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The Devils Apprentice

Page 4

by Cilla Lee

  “Ok Tink,” he says standing, and I take a step back. He's so tall; I have to look back to look at him. I come to his chest in height. I feel so small, compared to him. He runs his knuckles down my cheek, and I have to close my legs together tight to ease the ache down there “See you later baby” he says and the spells broken, I step back and smile

  “See ya Jaxson” he stops at the door and looks back at me.

  “You wanna go for a ride” I force my head side to side, but my inner rebel is screaming yes. If I go for a ride maybe he might stop somewhere and fuck your brains out, but the sensible, logical women inside of me pushes the rebel down, and I shake my head no

  “Not tonight,” I tell him.

  “Another time then,” he says

  “Maybe,” I say, and he nods at me tapping the door frame with his knuckle

  “Later baby” he disappears, and I hear the front door chime. I sit down and just stare at the stencil I used for his tattoo, lost in thought being so close to him for that long had my skin on fire with every brush of my breast rubbing his arm. My nipples aching by the time we were done and my panties were soaked with an ache inside like nothing before. Taking a deep breath, I try and get my emotions back on track (he blew you off) I remind myself

  “You forget something,” Lilly says, and I look at her

  “Sorry What?”

  “Have you forgotten something, you’re supposed to be doing right now” I shake my head, and she laughs at me

  “What?” I ask her

  “A certain English teacher,” she says (fuck Markus)

  “Shit Markus,” I say and grab my bag heading out the door

  “Have fun” she shouts out.



  “Damn man, it looks good. I can't believe Tink done that; it looks so realistic” Jordan says as he looks at it “Why the rose?”

  “Cuff heard us the other day, and he told Tink we were talking about roses and that I liked them” Jordan laughs

  “Well your fuckin’ lucky it looks good man, I love the little fairy she's put in the shading.”

  “What where?” he points to it, and I look closer at it smiling

  “The woman's marked you, man.”


  Jordan and I are standing behind the bar when someone rubs my ass, and I turn to see Summer smiling at me “Hey darlin you want some company tonight” she says, but I frown at her

  “Not tonight” (I'm waiting for the only woman my dick wants)

  “You sure.”


  “You waiting for someone in particular,” she asks me


  “No reason you keep eyeing the door like you’re expecting someone”

  “Well, I'm not so fuck off.”

  “God what crawled up your ass, I was just seeing if you wanted some company.”

  “Well I don't,” I tell her.

  I watch as she walks away in a huff (fuckin’ needy bitches), The minutes go so slow when Lilly and Stryker walk in, and my heart speeds up and waiting for Tink to walk in, but the door closes “Beer us” Stryker says, and I hand him two beers

  “Where’s Tink?” I ask him, and they both look at each other, she's not with Tiny cause he's over by the pool tables with Oki and Dover

  “Busy,” Lilly says but doesn't look at me

  “Is she working late?” I ask her

  “No,” Lilly says

  “Than what's she busy doing.”

  “She's just busy” I frown at her, but she's not looking at me

  “Lilly,” I say, and she turns to me


  “Where is she?” Lilly looks at Stryker and I see him frown a her

  “Just fuckin’ tell him, babe, he's not gonna stop askin’.”

  “Fine, she’s on a date,” she tells me.

  “A date.”


  “With who?”

  “Markus,” she says

  “The Douche.”

  “Jaxson he's a nice guy, and Tink likes him” I frown at her

  “She didn't say anything to me today.”

  “Why would she?” she says, yeah why the fuck would she, where nothing to each other (yeah you made sure of that fuckhead)

  “Where’d, she go, on this date?” I ask, and she shrugs her shoulders.

  “She didn't say” I feel pissed that Lilly doesn't know.

  “Is it you don't know or you don't want to tell me.”

  “I don't know,” she says, and I frown at her

  “You don't know,” I ask annoyed

  “Jesus Jaxson, just leave it will ya” she grabs her drink walking over to the table that Niya and Maggie are sitting at. I grab my phone and call her, but her phone just rings, I try again but nothing

  “Stryker man aren't you worried” he turns to look at me.

  “Dude chill the fuck out ok, she's gone bowling alright.”


  “Yes, now shut the fuck up and give me another beer.”

  “Aren't you worried man?” I ask him

  “No, I've got someone watchin’ her.”

  “You do…. who?”

  “Cuff,” he says


  “Is there a fuckin’ echo in here, she's fine” I feel a little better but not fuckin’ much, I can't believe she went out on a date with that fuckin’ prick again.

  Chapter Five


  When I walked into the cafe I felt a little excited, Markus was a nice guy he was funny, and he seemed kind plus he had a job he loved doing. How many people can truly say they're living their dream “Hey Markus” I say smiling, he smiles back standing up pecking me on the cheek

  “So, happy where doing this,” he says

  “I have to admit after the last date; I didn't think that I would see you again” his smile widens

  “You’re a beautiful women Tink, and I know a good thing when I see it,” he says winking at me, and I smile again blushing (he thinks I'm beautiful)

  “So, bowling,” I ask, and he nods

  “I can't believe you've never done it before” Mr. and Mrs. Johnson come to mind and I frown, god I hate thinking about them and the crappy childhood I had with them. The things I've missed out on

  “Tink are you ok,” Markus asks placing his hand on mine, and I'm back sitting at the cafe with him

  “I'm good,” I say smiling at him again. (I won't let them ruin this)

  “Do you want to do something else” I shake my head

  “No bowling sounds like fun, and as you know I've never done it before, I'm looking forward to it, it is, after all, an American pastime right.”

  “Right,” he says smiling again, and I notice a small dimple on his left cheek


  When we get to the bowling alley, it's busy, the noise of the pinball machines to the left as we walk in. A few pool tables and a small canteen area and then the bowling lanes, the sound of balls rolling down the hard-wooden floors hitting pins. People cheering, kids running around and laughter everywhere. The sounds of people having fun, teenager’s small kids young and old in one place enjoying life, my heart hurts for the things that I've missed out on “What size are you?” Markus asks me


  “Your shoe size, what are you?” I look at him

  “Why?” he laughs

  “You need bowling shoes to walk on the lanes” I look around, and everyone seems to be in the same shoes just different sizes

  “Um I'm a size 35” he looks at my feet.

  “Wow Tink that's a small foot” I smile.

  “Well look at me,” I say, and he laughs more and turns to get our shoes

  The first couple of tries, has Markus showing me how to hold the ball and how to aim it down the aisle. It's one of those corny guys behind a girl sort of things, but Markus is being a complete gentleman and actually showing me how to bowl nothing sexual at all. I get a strike on the third go, a
nd I jump up and down watching all of the pins fall

  “Wow Tink that was great,” he says

  Bowling is so much fun, and I'm actually having fun, I watch Markus and every time the ball is thrown down the alley he leans his body side to side like him moving sideways is going to dictate how the ball will move. I smile at him every time he does it.

  “What are you smiling at,” he says

  “Did you know every time you let the ball go you lean to the side” he looks at me smiling

  “I do” I nod

  “You do” we both laugh.

  “You’re up,” he says rubbing my leg

  As I pick the ball up, I lift it back and aim in the middle of the lanes and step three steps and let the ball fly and Markus starts to laugh, and I turn around just as the ball hits the pins

  “What?” I ask him as he still laughs and he walks towards me

  “You lean too,” he says kissing me on the cheek, and I feel my face heat, I go to sit down not wanting people to see me blushing. As I watch Markus someone covers my eyes with their hands, and I jump as someone whispers

  “Guess who” into my ears.

  The smell of spices, leather and a hint of something sweet and I know straight away it's Cuff. Having to smell that on a daily basis it's not hard, as I pull his hands from my eyes and turn towards him

  “Cuff you idiot” he laughs, and I notice a beautiful woman holding his hand, I feel instantly uncomfortable. She's tall well taller than me but everyone is over the age of twelve is, she has blonde hair perfectly contoured make up her body is to die for the perfect hourglass big boobs skinny waist and huge round ass in tight as fuck jeans, that I swear look painted on. Her shirt leaves nothing to the imagination, and if she bends over, we all get an eye full of her tits. I look down at my wonder women t-shirt jeans and chucks, and I want a hole to swallow me up. I don't have any makeup on, and my hair is on top of my head in a messy bun. I just couldn't be bothered brushing it out. It's to my ass, but it's always up in a messy bun on my head

  “This is Trixy” Cuff says as he pulls her to him and kisses her like he's making sure her tonsils are there. I look at the ground feeling a bit embarrassed when I feel Markus move next to me. The two-break apart, Trixy's eyes glazed over like a woman in love or in lust

  “Hi,” I say, and she smiles back, but I can totally tell it's fake

  “Hi,” she says

  “Markus isn't it,” Cuff says as Markus holds out his hand for Cuff to shake, but Cuff raises his eyebrow at it like it's diseased. Markus holds it there for what seems like ages but lowers it when he realizes Cuff's not gonna shake it

  “What are you doing here Cuff?” I ask giving him the stink eye

  “I'm on a date, as you can see darlin’.”

  “A date?”


  “At the bowling alley,” I ask because I know he’s full of shit, it was either Stryker Tiny or Lilly asked him to come and look out for me

  “Yep,” he says with a big grin, and I feel my foot itching to kick him in the balls

  “Did Stryker or Tiny put you up to this”

  “No,” he says like I've wounded him

  “No,” I say

  “No” he repeats back.

  “Fine, well it was nice to meet you Trixy have a good night” I turn my back on him and his date and go to pick up a ball for my turn.

  “What you’re not gonna ask us to join you” I look up at him again.

  “No,” I say, and he looks surprised

  “Come on Tink, I brought my lady friend here to have fun; you've got him.”

  “Cuff,” I say

  “Come on Tink” I look at Markus, and he smiles, I roll my eyes at Cuff's pouty mouth

  “Fine,” I tell him giving in

  Markus restarts the game adding Cuff and Trixy's name to the board.



  I think I've checked the time on my phone about a hundred times; every beep has me pulling it out to see if Tink's messaged me back “Dude will you chill the fuck out” Jordan tells me as I hold my phone in my hand staring at the screen

  “What I'm just checking the time.”

  “Yeah right, just checking the time.”

  “Yes,” I say pissed off that Tink hasn't messaged me back or called after I left a message for her to ring me

  “Brother just let it be and get back to work,” Jordan tells me


  The rest of the night goes by fast, and I'm lying in my room alone still checking my fuckin’ phone. I wanna throw it at the wall but if I do and she calls (fuck)

  'knock knock.'

  “Yeah what?” I say to the door not moving off of my bed

  “Jaxson” I hear, and I know it's Summer.

  “What?” I yell

  “Can I come in.”

  “No” is all I say, I can see her shadow still standing at my door, but I lay back and stare at the ceiling wondering what Tink's doing. Is she home yet she must be it's after one, did she hate her date or have fun. “FUCK” I yell into my pillow, I punch it to try and get comfortable, but nothing’s happening. “Fuck it,” I say to myself pulling my boots back on. I sit outside of Tiny and Stryker's house and notice Tiny's bedroom light on, I know he took Saffron home with him tonight, so probably still fuckin’ her.

  I stare at the window to Tink's room and wonder what she's doing. The night that I brought her home from the nightclub I watched her for hours sleeping, she was so fuckin’ gorgeous. After I made sure everyone was in their rooms, I'd gotten up and laid down in bed with her in my arms, my dick standing at attention all night. I watched her lay her head on my chest her hair on top of her head in one of those buns, god I wanted to pull whatever was holding her hair up and run my fingers through it. It's almost the same color as mine her blue eyes are so blue they look photoshopped. Her light sprinkling of freckles that cover her nose and cheeks, to her little cupids bow lips that I've imagined around my dick on many occasions sucking me off. I held her to me that night feelings complete warm and other emotions I can't describe. She's gotten under my skin, but I'm to fuckin’ chicken shit to do anything about it. Fuck I wanna break into the house and pull her to me, fuck her right there and make her mine but I know if I did break in I'll probably be dead before I make it halfway up the stairs with either Tiny or Stryker killing my ass. I head back to the clubhouse back to my room and dream of the little tiny pixie that's taken up residence in my brain.


  “You look like fuckin’ shit” Jordan says to me the next morning, I frown at him giving him the finger making him laugh (asshole) After I got back to the clubhouse last night, I lay there all-night thinking about Tink (fuckin’ women’s so far under my skin she’s becoming a part of me)

  “So, what's the plan for today,” I ask Jordan drinking the strongest coffee I could make

  “Razor wants me at the Den, and you’re to stay here at the clubhouse.”

  “Fuck man can't we swap.”

  “No-can-do brother.”


  “Um you forget what you did yesterday” he points to my new tattoo

  “Fuck I forgot” Jordan laughs again

  “No more impersonating each other now fuckhead.”

  “Damn I didn't think this through,” I tell him

  Since Jordan and I where kids we've always pretended to be each other it's always been easy were identical in every way even down to the tattoo's, we've gotten until yesterday. Having another human being around that is you was fun growing up and annoying our family was always a laugh, but when we started our Probation period with The Devils Soldiers, and everyone got us mixed up it just started to annoy me, but when Tink got us mixed up it fucked me off to no end. I wanted her to be able to tell my brother and me apart. I wanted her to see me as me

  Chapter Six


  I lay in bed, for a good half an hour after my alarm went off thinking about my date last night. I've decided
I'm going to give Markus ago, he’s a really is a nice guy, charming, funny, cute, and he holds doors open for me. He even insisted on paying for everything, which I told him I didn’t feel comfortable about, but he was really sweet insisting on it. I told him I’d get the next one, seeing that he’s already paid for two dates. He reminded me of all the romance books I've read, where the men cherish their women. Men who hold their women in high regard, that's what I can see in Markus. Someone who respects women, not once last night did he act like a neanderthal. No, he was sweet, patient and kind. I know I don't have the same feelings I do for Jaxson because whenever I look at him, my heart beat picks up and I feel like I'm on a roller-coaster. The ups amazing and the downs make me feel shitty remembering him with the whores, but with Markus, I see a great guy who only looks at me.


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