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Made to Riot_A Motorcycle Club Romance_The Ancestors MC

Page 16

by Nicole Fox


  We finished stripping one another, both of us stepping into the shower once we were fully nude. The water felt like heaven on my tight, worn muscles, almost as though I was able to wash the stress of the last few days away along with the dirt and grime. After my body was clean, I moved Bryce under the nozzle, letting the hot water pour down his body. I watched this process eagerly, observing the sweat and blood drip down him, down to his legs, then his feet, until he was perfectly clean. Small cuts were here and there, but nothing too distracting from his unbelievable physique. There wasn’t a trace of fat on his body, and he seemed to be cut from stone. He looked over my body with just as much sensual interest with which I’d been looking at his; I could sense exactly what was on his mind. As my eyes locked onto his manhood hanging long and thick between his legs, I was thinking the same thing.

  And though he was just about washed clean, my only thought I was just how I could scrub him down even more.

  Taking the soap from where it lay, I worked up a rich lather in my hands. Once I was good and soapy, I made a “turn around” gesture with my finger. With a smirk, Bryce complied. His broad back now facing me, I slowly moved my hands along his body, wiping the pearl-white suds along his muscles, the rich, musky scent of the soap wafting into my nostrils. I watched as the suds dripped down his body, curving down the hard roundness of his ass before moving to his thick, sturdy legs. Placing my hands on his shoulders, I turned him back around.

  I repeated the process, scrubbing his perfect chest clean, my hands moving lower and lower, closer and closer to what I really wanted …

  But just as I arrived, Byrce’s hand wrapped around my wrist. He narrowed his eyes, and I knew what that meant: it was my turn.

  Bryce began to wash me, lathering up his big, strong hands and soaping my body good. He paid special attention to my breasts, my ass, and my inner thighs. He moved his hands close, tantalizingly close to where I wanted them, but he seemed to be taking pleasure in letting me wait for what I knew was to come. I kept one eye on his cock as he washed me, watching it grow stiff as he touched my body. Finally, once I was washed clean, he put his hands on my hips and turned me on my feet. A wicked smile formed on my lips as I pressed my hands against the wet tile. One hand on my shoulder, he moved the other between my legs, spreading my stance.

  Then, his hand moved up. But he didn’t stop this time. The sides of his fingers grazed against my sex, sending more tingles up my spine. Next, he placed the head of his prick against me, and it took all the restraint I had not to reach back, grab his hips, and drive it into me as deep as it would go. But just at the moment I felt that I couldn’t take any more anticipation, Bryce slid himself into me. I closed my eyes as he entered me, focusing on each inch of his thick prick. Once he was fully buried inside me, I let out a soft sigh, my legs already feeling weaker. But Bryce kept me steady, his hands firm on my hips as he slid slowly in and out of me. The hot water of the shower sprayed against my back as he increased the pace of his thrusts, the combined sensations bringing me close to something like heaven.

  Bryce turned me towards the glass of the show door and pushed me against it with a grunting thrust, my breasts now pressed against the glass. I grabbed onto the metal bar on the door, holding it tight as he pounded me harder and harder, the sound of his hips slapping against my ass ringing out in the enclosed space.

  I couldn’t get enough. I wanted Bryce to shove his cock into me as deep as it would go and never pull it out. I wanted to cum hard, right then and there, but I knew it would take more of him, more plunges of his prick into me before the orgasm that I so desperately wanted would be set loose. Just as Bryce settled into the steady rhythm that I need to cum, however, he pulled out, turned me around, and, with his hands grabbing my ass hard, lifted me into the air. I wrapped my legs around him and within moments he was shoved back into me fucking me hard in this new position just as hard as he’d been before.

  I moaned as he pounded me, loving the feeling of being held in his arms, held close to him, held tight against his solid body. The angle of his cock entering me was perfect, driving into me firm and deep, hitting the exact spots that I needed it to hit. Not needing to worry about even standing, I let my body go, let Bryce to the work, let myself turn to putty in his thick arms.

  My orgasm arrived with the intensity of a stampede. I felt as though my body had been thrown under a great wave of pure bliss, the feeling running through my body and overwhelming my senses. I couldn’t believe how strong the pleasure was, how happy I was to just lose myself in the ecstasy of Bryce’s touch. I rested my head on his wet, strong shoulder, closing my eyes tight as he drove into me over and over, exploring every last bit of me and forcing every drop of pleasure out of my body.

  Bryce came soon after, emptying himself into me, his grip only tightening as he came. Soon, we were both finished, and he held me in his arms close, the water washing over both of our bodies, as though baptizing us as one flesh joined.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I woke up the next morning with Anya sleeping softly next to me. I laid there for a little while, watching the sun come up through the city outside of the window, watching Anya’s chest rise and fall with each breath, watching the city come to life outside.

  After a little while, I got up and shook the last bits of fatigue out of my body. I was ready for the day ahead, ready to see this shit to an end, one way or another. The meeting wasn’t until 6:00 p.m., so I had the day to kill. I made some breakfast for Anya and gave it to her in bed, letting her rest a little while longer—no sense in making her rush.

  “You don’t have to go with me,” I said, watching her eat.

  “Yes, I do,” she said. “I have to see this through, and I have to be there to do whatever I can to help.”

  “How’re you gonna help?” I asked. “Can you hit a moving target at fifty feet with a pistol?”

  “No, but I can take the bullet out if you get hit by something doing just that.”

  She was right, and I hated it. If I got shot by one of these assholes, her help could mean the difference between life and death. I’d seen how well she’d patched up Donny; she might’ve saved his life. Anya might not be able to field strip a hunting rifle, but she could patch up a wound. I could destroy, but she could heal. Two sides to the same coin.

  Anya reached lazily over to her clothes and pulled out her phone.

  “Shit,” she said, her eyes on the screen.

  “What?” I asked.

  “My brothers. They’re not too happy about my little field trip.”

  “Tell them to fuck off. Tell them it’s from me.”

  She smirked, the thought clearly on her mind.

  “I can’t,” she said. “They’re lazy, they’re stupid, and they’re damn near helpless, but they’re my family. I can’t just leave them without a word.”

  Her eyes widened as she realized what she said.


  “Don’t worry about it,” I said. “My pops had good reason to do what he did.”

  Anya nodded.

  “So, what do we do?”

  “We keep a low profile until tonight. Odds are slim of it happening, but I don’t want to risk bumping into anyone from the crew. We’ve got the element of surprise, and I don’t want to waste it.”

  The hours passed. I looked over my bike, making sure that it was good for action. Anya checked in with the hospital, finding out that the place was going to be closed for the next day or two while they cleaned the place up and the police found out what they could from the fight.

  Soon, the evening approached, and it was time to go.

  “You ready?” I asked.

  “About as ready as I’m going to be,” she said. “What’s the plan?”

  “Plan is that I show up and settle the score. They’ll be surprised to see me, but I’m sure I can take good advantage of that.”

  “And then what? Kill them all?”

; “If it comes to that. And you stay close; who knows when shit’ll go down, and I don’t want you wandering off.”

  Anya nodded in understanding. I grabbed one of my pistols from the safe, checked the ammo, and tucked the thing into my back. Hopefully, it’d be enough. Soon, we were on my bike and on our way.

  I spent the ride thinking about what I’d say to the bosses. I didn’t know if I’d want to just murder them outright, or if I wanted to hear them out first, maybe find out where Pops went off to. Main thing was getting revenge and getting out of this thing alive, and not letting Anya come to harm in the process. Part of me wanted to just drive her back to her house, drag her up to her front door, and leave her there for her brothers. The idea of her getting hurt in the process of me exacting my revenge made me sick to my stomach, but I understood the need she had, that need to see things through to the bitter end. And to be perfectly honest, I liked having the girl around. It made me feel good to know that there was someone in my corner, someone who gave a shit about whether I lived or died.

  Soon, we arrived at the bar, and I pulled my bike into my usual spot. The place didn’t seem too packed; I figured that the bosses wanted to keep things low-key for a meeting with Donny. The usual loud music and commotion that I could normally hear from outside of the bar was noticeably absent, and the vibe was eerie, almost like I was standing in front of a haunted house.

  Anya at my side, I opened the front doors and stepped in. Sure enough, the place was empty, only a bartender who I’d never seen before standing behind the bar, getting the evening set up. He looked me over as I walked in, his eyes flicking from patch to patch on my kutte. And when he saw the Ancestors logo on my back, he knew that I was on the level. I pointed to the doors leading to the back, and he nodded in understanding.

  I walked to the back doors, a knot tying tighter in my stomach with each step I took. Soon, I was in the hallway leading to the doors to the boss’s office. Whatever happened in the next hour, I knew there was a chance I might not be walking out of here alive. Standing at the doors leading to the office, I looked over at Anya. She nodded. I lifted my hand, balled my fingers into a tight fist, and gave the door three solid raps.

  “Come in,” said the booming voice from inside.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  “What the fuck!” shouted Papa, nearly jumping out of his chair as though he’d seen a ghost when I walked in.

  My eyes flicked to Roach, who instantly pulled out his pistol and aimed it square at my chest. Only Thorne lifting his hand in a “stop” gesture prevent Roach from ventilating me right then and there.

  “What the hell, Thorne?” asked Roach. “You know this fuck’s supposed to be dead!”

  “Oh, I know,” said Thorne, narrowing his eyes at me. “But he’s not; he’s standing right in front of us, that same normie bitch right there with him.”

  Now I was the one exercising restraint.

  “So, I figure there’s a damn good reason why he’s come back to have a little chat with us.”

  “You’re goddamn right about that,” I said.

  “Well then, Bryce; have a seat,” said Thorne, extending his palm to the seats across from the card table.

  There was no one else in the room—no girls, no lieutenants, no one. Just us five.

  “Where’s Donny?” asked Papa, barely hiding the concern in his voice. “You kill him?”

  “Nope,” I said, taking my seat, Anya sliding into the chair next to me. “Wanted to kill that little traitor fuck, though. You can thank her for him still being alive.”

  I pointed to Anya, who sat stone still, not a peep coming out of her mouth. I was glad for that; it meant that she finally understood how to handle herself in this world.

  “Then where is he?” demanded Papa.

  “If he knows what’s good for him, then he’s long gone. Not sure why you’re so concerned; backstabbers like that’re a dime-a-fuckin’-dozen.”

  “Enough of the bullshit,” said Thorne. “Why the hell are you here?”

  I took a slow, deep breath before speaking.

  “Well, when I found Donny. Or, I should say, when he found me, he and I got to talking. He’s a little bit of a chatterbox once you get him to talking. Though I’d imagine most men would be when they’re bleeding out and there’s only one nurse within ten miles.”

  Papa looked like he wanted to strangle me right then and there.

  “He let me know about my pops, and let me know how the crew’d been making its extra money these days.”

  Roach and Papa shot worried glances to Thorne, who stayed just as calm as ever.

  “That’s right. And we sent your pops packing when he found out.”

  Thorne sat back in his seat and took a sip from his drink.

  “We had high hopes for you, you know. Back before it started looking more and more like you’d be a chip off the old block. When your pops wanted you to move up to a full-fledged member, I was more than happy about that; I’d been considering the same thing for a while. Too bad the circumstances had to be what they were. But you had to keep playing by your own rules. So, when Donny came to us with the plan to take you out, well, it just seemed like good business.”

  “‘Good business,’ huh?” I said, the scorn welling in the back of my throat.

  It took all the restraint I had not to pull out my gun and open up on those assholes right then and there.

  “You kidding me?” said Thorne, raising his eyebrows. “You know how much money these girls bring in? And we don’t gotta do a damn thing; we just turn a blind eye while these Ukrainian assholes move ’em through our turf. We cut a fat stack of cash, and they just do what they were gonna do anyway. A real no-brainer, if you ask me.”

  “And the meth?” I asked.

  “That’s my little area of expertise,” said Roach. “We pay the tweakers to cook up batches, then all we gotta do is handle distribution. Money on top of money on top of money.”

  “Not to mention drugs and prostitutes go together like peanut butter and chocolate,” said Papa.

  “You ain’t kiddin’ about that,” said Roach, slapping Papa on the back and letting out a loud laugh.

  “I can’t believe this shit,” I said, my blood pressure rising by the second.

  “Not surprised to hear that,” said Thorne. “It’s what your pops said too. And it’s why we made the decision to rub you out when we did. You know, for a couple of hardass one-percenters, you two have a couple of major do-gooder streaks in you.”

  Thorne sat back in his seat.

  “So what now, Brycie? You want to be a real superhero, take us out?”

  I wanted to more than anything. But first, I had something else to do. I stood up, slipped out of my kutte, and tossed it in on the table.

  “I’m done with this fuckin’ club,” I said. “You three make me sick.”

  “A little dramatic, but I can understand the sentiment,” said Thorne.

  But right at that moment, before I could say or do anything else, a bang sounded out from the main bar area.

  “That would be our backup,” said Thorne, his beady eyes narrowed into sinister slivers. “Looks like you’re about to have the shortest retirement of all time, Brycie.”

  That was all I needed to hear.

  I went for my gun.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  I cracked off a pair of shots, the rounds hitting Roach square in the chest and sending him falling backward in his seat. He let out a yell of pain and that was it; I didn’t hear anything else from him after that.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Papa and Thorne reach for their guns, each pulling out a chrome pistol. I grabbed my chair and threw it at Papa, the thing hitting him right in the face and sending him flying backward. I didn’t get him as fatally as I got Roach, but he was at least down for the moment.

  But there was still Thorne.

  “I’ll kill you, you ungrateful little fuck!” he shouted, draw
ing a bead on me.

  Before he could pull the trigger, however, Anya snatched my kutte off from the table and gave it a whip-toss across the table, the vest landing with a soft slap on Thorne’s face.

  “Ah, fuck!” he said, his vision covered.

  The gun went off with a punch-bang, the bullet going wide.

  I knew I’d brought this girl for a reason.

  “Get out into the hallway!” I yelled at Anya.

  She nodded and made a break for the door.


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