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The Pet Psychic Diaries

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by Jeanne Miller

  Skittles then approached me, limping very badly. I relayed Tracy’s message about having to go back to the vets and she suddenly put her foot down and started walking normally. I wasn’t sure if she was pretending it was better so she wouldn’t have to go to the vet, or if Stumpy was right. I thanked them both and they walked out together and playfully bumped each other so I was encouraged and felt they would be getting along a lot better from this point on.

  I related to Tracy what went on in the reading and she called me a few days later. She said that Skittles had been limping and they had still been babying her. But she decided to spy on Skittles when Skittles thought she was alone. No limp. As soon as Skittles saw her, she started limping. Stumpy had been right all along. The babying stopped, the limping stopped and peace reigned in the household once more.

  What I loved about this reading was that Stumpy loved her family so much, she couldn’t bear to see them taken advantage of. Now that’s loyalty.

  **I have previously written about Stumpy and Skittles in an interview where they were identified as Stella and Sylvia. Many thanks to Tracy for allowing me to use their real names in this book.

  No Return

  The Story of Duke and Nancy

  Nancy’s beloved Duke

  In the course of my work, I am fortunate to meet so many lovely and loving pet owners. Many are clients who come and go, but some become friends. I’m happy to say that Nancy is one who stayed. Nancy and her husband have shared their home with many animals. Most notably…Raccoons! I have spoken to most of them and you will hear their interesting conversations later in this book.

  But it wasn’t her much loved Raccoons that Nancy wanted to talk about this day. She told me of her heartache over her dog, Duke, who had disappeared years earlier.

  It is best to let Nancy tell it: “I let him out to do his business in January of 1989 and that is the last I ever saw of him. I looked for over three months, and with every spare minute I had. I just need some closure as to what happened to him. If someone stole him, did they take good care of him? Was he killed? He was seven and the best dog buddy I ever had. One of a kind, and everywhere I went, he was with me. I always said that the first question I will ask after death will be ‘What happened to my Duke Dawg?’ ”

  When I connected to Duke, it was clear that he was safely on the other side and was very happy. He immediately wanted me to tell Nancy that he loved her so much and never meant to leave her.

  Duke went on to tell me what happened the day he left. He showed me a brown rabbit that very suddenly popped into his view. He chased it for awhile, but unfortunately, it wasn’t a straight run. The rabbit ran under heavy brush, through bushes and for quite some distance. Duke gave chase until he suddenly lost sight of him and realized he wasn’t sure where he was in relation to his home. He couldn’t backtrack the way he had come. Duke said he had gone so far without realizing it, that he was surprised to suddenly find he could no longer pick up the scent of home.

  He went on to say that he was in that general area for a few days and was getting hungry when he found himself on a road. It was a country type road, and a man in a pickup truck soon saw him and stopped. He opened the door and Duke jumped in. The man took him home, which Duke said was quite some distance, and fed him. The man, who had been lonely quickly fell in love with this sweet boy and loved and cared for him until the end of his life.

  Duke said he never forgot Nancy or the life he had before and if he could have found his way back, he would have gone home to her. He said: “Please tell her I’m so sorry that I chased that Rabbit and got myself lost. But I was given a good life. I’m lucky to have found so many people in my lifetime who loved me so much.”

  I asked Duke about his life on the other side and if he had a particular job over there. He sent me a feeling of pure joy and said: “I’m not doing anything! I just play all the time.” Duke said he was met by a man over there who was very tall with gray hair cut in the military style. They are very good friends now and spend time together.

  My guides sent me the feeling that the man who picked up Duke really needed him to come into his life at this time. I got the strong feeling that his life would not have turned out well if it hadn’t been for finding Duke that day. Having this wonderful dog with him made it possible for this lonely man to experience joy once more, meet people and salvage his life which had been fast sinking downward.

  Duke wanted me to tell Nancy: “Thank you for loving me so much. I’m so sorry that you worried and I’m sorry I got lost. It was stupid to chase like that. I should have stopped when I realized I was traveling so far. But I kept almost catching him!”

  I passed this information on to Nancy, knowing that it would be bittersweet. I knew she would be happy that her boy was loved and cared for. But I also knew that the agony of loss and uncertainty of his fate must have brought her so much pain.

  After hearing back from Nancy, it became clear that although Duke was well cared for, this man should have never had him. He had worn a collar with Nancy’s information on it. But the man chose to keep him anyway and caused a loving pet Mom many years of anguish and pain.

  Nancy wrote in part: “Thank you so much for contacting him and letting me know what happened. I know the road he was speaking of…it is straight behind us. I figured someone may have picked him up. He loved to ride and would go anywhere, anytime, with anyone.”

  “I am happy he took good care of him but he should have let me know. Duke’s collar had my name and number on it. I loved and missed him so much. I was even there the night he was born. I spent hours, days and months searching for him; running ads in papers; I put up flyers within a ten mile radius. I even sat by myself on gravel roads at midnight just listening for him in case he had been caught on a fence.

  “The tall man on the other side may have been my former fiancé. He and Duke were buddies. I never gave up on finding him. Thanks to you I can now give this closure.”

  I think we can all understand loneliness and going through periods of time where life just doesn’t seem to work out for us. But stealing someone’s beloved pet is something that I will never understand. His causing years of pain to someone so that he could have happiness is a completely selfish act, and a cruel one. I feel that he justified his actions, by telling himself that Duke was out on his own so his owners must not care. Nothing could have been further from the truth.

  My heart went out to Nancy for this loss. It still does.

  When They Leave on Purpose

  Frank’s Story

  When I first started my psychic work, I used to take on lost pet cases. I no longer do and Frank is one of the reasons. I am not using a picture or a true name to protect privacy, but also because Frank could be any cat or any pet who finds himself in a bad situation.

  Frank’s story started when I received an email from a very distraught woman. Her beloved cat, Frank, had somehow gotten out of the house and was nowhere to be found. She emailed a picture of a large and beautiful cat. She was heartbroken and I wanted very badly to help her.

  I was able to connect to Frank who looked me square in the eye and in a very strong voice said: “I’m not lost. I know EXACTLY where I am!” I’d never gotten a reception like that from a lost pet before and was a bit taken aback. I asked him if he knew how to get home and he said he did but was never going back there. I told him how heartbroken his mistress was and that she loved him so very much. He said he loved her too. Then he said, “But I’m not safe there.”

  Frank immediately started sending me little film clips. One was of a man telling a woman that Frank had fallen asleep on the tall dresser, and fallen. He told her that was how he had hurt his ribs. Frank then sent me a film clip of a man kicking him hard in his side and sending him flying across the room. He showed me a man rolling up a towel and snapping it at his face, stinging his nose. He sent me a feeling of this man’s hatred and anger.

  Frank said he was now in some open land where a kind man brings food out
to him and other cats. He had found some measure of safety, company and food. He said he was content and he would stay there from now on. I felt so badly for Frank but his inner strength was amazing. He had been in a bad situation and had gotten himself out with courage, and his head held high. He was an amazing cat and I was so sorry that this had happened to him.

  I reported this information back to the woman, who admitted that what Frank had said was all true. She then told me that the abusive man was gone; they had broken up and he was gone for good. I was asked to please tell Frank how sorry she was and that it was safe to come home to her now. I was ecstatic! Not only for Frank but also that the woman had also gotten herself out of a bad situation. I couldn’t wait to tell Frank the great news. He could go home and he would be safe!

  However when I told Frank, he just looked at me sadly. He said, “She always says that to me. But she always takes him back.” Frank made it clear that he would never go back; he had moved on. He no longer wanted to talk about it, so I could only wish him well and end the communication. I told the woman that Frank no longer wanted to communicate and he would not be coming home.

  How many Franks are out there? How many pets are being used by one abusive partner to hurt the other? I have no doubt that Frank’s mistress loved him; just not enough. He had to leave his warm home for one reason and one reason only; the person he loved and trusted most in the world wasn’t looking out for him. This experience took the heart out of me and I couldn’t stop thinking of Frank. I prayed many nights that he be kept safe and that his owner would let him go and stop searching for him.

  A few weeks later, I received an email from a fellow Pet Psychic and friend who needed my help. She had a lost pet case and was having trouble connecting to a lost cat. After my last experience, I really didn’t want to work on any more lost pets. But she was a dear friend and mentor who had helped me in so many ways that I asked her to send the picture through and I would see what I could do.

  It was Frank.

  What’s in a Name?

  Moosie’s Story

  Moosie and Friend

  I love horses. Not only are they one of the most beautiful creatures on this earth, but they are also fabulous communicators. So when I received a call from a wonderful horse trainer and rescuer named Ann, I jumped at the chance to help.

  She had recently rescued a horse named Moose who came with a sad past history. Moose had belonged to a man who used extremely severe training methods. As a result of this mistreatment, Moose had an understandable distrust of people. As Ann said: “When we brought him here, we could hardly catch him for weeks. He had come from a place of no food, no water, and no shade to all the food, water, space, and love he could handle.” Ann very quickly realized just how deep his emotional pain went.

  With Ann’s gift of working with abused horses, he soon started to settle in to his new home, but there was still much work to be done. Ann consulted me to see how he was feeling and what he thought of his new home. She also asked about his name. She found that he didn’t respond to it when she would call him.

  For weeks she had been thinking that this wasn’t the right name for him. She felt it might bring up bad memories for him as well.

  From the time I first connected with Moose, I just loved him. His true nature is gentleness, and it was only his fear that made him hard to handle. He was extremely polite and well mannered. When I told him who I was and that Ann had asked me to speak with him, he said: “That’s wonderful! I love to talk.” Ann confirmed that this is true: “Moose talks all the time. He whinnies, he nickers, he grunts and groans and makes all sorts of noises…happily and often.”

  When asked if there was anything that was making him uncomfortable or frightened, he said: “There’s a man here I don’t like. He is mean and pretends to like horses, but he really doesn’t.” Moose asked if Ann could please stay close by when the man was around. I got the feeling that this man didn’t work on site but came around a lot. Moose also asked me to tell Ann to please be careful of whom she trusted and to observe people very carefully. Ann said she understood what he meant as there had been a robbery on the premises and she was sure it had been committed by a worker she had trusted.

  Moose said that his favorite thing to do was to run without any equipment on. I got the feeling that this was a healing experience for him. He said: “When I am running free by myself, I don’t have to worry about accidentally hurting someone. Running without worrying makes my spirit soar!” I got a very strong feeling that Moose was well aware of his size and tries to be considerate of his human companions because of it. Ann confirmed that this consideration on his part was something she had noticed.

  Moose had a few more things to add. He liked Carrots and felt they were a nice welcoming touch; he wasn’t crazy about the music Ann listened to but could put up with it; he was well cared for; He showed me himself knocking over a water barrel and picking out any apples or treats that fell from it. He was one of the most communicative horses I’ve ever had the pleasure of speaking with. I liked him immensely.

  Then Moose suddenly looked at me and said: “I don’t understand my name. Why did they name me after a different animal?” I wasn’t quite sure what to say, so I told him that Moose were big and beautiful creatures. He responded: “Well, if they wanted to name me after something big and beautiful, why didn’t they just call me Horse?” You can’t argue with logic like that.

  I reported this back to Ann who said she would be changing his name.

  Some time later, I had the pleasure of speaking to Moose again. Ann had a few things she wanted to check in with him about. One of her questions was about

  his name. Although they had changed it, the little children who rode and played with him have always called him Moosie. They adore their Moosie and he seems to adore them too. She just wanted to make sure that she didn’t let him down by not sticking to a new name.

  Moose responded that at first he had been disappointed to go back to his old name, but something changed that. He said: “I don’t like Moose, but I really like Moosie. The way the kids say it. It makes me feel so good.” The strong feeling that came with this is that when the children say “Moosie”, they do so with feelings of excitement and love. This is felt very strongly by Moose. Whereas his old name brought up bad memories, the name “Moosie” brings nothing but good feelings. He doesn’t want that to change now. But, he asked that everyone be careful to always call him Moosie and not Moose as he much prefers it that way.

  I’ve done many readings where animals have talked about their names. They are as important to them as they are to us. But what is more important is the feeling behind it. One dog hated his name because people snickered every time they heard it and he felt humiliated. It was a foolish name designed only to make people laugh. But animals can tell the difference between a laugh of joy and one of derision. So what is in a name? Almost everything from pride to self-confidence and well being. Let’s choose carefully and give our pets the respect they deserve.


  Reading Excerpts

  During the course of my work, I’ve found that our pets aren’t shy about expressing themselves. Scattered throughout this book, I’ll share excerpts from some of the more interesting conversations I’ve had.


  Duff – a cat:

  When asked why he was so mean to the family dog, Emily, he responded:

  “She is a pain! Every time I get my fur the way I want it, she licks me and messes it all up!”

  When I told him that Emily licks him because she loves him, Duff said:

  “I don’t care!” He then added: “I would like her better if she would keep that tongue away from me.”


  Sammy – a cat:

  When asked if there was any message he would like to give his owner:

  “Tell Mama that I think she is a beautiful creature. That is why I stare at her a lot.”


  Ling and Asia – Si
amese cats:

  I was consulted by a woman with a multi-cat household. They all got along except for her two squabbling Siamese cats, Ling and Asia:

  Ling: “Everything would be OK if Asia would learn her place!”

  Asia: “I’m not the one who starts it! Ling starts it by thinking she is better than everyone else!”


  Higgins – a dog on the other side:

  When asked what he used to like to play with the most, he replied:


  This had me a little concerned until his owner told me that he had loved the two cats next door and they played together all the time.


  Socks – a cat:

  I was consulted by a frantic woman who walked out on her porch that evening to find her cat and a raccoon sitting together on a loveseat. She wanted me to tell Socks to stay away from him. Socks replied:

  “Tell Mom not to worry. He won’t hurt me. He’s my friend and a nice fellow; and we were just talking.”


  Mookie – a cat:

  When asked if there was anything he wanted, he replied:


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