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Bare With Me

Page 14

by Pawnie Santana

  We all sit around the breakfast table and eat while catching up. My dad and I have already done our part for the upcoming wedding so now all we have to do is show up dressed on Saturday.

  “So, you never answered my question, Liam. What’s been going on between you and Peyton?” Damn, she’s like a baby pit bull.

  “We’re seeing each other, Ophelia,” I tell her vaguely.

  “As in seeing her exclusively?”

  “Yes. Exclusively.”

  “Wow,” Ophelia says, looking surprised. I put my fork down and look at her.

  “Why do you sound so surprised? Am I not capable of having a relationship?” I ask.

  “Of course you are, Liam. Don’t get mad. I just didn’t take you for a relationship type of guy. Even with Victoria, you really didn’t seem to care either way if you were with her or not. I’m happy for you is all. Peyton’s great. You already know how much I like her.”

  “Thanks, O. I didn’t mean to sound upset. I just… I don’t know. I really like her. Actually, I more than like her. I could really see myself settling down with her.”

  “Well, I really am happy for you Liam. It’s not every day I see my big brother settling down. But if you piss her off before my wedding day, I’m going to kill you. Okay?” she says, smiling at me. Even though she’s smiling, I have no doubt she will kill me if I fuck anything up before her wedding day. Dom sits there trying to hold his laughter in because my sister is the sweetest person but you really want to stay off her bad side.

  “I promise I won’t intentionally do anything to hurt or piss Peyton off,” I assure her.

  We finish up and Dom excuses himself for a phone meeting he needs to take. I need to make a call to Brian as well. He asked me to give him the details of the wedding since both Peyton and I will be there. I thank my sister as I kiss her and tell her I’ll talk to her soon. I make my way out the front door and dial Brian.

  “Liam. How can I help you?” he says on the second ring.

  “Hi Brian. I got the wedding details from my sister and I’ll email them to you shortly.”

  “Great. Thanks. I appreciate that. Did you have any other questions?”

  “Actually, I do. When I came to my sister’s earlier, there was a black sedan that parked a few spaces behind me. No one got out after they parked and I thought that strange. It didn’t sit right with me so I thought I’d let you know.

  “Did you get a license plate number?” Shit! I didn’t even think about that.

  “No, I didn’t. I was too thrown off,” I say, embarrassed.

  “It’s okay. Let me look into it. I’ll let you know soon if it’s anything you should be worried about.”

  “Thanks Brian. All this shit’s got me paranoid. I’m not thinking clearly.”

  “It’s okay. At least you’re alert. Just keep paying attention to your surroundings,” he says.

  “Yeah, so are you at Peyton’s house?” I ask.

  “I’m on my way over there right now. I should have everything set up and in place by tonight and I’ll email you with the codes to the new alarm. She’ll have to reset the pass code once she gets home to something more personal.”

  “Okay. Good. Thanks, Brian. I’ll talk to you later.” I end the call and continue driving. I’ve got some things to take care of for my dad so I should get it out the way now since I still have a while before I go pick up Peyton. A few hours later, I finish up and text Peyton to see if she’s ready.

  Text Message to Peyton

  Hey Babe, you ready?

  Text Message from Peyton

  Yes. I’m ready.

  Text Message to Peyton

  On my way… I’ll be there in 15 min.

  Text Message from Peyton

  Sounds great

  Text Message to Peyton

  Ok, see ya soon Babe

  Text Message from Peyton


  I drive over to Tilly’s because she always has the best selections in town. I park my car and go inside. I don’t see anyone so I start walking by the counter that holds the lilies. Just then, I hear someone coming out of the cooler. It’s Tilly. She gives me a big smile and comes over to give me a hug. Tilly and my mom were good friends before my mom passed, so it’s always good to see her.

  “Hi Tilly. How are you?” I say as I extend my arms, still holding onto hers.

  “I’m great, Liam. I haven’t seen you in a long time honey. Are you excited about Ophelia’s walk down the aisle?”

  “I am. I’m so proud of her. Dom’s a great guy,” I say.

  “That’s wonderful! I know your mom would’ve been proud of the both of you, honey. So what can I do for you? Are you here to get something for a special lady?” She grins at me.

  “Yes, I am. I’m meeting Peyton tonight for dinner and I wanted to get her something really nice. Can you help me out? I’m afraid I’m at a disadvantage when it comes to flowers.” I laugh.

  “Of course, honey! I’d love to put something together for you. You just give me a few minutes—she’ll love it.”

  Tilly walks into the cooler and comes back out with bunches of different flowers. They all smell good so I guess that’s a good thing, right? I really have no idea. As long as they look good, that’s all that matters to me. I just want Peyton to love them.

  I watch as she takes out her sheers and ribbons. She gets to work cutting, shaping, and arranging the flowers into the most beautiful bouquet. She’s going to love these. Tilly informs me that it’s a mixture of all the flowers Peyton likes. Thank God for Tilly!

  I thank her and pay for the flowers as I rush out of the store—ready to go get my girl! Damn, I sound like a pussy. Oh well, screw it. A pussy I am then.

  I pull up to Ken’s house and walk up to the door. I didn’t even get a chance to ring the doorbell before Peyton opens it with a huge smile on her face. I live for those smiles.

  “Are those for me?” she asks.

  “Yes Babe. They are,” I tell her and give her one of the dimple smiles. She’s so cute. Wait… Did I just say cute? Yup… Pussy.

  I hand them over to her and she accepts them, standing on her tippy toes, giving me a delicious little kiss. Fuck. Yes.

  “Thank you. These are all my favorite flowers. How did you know what I’d like?” Thank you, Tilly.

  “To be honest, I didn’t. I went to Tilly’s and she made this for you. But now that I know these are your favorite flowers, I’ll have to file that information away for next time.” I grab her and pull her close. I missed her and it’s only been a few hours. I take another kiss and I don’t let go until she starts giggling. I’m greedy and I want more of her. I love the way she tastes. It makes my cock stand at attention every damn time.

  After I spoke to Brian earlier, I wanted to do something memorable so I had my assistant call in a favor and set up dinner for us at the Château Dumont Hotel in a private dining suite. I can’t wait to see her face light up again like it did when I set up dinner for us on the rooftop at the community center. She was so surprised it took her a moment to put it all together. It’s in those moments, seeing her so happy, that I want to give her the world. She’s the light I always see no matter how dark it gets.

  There are two things I realize about Peyton as I drive us to the hotel. One, she really does hate surprises. This woman is driving me up the damn wall with her twenty questions. Ever since we left the house, she’s gone on nonstop about where we’re going, if she’s going to like it, when I planned this etc. etc. Two, she’s extremely impatient. I had to laugh at the last one. I should’ve known that from the start. My impatient girl.

  Finally, after not giving her any clues, we arrive at the valet in front of the hotel. She looks completely in shock. I love that look. She looks at me, looks back at the hotel, then looks at me again. I laugh and sit back in my seat as I wait for the valet guy to come to us.

  “Are you fucking serious, Liam?” Peyton says in disbelief.

  “Serious about what, Babe?” I
say with amusement.

  “Are we really having dinner at the Château Dumont Hotel?” she says in a low voice.

  “Yes, Sunshine. We are indeed having dinner here. We can have a nightcap here too if you want. No pressure.” I raise my eyebrow at her and grin.

  She looks at me and shakes her head laughing. “You really are something else, Liam.” Peyton leans in and gives me a kiss as the valet guy comes up to open her door. Way to ruin the moment, douche bag.

  I get out and hand the keys to the other valet guy and go around to take Peyton’s hand. We walk through the double doors and head down the grand foyer of the old hotel. I’ve been here many times and love it. The service is impeccable and the food is excellent. Our family used to come here every Sunday for brunch but not so much now that mom’s passed. She loved it here. It brings too many memories for all of us so we save it for special occasions. Ophelia’s and Dom’s rehearsal dinner will be held here. That’s what made me think to bring Peyton here. It’s a special place I want to share with her. But from what I’ve seen so far, I think she’s going to love it!

  Holy. Crap. I can’t believe I’m standing in the foyer of the Château Dumont Hotel. I’ve only been here a handful of times because it’s so expensive and posh. The foyer alone is magnificent. The lights are all dimmed down to a golden glow so that the huge chandeliers placed throughout the foyer and sitting areas are sparkling like diamonds hanging in the air. It’s absolutely stunning. I’m in awe. Like serious fuckin’ awe. Liam really knows how to surprise a girl. I would’ve never thought when he said dinner, this is what he would have in mind. Wow... I can’t. I just can’t. I’m smiling so big I probably look like a clown.

  Liam leads me through the foyer, where there are two grand staircases that curve up on opposite sides of each other. It’s just magnificent. There’s a huge round table in between the staircases and the most beautiful flower arrangement I’ve ever seen. We walk past the table and he places his hand on my lower back as he ushers me up the left side staircase. I feel like a princess just being here. Well, except that I’m definitely not dressed the part. I wish I could have known we were coming here. I would have worn something a lot more fitting. Men. Do they not know the right attire is everything when you go to places like this?

  We continue down the grand hallway draped in gold and cream accents with murals of angels and the heavens running throughout the top part of the ceiling. There are columns placed at every break of the hallway and gold drapes hanging off every window, showcasing the lights of the city. It’s stunning. This hotel just screams old money. I know Liam and his family are worth a lot of money. How much, I have no idea—but I could care less. Liam and Ophelia are the two sweetest people I’ve ever met. I don’t even think Ophelia has a mean bone in her body. I have a lot of respect for people who don’t flaunt their wealth. To me, money comes and money goes. It doesn’t define who or what you are. It just gives you an advantage. For some, they use it for the greater good. And others, well, those are the piece-of-shit people I have no tolerance for.

  We reach an open room with tables set with extravagant linens and silverware with fancy plates, and I just stand there, taking it all in. I have to check to make sure my mouth was closed. The lights are all dimmed and there are candles, creating a warm glow throughout the room. Smaller chandeliers hang high above, making it intimate and inviting.

  Liam leads me through the walkway that’s on the side of all the tables until we reach a room where there’s an attendant standing off to the side of the door. He’s holding a linen napkin across his arm and his suit is tailored to fit him properly.

  “Sir, welcome to the Château Dumont Hotel. I am your attendant for the evening. My name is Arvel. Please, follow me. I’d like to show you to your dinner suite.” He turns and walks a few doors down to a room with big wooden mahogany double doors as we follow behind.

  He opens the door and I about fall over where I stand. I’ve got to be dreaming. I squeeze Liam’s hand and he starts to laugh. I thought dinner on the rooftop for our first date was fancy. No. Just… No. This blows every romantic scene I’ve ever seen in the movies out of the water.

  “Wow,” I say as I look around the room. I look up at Liam and he’s just standing there staring at me like he’s the happiest person right now. I hope he is because I certainly am. He has gone above and beyond romantic. This is going to be hard for him to top. I should let him know that later.

  We walk into the suite where the floors are covered in gold sheepskin rug. There’s a table for two in the middle of the open room, but that’s not what’s blowing my mind right now. Every single inch of the walls are glass you can see right through besides the double wood doors we came in from. There’s a fireplace built into the floor near the center wall with flames coming up from the floor. It’s truly amazing.

  I let go of Liam’s hand and walk over to one of the walls and look into the night below us. Everything is sparkling and quiet. It’s serene. Liam comes up behind me and holds me in front of him closely. His hands caress the top of my arms, and he slides them down to my waist. He grabs ahold of my waist and pulls me in tight. I love the way he feels around my body. Love—there’s that pesky word again.

  He lets go and leads me back to the table. Pulling my chair out for me, I smile at him and take a seat. He scoots me in and again, I want to swoon. Can he do no wrong? He goes to sit down and our attendant Arvel stands to the side in between us and asks if we’d like any champagne or wine.

  “We have an excellent selection of wines, madam. Is there anything in particular you’d like? Maybe a few samples to start off your pallet?”

  Liam speaks for us and says yes. He asked for a sample of the 2007 Sassicaia and the 2005 Bodegas Roda Cirsion Rioja. The waiter nods his head and leaves to get the samples. Wow. I had no idea he knew about wine. I usually get whatever’s on sale. A girl can get used to this.

  “Liam, I had no idea you knew about different wines. Who taught you?” I ask.

  He laughs a little and takes my hand in his, intertwining our fingers together. “My mom taught me actually. She always said a good man should know his wine. So whenever we went out to dinner as a family, she would always make it a point to teach me about the wine they ordered, where it came from, how to pair the wine with the food you order. Stuff like that. I guess a lot of it just stuck with me.”

  “That’s amazing Liam. Your mom was a wise woman.” I wish I could have met her.

  “She was. She was a hands-on mom. No nannies and no babysitters. Just her and us. I think that’s why O and I are so normal,” he says, laughing. “We could’ve turned out to be spoiled brats, especially O. She was—still is—the Princess of our family.”

  “I think it’s great. She did good. You and Ophelia are amazing people,” I say, squeezing his hand. Just then, our attendant comes back over with four glasses of wine, two glasses of each sample for us both.

  “Sir, this one is the 2007 Sassicaia. A red Bordeaux blend with fleshy, easygoing flavors of redcurrant, cassis, balsamic smoke and vanilla. It’s a seamlessly ripe, broad, and long wine, finishing with smooth, very peppery, balsamic tannins and a trace of alcohol warmth,” the attendant informs us as he gestures with his hand to the glass.

  Then he gestures to the other set of glasses and continues.

  “This is the 2005 Bodegas Roda Cirsion Rioja. It’s a dark ruby that offers a bouquet of blackberry, kirsh, licorice, mocha, and sandalwood. Tannins are nicely absorbed, adding gentle support but not overpowering the ripe fruit.”

  Liam swirls the glass around a few times, drawing air into the wine. It releases and intensifies the aroma of the wine for a better taste. I follow his lead and do the same, tasting the Sassicaia first. Wow, it’s really good. This beats my twenty-dollar bottle any day. I put my glass down and taste the Bodegas Roda Cirsion Rioja. This one is a little stronger but it’s excellent as well. I wait for Liam to finish, wondering which one he liked best.

  “Peyton, which one did
you like?” Oh great. Why’s he asking me?

  “Um, I liked this one.” I point over to the Bodegas Roda Cirsion Rioja.

  He nods in agreement.

  “I liked that one too. It’s a great year.” He looks up and tells the attendant that we’re going to go ahead and get a bottle.

  “Excellent, Sir. I’ll be right back with your wine and your waiter will be by shortly to take your order,” He tells us and leaves the room.

  “Thank you so much for bringing me here. It’s very romantic and incredibly sweet, Liam.”

  “I figured we both needed a good night after the news you got this morning.”

  “Still, it was really thoughtful of you to put this all together.”

  “I told you, Peyton, I’d do anything to make you happy. This is nothing. It’s just dinner.” He smiles and I get those damn dimples that practically make my panties melt.

  The waiter come in to the room and tells us the evening’s featured entrées. I let Liam take the reign and order for us because I’m starving and I’d eat a whole cow if they put it on my plate.

  I don’t care one way or the other. Liam decides on the Kobe Beef Steak au Poivre with a side of asparagus and baked potatoes. The waiter leaves after he has our order and we sit and talk about everything except Him. He can go to hell.

  I have nothing but happy thoughts right now because the man sitting in front of me has shown and done more for me in the past couple weeks than any man I’ve ever dated. He’s one of a kind and I feel so lucky to have him in my life. I know nothing in life is perfect, but he’s pretty damn close.

  I love how our conversation flows and there’s never an awkward moment. Even when we’re not saying anything, it still feels like comfortable silence. That’s a rare thing to find these days. Usually men just expect things from me. That’s another reason why I didn’t want to date, besides the obvious.


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