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A Shadow Thief's Magic

Page 10

by D. R. Rosier

  He rode up close to Erin and said for her ears only, “There is a band of ten elves about a mile and a half ahead, maybe twenty yards south of the road.”

  Erin grunted, “Ten? Did you check all of them?”

  He shook his head, “Should I?”

  She nodded without explaining why, so he redid the spell but chose a wider view. The picture in the shadow looked distorted, but offered a bubble view around the Elf.

  He grunted in surprise, “Five elves, and five extremely large dogs.”

  She pulled on the reigns and stopped, they waited while Kat and Gabby caught up. Apparently now wasn’t the time to worry about covering up our magic.

  Erin said, “There’s a group of five elves and great hounds up ahead, we won’t be able to sneak around them.”

  Gabby looked worried, and Katy just narrowed her eyes.

  Erin continued, “I’ll race ahead and distract them, when they go for me Katy and Daniel can hit them from behind while I turn back into them.”

  Gabby cleared her throat, “I can go with Erin, except for the turning around part that is.”

  Erin grunted, “Fine, let’s get this over with.”

  The two of them started off in a gallop. He exchanged a glance with Katy, she looked more grim and determined than scared, which didn’t surprise him. Then they took off and followed from a distance. All five of the large hounds ran after the fleeing horses, the elves pursued at a slower pace.

  The noise covered their approach, the elves didn’t even turn around. Katy used destruction magic and three of them fell dead without apparent cause. The other two who must have been protected somehow, turned around. One pulled out a bow, and Daniel summoned shadows to it before he could knock an arrow and it disappeared from the elf’s hands.

  They closed the distance quickly and he grabbed a throwing knife and threw it into the bowman’s chest. He pulled his sword and was about to ride down the other when he felt Katy’s magic again, this time not at the protected elf, but the tree he was standing under. The branches reached down and grabbed his arms and legs, then ripped the elf apart, reminding him once again he was in love with not only a princess, but with a grand sorceress.

  She needed him to get by two grand sorcerers and get her scepter, but a fight against elves he was just there to clean up the scraps and watch her back. Even she was vulnerable if she was taken off guard.

  They caught up to the hounds in time to see Erin take out the third. Two others lay dead as well, one from Erin’s sword, the other had an arrow lodged in its throat, he saw Gabby taking a bead from far away on another with a bow he didn’t even know she had. Erin killed the fourth and he watched as Gabby took down the fifth from at least fifty yards up the road with a pinpoint shot.

  They all stared at Gabby as they rode up to meet her.

  She shrugged, “I said I wouldn’t turn back, I didn’t say I wouldn’t help.”

  Erin shook her head, “Where did you learn to shoot like that?”

  “Oh… you know, around. I don’t like killing but I will defend myself.”

  Erin scowled, but Gabby just smiled in a light carefree manner and kept her mouth shut. She wasn’t sharing this time.

  Considering she hadn’t asked them about how they killed the elves so fast, or how they even knew they were there from a mile away, he thought it was probably prudent not to push it.

  They did run into one other small group of elves later on that day, but they didn’t have hounds and the four of them were able to skirt the enemy by going through the woods a short way. He’d caught Abby giving him a speculative look, but she kept her silence. It was probably a wise decision. He had a feeling their secrets would be easier to figure out for her than hers were for them.

  He wasn’t sure how Katy and Erin felt about that, but they kept their questions to themselves as well. They made camp that night, and he hoped they would have similar success with the soldiers tomorrow afternoon once they neared the next village.

  He was amused as he watched the three women gossip about nothing important while trying to extract information from each other with innocuous seeming questions. He mostly stayed quiet. To him it didn’t matter, as long as Gabby was on their side while they were travelling the woman’s past didn’t make a difference. He trusted Katy, if she said Gabby told the truth when saying she wouldn’t steal from them, or hurt them, he believed it. Of course, if she turned on them at some point, his indifference would change.

  After dinner he and Katy took a walk and practiced some magic before they turned in for the night. A while after that, she was spooned in his arms naked once again, the both of them were pleasantly sated. He thought he could definitely get used to falling asleep with her lying against him…

  Chapter 13


  Lianeth growled and channeled his magic with anger and slammed his hand down on the table making it crack apart and then fall into dust. He hadn’t really needed to hit the table, but it was more satisfying to physically hit something.

  Why couldn’t his niece just fucking die already?

  “So let me get this straight,” he growled, “The elves have scouting parties out, presumably to test us, and I’m powerless to stop them until my niece is… found. Now you’re telling me the pretender still hasn’t gotten to Wildeholt?”

  “Yes your majesty,” replied Aria.

  He frowned at the captain of his royal guards. She also held the rank of field general when she was in the field leading troops. She still had a hint of beauty that made her attractive despite that she was almost forty, but Lianeth had always kept their relationship professional.

  Aria wasn’t in the know, and would turn on him in a second if she knew the truth, it was better to keep his distance. But she was still damn good at her duties, and he didn’t have anyone nearly as competent to replace her.

  Lianeth shook his head, “Get messages to Brightmill, she had to have slipped by somehow. The family cabin by Lake Shalmett is only three days from Wildeholt and it’s been seven days since they left, she must have snuck through.”

  Aria bowed, “Very well your majesty, I’ll tell them to be on the lookout for them. If that’s true, they should inspect all groups of two women and a man, they no doubt will have another horse by now, and possibly some disguises.”

  Lianeth grunted, “Dismissed.”

  Lianeth and Mal watched until she was gone from the room.

  Mal said darkly, “I don’t trust her, she’s too smart to believe that drivel she first reported to you.”

  Lianeth pressed his lips together, “Perhaps, but it doesn’t matter. She’ll obey my orders, and we can work around her. Once Katherine is gone, it won’t make a difference.”

  Mal grunted, “Alright. What did you want me to do?”

  Lianeth smiled cruelly, “I found a woman that has more than a passing resemblance to my niece, she’s locked up in the royal crypt. Go ahead and use nature magic to sculpt her body to make it more exact, I want her ready for execution as soon as my niece is found.”

  Mal grinned.

  He knew Mal liked to hear a woman scream, maybe he’d have fun with her too. Too bad he couldn’t afford to join him. Mal bowed to Lianeth and left…


  Lady Gabrielle moved through the forest like a ghost, she was a half mile from the camp and thought it just might, might be far enough. Erin and Katy were too smart for her comfort, but she’d been sure Erin was asleep, and if Erin woke up well… Gabby was merely answering the call of nature.

  It had been no accident Gabby had been caught by Daniel, nor had the follow up encounter in her seemingly panicked run from the law. She had a mission and she’d do anything to complete it. It was a shame seducing Daniel wasn’t a part of it though, he was a prime specimen, and actually knew what her face looked like, but she concluded pretty quickly he was solidly taken.

  She hadn’t lied of course, there was a chance that Katy could detect that… She’d even broken into a room and
gotten caught on purpose, so the guards would chase her, all so her cover story would actually be true.

  Well, she had misled a little with some of the truth, her sob story about turning to thievery had been true, but that was fourteen years ago when she had just turned thirteen and grew to so well endowed overnight she hadn’t known how to take the attention, or turn it away. But that was a long time ago, before she did what she did now.

  It wasn’t long after that though, that she had truly been caught for stealing, and the end result was a career she could feel proud of, and never lose control to a man again. She raised her hand and summoned a globe of shadow with a thought, and looked out of her mistress’ shadow. The older woman was alone, so she initiated the second part of the spell, which would show her face on the other side, and pass sound.


  She waited patiently for her mistress to wake up enough to string two thoughts together.


  Gabby sighed, “I don’t know yet, she could be… Her guard is convinced of it, and the man with them, well he’s convinced as well, though they appear in love it could just be seduction.”

  Her mistress narrowed her eyes, “Then how could it really be…”

  Gabby smiled, “I wondered the same, but as far as I can tell they haven’t fucked yet, done other things, but not that. They’re posing as a merchant, his wife, and a guard. I need more time to figure out the truth. Her actions could be excused either way.”

  The woman’s eyes looked up thoughtfully, “Work as quickly as you can, word has gone out to Brightmill so be cautious tomorrow. Help them if you can until you find the truth, then act appropriately. Oh, and under no circumstances tell them who you really are.”

  Gabby sighed and bowed her head, “As you wish mistress.”

  She snuffed the spell and then double checked her concealment spell, something only available to those with the death sphere. Her magic was covered in it, which concealed it and prevented other sorcerers from feeling her magic. It was a touchy spell though, magic doesn’t like to be contained like that and sometimes she had to recast it after using shadow or nature magic.

  She snuck back to camp as silent as a ghost and lied down next to Erin and closed her eyes. She had a smile on her face as she gave in to sleep. She hadn’t had a challenge like this in a long time.


  Katy stared at the tent wall. Daniel had his arm around her, and he was sleeping with his face buried in her hair and his hand gently cupping her breast. She felt safe, and all the frustration of the last couple of weeks had given way to happiness. She did feel a little guilty, he had no idea what he would be facing in the nobles court. She hoped he would never regret it, because no matter what he thought she would never be the one to leave, or push him away.

  But none of that had anything to do with why she was awake, and staring at the tent wall. Her summoned minion woke her up earlier, and followed Gabby as she left the camp. If Gabby moved like a ghost, her minion had moved like a wisp of air. She’d witnessed the conversation, but there was no audio through her minion, she could just use his eyes, so she didn’t know what it was about.

  But she had recognized the person that Gabby had spoken too, and it filled her with both hope and dread. Why was Gabby really here, and how come she hadn’t sensed any lies from her? Well, she had of course, people lie all the time, but the woman hadn’t liked about stealing or hurting them, so she was here for what… information?

  Katy decided not to mention this to anyone. She felt guilty about that, but knew Erin would lose it and torture Gabby for information if she had to. Katy was willing to let it play out, the only thing she could reason out was that Gabby had somehow recognized who she was, and was trying to figure out if she was herself, or an imposter as her uncle had named her.

  The big question though, is what Gabby would do about it when she made her decision, assuming she found the truth and didn’t decide she was an imposter? What were her orders?


  Mal looked down at the girl in disappointment. She’d passed out from the pain way to fast, he considered letting her recover before he finished the changes, but Lianeth had been quite specific that she was to be changed now.

  Mal spit, fucking Lianeth. If Lianeth had just listened to him, and killed his niece when he said, then this shit wouldn’t be happening. Lianeth had been too worried about suspicion, like it mattered if he was king? Mal had plans of his own, and once his majesty’s niece was dead he had planned to snap the idiot’s neck. No more line of Lendaran, thanks to that idiot killing off his brother out of lust for power. Once they were all gone, the scepter would be no more than an oddity, and nothing could stop the elves from destroying the humans and claiming the rest of this land.

  Mal grinned at Lianeth’s idiocy. His infiltration had been meant to be a short mission, he’d killed and replaced Lianeth’s friend Mal, and then had gone on to lead the man to set up his own niece as an elven shape shifter and pretender. It was delicious irony that the plan had come from him, who actually was an elven shape shifter.

  He spit again. Humans were so stupid, and he’d been here over two years now, he was tired of their stench. It would be worth it though, when that bitch finally died he’d be able to kill Lianeth, and it would all be worth it.


  The next morning they woke at dawn. Erin saw no reason not to spar since Gabby had seen them fight already, so the two of them broke out the practice swords, walked away from the camp, and went at each other. He had to admit he’d actually missed it, Erin was a little crazy and it was catching when they worked on their skills together. They went for at least an hour before they called it.

  She smirked, “You seem more relaxed. I wonder why?” she asked with a straight face.

  He looked at her a bit guiltily, even if she didn’t seem at all jealous.

  She tilted her head and smiled knowingly, “It’s okay Daniel, I don’t mind. I don’t plan on stopping either. Remember the rules are different here, until you marry her we can… well. Even after if she’ll allow it, unless you don’t want to anymore?” she asked, looking suddenly unsure.

  He shook his head in negation, “I do, I care about you too, but… not quite in the same way.”

  She nodded in approval, “Good, because I told you a long time ago all we can ever be is close friends and casual lovers. I’d hate for you to get hurt, because I care about you too Daniel. But my life is not my own, remember? Now stop over thinking it, it’s been two days for me, so get over here and fuck me already.”

  He decided that sounded like a very good idea… He wasn’t being a very good friend neglecting her with such callous disregard…

  After the morning training and what followed, they rode for most of the day, they had already avoided two patrols, but the town was only a few miles away at this point.

  Gabby rode up beside him, “Are you all heading on after this town?”

  He nodded, “Why?”

  She smiled coquettishly and looked at him through her eyelashes, “Well, I’m thinking the farther from Wildeholt the better. I could get nice and lost in Ashbridge, so can I travel with you that far?”

  “You look adorable, but you don’t really need to flirt. I’m sure we’d welcome the company.”

  She pouted, “Where is the fun in that?”

  He laughed.

  She added thoughtfully, “Are we staying in the village?”

  He shrugged, “Don’t know yet, was going to decide after we get supplies.”

  She nodded, “I suppose.”

  He felt four more shadows come into range, and took a look. It was a small family, one horse, and a wagon, so he didn’t say anything. They had a look in their eyes, as if they were lost. It struck a familiar chord he couldn’t place for a minute, until he remembered the families in the inn that had a similar look back in Wildeholt.

  It really was none of his business, he shouldn’t care, but the look both disturbed
him and stirred his curiosity.

  He said when they came into view, “Family in a wagon.”

  Gabby looked up at the family and he saw her eyes tighten in anger slightly. Interesting.

  “So why do you suppose these families are running east?”

  Gabby shrugged, but he just looked at her firmly. This wasn’t a game to find information about each other, this was something different, and not even about them.

  Gabby blushed and said, “Brightmill isn’t one of the best places in the kingdom right now. The marquis is a lecher and an asshole, and he lets his soldiers be the same, if not encourages it. I don’t know what happened exactly, but you can bet the marquis took their land for some reason, or see how cute his wife is? Maybe he… forced the issue, and the family is leaving. Or a soldier raped her, and the marquis wouldn’t give them justice so their afraid and running. Look at the shock on their faces, you can be sure they didn’t deserve whatever happened.”

  Katy who’d ridden up halfway through that joined the conversation in an angry voice, “Are you sure? Does Lianeth know about this?”

  Gabby gave her a searching look, “I don’t know. How could I know that? I just know the marquis here is heavy handed and free with other men’s wives more than he should be. There’s really nothing we can do about it.”

  He frowned at the fierce look on Katy’s face. He had a feeling they were about to be sidetracked, and with all the soldiers around that seemed like a really bad idea. Still, he couldn’t bring himself to feel regret at getting Gabby to talk, if some guy set up a mini fiefdom here and took women against their will, or even just through duress because of his position, that was a problem Katy couldn’t ignore. It wasn’t one he was happy with either. Still, this could turn out very badly.

  Katy muttered darkly, “We’ll see about that.”

  He barely caught the smile on Gabby’s face when she turned away to hide it.


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