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The TANNER Series - Books 7-9 (Tanner Box Set Book 3)

Page 10

by Remington Kane

  “Did she see you?”

  Jake’s smile turned to a frown.

  “I think she saw me, but by now she probably believes I’m dead.”


  The only thing that slowed Jennifer’s tears was the frantic pace that Firman insisted the party keep to, as they finally neared the rebel camp.

  George and Reba were having a difficult time keeping up, and when Jennifer looked back at George, she feared that the red-faced man was on the verge of having a heart attack.

  Another hour passed, an hour in which even the young rebels began to appear fatigued, and at last, Firman directed them towards a riverbank where they would rest and eat.

  Juan wiped at his brow and pulled at the sweat-drenched shirt that clung to his skin.

  “My wife has been after me to lose ten pounds. No need to now, I must have lost at least that the last few days.”

  “This is torture,” George rasped out, as his wife lay beside him on her back, while still gulping in air.

  Then, everyone looked over at Jennifer and saw the tears in her eyes.

  Melissa gave her hand a squeeze.

  “Those screams we heard might have come from someone else.”

  Jennifer wiped at her eyes.

  “It was Jake. They tortured him and now he’s probably dead because he tried to help me.”

  They were given food, which consisted of raw fish and gummy rice, just as the sun was sinking in the sky, and Dr. Washburn insisted that Jennifer eat, but she declined, knowing that it would never stay down.

  She was deep in despair, unaware that not only was Jake alive, but that he had gained two very capable allies.

  CHAPTER 31 - Nobody’s perfect

  Tanner fashioned a lean-to between two trees, after gathering branches and hacking at smaller trees with one of the machetes.

  Sara had helped him, while an exhausted Jake rested, and by nightfall, they were beneath the flimsy shelter and eating cured meat, which Tanner had taken from the pack of one of the men he killed earlier.

  When Sara asked him what sort of meat the jerky was made from, he just told her to keep eating and to try not to think about it.

  When Jake awoke, he and Sara took the first watch, and while Tanner slept, Sara filled Jake in on what had happened to her over the last few days, while speaking in whispers.

  When she told him about Johnny Rossetti, he placed an arm around her shoulders.

  “I’m sorry, Sara. I know that he meant something to you.”

  “I loved him, Jake, and it’s my fault that he’s dead.”

  Jake glanced over at the lean-to, where Tanner slept.

  “His presence here tells me how much you’ve changed, but why is he here?”

  “I could have killed him and I didn’t, on the condition that he help me find and rescue Jenny.”

  “So, he’s here against his will?”

  Sara’s face scrunched up as she considered the question.

  “No, despite our agreement, he’s here of his own free will and I might be dead if he weren’t helping me.”

  “Does that have anything to do with those rags you’re wearing?”

  “These pants, yes, four men tried to rape me, but Tanner stopped them. He really is remarkable, and so are you. I’m so sorry that I doubted your feelings for Jenny.”

  “I love her, I mean I must. My only thought is to find her and hold on to her forever.”


  As the first rays of sunlight lit the jungle, Tanner reached into the lean-to and shook Sara’s shoulder.

  “We should get an early start.”

  Sara yawned.

  “Oh, I ache all over and it feels like I barely slept.”

  “If our information is correct, the camp is only a few hours away and once we reach it, we’ll send a message to Burke.”

  Jake sat up and rubbed a hand over his face.

  “How are you going to make contact?”

  Tanner rolled up a sleeve on the tunic he was wearing and showed Jake the tiny bump on his forearm.

  “This is a GPS tracker, when we find Blake’s sister, I’ll cut it out and destroy it. Then, Burke will send a team of men to our last known coordinates.”

  “I hope his men do a better job this time around.”

  “I spoke to him about that as his people were putting the GPS chip in my arm,” Tanner said. “Burke promised me that he would rain down hell upon them this time, and from what I overheard when they were putting in the tracker, he’s bought an old helicopter for the mission. Once we find the camp, it shouldn’t take very long for help to arrive.”

  Sara walked off towards the stream to wash and prepare for the day and when she was out of sight, Jake grabbed Tanner’s arm.

  “I don’t know why you’re doing this, but thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, but Blake and I have a deal, and once her sister is safe, the two of us will be done with each other.”

  “She explained to me how she got the better of you, by threatening the woman you love, and I have to say, I’m surprised to learn that you have a heart.”

  Tanner sighed.

  “Nobody’s perfect.”

  CHAPTER 32 - Trust me

  In New York City, Laurel returned from a day at the clinic to find a candlelight dinner waiting for her, and after a quick shower, she joined Joe at her dining room table.

  “This is unexpected, what’s the occasion?” Laurel said.

  Joe wiped his sweaty palms on his pants and moved the napkin that had been hiding the ring box.

  Laurel’s mouth dropped open in shock and widened still more when Joe opened the box and revealed a huge diamond ring.

  “Before you say anything, I just want you to know that I’m aware I’m moving fast here, but after watching Johnny die when he least expected it, I know that life can end at any time, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to die without at least taking a shot at getting you to marry me. So, what do you say?”

  Laurel beamed at him.

  “Ask me properly.”

  Joe got down on one knee in front of Laurel and held up the ring box.

  “Will you marry me, baby? I love you more than anything.”

  “Yes. I’ll marry you and I love you too, I love you so much.”

  Joe rose to his feet as Laurel stood, and the two of them kissed and embraced. When Laurel began pulling him towards the stairs, Joe pointed back at the table.

  “What about the food?”

  “It can wait; I want to be in your arms and know that we’ll always be together.”

  “That sounds like heaven to me,” Joe said, and he swooped Laurel up and headed for the bedroom.


  In another part of the city, other plans were being made, plans that involved causing Joe Pullo’s death.

  Vance was in Michael Krupin’s office along with the young leader of the Russian mob, who was seated behind his desk, and Fedor was also present, as Vance told them his latest plan to gain the upper hand in the war.

  “How sure are you that they’ll meet again at that club?”

  “Very sure, I followed one of the men who had attended the meeting and tortured him. The club is closed due to Rossetti’s death and the fact that Pullo is fearful that we might have attacked it while it was full of customers.”

  Krupin grimaced at the very thought.

  “That’s the last thing I would do. I have enough scrutiny on me now after the slaughter the other day, and killing civilians would really bring down the hammer.”

  “In any event, Pullo is using the place as a headquarters and when he holds his next meeting, it will be a golden opportunity to wipe out the Giacconi’s top men, Pullo included.”

  “How many men will you need?” Krupin asked.

  “Four men and, I’ll also want Fedor with me.”

  Fedor had been sitting on a loveseat at the right side of the room, but he stood and walked over to Vance.

  “Why do you want me there?”

; “I’ll need someone who is good with a rifle and I hear that you’re a decent shot.”

  “I’m the best there is, and I understand that you’re a marksman too, but I guess you’ll need me to cover one of the exits from the club, no?”

  “Exactly, although I doubt anyone will make it out alive.”

  Fedor stared at Vance for several seconds and then looked over at Krupin.

  “I have to say, it is a sound plan and I see little risk to our men.”

  “Our men?” Krupin said, while raising one eyebrow.

  “As they say here, a figure of speech, but I too keep the men’s concern in my mind, especially after having lost so many of them recently.”

  Krupin made a sour face at those words and then drummed his fingers on the desktop as he thought things over.

  The street sounds of a city drifted up from outside the second story windows and they could hear someone shouting for a taxi to stop, while the constant hum of traffic only paused when an equal stream of pedestrians needed to cross, as they continued along their seemingly endless journeys.

  After nearly a minute had passed, Krupin nodded once at Vance.

  “We’ll do it, but Rurik, if this plan fails you won’t get any more chances, understood?”

  Vance smiled. Yes, he understood, and after killing Pullo, he planned to kill Krupin as well and then take control of his empire.

  “Everything will work out, Michael, trust me.”

  CHAPTER 33 - Listen and learn

  Jennifer gazed down a steep drop at the small valley below and saw scores of men moving about.

  There was an actual building, although it appeared to be prefabricated, along with camouflaged-colored tents, which were lined up in neat rows, while a structure that resembled a giant birdcage hung from a tree branch, with figures lying inside it.

  It was the cage where the rebels held their hostages and it was about to become Jennifer’s new home.

  Juan Rio had been gazing up at the latticework of pond fronds, rope, and camouflage material that had been rigged between the trees surrounding the camp, placing most of it in the shade, while also obscuring the rebel base from satellite surveillance.

  “I bet this place is hard to find,” Juan said.

  There were men stationed along the trail here, and they had encountered them as they walked the last mile of their trek.

  Salt air wafted on the breeze and Jennifer and the other hostages agreed that they must be close to the Indian Ocean, and that the base must receive most of its supplies by sea.

  Firman issued a set of orders to his men and the hostages began the short hike into the valley, while wondering if it would become a valley of death.


  Not far away, Tanner returned from scouting ahead and informed Sara that there were men guarding the trail.

  “That’s a good sign, isn’t it? It must mean that we’re growing closer to where the camp is.”

  “That’s true, but it also means that our odds of being discovered are greater, and we can’t use the guns, or we’ll alert the camp that we’re nearby.”

  “We’ll have to sneak up on the guards and kill them by hand,” Jake said, and Tanner nodded in agreement.

  “How many are there?” Sara asked.

  “I came across four, two pairs of two, but they were scattered over a long stretch of the trail and once we kill them, it’s just a matter of time until they’re missed, or until they change the guards. I suggest that we wait and watch before making a move.”

  Sara shifted from foot to foot as she shook her head in disagreement.

  “I don’t want to wait. God only knows what Jenny is going through.”

  “Tanner is right,” Jake said. “We should wait and gain Intel, that way, we can kill the guards right after they change shifts and allow ourselves the maximum amount of time to get in and out.”

  Sara paced for a moment before speaking.

  “Okay, as much as I hate to wait another second, I see that you’re right.”

  “There’s something else,” Tanner said. “I think that these are only the first few guards, there are probably more of them closer to camp.”

  Sara studied his face,

  “You have a plan to deal with them?”

  “Yes, I’ll move ahead alone until I reach the camp and after they change the guards, I’ll work my way back to you, even as you two are working your way towards me.”

  “By working, you mean killing, right, hit man?” Jake said.

  “That’s right, Special Agent Garner and I’ll be killing in a cause to free your woman.”

  Jake held up a hand as if to say he was sorry.

  “I apologize, Tanner, and I don’t think we’d have a chance without your help.”

  “You may not have one with me, but I’ll do my best to help you.”

  Sara placed a hand on his arm.

  “We’ll watch and wait, and after they change the guards, we’ll meet you in the middle.”

  “Kill as quietly as you can,” Tanner said, and then he moved into the trees on his left and disappeared from sight.

  “Your attitude towards him has certainly changed,” Jake said.

  Sara gazed at the spot where Tanner disappeared and then looked back at Jake.

  “I’ve come to see that sometimes killing is necessary, and not just under the law or for self-defense, and there’s no one better at killing than Tanner.”

  “So you’re just using him? And what happens when we get Jennifer back, will you try to kill him?”

  “No. Jake, I really have made peace with the man and I don’t have it in me to hate anymore. I can’t even bring myself to hate the men who took Jenny; I just want her back and then I’ll somehow get on with my life.”

  “It’s good to hear you talk that way, and if he helps us get Jennifer back, Tanner has earned a pass on anything as far as I’m concerned. Now come on, let’s get into position.”

  Sara and Jake moved on, as behind them and hidden from view, Tanner moved on as well. Sara Blake appeared to be telling the truth this time and Tanner was glad.

  After the events of the last few days, it would have hurt him to kill her, and that’s not something he could say about many people.

  Tanner moved towards the camp, machete in hand, prepared to do what he did best, as death walked by his side.

  CHAPTER 34 - Welcome to hell

  Firman got down on his knees and bowed before his superior, a man in his sixties who was wearing robes and sandals and had a mane of white hair.

  The man gestured for Firman to rise, and when he looked over at the hostages he made a face of disgust, as if the very sight of the westerners sickened him.

  His name was Raden Soekemi, but he was respectfully referred to as Gus Soe by his subordinates, a name that was uttered only with reverence and respect.

  Raden Soekemi was born the son of a wealthy banker in Jakarta and was raised learning the language of money.

  However, the intricacies of money handling such as fractional-reserve banking and hypothecation filled him with boredom, and as a young man, he drifted into the arena of law.

  The rich had power, of that, there was no doubt, but the power of the law and the deference given towards lawyers drew him in and he became one of them.

  And as he had learned the secret language and ways of finance at his father’s knee, Raden also learned the ways and language of the law from his professors and went on to practice it for years.

  Having found success as a lawyer, Raden then turned his attention towards becoming a lawmaker, a policy baron, and he went on to learn yet another language and set of customs, the terminology and rules of politics.

  With his power and esteem at a height far beyond any his father had ever attained, Raden became fascinated by the sway that the religious leaders held over the people, and once again, he learned new ways and customs as he reinvented himself, then, surprised himself and became a true believer of his religion, and later, grew militant in his

  But Raden, who was now the venerable Gus Soe, sought to climb even higher by becoming the leader of a separatist movement, whose true goal was to take power.

  It was he who had ordered the assassination of President Urray, his guiding hand behind the kidnappings, and his holy wisdom would guide his adopted country of Guambi, and someday he would be acknowledged as the country’s leader.


  Raden smiled at Firman. The man was as fanatical as he, soon to be named his second in the cause, and had proven himself worthy, by not only overseeing the assassination of the president, but Firman had also delivered the valuable hostages, as he had promised.

  Raden watched as one of his aides took pictures of the captives, photographs that would be sent to their families as proof of life, and it was the only proof that they would ever receive.

  With the photos taken, the hostages became worthless, although Raden would release one or two of them as incentive for the other families to pay.

  When he spotted Jennifer, he eyed her with contempt, for she reminded him of a woman whom he had known in his youth.

  The woman had been a slut who would have sex with anyone for as little as a free meal, but the witch had always made snide comments about the size of his manhood.

  Raden had killed that woman, quite by accident while in a fit of rage, and disposed of her corpse with no more thought than he would have given a dead rat.

  He had desired her body, longed to caress her blond hair, and now the sight of that same color on Jennifer brought back the feelings of inadequacy that the wanton woman of his youth had made him feel so long ago. It was not a sensation Raden enjoyed.


  With the photos taken, Firman issued orders to his men. Prendy and the other rebels began herding the hostages towards the cage at the other end of the compound, which hung about a foot off the ground.

  The odor hit Jennifer before they had even drawn near.

  It was a foulness of feces, urine, and fetid water joined together, and it was emanating from the hole dug beneath the cage, but worse of all, was the stench of rotted flesh, and as they peered down into the pit, two corpses were visible.


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