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Callie Hutton

Page 10

by The Elusive Wife

  Witnessing Olivia’s anger, feeling her hatred and hurt, fired a huge hole in his confidence. He hated to admit how much her disgust and loathing had affected him.

  God, I can really be a jackass.

  The memory of Olivia in the throes of anger tightened his breeches. He inhaled deeply. The violet of her eyes had deepened to almost black. Would they turn that color when passion overcame her?

  She was truly magnificent in her fury. Unused to anything but adoration from women all his life, Olivia’s set-down stung. He now understood the term crazed with anger. He rubbed his cheek once more and grinned at the recollection of his spitfire. And she was his spitfire.

  However, the problem remained on how he could resolve this. And resolve it he would. One thing was clear. He had no intention of following through on an annulment. It would take some doing, but he intended to reel in his pride and win his wife over.


  Olivia’s stays kept her from inhaling deeply and black dots danced before her eyes. She must look a fright. Her heart still pounded, her face felt warm, and tears filled her eyes.

  I will not cry. That pompous arse will not cause me to embarrass myself in front of everyone.

  After slipping through the French doors, she sat on a nearby chair to catch her breath. Fanning herself vigorously, her heart began to slow, and her breathing returned to normal. Exhaustion from her encounter with Jason overwhelmed her. As soon as she felt well enough, she rose to seek out Elizabeth. Her steps stopped abruptly when Lord Fairfax grasped her arm.

  “Are you all right, Lady Olivia?” His eyes were warm and gentle.

  Olivia turned a slight smile on him. “I’m not feeling quite the thing, my lord, and somewhat parched. Would you care to escort me?”

  “But of course, my lady.” He placed his hand possessively over hers on his arm, and steered them toward the refreshment table. Olivia continued to search for her friend, but didn’t spot her.

  Farifax handed her a glass of lemonade and began a dissertation on his concern over his mother’s various ailments

  Olivia nodded, anxious to get away from him and the endless chatter.

  “Lady Olivia, our dance I believe?”

  She turned gratefully to see Drake standing with his hand out, a twinkle in his bright eyes.

  “Yes, indeed it is, my lord.” She smiled at Lord Fairfax, then joined her partner in the Quadrille.

  She felt much better after the rousing dance with Drake. Something in his demeanor told her he knew of her subterfuge but found it humorous. The rest of the evening passed pleasantly, and she never saw Lord Arrogant again. Hopefully he had gone home and would now forever leave her in peace.


  The next afternoon, Olivia stood staring into the drawing room fireplace minutes before callers were expected at Lansdowne Townhouse. “He knows.”

  “Oh, dear,” From her position on the settee, Elizabeth folded her hands in her lap, and regarded her. “I thought something like that must have happened when I saw the two of you together last night. I wanted to ask you about it all morning, but I knew you would tell me when you felt the time was right.”

  Olivia paced, her face heating as she recalled their conversation. “He intends for us to remain married.” She stopped in front of Elizabeth and crossed her arms. “He practically ordered me to move my things into Coventry House for the rest of the Season.”

  “Goodness.” Elizabeth searched her friend’s eyes. “And what do you want, Olivia?”

  She lifted her chin. “I want to never lay eyes on the dratted man again.” Before she could continue, a footman announced the first of their guests, and Olivia put a smile on her face.

  Less than an hour later Lord Fairfax sat next to Olivia on the settee, having just apologized for his mother not attending, since she needed to recover from last evening’s entertainments.

  Lord Carstairs had just settled himself in the small chair across from Elizabeth when Staunton entered. “Lord Coventry,” he announced.

  Jason strode into the room, taking up more space than any one man should. Olivia’s lungs seized and she found it hard to breathe. He wore a form fitting dark blue coat no tailor needed to apply padding to. His snug tan pantaloons displayed muscular thighs, the black Hessians shining so brilliantly they could substitute for a mirror. But the most impressive part of Lord Coventry were his piercing blue eyes and the black curl that fell rakishly over his forehead.

  He bowed slightly to Elizabeth, kissing the hand she presented to him. Only years of good etiquette forced Olivia to extend her hand when Jason bowed in front of her. He reached for her hand, and looking directly into her eyes, flashed a devilish smile. She stiffened. It appeared her husband had thrown down the gauntlet.

  “Lord Coventry, it’s been quite a while since you’ve called.” Elizabeth’s eyelashes fluttered.

  “Much too long, my lady. I apologize for the gross neglect of such a good friend.”

  Olivia snorted her opinion, and then gulped at having done something so unladylike. She quickly turned her attention to Lord Fairfax. “Please extend my regard to your mother. I hope she will shortly recover from last night.”

  Lord Fairfax blushed a bright red and smiled eagerly. Olivia glanced at Jason, his eyes glowing with suppressed mirth. She scowled.

  “Lady Olivia.” Jason emphasized her name. “I heard you play at the Banbury musicale the other night. Can I tell you how thoroughly surprised I was at your unexpected talent?”

  “Thank you, my lord.” Her jaw throbbed from tension.

  Picking a piece of invisible lint from his jacket, he added, “I’m sure a charming lady as yourself has many hidden secrets.”

  “My music is no secret, my lord.” Her chin rose, and she felt heat rise to her face.

  Jason leaned forward, a wicked smile on his face. “Surely you must have other secrets?”

  Elizabeth stood so suddenly it appeared she had been thrust out of her chair by an invisible foot. “I will ring for tea, my lords.” She hurried over to the bell and gave instructions when the maid appeared.

  Olivia’s heart hammered in her chest. What was he about? She told him last night she didn’t want to have anything to do with him, and here he sat in Elizabeth’s drawing room, looking very much the gracious lord. Truth be known, she enjoyed sparring with him. A worthy adversary, he also was handsome as sin and lethal as a tiger. It would be in her best interests to remember that last fact.

  “I just received delivery of a magnificent mare from Tattersalls, and I wonder if you would join me in a ride tomorrow morning.” Lord Carstairs looked directly at Olivia as he accepted a teacup from Elizabeth.

  As Olivia opened her mouth to respond, Jason said smoothly, “We would love to go on a ride tomorrow morning, wouldn’t we, Lady Olivia?”

  Lord Carstairs cast a glance from Jason to Olivia. “Um, yes, I believe a group ride would be the thing. How about yourself, Lady Lansdowne? And of course, Lord Fairfax, you would be most welcome as well.”

  Olivia glared at Jason, her mouth pressed in a tight line. “I’m not sure I have suitable clothing for a ride, my lord.”

  “Oh no, dearest, remember Mademoiselle DuBois sent over your riding habit a few days ago.” Elizabeth addressed the gentlemen. “Lady Olivia has been refurbishing her wardrobe while she visits with me.”

  “Ah, a new wardrobe,” Jason said lazily. “A favorite pastime of the ladies. I can truly imagine what the bills are like.”

  Olivia regarded him in stony silence. Turning her head, she looked pointedly at Lord Carstairs. “Nevertheless, I will be happy to join you for a ride in the morning.”

  “Splendid.” Jason grinned. “What time shall we all meet?”

  Lord Carstairs cleared his throat and surveyed the group. “Would eight o’clock be satisfactory? We could take our ride at Rotten Row.”

  “I’m afraid I must bow out.” Lord Fairfax sighed. “Mother has her breakfast every day at precisely eight-thirty, and so looks for
ward to my company. Perhaps some other time.”

  “And I’m afraid I must also decline.” Elizabeth chimed in. “I have an appointment with Mademoiselle DuBois in the morning for some fittings. But I’m sure the two gentlemen will enjoy Lady Olivia’s company.”

  Olivia groaned inwardly. Lord Arrogant had boxed her neatly into a corner.

  Fairfax stood. “I’m afraid I must leave this charming company. Mother is expecting me shortly to assist her in arranging flowers.”

  Jason snorted and Olivia rose.

  “I will walk you out, my lord.” She accepted his arm, and as she passed Jason, stepped directly and solidly on his instep, bouncing a bit for emphasis. He winced, but said nothing as she pulled her skirt toward her body to avoid touching him. She raised her chin and straightened her shoulders as she and Fairfax left the room. As she glanced back, she smiled at the vision of Jason rubbing his foot against his other leg, nodding at something Elizabeth said.

  Gauntlet, indeed!

  Chapter Twelve

  Jason strode to his carriage and shouted at the driver to take him to White’s. He grinned as the conveyance started forward. What a little hellcat his Olivia was. No shrinking violet, that one. He laughed softly. This contest of wills could become very interesting, to say the least.

  She had such a hard time controlling her anger, it tempted him all the more to tease her. He knew her hand must have itched to slap him again, but that stomp to his foot had to relieve some of her tension. He loved her passionate nature and intended to thoroughly enjoy it when the time came.

  In a short period of time, he’d settled himself in a comfortable leather chair across from Drake. “Missed you at Tattersall’s this morning. I had my eye on a nice piece of horseflesh.” Jason glanced around the room and signaled a footman to bring him a whiskey. “How’s your chin?”

  Drake touched it with the tip of his finger. “Fine. I’ve had worse.” He leaned back and stretched out his long legs. “So, what are you going to do?”

  “About what?”

  “About the lovely Lady Olivia.”

  Jason stared into space for a moment. “Ah, you mean the lovely Lady Coventry? My wife. The woman I am legally and rightfully married to. That Lady Coventry?”

  Drake shook his head and grinned. “But will the lovely Lady Coventry have you?”

  “Of course not. She hates me. Told me so last night. Which is why I’m forging a campaign to win her back.”

  “Sorry, old man, but you never had her to begin with. You threw the lady away. What makes you think you can win her now?”

  “A Coventry never quits. Remember that, Drake. I have no intention of letting that delectable body go anywhere except to my bed.”


  Olivia swore under her breath as she straightened her riding hat in the mirror. The jaunty feather circled her face, almost touching her lip. The light wool azure riding outfit enhanced her eyes, brightening the deep violet. She bit her lips and pinched her cheeks for color.

  Why am I doing this? I should leave word that I have a headache and am unable to ride.

  But she had no intention of letting the Earl of Arrogance get the better of her. He might have manipulated Carstairs into including him in this morning’s ride, but she would not show him any mercy. Her eyes sparkled as she thought about what sort of trouble she could cause him today. Suddenly, she looked forward to the ride.

  Promptly at eight o’clock the first gentleman arrived. Olivia looped the bottom of her riding habit over her arm and descended the stairs to the entrance hall where Lord Carstairs stood speaking quietly with Staunton. Carstairs looked up as she appeared, a smile lighting his face.

  “Good morning, Lady Olivia. You look splendid, as always.” She joined him and presented her hand for his kiss.

  “Lord Coventry is outside with our horses, so I believe we are all ready to go.”

  He offered Olivia his arm and they proceeded into the late spring morning. She inhaled deeply of the air, perfumed with flowers from the garden at the side of the house. A cloudless day, quite rare in London. And the early hour assured the city air remained clear.

  At the bottom of the steps, a groom clasped the reins of two horses. Jason stood alongside him, holding the third. Olivia caught her breath at the sight of the man. Tall, muscular, and oozing confidence, Lord Arrogant was all male. Damn the man for what he did to her. He smiled a heart-stopping smile, and that simple action did fluttery things to her stomach. She sniffed.

  No mercy. This is war.

  Then she noticed his mount. “What a beauty,” Olivia exclaimed. The magnificent stallion stood proudly next to his smug owner.

  She ran her gloved hand down the animal’s soft velvety nose. “What’s his name?”

  “Apollo.” Jason smiled affectionately at the horse. His coal black body shimmered almost blue with the sunlight against it. Regal in his bearing, the animal threw his head back as if knowing he deserved any and all admiration.

  “It fits. He’s exquisite.” She fingered his thick mane, letting the strands slide through her fingers. “I miss my horse, Honor. I left her with friends in Italy, but hope to get her back one day.”

  Before Carstairs could move, Jason stepped up to Olivia, and put his large hands around her waist, effortlessly lifting her onto the saddle of her mare. She glowered at him as she adjusted her skirts to cover her legs. He laughed softly as she squirmed, settling herself.

  The three of them trotted toward Hyde Park. They rode their horses at a leisurely pace, conversing mostly about the weather, ton gossip, and plans for later in the week. Olivia remained on her guard, waiting. For what, she didn’t know, only certain Jason had something in mind. He was entirely too pleasant and innocuous.

  He didn’t take long to make his move. They were well into the park when she noticed her saddle didn’t feel snug enough beneath her bottom. She kept shifting herself around, but still could not get comfortable. Eventually Jason said, “Is something the matter, Lady Olivia?” He looked entirely too innocent, his features bland.

  “I’m not sure, my lord, I seem to have a problem with my saddle.”

  The three of them stopped and Jason dismounted and again reached up and lifted her off, his hands lingering a little too long on her waist, his thumb wandering toward her breast. She swatted his hand away and moved back. He examined her saddle.

  “I say, old man, is everything all right there?” Carstairs watched from atop his horse.

  “Actually, no.” Jason squatted, looking underneath the horse’s belly. “This strap is worn through, and won’t hold Lady Olivia for long.”

  “Let me see.” She elbowed him aside, and leaned over. “This is not the saddle I usually use,” she said tersely. “Someone put the wrong saddle on my horse.” She glared at Jason.

  He stood up, raising his hands in surrender. “I don’t saddle the horses, my lady.” Before she could even think of a reply, he scooped her up in his arms and deposited her on his horse. Then he swung his leg over and sat behind her.

  “Just what do you think you’re doing?” She attempted to cover her exposed leg with her skirts.

  “You can’t ride that horse, my lady.” Turning to Carstairs, he said, “I’ll return Lady Olivia to Lansdowne, if you will take her horse’s reins and lead him back.”

  Looking completely befuddled, Carstairs jumped from his horse and grabbed the mare’s reins as Jason rode off, wrapping his arms around Olivia’s waist.

  Olivia sat stiffly in front of Jason, refusing to touch any part of him. Slowly he moved his hand up from her waist until the top of his thumb rested on the bottom of her breast. She slapped his hand away. Next he moved his hand down until it rested on her thigh. Olivia made a clucking sound of disgust. “Please keep your hands off my person,” she sneered.

  “Just trying to keep you safe, my lady,” he murmured.

  “Ha. I’ve never been in more danger in my life.” She tugged her skirt with one hand, and cuffed his wandering hand with
the other.

  He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “I want you, Olivia. But even though I’m your husband, I won’t force you. Keep in mind, though, I intend to win, and you will come to my bed.”

  “Never. And you are no longer my husband. I signed the annulment papers.”

  “I tore them up.”

  Jason grunted as she elbowed him in the stomach. He again bent his head and nibbled at the soft spot under her ear. She threw her head back, catching him in the nose.

  “Ouch. You little she-devil.”

  “You best remember that, my lord. I will not permit you to fondle me.”

  “Oh, I intend to do more than fondle you, love.” Jason’s voice rolled over her like warm honey. “I will slowly remove your clothes, and then unfasten the pins holding your glorious hair. Starting at your lips, I’ll begin kissing you, moving down…”

  “Stop that.” She threw her full weight to the side, throwing them off balance. They both tumbled to the ground in heap of skirts, jackets and hats. Before Jason could even move, Olivia leapt from the ground and quickly mounted the horse, oblivious to her exposed limbs as she squeezed the horse’s sides. She grinned in his direction as he sat open-mouthed in the dirt.

  Olivia urged the stallion back to Lansdowne, the sound of her laughter carrying on the wind.


  How the hell did she do that? Ladies cannot mount horses by themselves.

  Jason stood and slapped his hat against his pantaloons to dust himself off. Since Carstairs was nowhere in sight, the man must have taken another path through the park to Lansdowne Townhouse. Re-arranging his dignity, Jason walked back to the stables.

  The more time he spent with Olivia, the more determined he became to have her. His wife’s warm body felt right when pressed up against his. Curved in all the right places, with generous breasts and hips, the thought of her naked and moaning under him kept him occupied during his return to the stables.

  Her fiery spirit attracted him almost as much as her loveliness. How she heated his blood. Even before he’d assumed the Earl’s title, Jason had intimidated most men by his mere presence. Since he’d left off short pants, women had fallen at his feet. Not so, his wife.


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