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Filled By The Alphas

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by Krista Bella

  Copyright © 2014 by Krista Bella

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Twenty-two year old Mina is a curvy college student with no sex life, but that's all about to change when she meets the hunky and delectably handsome Dylan Strider while scouting for donuts at local coffee shop.

  At the outset, Mina is shocked to find out that Dylan is smitten by her curves, as no one has ever lusted after her large boobs and big ass before.

  But when Dylan introduces Mina to his best friend Brad, things are bound to get sticky as Mina uncovers a terrible secret both men are hiding that will change her life forever!


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  About the Author

  Chapter 1

  Mina was hungry. Not that being hungry was anything new for the curvy twenty-two year old college student, but she was also horny. It had been the first thing she was aware of when she had woken up that morning—a craving for donuts...and dick.

  Her problem was; that she had no one to do it with. Having just moved out of her parents' place to study abroad at Wolf State University, she hadn't gotten time to go out on dates because she had been so focused on her academic work.

  That did not mean no one could have asked her out, quite the opposite. Mina would have loved if someone would have come up to her and asked her out on a date that would eventually lead to hot and steamy sex, but so far she had no such luck.

  Mina hated to think that the young college jocks did not approach her because she was a big girl. She saw absolutely nothing wrong with having a little extra meat on her bones.

  With one-hundred and eighty pounds packed onto a five-six frame, Mina had an hour glass figure with boobs and ass for days.

  Maybe it's because I rarely dress in a way that flaunts my curves, she thought to herself as she stood in line behind a tall guy at an on-campus Starbucks. But maybe my luck will change today.

  Today, she had dressed like she felt—slutty. She wore a form-fitting red dress that showcased her dangerous curves and matching heels, and her dirty-blonde hair was pulled back into a high pony tail, feathery bangs barely touching her eyelids.

  She had spent a good amount of time on her make-up, too. Her eyes were rimmed with eyeliner and her lids were smoky and seductive. When she had left her dorm earlier that morning, she had left out felling sexy. Wanted.

  Now all she needed was a hot guy to validate her feelings.

  She held in a sigh of frustration as the line, which was stretched back near the entrance of the coffee shop moved by one costumer. It was too bad she needed her morning fix—a donut and a caramel latte—otherwise she would have already left.

  If it did not start moving faster soon, then she would be forced to leave. Her first class of the day would be starting soon.

  Unable to stand the wait, Mina muttered quietly to herself, "This is some bullshit. How does it always take them so long for individual orders? You would think they would be pros at this by now."

  At the sound of her voice, the tall guy standing directly in front of Mina turned around and Mina's breath caught in her throat.

  Chapter 2

  He was a handsome devil, she had to admit.

  Dressed in a WSU varsity jacket and torn, blue jeans, he had a physique that could put Apollo to shame with his bulging muscles, broad shoulders and slender waist. Mina marveled at the handsomeness of his features, his striking blue eyes, strong jaw line, high cheekbones, pouty lips and a cleft in his chin. All that sexiness was capped by a pile of tousled blonde hair.

  I could definitely see those lips on mine, Mina thought lustily, glancing at the young man's feet. He had on casual basketball shoes, but they were huge. And you know what they say about big feet, thought Mina with admiration.

  The handsome stud chuckled and smiled, sending butterflies flittering through her stomach. "I agree with you. It's always like this on Friday."

  Dang, he must have really good hearing, Mina thought. I barely whispered and he still heard me.

  Not only that, his voice was deep...and sexy.

  The handsome guy made a motion to the space in front of him. "You can have my spot if you want. I'm not in any rush. I don't have any classes today."

  "Why, thank you." Mina felt appreciation surge through her breasts as she moved in front of the guy. "You're so kind." As she passed, she brushed lightly against his arm and it felt like electricity went through her body. It thrilled Mina that a hot guy like him would go out of his way to please her.

  The stud grinned at her, displaying sharp, white teeth that were perfectly straight. "No problem."

  Maybe my hot outfit is working, she thought hopefully. This is the first time since being at this school that a guy has done something nice for me...and he's super hot to boot.

  But what the guy said next shocked her even more. "You're cute," he complimented her, his eyes roving over her curves. "Why haven't I seen you around here before?"

  He said I'm cute! Mina exulted, trying to keep her jaw from dropping on the floor.

  It took her a moment to respond as she studied the blonde. The guy looked like the type that he could have any girl he wanted and he probably went for skinny bitches, but he must have had a much broader appetite if he was digging Mina's curves.

  Mina smiled nervously at him and replied, "Maybe that's because you don't hang out in the right spots."

  He grinned and ran a hand through his luscious locks. "You're right. I don't come here often. Coffee and donuts isn't my thing, I tend to like only meat, but for some reason, I had a craving for something different today."

  You and I both, honey.

  "What's your name?" he asked her curiously when she did not respond right away.

  "My name is Candy," replied Mina.

  His handsome face twisted into a skeptical scowl. "You serious?"

  "No," Mina admitted. "My real name is Mina. But Candy is a nickname I got from high school since I used to eat Candy all the time. And I've been called it so much that I've gotten used to it."

  "Ah." He shook his head as his eyes fell to her large breasts and back up to her face. "You sure look sweet, I know that."

  Where the hell have you been all my life? wondered Mina, her cheeks turning a rosy red at his shameless inspection. She could hardly believe that a stud this hot could be talking to her, checking her out, and showering her with compliments.

  "Thank you," she gushed. "What's your name?"

  Hot ass stud, she thought. That's what it is.

  "Dylan," he replied, extending a large hand. "Dylan Strider."

  "Nice to meet you Dylan." Mina accepted his hand and shook it. His hands felt nice and strong. She could imagine them roving all over her curves.

  In front of them, the line moved by several costumers.

  "How long have you been enrolled here?" Dylan asked.

  "I'm a freshman."

  "What's your major?"


  "What about you?"

  Dylan let out a derisive snort. "Not shit. I'm too stupid to learn."

  Mina gaped. "Seriously?"

  "Ha-ha," Dylan laughed at her scandalous look. "You should have seen your face! But I'm just kidding. I'm taking the pre-req's I need to get into Med school, but in the meantime, I mostly enjoy being the star player on WSU rugby team." He studied Mina's face. "Have you seen us play?"

  Mina shook her head. Sports wasn't her thing. "No, can't say that I have." She would have never pegged Dylan as the type that would be trying
to get into med school. He looked like he could be a model for a high-powered magazine...or a movie star. "But wow," said Mina. "I totally don't see you as a doctor."

  Dylan grinned wolfishly. "You know, I get that a lot. People think just because I'm tall and an athlete, that I'm also a dumb ass." He shook his head. "Nothing could be further from the truth. I'm actually quite," Dylan's eyes seemed to suddenly burn with an unnerving intensity, "dangerous."

  Mina shivered involuntarily as chill ran up her spine. There was something about the way Dylan had said the word dangerous that frightened her. "I'm sorry if I offended you," Mina apologized quickly. "I did not mean to imply that you were stupid."

  Dylan's eyes lost their intensity and he waved a hand. "No offense taken. But nah, I'm actually very excited about being here. I'm the first of my pack to go to college so it's quite an accomplishment."

  The line moved another costumer.

  Mina's face scrunched into a confused expression. "Pack?"

  Dylan looked at her like he did not understand her question for a moment, but then realization spread over his visage. "Oh shit, sorry. I mean my family."

  "Never heard someone refer to their family as a pack before."

  Dylan scratched at his hair. "It's a Strider family thing. We've always been so close and gone everywhere together that we referred to our family unit as a pack."

  "That makes sense," said Mina even though it didn't.

  The line had moved enough now that Mina was at the front of the line so she had to turn away from Dylan to make her order. As she waited for the woman to make her latte and package her donut, she debated on whether to ask Dylan out because she was afraid once she got her order that she would leave the coffee shop and their lives would never cross paths again.

  It's not every day that some hot guy like him calls me cute and checks out my curves, thought Mina.

  Dylan was so handsome, delicious even, and was exactly the kind of guy that Mina wanted. It would be a shame to leave and never see him again. She had to do something.

  Before she could get up the nerve to ask him out, the Starbucks employee returned with her order. She paid the woman and spun around with her goods to say a goodbye to Dylan.

  But she turned around too quick.

  For some reason or the other, the cap on her latte wasn't capped correctly, and she watched with horror as half of the steamy contents splashed all over Dylan's WSU jacket.

  Chapter 3

  You clumsy idiot! Mina scolded herself, worried that her latte had burned Dylan. If you hadn't been so consumed with naughty thoughts, this would not have happened.

  "I am so sorry!" Mina cried as Dylan looked down at his ruined jacket. "Are you okay? Did I burn you?"

  Dylan looked up from inspecting his jacket and chuckled. "I'm fine."

  Mina felt relief course through her. "I can pay for your jacket if you want me too."

  Dylan shook his head. "Nah, it's no big deal. I can get another one easy for half off."

  "I will pay," Mina insisted, "it's not a problem at all." She felt totally awful for ruining his jacket.

  This is what waking up horny and encountering a hot guy will do to you, she thought. Make you an absolute klutz.

  Dylan stepped forward to grab some napkins off the counter and began wiping at his jacket. "I said it's not a big deal. Don't worry about it." Once he was done, he smiled at her, filling her stomach with those damn butterflies again and putting her at ease.

  The waiter behind the counter seemed to become agitated. Mina and Dylan were holding up the line of costumers after all.

  "Sir, can I help you with your order?" she asked him with irritation. She seemed to be pissed off that a hot guy like him was talking to Mina who was two and half times her size. "We have people waiting in line."

  Dylan turned. "Oh, sorry. Yeah, can I have an English Bagel and German chocolate coffee?"

  Mina stood off to the side for a few seconds with her wasted latte and donut, feeling like a complete idiot.

  I can't ask him out now, she thought. I've made a complete mess of things.

  On top of that, would Dylan even take being asked out by her seriously? For all she knew, he might start laughing in her face when she asked him. Just because a guy called her cute, did not mean he wanted to go out with her.

  The more she stood there thinking about it, the more her confidence faltered.

  Right then, her cell beeped. It was time for class.


  "I have to go to class," Mina blurted to Dylan who was watching his order be filled. "See you around some time?"

  Ask me out please! Mina begged.

  Dylan looked at her and grinned. "Yeah, see you around. It was nice meeting you, Mina."

  Disappointment surged through Mina's chest. That was it? He called her cute, admired her curves and he wasn't going to ask her out? What a rip off.

  Well I can't stand here like a moron gaping at him, she thought. I have to get to class.

  Her dreams of having sex with a hot college jock shattered, Mina turned slowly and walked out of the coffee shop.

  Chapter 4

  As she headed to class while finishing her wasted latte and eating her donut, Mina felt depressed. Dylan was everything that she desired in a guy, tall, handsome, strong and devastatingly hot. Who cares if he had shit for brains? He was just what she needed to satisfy those primal cravings she had woke up with.

  Too bad she would never have him.

  In her psychology class, she sat near the back of stadium seating room, her thoughts only on Dylan and his hot body. She was glad it was Friday and her only class of the day.

  In the background, the psychology teacher was going on and on about an exercise that the class was going to do for the day. Mina wished he would just shut the hell up already. She could hardly concentrate because she was imagining what it would feel like to be taking by such a hot stud.

  She imagined Dylan walking into the classroom and scanning the room for her. Once he found her, his eyes would center on her like a hawk and he would beeline up the stairs to her seat.

  Once there, he would jerk her up, lift up her dress, exposing her big ass and thong, bend her over, pull her thong to the side and began pounding her like a wild animal while all of Mina's classmates watched in shock and horror.

  The thought of all eyes being on her while she was ravaged by Dylan, only heightened the fantasy and she felt moistness began to pool between her thighs.

  Then, after he was done ravaging her, Mina would get on her knees and service his giant cock, filling the room with slurping noises. She imagined that her sucking would turn on others in the class, but they would be too shocked to do anything. She would suck and suck until Dylan would climax in her mouth.

  The steamy fantasy was making Mina's body temperature rise out of control while the professor's monotone voice droned on in the background. Before she knew it, Mina had reached down in between her large thighs and began brushing up against her swollen mound that was moist with her juices. Immediately, a fire began to burn inside of her lower stomach and she had to hold back a moan.


  At the sound of her name breaking through to her consciousness, Mina gasped and quickly snatched her hand away from her wet mound and snapped her legs shut. She had been so engrossed in her fantasy that she had not heard her bastard professor call out her name several times.

  Her cheeks a crimson red, Mina saw several of the male students looking back at her and whispering amongst each other.

  Did they see me? she wondered, her heart pounding within her chest. For some reason, the thought horrified her and turned her on all at once.

  "Yes?" Mina squeaked.

  Her professor, Dr. James Hardwood, a middle-aged man in the prime of his life, looked at her with concern. "You alright back there?"

  Mina's heart continued to pound. "Yeah. I'm fine."

  James looked slightly unconvinced, but still asked, "I was asking you your opinion on sexu
al fetishes and their impact on sexual deviances."

  Out of all the questions he could ask me, thought Mina, caught completely off guard.

  Seeing her male classmates still looking her away and whispering amongst each other, Mina crossed her legs and searched her mind for a response. "I think fetishes are something people are born with, and if not fulfilled overtime, it can build into sexual frustration, causing people to act out in detrimental ways. I also think if people were more open-minded about fetishes, it would not be such a taboo subject and there would be less sexually frustrated people running around."

  James nodded at her. "Very good answer, Mina." Then he went on, asking students more questions, prepping them for their classroom exercise. Mina wanted to return to her fantasy, but she could not because now she had unwanted eyes on her.

  Mina spent the rest of the class time, forcing herself to listen to her professor, pretending not to notice the guys talking about her, and engaging in the exercise. And when the bell beeped, signaling that class was over, she could not get out of the room fast enough.

  Chapter 5

  Walking the hallways of WSU, Mina stopped at a vending machine to purchase a bottle of water. It was already hot out and her steamy fantasy about Dylan had made her even hotter and she needed something to cool her down.

  While she was waiting for the bottle to dispense, the same group of guys that had been whispering about her in class walked by and grinned at her.

  "You look hot in your outfit," one of them complimented her.

  Mina smiled, her confidence soaring as they passed on by. "Thank you."

  That's the second time today I've been complimented, she thought excitedly as the sound of the bottle hitting the lower container filled her ears.

  After a few gulps of the water, she began making her way back to her dorm room. Outside, she cut through the campus, taking various shortcuts. As she navigated her way through the maze, she came across a pack of shirtless guys in sporty shorts playing rugby on one of the large empty lawns that littered the campus.


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