Havoc (Los Desperados MC)
Page 13
“Excellent. Ramon!” he called over to a bellboy. “Show Mr. and Mrs. Gonzales up to the executive suite, please.”
We had no bags, so Ramon just shrugged his shoulders and we walked across the lobby with him. It was probably the nicest place I had ever been. I couldn’t help but stifle a giggle once we were in the elevator with Ramon. Here we were, two bikers in the middle of a gang war spending the night in one of LA’s nicest hotels.
The white doors opened to reveal the fanciest hotel room I had ever seen. The floors were covered in a soft white carpet and there was a spotless glass table in the middle of the room with a vase of fresh flowers. There was a soft looking leather couch across from a huge flat screen TV, a hardwood desk with a computer and a matching hardwood chair. There was a set of French doors that opened to the bedroom. In the bedroom an impressive king-sized bed sat in the middle of the floor with another flat screen on the opposite wall. To the left was a balcony with a gorgeous view and to the right a large bathroom with a deep and inviting bathtub.
“Can you send up a bottle of champagne? The ‘97 would be good if you have it,” Julian said slipping the bellboy a bill as he left.
“Why did you tip him? He didn’t even carry our bags!” I asked.
“It’s good to share the wealth,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders.
I took a deep breath of the clean smelling room and then flopped back onto the king-sized bed. It had that perfect combination of soft and firm and I closed my eyes as I sunk into it.
“This is a very nice room,” I said, my eyes still closed.
“I’m glad you liked it, Mrs. Gonzales,” he said and I sat up and stuck my tongue out at him, as there was a knock on the door.
“Tipping well gets you good service in advance,” he said as he opened the door and champagne was carted into the room.
The bellboy popped it open for us and the room filled with the heady scent of the drink. I got out of bed and took a glass, taking a heavy sip of the delicious bubbly drink and feeling the bubbles as they made their way to my stomach. “I love champagne,” I admitted with a sigh. As a biker it was only acceptable to drink beer and whiskey, vodka if there was nothing else. Champagne, or anything that required a mixer wasn’t allowed.
“I won’t tell anyone,” Julian said.
I had finished my glass and as I reached for a refill Julian stopped my hand and refilled it himself. I finished a second and watched as Julian came towards me and took the empty glass out of my hand. I opened my mouth to speak, but he turned me around and slipped my leather jacket off me, letting it fall to the floor. He pulled me against him and began to suck and kiss his way across my neck and I moaned and writhed against him.
“Julian, yes,” I cooed as he took my chin in his hand and tilted my head so he could kiss the delicate skin on the nape of my neck. His fingers tugged at the bottom of my shirt and I lifted my arms and he easily slipped it off and over my head. The room was cool and I shuddered as my warm skin was exposed to the air. As he continued to kiss my neck I felt him easily unsnap my bra and let it fall off me.
His hand wrapped around my breasts and he massaged them as I reached back behind his head and wrapped my hands in his hair. His hands moved down and reached around me and undid the button on my jeans. He unzipped them and began to pull them off. He held me in place as he began to kiss his way down my back, each kiss a little lower as he moved my jeans off me. He kissed the small of my back and I turned to face him totally nude.
“You have too much clothing on,” I whispered as I reached under his shirt and pulled it over his head. I ran my hands up and down his taut stomach as he massaged my breasts. Then he took my hands by the wrist and pushed me gently toward the bedroom. He stopped and pulled the bedspread off revealing the stark white sheets underneath.
“Lie down,” he whispered and I crawled into the large bed and laid down on my back staring into the ceiling. Julian was on me in a second, he hovered over me and began to kiss me deeply, his hands gripping and massaging my breasts. I grazed my nails up and down his back and grabbed his arms as his tongue slid over mine and he nibbled on my lower lip and I began to grind against him, desperate for any contact.
He stopped and looked me in the eye. He took both my hands and pinned them against the bars of the bed frame. He held my wrists as he kissed me fiercely, taking my breath away before licking and sucking at my breasts, but he refused to go lower. My body was writhing against him, but his hands were pressing down on mine and he was in complete control.
“Julian,” I cried out in passion as he licked and bit my nipples. My legs were pushing my hips up and into him, but it was no use.
He held himself away from me and at that moment I would have done anything for his touch.
“Julian, please. I want you,” I whispered.
His hands released mine and he kissed me deeply before giving me a wicked smile. He began to kiss his way down my body. He kissed my left breast and then my right and then the delicate space between them. He kissed down my stomach and he lifted my left leg and kissed my inner thigh near my knee. His touch was so delicate and light that it sent shivers through my body. He was this dangerous, uncontrollable mix of strength and gentleness; one minute he was holding me down and the other he was tracing feather-light kisses over my skin.
He kissed my left thigh and then my right, going and back and forth as he made his tortuously slow way to the place that wanted him the most. Finally he hooked his arms under my legs and I sighed. I brought my hands into his hair as he placed his lips gently on my outer folds and then slipped his tongue between them.
I arched my back as his tongue gently began to swipe up and down my center and I moaned loudly. With every stroke he was caressing my clit and sending sparks radiating through my body. No one had ever made me feel like this; no one had ever been like this with me and I never wanted it to stop.
His tongue knew where to go and he began to flick against me and I cried out in pleasure with each motion of his tongue as he brought me closer and closer to release.
“Yes, oh Julian, yes!” I cried out, my voice hoarse with pleasure. Already I was so close to finishing. I could feel my orgasm building up inside of me as his wicked tongue continued to caress me in just the right way.
And then he stopped. I gasped and looked at him as he smiled up at me. “Why did you stop?” I asked him, and he came up and kissed my breasts and then knelt back on his heels.
“Come here,” he said, taking me by the arms and pulling me towards him.
I sat up on knees and Julian came up and kissed me gently before sitting back against the headboard. His cock was hard and thick in front of me and I wrapped my hand around it and moved up and down in a slow and deliberate motion making him groan. He reached into the drawer of one of hotel’s end tables and pulled out a complimentary condom.
I took it from him and slowly rolled it over his member and he sighed in pleasure.
“Come here,” he said pulling at my wrists.
I went over to him and straddled him, putting my legs on either side of his. I took him in my hand and slid down onto him, feeling as my body stretched to accommodate him. His head was against the backboard and he was sitting up so we were face to face as I began to move up and down on top of him.
His hands were on my ass and then my back and he groaned into my neck. He leaned forward and took one breast in his mouth and bit down gently. I threw my head back and grabbed his arms as I felt a wave a pleasure jolt through me. His cock was inside of me and it was grazing my clit with each thrust. He was touching me in just the right way as I moved and writhed against him.
I was aching for him and that release. I wanted him so badly and there was nothing that could have stopped me at that moment. I was grinding and writhing against him as he wrapped his arms around me and pushed and pulled me against his cock. I could hear him groan and I felt his muscles clench and I knew he was close.
I w
as closer. I was so close. I was crying out with every movement and touch from him. My nerve endings were on fire as my orgasm built up higher and higher until I was sure I couldn’t take any more. I needed that release. Julian grabbed my ass and my hips and he was pulling me towards him and his touch on my skin was intoxicating.
“Yes, Julian, yes! I’m so close!” I cried out as his cock continued to rub against my clit, driving me crazy.
“Oh, Daniela,” he whispered in my ear.
And then my orgasm was a wave inside of me getting bigger and bigger with each touch and thrust and finally with one last hard thrust I heard Julian groan and push himself even farther into me as he finished. I collapsed on top of with his arms wrapped around me and my head resting in the crook of his neck.
It took me a moment to come back to my body. I was drained and suddenly very tired. But I was also very comfortable. Finally I had to move and I pulled myself off him and collapsed in bed next to his body. I rested on his chest and listened to the sound of his heart beating beneath me.
I stared out of the large window of our hotel suit. The night outside was dark and there was no moon, but I could see streetlights and lit up billboards stretching to the horizon. I felt tired, but content in a wonderful way. It felt like there was some kind of magic in the hotel room and I wondered if there was some way Julian and I could stay there forever. In the reflection of the glass, I could see Julian still resting in bed behind me. He was stretched out over messy white sheets and his breathing was deep and even. But he wasn’t sleeping; I could see his drowsy eyes watching at me in the reflection. Below us was the gorgeous front of the hotel. I had a bird’s eye view of the marble fountain and perfectly manicured green grass with tall palm trees and bright, vibrant flowers.
There were limos pulling up in front of the hotel and every time another one stopped the paparazzi, who were waiting outside, jumped to life to shout and photograph whoever was emerging. From my window I could see men in suits schmooze with the cameras while women in tight dresses, who were wearing dark sunglasses despite the late hours, hurried inside, ignoring the photographers and people shouting for autographs.
“Close the curtains,” Julian said as he stretched out on the bed. He was wearing nothing but a pair of boxer-briefs and I could see his well-defined muscles and the curve of his arms and just like that I wanted him all over again. He wanted the curtains closed to block out the flashes from the cameras. Even all the way up here we could see them in the glass, tiny pinpricks of light that sparked in a hurried succession and then stopped as whoever arrived finally made their way into the hotel.
“I like celebrity watching,” I said peering down again wondering if I knew who was down there.
“Really, you care about what a bunch of stupid, rich people do?”
“It is my secret passion,” I admitted and the piles of US Weekly and People magazines that were hidden in the glove compartment of my truck could attest to that. I’d never admitted it to anyone else before. Bikers weren’t exactly the kind of people who would let that go. The mocking never would have ended if I had admitted to reading anything and everything having to do with Kate Middleton and her perfectly shiny hair.
“Finally, a flaw,” Julian said. “I was worried you were turning out to be too perfect.”
“No chance of that,” I said with a smirk. “I have plenty of faults. I hate waking up early, I’m kind of a picky eater, and I don’t really understand what the 2008 housing crisis was about and I never bothered to learn.”
He laughed at that, a gentle scoff that hung in the air as he turned his head to get a better look at me.
“How long can we stay in this hotel?” I asked him staring at the beautiful view in front of me. It was a funny thing how this view reminded me so much of the view from Julian’s apartment above the clubhouse. They were both lovely and expansive views but his looked out onto green hills void of buildings and the Ace Hotel looked out over the city. It was glittery and bright, but from all the way up here it was silent and I could see past the lights and out into the dark horizon. It made me feel very big and very small all at the same time.
“Well, I’ll eventually run out of money, a couple of weeks, max,” he smiled over at me and then continued. “But we should be back in the clubhouse by tomorrow night. The structural damage looked minimal, so it’s mostly cosmetic repairs.”
Back to the clubhouse. There was an implication that I would want to go with him, that it was our clubhouse. And I did want to go back. I wanted to sit on the couch with him and watch TV and I wanted to fall asleep next to him every night. I wanted to ride with him and watch him work and tell everyone I passed on the street that he was mine. I wanted him and I wanted to be with him.
I wished that I had met Julian years ago. I wished he were the one who brought me into the biker life. I wished I had spent my entire life with him. Every other man and every other relationship seemed like a waste of time when compared to what I felt with Julian. I had never felt like this before. I had only known him for a few days but I already I suspected I was in love with him. It was too early to say anything, too early to know for sure what my feelings were. I only knew they were deeper and stronger than any feelings I had ever had before.
I was done fighting it. The Bandits had come and been pushed back and there was no certainty that they would fight for me again. They had lost men and ammo in that battle and Los Desperados had been the clear winners. There was no telling how long it would take for them to rebound and I had no way of knowing if they would bother coming for me a second time. It would be better if they left me to Los Desperados. I never would have thought that, but after spending so much time with them, I had to recognize that they weren’t the monsters I thought they were.
The best way to avoid a war was for me to stay. A war between the gangs would be pointless; they would both lose men and money in it. But then again, the war wouldn’t really be over me. I was the catalyst, but it was really about money and power. The winner of the war would get all of the loser’s territory. There was a lot more to it than just me. But now I understood that The Bandits would lose that war; they weren’t as well armed as Los Desperados. I wanted them to get out now while they still could. Getting robbed by Los Desperados was better than being wiped out by them.
“What are you thinking about?” Julian asked.
I glanced at him in the reflection of the mirror and debated my answer. “A lot of stuff,” I finally said. I didn’t want to tell him about my feelings. I didn’t want to tell him that I was questioning my loyalty to The Bandits, that I was seriously considering joining them. If I said something he would try and convince me and it needed to be my decision. Not his. And then there were my feelings for him. I didn’t know what to call them. I only knew they were stronger than anything I had felt before. I didn’t want to come across too strong or needy. I wasn’t quite ready to admit out loud what I was feeling.
“Like what?” he asked. I didn’t know what to say, I looked at his reflection in the mirror and his eyes searched mine. “Are you finally thinking of joining us for real?” he asked and I could hear the desire in his voice.
“I want to,” I admitted, my eyes on the carpet.
“Then do it, Daniela. You don’t have to explain yourself to anyone. If you want to leave The Bandits, leave them. Los Desperados wants you. I want you. Can The Bandits say the same thing?”
“The Bandits do want me back,” I said. “They just started a war for me.”
“A war you can end by just admitting that you want to join Los Desperados. The Bandits will be mad, but we’ll protect you. You’ve seen our defenses, You know they’re stronger than anything The Bandits could offer.”
I looked out onto the horizon and sighed. He was right, but it was still impossible for me to betray my former gang. Why did this have to be so hard? I had always been a person who had taken their oaths seriously, so how could I be the kind of person who just thr
ew that part of me away?
“We could be together,” Julian said quietly. “Really together, no hiding or sneaking around.”
“Would we go on rides together?” I asked him. “Or are you too high up the chain for that?”
“I still go on rides, on the important ones anyway. Do you like the idea of you and me riding together?”
I nodded and said, “I think you could probably be an all right blocker with a little bit of guidance from me.” I smirked at him in the reflection of the glass.
“God I want you so much right now,” he said, getting up from the bed and advancing on me.
“No!” I said with a giggle, but it was too late and he swept me up in his arms and tossed me onto the bed. I bounced once and then settled on my back and Julian crawled and knelt next to me as his fingers found the rope that was holding my fuzzy hotel robe closed around me. Slowly he started to untie it and I shifted underneath him eager for his touch. We had just finished, but already I wanted him all over again.