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The Pet Psychic Diaries

Page 4

by Jeanne Miller

  We can do better. Much better.

  Sweet Henry….happy at last

  Charlie is still with Kathy and loving it.

  Smokey and Pom-Pom

  Forever Friends

  Pom-Pom and Smokey

  Whenever we lose our beloved pets it is heartbreaking. But when we lose them due to an event that never should have happened, it is tragic…..

  Smokey and Pom-Pom were raised together and were more like brothers than friends. They were very connected to each other and to their loving family. Ann, a gifted psychic, had contacted me one June day to check in on Smokey. He was getting older and she just wanted to see how he was doing and if there was anything he wanted. She loved all of her pets, but Smokey was her “special one.” As she said: “He was a year old when my roommate gave him to me permanently. I always knew he was meant for me.”

  When I first spoke to Smokey, he came across to me as a very wise and dignified fellow. His voice was deep and melodic and pleasant to listen to. During the reading, when Smokey was asked what his favorite toy was, he responded: “Pom-Pom.”

  Their close bond was evident. As far as how he was feeling, he mentioned some arthritic pain that I believe was age related. He also said that he had more gas in his tummy than usual and a little diarrhea “depending on what I ate.” When I mentioned that Ann felt a special bond with him, he said that he was so happy she had picked up on that. He went on to say: “We have always had a special bond. She doesn’t remember like I do, but we go back a long way and have been together before. We will always be together.” Ann had always felt this was true. She knew he was a soul mate to her.

  I enjoyed talking to Smokey, who indicated he loved being called “Smokes,” and I hoped that I would have the opportunity to speak with him again. I did have that opportunity in October, but sadly, he had passed on. He had become ill very suddenly and had gone downhill so rapidly that he wasn’t able to be saved.

  Ann and her family were inconsolable. So was Pom-Pom. He sunk into a deep depression and they were worried about him. When I connected to Smokey again, it was clear that he was spending as much time on this side as he did on the other side. He was worried about his family. Ann had felt his presence so strongly that she was afraid he hadn’t transitioned. He had, but wanted very much to stick close to his family for awhile. He said: “I like to be close to Mom and help with her grieving. I don’t like to see her so sad and I want to help.”

  As the days went by, Pom-Pom didn’t seem to come out of his depression and he wasn’t eating much. It was decided that it might be time to get a companion to help him with his loneliness. Enter Zac, a friendly and sweet shelter cat. Ann said when they brought Zac home from the shelter in the carrier, Pom Pom raced to it. But when Zac came out he backed away. It was clear that he saw the carrier and thought his beloved Smokey had come home.

  Readings were done to bring Smokey and Pom-Pom together again and to explain to Pom what had happened. He understood and started to accept it, but still wouldn’t accept Zac. When I asked him why, he simply said: “He’s not Smokey.” When it was explained that Zac was never meant as a replacement for Smokey, but to be a new friend, he said he would try to accept him. He said: “I just need some time.”

  After the reading, Ann wrote: “I know this is difficult for him. Smokey is all he ever knew and they have lived so much together. Little Zac tries so hard…he is very affectionate.”

  Zac and Pom Pom

  Shortly after this reading, Pom-Pom fell ill with many of the same symptoms as Smokey. After a trip to the vet, it became horrifyingly clear that what had taken Smokey was now in danger of taking Pom-Pom. It was during the terrible days of the cat food recalls. Ann wrote: “The vet said it is something he has ingested. There are high levels of toxins in his liver. We had been mixing two different cat foods together for them and I’ve just found out that one of them was on the recall list. The vet said that many cases have been coming forward. God help us.”

  Pom-Pom was placed on antibiotics in the hope that this could be turned around. As Ann said: “We pray and we wait. Even if he is able to recover, his liver will never be the same and he will never be as healthy as he once was. They have both suffered food poisoning.” My heart ached for them.

  Sadly little Pom-Pom passed into spirit only months after his beloved friend Smokey. This hard blow was so difficult for the family but little Zac with his affectionate ways went a long way to healing their hearts.

  Shortly after his passing, I did a reading with Pom-Pom. He walked in with a special guest. Smokey. And they couldn’t get close enough to each other. All through the reading, Pom-Pom kept rubbing his face against his beloved friend. It was adorable. Smokey said he was going to be introducing Pom-Pom to new friends but not until he was ready. Right now they would be spending the majority of their time together. They both looked so happy to be together again and as I left them, Smokey was sitting and Pom-Pom was leaning on his big brother; just as he did in life. Forever friends.

  Ann’s Tributes:

  The Haunting:

  Zac settles in to life with a Psychic featuring

  a cameo appearance by Pom-Pom and Smokey

  Animals have a wonderful way of healing a broken heart; of softening that hard edge of loss. I’d heard from Ann often in the months following her loss and could see the difference Zac was making in her family’s life. Around this time, another kitty named Sophie also joined the household and life went on.

  I’m often asked if being psychic makes it easier to handle a loss. I answer that the grief is just as sharp and just as painful. The only difference is that sometimes we can see, hear, or feel the presence of our loved ones. Knowing there is a life beyond this one, takes away the uncertainty that others face. Ann had experienced many visitations from her Pom and Smoke and it comforted her. But she was worried that Zac and Sophie didn’t feel the same way.

  She wrote: “Smoky and Pom have been visiting mostly during the night hours. Zac has been terrified to sleep in my room once the lights are turned off. Sophie stays with us more, yet something is bothering her too.”

  Ann asked me if I could have a chat with Zac and Sophie to find out if these visitations were what is bothering them so much. She said: “I love to feel Smoke and Pom’s presence and don’t want them to stop coming. But I believe that these visits are scaring Zac and Sophie. Can you ask them if they will be able to adapt to these visits? Will you explain to them that we are all family, in life and in death?”

  Zac came to Ann from a shelter and in his early days in the home, was a very nervous kitty. I had spoken with him about this early on and was happy to hear from Ann that he had relaxed tremendously. He was now pretty comfortable in his new surroundings. I hoped that the visitations weren’t going to cause his nervousness to come back.

  I connected to both kitties and asked Zac why he had such a strong reaction to the lights being turned off. He said: “I hear noises. If I’m going to hear noises, I want to see what they are.” I then asked Sophie if this was bothering her as well. She didn’t seem to hear the noises but said, “I figure if Zac is nervous, something must be going on and I get nervous too.” I then asked Zac if the nightly visitations from Smoky and Pom-Pom upset him. They didn’t. Zac said: “They are both always really nice to me when they come. They don’t bother me.”

  When I asked Zac to describe the noises, he said it sounded like a very low and soft moaning sound and then said, “When I hear these noises, I worry about the safety of my family.” Sophie piped in: “Maybe it is Dad making noises while he sleeps.” At this point, I heard a sound coming from Sophie’s tummy and sensed a gas build up. I thought perhaps these grumbling sounds were what Zac was hearing.

  We said goodbye and as I was preparing to shut down and leave my meditation, I suddenly had two visitors. Smoky and Pom suddenly appeared and said: “It isn’t Dad and it isn’t us.” Then they disappeared.

  I related to Ann all that was said in the reading and she sai
d she would continue to observe them and see if Zac was reacting to Sophie’s indigestion. She was so happy to know that her beloved Smokey and Pom had popped in to help.

  I heard from Ann again the very next day. The situation had become worse. The kitties were really frightened of something; and it wasn’t a little indigestion. Ann felt there was a much larger problem. Because she is a very gifted psychic, I completely trusted her intuition and connected with Zac once more.

  Zac said there is a ghost he was seeing and that he shows up much more strongly when the lights are out. I asked Zac why he hadn’t told me this in the first reading, and he replied: “You didn’t ask me once you found out that Sophie makes noises in her stomach.” I’m sorry to say, he was right. Because I was being shown her tummy and I was hearing growling, I thought that was all we were dealing with.

  This reading taught me that sometimes I need to dig deeper and not accept face value. I asked Zac to tell me more about this and he said in a very emotional tone: “I see him! I see him when it’s dark. He is mean and he hates cats.” I asked Zac how long he had been seeing this spirit and he said: “For a few months but he is getting stronger from being here and is showing up more. He shows up better in the dark. Please tell Mom to get rid of him before he gets stronger and the family starts to feel and see him too. He is feeding off from Mom’s psychic energy!” He was very panic stricken at the thought that his family might be in jeopardy.

  I asked Zac if having a night light on would help while his Mom worked on ridding the home of this spirit. “A night light would help a little but I will still hear him. He has slow, heavy footsteps and I run and hide when I hear them.” I asked Zac if he was sure he was a bad spirit and not just a ghost who popped in and may pop out again. “I’m sure. I see spirits a lot and they don’t scare me but this one does!”

  Then I saw and felt him too, and completely understood why Zac was so frightened. Bitterness and hatred radiated from this spirit. It came in waves as I was looking at him. He glared at me and didn’t welcome my intrusion at all, and I felt he was there to stay. He looked like he had come from another era. His hair was scraggly and down to the shoulders. He had a cruel looking visage and wore a long beard. He was very unclean and I suspected that he hadn’t combed his hair in a very long time, or hadn’t been able to. He wore a dark colored overcoat that went down to his ankles. And Zac was right: He hated cats. He hated everyone. I kept seeing a Civil War battle and felt he was a soldier from that time. As scary as he looked, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. He seemed like a trapped soul: locked in time.

  Zac told me he was concerned that this ghost would go into Ann’s little girl’s room. He said, “I want to protect her, but I don’t know how.” Ann had mentioned there is a baby monitor in her daughter’s room and wondered if the white noise from it bothered him. He said no but asked me to tell her to listen carefully to it at night as she might hear something. I thanked Zac for talking to me and told him I was sorry that I hadn’t gotten it right the other day. I also told him that when he hears these noises, instead of running away, he should stay close to his family. I assured him that they would never let anything harm him. Before he left me, he said: “I just want to feel safe again.”

  After this reading, Ann wrote: “I knew I sensed something and I could see a shadow from the corner of my eye. I will need to cleanse and ask him to leave the house. For some reason, we have many spirits in this area. Here we go again.”

  I’m happy to report that Ann enlisted the help of another Medium and together they cleansed the house and the spirit moved on. Ann and I stay in touch and not too long ago, she wrote: “We have cleansed the house of several spirits since then. I have been told very often that my property shares many spirits from the war.” Another Medium once told Ann that this type of activity in her home will not end. Because of her psychic abilities, she is seen from the other side as a beacon, a burning light leading to a place of safety and acceptance. So they come. We psychics have a term for this. We call ourselves Ghost Magnets.

  Fortunately, Ann is a very intrepid soul with a unique and compassionate understanding of lost souls. She doesn’t frighten easily and she is the bedrock of the home. With her overseeing the visitations, her pets and family couldn’t be in better or more capable hands.


  Reading Excerpts

  Emily – a dog:

  Emily showed me a picture of a Frisbee and said: “Other dogs like to play with these things, but I like to chew on them.”


  Tasha – a cat:

  Tasha’s owner was concerned that she growled at guests. Tasha said: “I don’t like people coming over and grabbing at me. So I growl. I won’t hurt anyone, but they need to listen to me!”


  Max – an African Gray Parrot:

  When asked what he thought of the other birds in the house (cockatiels) he said:

  “They are kind of loud and not as beautiful as I am.”


  Sometimes an owner will ask me to have their pet tell me something that they would be able to recognize.

  Meatball – a cat on the other side:

  “Mom told me all of her secrets. But I’m not telling you any of them!”


  Ashley – a cat on the other side:

  Ashley chuckled and said: “Tell Mom I used to like to watch.” The owner sheepishly told me this referred to her and her husband. And yes, it is what you think.


  Reading Excerpts

  Marigold – a Macaw:

  Marigold shares a home with various dogs and cats. Her owner wanted to know why she is acting up and yelling:

  “I want attention! They would rather play with the others than me. They don’t know how to play with a bird!”


  Blue – a dog:

  Despite their best efforts, Blue’s owners were having trouble getting him to stop jumping up on people. Blue said:

  “I like to get up on my hind legs so I can be close to their faces. I want to hug the way people hug.” His owner confirmed that he stands up and puts his arms over people’s shoulders.


  Bowie – a cat:

  “The bathroom is a great place to visit people. They are alone and sitting down.”


  Maxwell – a dog:

  The owners wanted to know if there was anything they could do to help Maxwell with his separation anxiety. He responded:

  “Stay home!”


  Beni – a miniature dachshund puppy:

  “I love my name! Sometimes it means food!”

  The Raccoon Lodge

  Mariah Bayou, Frisco, Sammy Joe and Rambo

  Mariah Bayou getting chin rubs from Daddy Dan while Frisco looks on

  I have a soft spot for Raccoons. They have always fascinated me and who could resist those little masked faces? I once had a home situated on the Winooski River here in Vermont. My back deck was perched on the hillside that led to the water and I had the pleasure of seeing many riverbank denizens on a daily basis. My favorites were the Raccoons who would come up on my deck every night for treats. They became so comfortable with me that after they ate, they would often lay on my deck soaking up the moonshine while I talked to them through the screen door. When I had to move, I was desolate.

  When I met Nancy and Dan through my pet work, I was thrilled; they have a license to care for Raccoons and they know how to use it. Their home has seen many come and go; all of them special; all of them loved.

  I had the unique pleasure of speaking to some of their Raccoon kids, both here and passed on. The following are highlights from some of these readings.

  Mariah Bayou

  Nancy first contacted me to speak to her beloved Mariah Bayou who had just passed on from liver disease. She was heartbroken and Mariah’s brothers, Frisco, Rambo and Sammy Jo were having a difficult time as well. One concern that Nancy had was that Mar
iah wouldn’t understand why she had to be put in a carrier and taken to the vets on that last day. She wanted to be sure that Mariah knew it was an act of love. She needn’t have worried. Mariah understood perfectly as do all of our animals when they pass on. The other side gives them a perspective that they can’t have here. They see and understand everything that has taken place.

  Mariah said: “They always did what was best for me. They loved me so. I trusted them completely and they never let me down. Not ever.” Here are some other words from Mariah Bayou:

  “We all had so much fun together and our journey isn’t over. Please tell them that.”

  “It is so beautiful where I am and nothing hurts anymore. That was their gift to me.”

  “They always knew that I was the wise one.”

  “Tell them I will try to brush by their legs when I am visiting so they will know I am there.”

  “I never could have known how wonderful humans could be if it weren’t for them. They taught me so much.”

  “They are special over here, you know. Many animal spirits watch over them.”

  “Please tell them that I loved having a name. It made me feel so special.”


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