Bare With Me

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Bare With Me Page 2

by Pawnie Santana

  “I’m so sorry I’m running late, Ophelia, I hope you haven’t been waiting long.” I’m never late and this is completely unacceptable. What is up with me today? Am I having one of those out of body experiences or something? Like things are happening, but I have no control over it. Today is sucking some major ass!

  “No worries Peyton. I just got here myself. I met Dominic up for a late lunch since his meeting ran late. So please, don’t worry about it.” I feel a little better, but it’s still unacceptable in my book.

  “Right, well let’s go ahead and narrow your choices down to two flavors shall we? I know Dominic had his favorites, so his groom’s cake has already been decided. Do you know what you’re leaning towards more?” I ask her. She looks deep in thought so I call the baker over and have her cut a slice of the red velvet with cream cheese frosting; the Hummingbird, which is a yellow cake mixed with a blend of bananas, pineapple, and pecans with cream cheese frosting; and the classic yellow almond with whipped butter cream icing.

  “Why don’t you give it another taste, Ophelia, and then we’ll see which one you want to rule out.”

  She gives me a big smile, nodding her head excitedly, and digs in.

  “Peyton, I think I’m going to go ahead and choose the classic yellow almond for the two bottom tiers and red velvet for the two top tiers. I love the Hummingbird, but I’m not sure if the guests will feel the same way.”

  I was actually thinking the same thing but it’s ultimately her decision.

  “Perfect! I’ll let the baker know what you chose and I’ll handle everything else from here on out. Go and enjoy the last couple weeks of the single life.” She starts laughing and I join in. Ophelia has been the easiest bride I’ve worked with thus far. You would think that because her family owns most of the properties in this town, she would be stuck up, and difficult. It’s actually been the opposite. I’ve really enjoyed working alongside her.

  As soon as I’m done making sure the baker has his instructions on the flavor and decorations, I head out the door completely exhausted. I need alcohol. Stat! I round the corner to the back of the bakery and stop mid-step to look down at a text I got from Maxine about five minutes ago.

  Text message from Max

  Hey Doll! You. Me. Dinner. Drinks.

  As soon as I read it, I giggle to myself and reply back.

  Text message to Max

  Hell YES! You read my mind. When and where sexy?

  Immediately my phone dings, letting me know I got another text.

  Text message from Max

  I’m finishing up here at work. There’s a new Italian place off of 40th street called Pino’s. See you there at 6 Babe!

  I’m about to send a reply to Max when I abruptly run into a wall of man. A big man. I mean, there’s really no other way to describe it. A man wall of muscle? My god, he’s built like an ancient Greek God! He’s tall, like really tall. I’m trying not to stare, I really am, because you know…it’s not awkward or anything, but damn, I just can’t help myself. I let my eyes roam all over that hard chest and heavenly arms. Wow. He’s either a player player or he’s been snatched up by an equally hot chick—neither of which is good for me.

  Finally, after a few minutes, I try to recover from my clumsiness. Obviously I was too engrossed with making plans to even notice a human being standing right in front of me. A mighty fine-looking human being. This is SO unlike me. Why the hell am I checking him out?

  The moment our eyes meet, though, I’m rendered speechless. His bright green eyes with flecks of honey—or is that gold? Whatever they are, they have me completely hypnotized. I’ve lost all feeling in my body. I can’t walk, can’t talk. Hell, I’m not even sure I am still breathing. His hair is buzzed really short on the side and the top is longer, enough to run your fingers through. Damn, he’s got great hair. Hello… What the hell is wrong with you Peyton? Get a damn grip on yourself. Shit, I hope I wasn’t drooling. Oh, God. Kill me now.

  My phone dings again, letting me know I am in fact still alive. It’s Max.

  Text message from Max

  Hello? You better not ditch me tonight. I’m heading over there now. See you soon Doll!

  All of a sudden, Mc Sexy says “I guess Max is waiting on you Doll.”

  “Excuse me?” I narrow my eyes at him, partially coming out of whatever haze I was under.

  He gives me a once over and repeats what he says. “I guess Max is waiting on you, Doll.”

  “I heard you the first time, smartass. I’m just wondering why you felt it was OK to read someone’s personal text. That’s incredibly rude. What’s wrong with you?” The haze is gone, now replaced with utter annoyance!

  He just stands there and stares at me. Not one word of apology. UGH! Whatever. I’m so irritated right now I just want to get as far away from Mc Sexy as I can. What’s his deal anyway? I take a step forward, trying to move around him and he follows my path, continuing to be in my way.

  “Excuse me. I’m trying to leave. Can you so kindly move your freakishly tall ass out of my way?”

  He feigns a gasp and makes no attempt to move. Well shit, that just pisses me off even further.

  “Were you dropped on your head as a child? Have you ever heard of personal space? This is MY personal space, and that is YOUR personal space. Do you think you can keep in YOUR personal space?” I make a motion with my arms of the space in front of me.

  When he finally speaks, he has the audacity to ask me, “Who’s Max? Is that your boyfriend?”

  I see his jaw ticking slightly and I’m completely baffled. He looks… pissed? I don’t even know this guy. Why the hell would he be pissed at me?

  “First of all, it’s SO none of your damn business who Max is and secondly, who the hell are you? Do you make it a habit of going around asking strangers personal questions?”

  He starts to chuckle… chuckle! Damn that was a sexy chuckle… Focus girl!

  “What’s your name?” he drawls out.

  “Are you serious right now? I’m not telling you my name. I’m not telling you anything, Mr. Rude ASS.” He’s insane. This guy has to be on drugs. No sane person acts like this. Agh! All I wanted was dinner and alcohol. Now, now I’m being interrogated by Mc Sexy, who thinks Max is my boyfriend. Just. Awesome.

  As soon as I saw her walking around the corner, it’s like my body disobeyed every command my head was sending. Well, let me take that back. It was listening, just to the wrong head. The need to adjust myself was apparent as well. Damn! What the fuck? I just couldn’t help myself. Like a beacon calling out to me, I was drawn to her. Well this is new. She stopped walking and paid zero attention to anything besides her phone, so I just stood there waiting to see what she was going to do next.

  I told my little sister Ophelia that I would come down and help her choose some cake flavors for her upcoming wedding since her fiancé wouldn’t be able to make it. I got held up with an unexpected visit from a friend when I was leaving my house and realized when I was rushing out the door I forgot my phone. I knew I’d be a little late but I decided to chance it and see if she was still there.

  So much for catching my sister. Instead, standing at about 5’6’’ in front of me is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Her hair up in a messy bun, her smile, and the way she is giggling to herself? When did I become such a pussy? This woman, whoever she is, has literally taken my breath away. I tower over her with my 6’ 2’’ frame and I just can’t help myself. I look down on her phone and realize she is texting some cock-sucker named Max. I wonder if that’s her boyfriend. My sudden need to find Max and kick his ass for even flirting with her overwhelms me. The fuck? Since when do I get jealous? I didn’t care one way or the other if a girl I was seeing was talking to other people. I had no intention in being in a serious relationship.

  She starts walking and runs right into me without even realizing I’ve been standing there the whole time watching her. I bite back my smile and stare into those gorgeous light hazel eyes. I can tell
she’s checking me out when her eyes roam all over my body. Go ahead, Sweetheart. You can do more than look if you want.

  She immediately snaps her attention back to my face and starts to apologize for running into me, but little did she know, I placed myself there just to get her attention. I knew she’d have to “run” into me. It’s a dick move. I admit it. But I didn’t know how else to approach her without sounding like a douche bag. Instead, I do the next douche bag thing and ask her about the guy she’s texting. I just can’t help myself. As soon as the words leave my mouth, I regret it. She narrows her pretty little eyes at me and says, “Excuse me?” Shit! I’m just doing a bang up job talking to this girl. It’s like my brain moved down to my cock and now I’m only thinking with one head. I can’t take it back, so the only thing I can do is own it. I repeat the same question like she didn’t hear me the first time and I can almost feel the heat coming off of her. Fuck. I’m screwed.

  I’ve not only managed to piss her off even further, but the shit coming out of my mouth is pushing her to leave. Damn it. I can’t let that happen, so I block her path. She continues her verbal assault on me and I can’t help myself. I smirk at her and gasp loudly like she’s hurting my feelings. It’s actually doing the complete opposite. I find her sexy as Hell! Especially when she gets all riled up. Makes me have wicked thoughts about how she’d be in my bed. Then… thoughts of her and that cock-sucker Max creep back into my mind and now I’m pissed again! I have to know… Who’s Max?

  I need to think quickly because she’s starting to lose her shit. She won’t even give up her name. I’m starting to lose hope here. I don’t normally work this hard to grab a woman’s attention. Normally would mean never. They come to me, not the other way around. This woman in front of me though—I just can’t let her go. Not yet.

  I’m about to just bite the bullet and ask her for her phone number when we get interrupted by a short girl in her mid 20s dressed in a white sous chef jacket. She comes running out of the bakery in a rush. Once she reaches us, she turns her attention to the woman I’m seriously blowing it with.

  “Peyton, I’m so glad I caught you! The baker wanted me to let you know that the cake will be delivered by an outsourced delivery company. Our delivery van has been having engine problems and it will be in the shop on the date of the wedding. He said everything will be taken care of prior to the wedding day and all you would need to do is sign the consent form, which I’ve already emailed to you. I hope this won’t be a problem.” The girl stands there waiting for Peyton to respond. Peyton huh? It’s very fitting. I like it. Actually, I like it a lot.

  “Simone, of course not. It’s no problem at all. I’ll have the consent form signed and emailed back to you within 24 hours. Thank you for letting me know; I really do hate surprises.” I hear her laugh so I swing my eyes over to her. She gives Simone a genuine smile and I take her all in. Jesus. She’s gorgeous. She seems a little more relaxed now. Simone nods her head at Peyton and turns around to leave. Once again, we’re alone.

  “So… Peyton huh? I’m guessing you’re the event coordinator for my little sister’s wedding?” She stands there and doesn’t say a word. I give it another shot. “Look, I’m sorry if I came off like a dick. It wasn’t my intention.” She narrows her eyes at me again, and yup, my cock must like it because I feel the need to readjust my dick for the hundredth time... Fuck me. Finally, I see her exhale and take that as a good sign.

  “Look, I didn’t know you’re Ophelia’s brother. Yes, I’m the event planner for your sister’s wedding. She actually just left like five minutes before you showed up. I wasn’t aware you would be joining her here for the final tasting. She didn’t mention it to me.” She visibly relaxes a little and I do as well. Phew. From the moment I saw her, I feel like my balls have been in a vice. Damn, this woman has a hold on me like I’ve never felt before. It’s strange really. In all my 28 years, I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way let alone experienced it.

  “Yeah, I was running late and forgot my phone at home so I thought I’d come and give it a shot to see if she might still be here. Hey, I’m sorry about earlier. I swear I’m not some creeper. You just kind of caught me off guard.” I give her a small smile that doesn’t reach my eyes. She’s still looking at me like she’s not quite sure how to take in my apology.

  “Okay, well, I’m going to go ahead and leave now. It’s been interesting. I suppose I will see you at the wedding. Good day. I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name?”

  “Liam. Liam Powers.” I can’t seem to stop staring at her so I pretend to look up at some imaginary bird. Yeah, lame is pretty much spot on.

  Before I even have a chance to offer my hand or ask for her phone number, I realize I don’t even have my phone on me. Great. I didn’t want to take the chance of giving her my number because from the look of things, she probably would’ve trashed it as quickly as I gave it. By the time I come out of my thoughts, she’s already gone. Well that went well. I just got brushed off, and like an idiot, I’m still standing here in the parking lot.

  I start walking to my truck and once I get inside, I put on some music to help get my mind off of Peyton. Shit, I’ve only met Peyton one time and already she’s under my skin. I’m so fucked. Before I realize where I’m driving, I start heading over to my sister Ophelia’s house. I have some questions for her that I’m hoping she can help me out with.

  I arrive at my sister’s house around 6:45 p.m. and luckily, she’s home. I see the brand new white Range Rover her fiancé Dominic got her as an engagement present sitting in front of the their house. I ring the doorbell and wait for her to come to the door. A few moments later, the door opens and I see her smiling face. She’s the only other sibling I have so she’s very special to me. Not only because she’s my little sister, but also because she’s just a genuinely sweet person. I’d do anything for her.

  “Hey Shorty, sorry I missed the cake tasting. I got held up and forgot my phone so I couldn’t even call you.”

  “It’s okay. Peyton and I pretty much got everything worked out so no worries big bro.” She shrugs like it’s no big deal, and it makes me love her even more. Most girls would freak the fuck out over every little minor detail.

  “Speaking of Peyton, how well do you know her Shorty?” I plop down on the sofa and act like it’s no big deal. It is a big deal, though. A really big deal. I want to know everything, but I don’t want to come across as being too desperate.

  “Why do you want to know about Peyton?”

  “Well, when I got to the bakery late, she was outside and I happened to run into her. She’s very… interesting is all.” As soon as I said that, I should’ve prepared myself for the questions.

  “Honestly Liam, I really don’t know much about her personal life. I do know that she’s amazing at what she does though. Why? Do you like her? Does my big brother have a crush on my wedding planner?” she giggles. Yup, I knew I was going to regret that.

  “Ophelia, I don’t even know her. That’s why I’m asking you. But, since you don’t know much, it doesn’t really matter. She’s a feisty one, that’s for sure.”

  My little sister bursts with laughter. “Liam, you have NO idea how feisty Peyton is. When we went to look for venues for the reception, I fell in love with this old plantation home they just recently renovated. Well, because of the recent renovation, they didn’t want to allow our reception to take place there. Ceremony only. They wouldn’t even budge. They flat out said it wasn’t available. When Peyton saw the disappointment on my face, she asked us to go take a walk around the property.

  “When Dominic and I got back, the papers were filled out and our reception got approved. I tried to ask her how she got them to change their minds, but she just smiled and said for me not to worry. That she’s got it. I think she’s just amazing. I’ve never met anyone so focused and diligent. She’s also extremely sweet. If it weren’t for her planning this wedding, I’d be driving myself and every one of you guys crazy right now.”

  Well shit. Obviously my sister’s become very fond of her. “Ophelia, can you give me her phone number?”

  “Sorry bro, I can’t do that. If you want her number, you’re going to have to ask her for it yourself.”

  I have to do a double take because I can’t believe my sister just said no. “Why can’t you just give it to me?” This is just ridiculous.

  “Because if I give it to you, she’s going to know it came from me. I can’t have her pissed off at me right before my wedding. Not even for you, Liam. I’m not willing to take that chance. I told you, she’s the best at what she does, which makes it stress-free for me. Do you want me to get stressed out? You won’t like it. I guarantee it.” Well, of course I don’t want my sister stressed. So I nod like a good brother.

  “All right, well since you’ve already had dessert, let’s go grab dinner. My treat, I’m starving.” She comes over to sit down on the couch next to me and I lean in and give her a hug. Our mother passed away last year from cervical cancer. So now it’s only the two of us and our father. It’s been a rough road, but I love my family. I’d do anything for them.

  I get to the Italian restaurant and walk up to the hostess. Once I tell her I’m meeting someone, she gives me a nod and I casually walk past the black scroll partition behind the hostess stand. I see Max right away sitting at the bar probably flirting with the bartender. Max is what I like to call an exotic beauty. Her mom is Filipino and her dad is French. She can speak three different languages and kick your ass all at the same time. She’s held a black belt in martial arts ever since she was 15 years old. Her mom thought it’d be a great deterrent in case she ever got attacked. I wish my mom would’ve done that.

  Besides being a badass bitch, she’s the sweetest, down-to-earth person I know. I walk up to the bar and place my purse on top of the stool next to her. As soon as she sees me, she gets up to give me hug.


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