Bare With Me

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Bare With Me Page 12

by Pawnie Santana

  “Officer, when I left home, the porch lights weren’t on. This has happened before—a couple weeks ago. I thought it was my maid, but she always comes in through the back,” I tell him with stark fear in my voice. I’m barely above a whisper at this point.

  “Ma’am, we’ll need to take a formal statement from you and you can include that in there. For now, let’s walk through the house to see if they left anything out of place or if you’re missing anything as well. It could’ve been just a thief and you spooked him off when you pulled up,” the officer tells me.

  Yeah right—I highly doubt that. As I walk with the officers throughout the house I don’t seem to find anything missing or out of place. We finish up the downstairs and head upstairs to where my office and bedrooms are. Everything seems to be as I left it this afternoon. This is so weird! Why would someone break into my house and not take anything? What’s the purpose of that?

  One of the officers downstairs joins us in my bedroom while I look around and tells his partner that they didn’t find anything out in the back either. Great! This all just makes me feel SO much better.

  The officers take my statement and leave. They suggest I get an alarm system installed and the fact that I don’t already have one makes me feel pretty dumb right now. I walk them out and lock up the doors behind me. I just can’t bring myself to stay here tonight by myself so I call Ken.

  “Hey Doll. What’s up? Everything okay?” she says.

  “No. Everything’s fucked up, Ken. I need to stay with you tonight. Can I come over?”

  “What’s happened, Pey? What’s going on? Of course you can come over,” she said, sounding panicked.

  “Someone broke into my house. I don’t feel safe here. I don’t know what to do, but I can’t stay here, Ken.” I feel so helpless. I hate this feeling.

  “I’m coming to get you, Pey. I can be there in ten minutes. Pack a bag. I’m leaving right now.” I can hear her moving as she’s speaking and I hate putting her in this position.

  “Pey, do you want me to stay on the phone with you?”

  “No, it’s okay. I’ll go upstairs right now and pack a bag. I’ll see you soon,” I tell her and we hang up so I can go get my things together.

  As I’m going through my drawers, getting my pajamas, I look around the room again, feeling frustrated and angry. I wanna know who was in my house. Who’s doing this? There’s only one name that keeps coming back to mind and it’s Him. I fucking hate him! Maybe it’s not such a bad idea after all to have someone watch out for me. Would I feel safer? I wish Liam were here. I need him to hold me right now and tell me everything will be okay.

  I need some kind of assurance. Because right now, I feel defeated. Just when my life starts to look up, he comes back in and finds a way to ruin it. I should probably call Liam while I wait for Ken to get here. He should know what’s happened. I have a feeling he’s going to be pissed off, but there’s nothing he can do. He won’t be back until tomorrow. I guess we’ll just have to revisit that conversation I was too stubborn to admit I needed. This is going to be just awesome.

  I’m staying at the Hotel Sorella Country Club Plaza. I’ve heard great things about this hotel so I’m anxious to go get settled in for the night and get home to Peyton. I pull up to the hotel and hand the keys to my rental to the gentleman at the valet. He smiles as I make my way into the lobby of the hotel. It’s impressive. Everything is in a marble color that flows throughout the floors, and the walls are white, almost bare with accents of damask frames and a pop of blue and purple coming from the chandeliers placed throughout the front lobby and the check-in counter. It’s gorgeous. Understated but modern and clean. Danny did a good job picking this place.

  I’m so happy to be done with this trip already. I got the chance to tour some of the commercial sites our company has had its eyes on. Until now, they weren’t available. I’m pretty confident that the offer I made for the new Brownstone building and a remodeled shopping center will get approved. Our attorneys have already drafted the paperwork so now all we need to do is have them sign and it’ll be official. I was reluctant to take this trip, but I’m glad I did. It’s turned out well to our advantage. I’m sure my dad will be pleased to hear the good news.

  I walk through to the elevator and take it up to the presidential suite. I unlock the door and step inside, putting my key card on the entry table. The room itself is very much elegant. The bedroom has a massive bed with a custom designed flat padding headboard with browns and blues accented throughout. A full kitchen and a private patio with a panoramic view of the city are just a couple more things to add to the impressive list.

  It’s past nine p.m. now and I’m exhausted. We took the clients out for dinner and drinks so now I’m ready to just call it a day. I excused myself and left early while everyone stayed and enjoyed the drinks and cigars on my company’s tab. I’ve been able to keep myself busy enough that I haven’t had time to think about Peyton, but now that I’m winding down, I can’t wait to get her on the phone. I need to hear her voice. I dial her number and wait; she picks up on the first ring.

  “Liam?” she says quietly.

  “Hey, Babe. What’s wrong?” I hear a little hesitation in her voice.

  “Um, I have some stuff to tell you. Hold on, let me go into another room.” I hear her moving and a door closing as I wait.

  “Okay, I’m back. I don’t want you to freak out okay? Promise me you won’t freak out,” she says and now I am freaking out! What the hell happened?

  “Peyton, spill it. Now,” I tell her as I start to get anxious.

  “Okay, okay. Um—earlier, when I got home from the mall, I pulled up to my house and I saw a man in there. I don’t know what he looked like.

  It was just a shadowy figure but I’m certain it was a man. The window was wide open so I was able to see him walk past the main bay window. I called the police and they came out immediately and checked the house but they didn’t find anything. I just couldn’t stay there so I called Ken and she came to get me,” she says in a rush.

  Freaking out was the last thing I felt. I was livid! Why the fuck didn’t she call me when all this happened?! I’m upset but I’m relieved she wasn’t hurt and nothing else went down.

  “Peyton, I’m going to stay calm right now because I know how scared you must be, but Babe, when something happens—like this or anything in the future—you need to call me as soon as you can. Are you okay? Were they able to find anything in or outside of the house?” I ask.

  “No, they didn’t find anything and I’m fine now. I’m staying with Ken until I feel I can go back to my house. I just feel so violated. He could’ve been doing anything in my house and I’ll never know. I just can’t get over it.”

  “I’m just glad you weren’t hurt, Babe. Look, we need to look into having a security system installed for your house. Brian’s firm actually specializes in security systems as well. I’m going to get in touch with him tonight. I know you said you can take care of yourself, but after what happened, I’m not taking any chances, Peyton. I don’t care if you get upset. This could have ended badly. Next time, call me so I’m aware of what’s going on. I could be there by now to be with you,” I say, trying to reason with her. She’s so damn stubborn.

  I hear her sigh and she knows I’m right. “Fine, we’ll talk about it when you get back,” she says.

  “Well, then you better start packing. I’m leaving on the next flight out. I should be there in less than four hours. And Peyton, you’re staying with me until we get this figured out. Text me Ken’s address. I’ll see you soon,” I tell her and wait to see what she’s going to say.

  “I don’t know, Liam—if staying with you is a great idea. I don’t want to impose.” There she goes.

  “You’re not. I want you with me, and I don’t want to hear another word about it. I’ll see you soon. Don’t forget to text me Ken’s address.” I hang up quickly before she has any more nonsense to say. Why in the world would she think she’d be
imposing? If I didn’t want her staying with me I wouldn’t ask… Why are women so defiant? Not women, just Peyton. If she were any other woman, she would’ve moved her stuff in before I even got home. No, not Peyton. She’s gotta be hard-headed and stubborn. I guess that’s what makes her so different. She’s too independent. I wish she would let some of that independence go and lean on me more.

  I get my things together and head downstairs to check out. I send Danny an email, telling him to get me on the next flight. After I check out, I walk outside into the warm Midwest summer breeze and catch a cab to the airport. It’s a short ride over since the hotel isn’t too far away and there’s no traffic at this hour. I walk up to the Delta counter and get my e-ticket and wait for my flight to board.

  Half an hour later, they’re calling to board the plane and I’m relieved. I thought it might have taken longer. I make my way up to the front and hand my ticket to the stewardess. She marks my ticket and hands it back to me. I follow the ramp and board the plane, finding my seat in business class. As I get situated in my seat, I lean my head back on the head rest and think of all the things that could have happened to her tonight. I wouldn’t have been there when she needed me. I’d never forgive myself if she got hurt. I should have said fuck it and put a detail on her anyway. At least she’d be safe. Someone could’ve been watching over her.

  Well, too damn bad. I know I told her we’d discuss it when I got back, but what she doesn’t realize is that my mind has already been made up. She’s getting a fucking detail weather she likes it or not. Peyton means too much to me to gamble. I’m not willing to lose at any cost.

  My flight finally lands about three hours later and I’m exhausted. It’s past one in the morning and I just want to get in my car and go to Peyton. She must’ve texted me while I had my phone on airplane mode because I’m now hearing the missed texts.

  Text Message from Peyton

  Liam… if you’re tired, we can meet tomorrow

  Text Message from Peyton

  It’s late. Go home. We can meet up in the morning

  This woman is killing me. I asked her to send me an address, not excuses. The last message was received 15 minutes ago. Did she really think I was letting this go that easily?

  Text Message to Peyton

  Ken’s address. Now.

  Text Message from Peyton

  7090 Pear Shadow Ln.

  Text Message to Peyton

  I’ll be there in 20 min.

  I pull up to Ken’s house and I see the lights are still on so I’m hoping she actually listened to me. I get out and walk to the door. I knock and wait. Peyton opens the door and I grab her the minute I see her. I missed her so much. She has no idea. She holds me back and sheer happiness falls upon me. I’ve never been happier to be home. To smell her, feel her, touch her—I literally can’t live one day without this woman. Yeah, she’s definitely staying with me.

  “Where’s your bag, Peyton?” I ask her.

  “It’s by the couch. Liam, are you sure you want me to stay with you? Ken’s got plenty of room here.”

  Oh no, she’s not getting out of this.

  “Peyton, for the last time, go get your bags, please, Babe. I’m going to run out of patience if you keep saying that. If I didn’t want you staying with me, I would not have brought it up,” I huff at her. She’s stalling.

  “Okay, I just didn’t want you to feel obligated. I’ll go get my bags.” She still doesn’t get it.

  She comes back up front where I’ve been standing and I take the bags out from her hands. She gives me a small smile and tells me she’ll be right back. A few minutes later, I see her walking to the door with Ken behind her.

  “Hey, stud,” Ken says, smirking at me. “Take care of my girl here. She’s a stubborn mule but she’s my best friend.” I nod my head, letting her know I hear her loud and clear. I’m going to do everything I can to keep her safe—stubborn or not.

  I walk back out with Peyton’s bags as she takes a moment to talk privately with Ken. I put everything in the truck as I stand in front of the hood on the passenger side door. As soon as I see her walking to the car, I move over so she can pass me and open the door for her. My mom didn’t raise a fool. Once she’s inside, I close the door. I walk over to my side and get in. We get back onto the road and finally head home. My home.

  Peyton falls asleep ten minutes into the drive so her head is leaning against the window and she’s snoring lightly. She must be exhausted; I know I am. I park the car and get out, going to her side first. I open her door and scoot her closer to me. I pick her up and use my leg to close the car door. I had opened the garage door when we pulled up so I go through the garage instead of the front door. Thank god my house is a one story. I carry her to my bedroom and lay her down. I take off her shoes and pull the comforter over her body and tuck her in. After I get Peyton squared away, I go back out to the car and grab her stuff.

  She didn’t bring much; I wonder how long she planned on staying with Ken. We have a lot to talk about tomorrow so once I get my bags and hers put away, I lie down next to her, pull her close to me, and drift off to sleep.

  I wake up the next morning feeling more refreshed and awake. I really needed that sleep. Peyton is still asleep next to me so I reach over and move the hair from her face. She looks like an angel soundly sleeping next to me. I don’t want to wake her. She looks peaceful and I’m sure she could use a mental break from yesterday.

  I pick up my phone from the nightstand and text Brian. I give him a quick rundown of what happened at Peyton’s house yesterday. He sends me a response fairly quickly and tells me he’s got some news and that he will also contact a guy he knows at the police station to get the official report. We make plans to meet this afternoon around 12:30 at his office.

  I walk over to the kitchen and brew some coffee when I hear Peyton’s feet coming down the hallway. I turn around and I can’t help but chuckle. She looks adorable. Her hair is sticking up in certain places and flat in others. She doesn’t have a stitch of make-up on and she’s still in the same clothes from last night. I love it. I love the whole package as is.

  “Good morning, Gorgeous. Did you sleep well?” I ask her as I walk over to her. I reach for her hand and lead her to the stool at the island counter.

  “Morning,” she replies back. Both her arms go up in the air as she starts to stretch.

  “Do you want some coffee? I have to talk to you about some things, and no, it can’t wait,” I say, looking directly into her eyes.

  “Ugh! I just woke up, Liam. Can’t this wait until later? I’m not even fully awake right now. I might space out.” Well, someone needs more sleep, apparently.

  “No. We are talking about it now because it’s important,” I say more sternly.

  “Fine! Good God! At least feed me some caffeine before you start all this craziness.”

  I have to bite back the grin that is forming. Even when she gets snippy, she’s still fucking cute.

  “Good. Here’s the coffee.” I hand her the cup I just poured. “And I contacted Brian earlier this morning. We are meeting him at 12:30. He said he also has news for us. I think we should go grab something to eat and head over there. My refrigerator is pretty limited. I’m not home a whole lot.”

  “Did he say what the news what about?” Peyton asks as she’s sipping and blowing on her coffee.

  “No, he doesn’t give details over the phone. That’s why we need to go in and meet him,” I tell her.

  “Okay, let me just grab a shower and get dressed. Then we’ll head out. Where did you put my stuff?” she asks.

  “Your clothes are in my closet; your toiletries are in my bathroom.” I’m glad I did that last night.

  Waking up in Liam’s bed after a yummy dream was… so good. I was just getting to the good part where we were at a beautiful waterfall and he was holding me in the water, kissing me hard, when my bladder decided it was time to wake up. Stupid bladder. Now I’m lying here awake, and alone. Where did he
go? Just then, I smell the rich aroma of coffee hitting my senses. Caffeine! Ohh yes. Come to Mama!

  I get up and take care of my lady business and tread down the hallway toward the kitchen. That’s where I see his bare back standing there in plain gray pajama bottoms. My God. Those shoulders, those lean muscles that flex as he reaches up to the cabinets. That nice firm ass. I just wanna run my hands along his ass and hold it, maybe even squeeze a little. Damn it, he’s so sexy. I could stand here all day and just watch him move. Also, with a lot fewer clothes on. Okay, maybe he should just be naked. Yeah, that’d be great!

  I didn’t want him knowing how long I’d been standing here so I make it a point to walk louder so he can hear me coming. When he turns around, I wanna just jump on him and have him take me right here on the counter. I really need to get a damn grip.

  I reluctantly agree to go see Brian today even though I knew I didn’t have a choice. After the break-in yesterday, there’s no way in hell Liam would let me skip this meeting. He said Brian specializes in home security as well, and I really do need to get one for my house if I ever plan to feel safe again in it.

  We both get dressed and head out to get lunch before going to meet with Brian. His office is closer to downtown, I believe, so it’s not too far away. I don’t go downtown much just because I hate the parking, but in this case, I’m not driving. Liam is.

  Liam takes us to Chief’s Special. It’s a little place on the corner of 10th street. They specialize in gourmet sandwiches, and it’s fabulous. If parking wasn’t such a bitch all the time around here, I’d come and stuff my face more often. He finds parking right on the side of the street almost in front of the shop. Of course he would find something close.


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