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The Pet Psychic Diaries

Page 6

by Jeanne Miller

  But still, I agreed. I agreed, and then I prayed. I prayed harder than I have ever prayed in my life. I asked God and my Spirit Guides to help me get it right. I’m not saying that I am so important that I was the only one who could help her. But I knew that if this didn’t go right, she would not go to another communicator. I knew it in my heart. And the opportunity to talk to her baby again would be lost; maybe forever. I can’t bear to see people in pain and my desire to help her welled up so strongly in me that I knew I had to try.

  During our communication, she wrote in part: “I’ve been crying for the last four hours and I hurt so much. Without my Bennie, my world is very different and very sad. Please let me know soon because I really need your help.”


  She settled on two test questions: “He had two special toys. One he sucked on when he would lay on the floor and one that slept in the bed with him at night. Can you identify one of them?”

  “Can he tell you what he used to do to my head?”

  There were many more questions in the reading but I knew these came first and were of primary importance. I hadn’t been in meditation very long when panic set in. Try as I might, I just couldn’t get a clear picture of his toys. All I could see was him holding something in his mouth with long legs dangling down from it. I finally had to settle for that as I just couldn’t get any finer detail from the vision.

  I moved onto the next question nervously. But there was no need. Benjamin looked at me and plainly said: “I loved to chew and suck on Mama’s hair. It made me feel close to her and it comforted me.”

  When I relayed this to Rachel, she wrote: “Oh my God Jeanne….it is him. I have no doubts and I’m sorry I ever did. His monkey was the only toy he played with and the arms had come off. It only had two legs that dangled. And he always used to flea my hair.”

  One of the issues that had haunted Rachel for so long and had caused her tremendous emotional pain, involved Bennie’s last day with her. She knew it was time to let him go, but as she was holding him while the vet was getting ready, he suddenly yelped and jumped out of her arms. Since that day, Rachel had been suffering from the feeling that maybe Bennie was trying to tell her that he didn’t want to go. But that wasn’t the case. Bennie told me that he felt Rachel’s arm tighten as she tensed up when the vet approached. Her sweet boy thought that Rachel was afraid of the doctor and he reacted. He also said that he felt a pinching feeling as she tensed and it hurt a sore spot on his back so he yelped. Rachel wrote in part: “I felt huge guilt because I had thought he was trying to tell me ‘not yet’ and I wasn’t hearing him; and then it was too late and he was gone. This moment has played back in my mind so many times and I had such feelings of guilt….but not anymore. I am crying my eyes out again right now, but it is strange….I feel a peace in my heart now.”

  There were many other things that Bennie and I talked about that day; many messages to his beloved Mama Rachel. He told me that he visits her in dreams but she is still too upset to feel it or to remember it. He wanted her to know that he is now in a beautiful place where he runs and never gets tired anymore. He can hear her when she talks to him and will she please keep telling him her secrets? He wanted her to know that he lives in her heart as she does in his. He said: “That doesn’t die. Ever.”

  Rachel wrote: “I’m not crying right now. I feel so much peace and happiness after this.”

  Both Rachel and I were taught so many things in this reading. She learned that her baby will always be there waiting for her; that he watches over her and always will. And I learned about the healing power of this work. How a communication from the other side, can mend a broken heart on this one.

  One thing I’ve never forgotten and never want to, is something that little Benjamin said. He tipped his little face up to me and said: “She loved me more than anything else in this world…more than 1,000 moons…and I loved her the same way. And I still do.”

  I hope you have enjoyed these stories from my first year as a working Pet Psychic. Some days, being a psychic medium can be difficult. The heightened sensitivity that we have to develop can make our lives painful at times, both physically and emotionally. But at the end of the day, despite this, I sometimes think I’m the luckiest person alive. I get to talk to animals. And they talk back.


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