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Cowboys Last All Night

Page 42

by Jennifer Ashley

She followed the intriguing trail of hair leading into his partially open jeans. Lee circled her wrists, stopping her exploration as he leaned down and offered a kiss.

  His warm lips felt perfect as he pressed toward her, his eagerness turning to a demand. He adjusted position until she was trapped between him and the wall, and a slow, delicious shiver rolled through her body.

  Lee nibbled his way along her jaw to her ear, nipping lightly before growling a response. “Control is one thing. What being near you does to me is another, but I promise no matter what, I’ll make it good.”

  He pressed his mouth to the curve of her neck and sucked, and she rocked on her feet again. He’d released his grip, leaning his elbows on the wall as he teased and licked. Rachel rested her hands on his hips, the heat pouring off him mixing with her own rising need and creating an inferno that could rival any bonfire.

  She slid her fingers along his waistline. “I want you naked.”

  His jeans fell to the floor, and he stepped out of them, his cock snapping upward like a warning flag.

  Rachel tightened her grip and straightened her arms to gain enough distance between them so she could admire him all over again. “Damn. You’re like an Adonis statue. Every perfect inch.”

  She couldn’t resist exploring, tracing his tight abdominal muscles. Following the thick muscle running from his waist toward to his groin, like an arrow pointing to the magnificent arousal he unabashedly displayed.

  Moisture had beaded on the tip of his cock.

  “I hope you intend to do more than look,” Lee uttered in a deep rumble that sent a thrill up her spine.

  “I don’t think this happens very often,” Rachel teased. “You, completely naked, beside a woman who’s fully dressed.”

  Lee took his hands from the wall and guided her to the bed, crowding her as she scrambled toward the pillows. “What other women? There’s no one else, Rachel. You, and me. That’s it, and we’re all that matters.”

  He pinned her in place, knees on either side of her thighs as he laid over her, his chest brushing hers as his lips came down in another mind-melting kiss.

  She couldn’t move anything except her hands as their tongues tangled and her mind fogged. So she played her fingers over her shoulders, loving how soft his skin was in contrast to the powerful muscles he held in check.

  He was naked, and she was dressed, but in spite of the layers between them, her body responded. His carefully distributed weight pressed her to the mattress as they kissed, and it was incredible how he worshiped her even as he maintained control.

  He slipped a knee between her legs and pressed his thigh against her core, and she gasped. “Oh. Oh, Lee.”

  He did nothing other than push them together, but her body seemed far more primed than ever, and before he lifted his torso a bare inch away from hers, she’d already felt on the verge of an orgasm.

  The release of pressure made her whimper in dismay.

  His smile returned—that cocky one. “Lift your hips. Rub against me and make yourself feel good.”

  Bastard. Part of her wanted to demand why he wasn’t doing the work, but as she wiggled her hips, the resulting pleasure made it clear she had two choices—do as he’d suggested, or let the sexual tension he’d magically built vanish, and she’d have to start all over.

  It was an easy choice.

  She dug her fingers into his shoulders and tilted her hips. A groan escaped as pleasure skyrocketed. She hadn’t realized how close she was, not until she’d moved a half-dozen times. Then Lee rocked into her as well, and the extra pressure was enough to send her reeling, her body pulsing as pleasure radiated from her core to her fingertips.

  The entire time Lee stared into her eyes, looking on with clear approval as she lost control.

  Rachel took a deep breath before letting it out slowly. “Not bad.”

  A laugh escaped him, one that sent another thrill of anticipation racing. “Especially since you still have all your clothes on. Although it’s time to do something about that.”

  If she’d bet he’d move quickly while stripping away her garments to get her naked, she would’ve lost. Instead, she found herself being unwrapped like a precious gift as he skillfully undid her buttons, inching back the fabric of her blouse to reveal skin. And the more he exposed, the longer it took as he pressed kisses over her. Teasing with his lips and tongue as he explored.

  When he rolled her on top of him, strong hands reaching around her back to unhook her bra, Rachel felt an instant of panic. She had awesome boobs, but they were the boobs of a thirty-three-year-old, not a twenty-year-old. But as he peeled away the satiny fabric, the only thing on his face was obvious delight.

  To hell with it. If her body didn’t bother him, she wasn’t going to worry about it either.

  She straddled him, sitting upright as Lee smoothed his way up her rib cage until the weight of her breasts rested in his hands.

  He took a deep breath, far shakier than she’d expected.

  Her confusion must have shown because he tore his gaze off her chest and offered a wink. “You’ve turned my mind to putty. One touch, and I’m ready to babble poetry. Something involving smooth, ripe peaches and mouthwatering goodness.”

  Her laughter died as he worked in circles, playing gently then increasing the pressure. He rubbed his thumb and forefinger together around a peak and drew a squeak from her as her body came alive. The pulse of her heart increased as he curled up, strong stomach muscles flexing in her grasp. His hands fell to her waist, and he lifted her above him until his mouth met her nipple.

  If she thought what he’d done before had felt amazing, using his mouth brought everything to a whole new level. Heat and moisture and gentle suction—it might be impossible for her to come just from having her breasts played with, but she was getting extremely turned on.

  When he let go she rose to standing, towering above him, feeling like a goddess with a fawning supplicant at her feet. Lee peeled her jeans from her hips, dragging her panties along for the ride. She laid a hand on his shoulder for balance as she stepped out of the material, the mattress dipping under her.

  Lee made this sound as if he’d just been served his favourite dessert. “Every inch of you is mine to discover, right?”

  Obviously a rhetorical question as he cupped her butt in his hands and brought her forward to meet his mouth.

  It had been a long time since anyone had gone down on her. She shoved aside images of her ex-husband, choosing instead to concentrate on the beautiful man who even now was driving up her blood pressure as he ate greedily.

  He gave her exactly what she needed. She caught herself running her fingers through his hair again, the soft locks with a hint of curl drawing her like a magnet even as she steered him to where she needed his touch.

  He didn’t need much guidance.

  Rachel let herself fall into the pleasure. The rapid flick of his tongue, the smooth ease of his fingers into her core—the slight twist when she didn’t expect it that brought a gasp to her lips.

  “I thought you’d like that,” Lee growled, his lips barely breaking contact with her body.

  She hummed her approval, too lazy to form words.

  “And I bet you’ll like this too.” He did another something inside her, and her legs began to shake. And now she couldn’t speak because pleasure was rolling through her, and everything tingled, from her head to the tip of her toes. She might’ve forgotten to breathe because by the time Lee caught her by the hand and guided her into position straddling his thighs, she had stars in front of her eyes.

  If his grin had been cocky before…

  “You’re very good,” she noted with approval.

  “I’m very hard,” he offered back, catching hold under her butt and lifting her, rubbing his condom-covered cock against her sensitive parts.

  Wow. “You also have three hands. When did you put on the condom?”

  He ignored the question. “I need you. Now.”

  He pressed the br
oad head of his cock between her folds, his hardness sliding through easily, she was so wet. Rachel relaxed and took him into her body. His girth stretched her, but she was so turned on there was no pain. Just the amazing sensation of being filled.

  When she settled in his lap, his cock buried all the way in her body, she was amused to discover his intense concentration had finally broken. His eyes were closed, his expression tight as he swallowed.

  “So. Fucking. Good.” The words whispered past his firm lips, and Rachel pressed her mouth against his. The motion rocked her forward and upward, and he hissed in pleasure as her passage moved around him.

  She totally agreed. “I like feeling you inside me.”

  She lifted and lowered herself, undulating her hips slowly as she soaked in every sensation. She was ready to increase her speed when Lee gasped, clutching her hips and holding her in position as he shook. His cock jerking inside her.

  He swore, resting his forehead against hers. He peeled open his eyes, more guilt then bravado on his face. “Damn.”

  Rachel pressed her lips together hard, not wanting to laugh, but extremely proud that she’d made him lose control so quickly. “I take it you don’t want to discuss this in great detail?”

  Then in typical Lee fashion, he chuckled, easing them apart after a brief kiss. “When I told you it felt good, I wasn’t lying. Plus it’s been a while, and I really wanted you.”

  She sat on the bed where he’d placed her, watching with a smile as he removed the condom. “It’s okay, I had a good time tonight.”

  He glanced back, a look of incredulous disbelief aimed her way. “Hello? You don’t think we’re done yet, do you?”

  Rachel hesitated. “But you came.”

  He was back by her side, placing her back in his lap. Torsos touching, his hands roaming at will. “I did. And I’m going to come again, and so are you. More than once.”

  Rachel didn’t mind his caresses or the closeness, and when not even two minutes later she felt him growing hard against her belly, she remembered there was another benefit to having a younger boyfriend.

  Hot diggity. The night wasn’t over.

  Chapter Nine

  He caught her hand, his touch warming her as he guided her through the snow to his truck. “I hope you don’t mind. We need to stop at my place to pick up a few things before we head to the party.”

  “Not a problem.” Rachel climbed in the door he held open for her, sliding into the center seat before pulling her seatbelt in place. “You sure I wasn’t supposed to bring anything?”

  He shook his head as he aimed the truck toward the back route around the outer edge of Rocky Mountain House. “There will be far too much food and drink, but if it makes you feel better, I’m bringing enough for both of us. If you want to help set things up, I’m sure Anna will be there to direct you.”

  His sister had already talked to her about getting things organized for the potluck, but Rachel felt uneasy. “It feels strange to be heading out with empty hands.”

  It wasn’t the first time since they’d started dating that she’d been invited along, but in some ways it felt strange. She was closer to Lee’s older brother’s age than to Anna. The nearly ten years between her and Lee seemed a wide chasm at times, and then at others—as if it wasn’t there at all.

  He was still talking, his fingers linked with hers resting on his thigh.

  She scrambled to recover. “Sorry, I was daydreaming.”

  Lee lifted her hand to press a kiss to the back of her knuckles. “You won’t have empty hands,” he teased. “I expect you to take good care of me.”

  “Ha. Oh yes, lord and master. I can see that one,” she answered back with a lilt. “I keep forgetting. Do I need to walk five or ten paces behind you at all times?”

  “Why would you walk behind me?” Lee pulled into the parking space outside his house, grinning as he turned off the truck. “If you’re that far back, I can’t grab some sugar anytime I want.”

  Before she could move he cupped the back of her head, holding her in place for a long, thorough kiss that sent her extremities tingling and her senses spinning.

  Things were getting interesting when the door behind him jerked open. “Move it to a room, or I’ll post this on YouTube as family outings gone bad.”

  Lee’s cousin Jesse stood in the doorway, leering at them.

  Lee didn’t say a word, just stepped out, bumping Jesse hard enough to send the other man staggering backward in the snow. Lee’s full attention remained on Rachel as he held his hand to her. “Want to come in while I grab my things?”

  “Sure. I can help,” she offered.

  Jesse followed them inside. “When you come to the party tonight, make sure you bring—”

  Lee cut him off. “Stop it. I told you I wasn’t going.”

  His cousin made a face before he glanced at Rachel and rolled his eyes. “Oh, right. Sure, no problem.”

  Jesse stomped off to the back of the house, leaving Rachel feeling as if she’d missed a vital part of the conversation. “Was there somewhere else you’re supposed to be tonight?” she asked.

  The fridge was open, and Lee was setting things on the counter, including a tray covered with tinfoil that released the most amazing barbeque scent into the room. “There’s nowhere I’m supposed to be tonight except with you, but Jesse got this idea and he refuses to let it drop. That’s his problem, not ours.”

  Rachel glanced toward the doorway as Jesse paced past, the flash of annoyance in his eyes clearly directed at her. “Yeah, he does seem to have a few issues,” she snapped, hoping he’d overheard. “Sounds as if he’s not quite sure how to do the behave in public thing yet.”

  Lee laughed.

  The front door slammed, and Rachel sighed. “I didn’t mean to come between you and your family,” she apologized.

  She expected him to say something like never mind or it doesn’t matter, but instead, Lee put down the box he’d already lifted and turned to give her his full attention. “You’re not coming between me and my family. Jesse’s had a stick up his ass for a while, but it’s not my job to make him happy, and it’s not your job either. I told him I wasn’t going to the party, and he can’t blackmail me into going just so he’ll be in a better mood.”

  She leaned into the hand he’d cupped her cheek with. “You’re pretty smart.”

  Amusement flashed in his eyes. “Pretty smart for a young guy, right?”

  She shook her head. “Actually, that wasn’t my train of thought at all. I was more thinking the ‘pretty smart for a guy’ part of it.”

  His lips twitched. “High praise.”

  “From where I stand, it’s about the highest.” She meant it. “If I haven’t said it yet, you’re a good man, Lee Coleman. I’m glad I’m going out with you.”

  His face lit up. “I’m glad too.”

  If they hadn’t had food to deliver to the party, she was fairly certain they would have headed to bed for the rest of the day. As it was, he dropped her off at the main house before carrying his contribution to where a large tent had been set up, oversized barrel-shaped barbecues manned by men in heavy woolen coats.

  Rachel made her way toward the kitchen with the one bag Lee had given her. It felt strange to walk straight into the house, but it was obvious people were coming and going as they pleased, the entranceway crowded with boots of all sizes. Conversation and laughter carried on the air, fighting with Christmas music.

  She thought back to less than twenty-four hours earlier and the small Christmas-day celebration she’d shared with her family. It hadn’t been as wonderful as she’d hoped. That was partly her fault, she guessed. Signing the divorce papers earlier in the week meant she was officially single again instead of bringing Gary to meet the entire family as they’d planned.

  Her sister’s family had traveled from California, and the entire day there was this tension Rachel hadn’t expected. She’d offered to help pay for their flights, but Linda had turned her down.

  They’d visited. Made a meal. Had a short, but disastrous discussion about her love life…

  “It’s too bad things didn’t work out between you and Gary,” her sister said. “Maybe you should have given it more time.”

  He’d cheated on her after they’d been married for a month. What on earth did Linda think he would have done with more time? But it wasn’t worth fighting over. “Some relationships just aren’t meant to be,” she offered.

  “You rushed into things far too quickly.” Her mom clicked her tongue. “Next time, before you get involved with someone, you need to know them much better. Maybe join a church, or the bowling league.”

  Rachel bit her lip to stop from laughing. Those two things were not quite the same. “We did move too fast,” she admitted.

  “There’s someone out there for you,” Linda insisted. “Someone solid and upstanding, with a good job, and who’s well-respected in the community.

  That sounded like a listing of Lee Coleman’s qualifications, and Rachel smiled.

  “If you can stay around for a couple days, I was planning on having a small dinner party.” Her mom worked on the mashed potatoes, but there was something she wasn’t saying. Maybe hoping to set her up.

  “I can’t,” Rachel said. “I promised Lee I’d join his family tomorrow for Boxing Day.”

  Utter silence for five seconds.

  “Lee?” her sister asked.

  Oh boy. “Lee Coleman. The Coleman family is like the who’s who of Rocky Mountain House.” God, listen to her. She sounded stupid, and what’s more, she sounded as if she were defending her decisions, which she’d had more than enough of in the past months.

  “Do you know him from work?” her mom asked.

  Linda was examining her strangely. “You just signed the divorce papers this week. How long have you been seeing this Lee?”

  Oh, hell no. “For about a month. But Gary and I have been separated since the start of October.”

  “Awfully fast to be getting involved with someone else.” Linda folded her arms over her chest.

  “Interestingly, Lee said the same thing. He’s aware of what happened, and we’re going slowly, just enjoying each other’s company.”


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