me what the devil is going on? When did Coventry get married, and why in heaven’s name is his wife occupying one of my guestrooms?”

  Elizabeth related a brief synopsis of Olivia’s sorry tale.

  “Blast the man!” Grif grumbled. “How could he be so callous of the woman’s feelings?” He removed his jacket before joining his wife where she rested on the settee. Leaning back, he rested his foot on his opposite knee.

  “Indeed.” Elizabeth shook her head. “It doesn’t seem like the Coventry we know. He’s always had a rakish reputation, but never have I seen, or heard, of him treating a lady with such a cavalier attitude. And his own wife!”

  “Maybe I should speak with him.” Grif studied the brown liquid as he swirled it around the glass in his hand. “Lady Coventry is under my roof, so I feel a sense of responsibility toward her since there is no male relative to speak on her behalf.”

  “No, I think not. Let’s see what Olivia says in the morning. She must have had a reason not to reveal herself tonight.” Elizabeth stared at a spot on the rug, nibbling on her bottom lip. “But we are having some revenge.” She turned to her husband, grinning. “We have purchased, and will continue to purchase, a complete new wardrobe. Wait until Coventry sees the bills! That should make him sit up and pay attention.” She giggled.

  Grif placed his glass on the marble table next to him and cupped Elizabeth’s hands in his. “And you, my dear, have caught my attention by your loveliness. Shall we make use of the time we’ve been given by retiring early?” His eyebrows rose.

  Heat suffused Elizabeth’s face as she contemplated the look in her husband’s eyes. Desire sparked there as he cupped her face with his hand and drew her near. They were a married couple with a child, yet his attentions continued to weaken her knees and release butterflies in her lower parts.

  “Oh yes,” she breathed before he took possession of her mouth.


  Olivia allowed Elizabeth to drag her from shop to shop on Bond Street the next morning. She smirked as her friend blithely informed shopkeepers to deliver all bills to Lord Coventry.

  Mademoiselle DuBois bowed and fussed as soon as they entered the shop. Within an hour, fabrics of every color and texture littered the room. Elizabeth, Olivia, and the modiste poured over patterns and pictures. Shop girls and minor seamstresses hurried back and forth with new fabrics, new patterns. Olivia winced as she was stuck with pins and her body measured over and over. But that pain was minor compared to the hurt of last night’s encounter with Jason. Was she truly of such little worth?

  “Are you sure we can do this?” Olivia bent to whisper in Elizabeth’s ear as they left
Mademoiselle smiling brightly at the huge wardrobe Olivia had just commissioned her to sew.

  “We can and we will. You are Lady Coventry and ’tis a disgrace you were left with no resources after your wedding,” Elizabeth sniffed, as she pulled her toward another shop.

  “That’s not exactly true.” Olivia stopped, the milliner’s window catching her attention by a lovely pale green hat, with a saucy feather curling from the brim. “Mr. Meyer, Jason’s solicitor, sent me a letter while I was in Coventry and stated I had use of Lord Coventry’s funds for my purposes if I so wished.”

  “See, there you have it. You have been given permission, so enjoy it.” Elizabeth turned to gaze at what had mesmerized Olivia, and gasped. “Oh, what a stunning hat. You must try it. It would be perfect with your new riding outfit.”

  Olivia granted herself leave to try on several more hats, and then off to more shops as the day wore on. It was silly to feel guilty about all the money she spent, and she soothed her uneasy conscience by assuring herself Lord Coventry could certainly afford it. But somehow she couldn’t stop the niggling doubts and dismay at buying so much, and then charging it to a man who’d never wanted her for a wife. Indeed, didn’t even remember her.

  “I think we deserve an ice at Gunter’s,” Elizabeth said as they left the small shop where they’d purchased cream colored kid gloves and white satin elbow length ones.

  “Yes please, dearest, my feet have had enough.”

  Gunter’s had a small crowd, but they were able to get seats close to the window. Olivia sighed as she sat, eased her shoes off, and bent to rub her heel. Truly unladylike to be sure, but it felt so good.

  “Good afternoon, ladies. I’m guessing you have been visiting the shops?” Lord Coventry bowed slightly and smiled with his sensual lips at the two women enjoying their ices.

  Olivia’s heart dropped to her stomach. The ice she savored turned to ashes in her mouth and she pushed it away.

  “Yes, we have been. In fact, Lady Olivia has been having a wonderful time visiting the shops and replacing practically her entire wardrobe.” Elizabeth beamed at Jason.

  Olivia put her spoon down, her eyes darting around the room, desperate for an escape.


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