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Cowboys Last All Night

Page 45

by Jennifer Ashley

  As his brother moved in on him, Lee stood his ground. Trevor was taller than him, but Lee was broader, and the last time they had a full-out fistfight it ended in a draw. Trevor wouldn’t start something unless he had a damn good reason.

  The extra couple of inches meant Trevor got the advantage, glaring down as he spoke. “I didn’t say anything about you acting the fool over Rachel, partly because I didn’t think it was any of my business, and partly because I like her. She deserved a whole lot better than what that bastard Gary did to her.”

  “I agree, which doesn’t explain why you’re lecturing me.” Lee shook his head. “Back up about twenty yards, bro. Why did Rachel phone you this morning?”

  “Because she didn’t want to phone you, jackass. She’s obviously got something on her mind that she’s scared shitless to talk to you about. So instead of calling you, she called me on the pretense of wanting to pick up some trinket she forgot at the cabin you two got snowed in at.”

  “A necklace. She already told me she forgot it there.”

  Trevor narrowed his eyes. “But she didn’t tell you why she’s got dark circles under her eyes and has no idea you’re in love with her?”

  This conversation simply wasn’t happening. Lee had to be dreaming the entire thing.

  Then part of his brother’s comment struck him hard. “Did you tell her that I love her?”

  “Well, duh.”

  For fucks’ sake. Lee dropped his head into his hands and scrubbed his face in frustration. “You know, genius, you could have let me deal with my own love life.”

  “Why? Because you’re doing such a great job of it?” Trevor grumbled like only an annoying older brother could. “What happened to the Rachel who was all full of energy and excitement? The woman looks like hell.”

  “Of course she looks like hell, she’s been sick as a dog with that flu that’s going around town.”

  Trevor’s mouth hung open as horror filled his expression. “She’s been sick?”

  Lee was past his bursting point. He caught hold of his brother by the front of the shirt and shook him, hard. “Why did Rachel call you? What did you do?”

  Trevor caught him by the wrists, struggling until he broke Lee’s grip. “Fuck. She asked me to drive her to the cabin, so I did. And then I thought you were being an idiot and not talking to her, so I…”

  He increased the space between them warily.

  “You what, you shit?” Lee demanded.

  His brother cleared his throat. “I figured what you two needed was a good space of time to talk, and it didn’t seem like she was interested in that, so I did you a solid.”

  “I’m one second away from skinning you and using you as a bathmat,” Lee warned.

  Trevor sighed. “I’m sorry. I left her there.”

  Lee paused, dread growing in his gut. “Where did you leave her?”

  A moment later his worst fears were confirmed as Trevor lifted his head and confessed. “The cabin. I left her at the cabin.”

  Of all the stupid, idiotic…

  “I’ll help you go get her,” Trevor offered.

  Lee snapped up a hand, pointing to the front door. “You’ve helped enough already, asshole. Go load my sled in the back of my truck then get the hell out of my sight before I do something I regret.”

  Fortunately his brother didn’t argue. He vanished out the front door as Lee rushed to his room to gather warm clothing and emergency supplies into a duffel bag.

  He was on the road in under ten minutes, heading west with a sense of foreboding as he gazed up at the dark clouds gathering over the Rocky Mountains.

  Trevor was an idiot; that much was clear. But more than him abandoning Rachel at the cabin, Lee was worried about whatever had upset her in the first place. She knew how to survive—she could take care of herself until he got there, but he needed to be there for her.

  Halfway to the cabin his first fear came true. The road was blocked by a fresh avalanche. The heavy snow accumulation from over the winter had slid down the hillside and piled six feet deep across the entire surface. No way could he get his 4 x 4 to the other side of the mess.

  Which is why he had a backup plan. The skidoo was slower, though, as he followed the twisting path, a sense of urgency driving him forward.

  The farther up the road he traveled, the more the temperature dropped, not only from the elevation but from the wall of clouds blanketing the sky, dark and ominous. Lee pushed the sled hard to cover the remaining distance, but snowflakes were falling before he made the final approach, enormous fluffy flakes that coated everything including the front of his mask.

  He had to slow down and crack open the protective guard over his eyes to keep from driving over the edge of a precipice. With every mile that passed the words repeated in his brain again and again, urging him to hurry, hurry, hurry.

  It wasn’t until he rounded the final corner and saw candlelight glowing in the window and smoke puffing from the chimney that Lee finally took a full breath. Rachel was capable, she was competent—but accidents happened, and if she’d been hurt…

  He parked the sled under the eaves where the pine boughs formed a protective shelter. As he hurried toward the front door he paused, staring at the window for a closer look.

  The glow wasn’t only flickering light from a single candle on the table. Rachel had set a series of candles in the windows, both in the living area and beside the bed. The cheery glow was deliberate, and told him she was not only okay—she’d put out candles to welcome him.

  Another layer of fear faded.

  Then there she was, standing behind the candles. The light shone on her face, brightening her eyes, turning her into a shimmering angel. He would’ve only been a shadowy shape to her, but she nodded, tilting her head toward the door.

  He made it up the stairs in time for her to swing the door open and welcome him in.

  Chapter Twelve

  The urge to crowd forward and examine her to be sure she was all right was powerful. He closed the door behind him and discarded his gloves, grabbing her fingers and holding them tight as his gaze danced over her face, looking for signs of distress.

  Trevor had been right about how tired and wan she looked, but there was also a sparkle in her eyes as she squeezed his fingers in return. “I’m okay. And I’m glad you’re here, but what were you thinking? There’s a huge storm coming in—”

  “No way would I leave you sitting here alone thinking you’d been abandoned.”

  She worked to undo his coat, pushing the heavy fabric from his shoulders and running her fingers through his hair. “What you mean, think? I was abandoned, damn your brother to hell.”

  “I didn’t have time to kill him before I came out. Besides, I figured you’d like that honour.”

  He ditched his boots and went willingly with her to in front of the fire where she seated him then crawled into his lap. “I’ll plan something slow and painful in revenge, although in one way the bastard helped me. After he drove off, I had to get my act together, and somewhere in the middle of lighting fires and finding food, I found something else.”

  Lee cupped her cheek, holding her close, thankful for every moment they had together. “What did you find?”

  Rachel laid her hand over his. “My courage.”

  Maybe Trevor would be allowed to live. Had his brother been right? “What’s wrong? Why do you need to be brave?”

  She didn’t answer right away, just smiled and leaned forward to press a kiss against his lips before scrambling off his lap. “I’ll tell you in a minute, but first I’ll get you a hot drink.” She shook her head as she moved easily in the small space. Comfortable and familiar. “I can’t believe you rode the skidoo up here again.”

  Lee caught her fingers, needing her to know what was building inside. “If I had to walk, I would have. Nothing could have kept me away.”

  The expression on her face hovered between joy and uncertainty as she dropped to her knees and wrapped her fingers around his h
and. “I believe you, and that amazes me.”

  He was going to say something profound and deep, but when she lifted his fingers to her mouth and kissed his knuckles tenderly, Lee lost all ability to speak.

  And when she lifted her gaze to his and smiled, he fell even deeper.

  Rachel took a deep breath, then blew his world apart. “I’m in love with you,” she confessed.

  Lee’s heart kick-started, pounding against his rib cage. “Holy. Shit.”

  Her laughter poured across the room. “Yeah, right?”

  He brought her back into his lap. “I didn’t expect that, but I’m glad because I love you too. I have for a long time.”

  “Since forever, according to your brother,” she taunted, “but I’d like to think it’s since we started going out.”

  “I am going to find a deep hole to push him into,” Lee promised.

  “I don’t know if I want to hang him from the rafters or hug him,” Rachel confessed. She stroked her fingers through Lee’s hair, her expression gone thoughtful. “I was confused this morning, and part of it was realizing how much you mean to me. I didn’t expect that—not because you’re a terrible person, but because I thought I was done needing a man in my life. I thought I’d been too hurt to ever truly want someone with me all the time.”

  Every one of his dreams was coming true. “But you want me.”

  She nodded. “Very much.”

  He kissed her because it was impossible not to.

  Rachel pulled back, more on her mind. “After Trevor dumped me, I made a quick mental list of everything I needed to do. And the entire time I was lighting the stove and dragging out the box of supplies you’d restocked, I was thankful for the things you’d taught me. And not just here in the wilderness, although we’ve shared an experience some people might not have their entire lifetime.”

  “Not many people get snowed-in for days,” he teased. “It’s something special.”

  Her smile flashed, but she wasn’t done, rising to her feet and pacing away a few steps before turning. “I had no intention of keeping this a secret, but this morning I was worried how you’d react. But then”—she gestured around them at the cabin before looking into his eyes—“I thought back to our time here and how you took every emergency in stride. You were smart, and mature, and I really looked up to you.”

  This was building to something big, and Lee hoped he would live up to her expectations. “Just tell me. There’s nothing you can say that will change how I feel about you.”

  She gripped the back of the chair in front of her, her knuckles white for a moment before she deliberately relaxed. “I’m not positive, but I might be pregnant.”

  A rush of adrenaline shot through him so hard Lee was glad he was sitting down. “Pregnant?”

  She nodded, her teeth digging into her lower lip as she waited for his response.

  Well, that explained a lot of things.

  Even though it wasn’t something he had planned for, or something he’d expected to hear at this moment, it was more the shock of the announcement than terror that had him hesitating.

  If she was pregnant…

  He took his own deep breath before rising to his feet.


  It really had been a day of revelations. As Lee moved toward her, she considered her words again and had to admit she had nothing more to add. Somewhere in the middle of getting the cabin warmed up and saving her ass she’d found the answer.

  It would take courage to admit what she wanted, but it wasn’t selfish for her to share what she needed.

  Lee reached for her and she went willingly, waiting for his reaction. She didn’t know where they went from here, but as far as she was concerned it was up to them as a couple. They’d figure it out.

  He slid his hands around the back of her head, cradling her as he pressed their lips together, their bodies close enough the heat of the fire faded and he was all the warmth she needed.

  And when he pulled back his lips were curled into a smile. “I love you,” he repeated. “There are no conditions on that. I don’t love you because of some agenda I expect us to follow. I love you because you’re you. And if we might’ve made a baby, and if you’re ready for that, let’s take the next step. I want you in my life, now and in the future. Alone, and with a family. I want it all.

  A small sound escaped her, not a cry but a gasp of relief. “I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you right away.”

  “I’m sorry too. I’m sorry you spent any time worrying. I’ll always be there for you.”

  She nodded, settling her hands in a now-familiar way around the back of his neck as she twisted her fingers through his curls. “I don’t know for sure. About being pregnant, I mean.”

  “You didn’t take a test?”

  She shook her head, her smile turning sheepish. “I only got suspicious yesterday. I was so flustered and confused I distracted myself by coming up here.”

  “And in the process let my brother sabotage you,” he teased, bringing her with him to the bed.

  She settled on the mattress beside him. “It’s going to be a long time before I ask him for another favour.”

  Lee laughed. “We’ll get our revenge. There’s no hurry.”

  But he seemed to have an urgent agenda as he tugged at her clothing. “Do we have plans?” she asked.

  “If you don’t have the flu…” He paused in the middle of unbuttoning her shirt. “We’re trapped here for the night, and I have this dire need to make sure you’re one hundred percent okay.”

  She hadn’t felt any nausea since the morning. It should be safe. “I want you to make love to me,” she confessed.

  Lee’s eyes flashed, hunger in the depths along with tenderness. “That’s always what I do,” he said. “Doesn’t matter if it’s fast or slow, in a barn or in a bed, it’s always making love when it’s with you.”

  He stripped away her clothing and she undressed him, and the fire in the stove crackled as they discovered each other all over for the first time. The cabin was warm enough they rolled on top of the covers, his mouth teasing her, his fingers rapidly bringing her to the edge of a precipice.

  She explored as well, stroking every bit of him, somewhat astonished he was hers to touch and enjoy and savour the way she wanted. And when he rolled her under him, settling his hips between her legs, she waited for the moment when he’d surge forward and join them.

  Only it wasn’t like that. He cradled her face in his hands and kissed her as if she were the most precious thing in the world, and while she luxuriated under his attention, that’s when it happened. Not a rush to the finish, not a frantic coupling in the dark, but by the light of a dozen candles, Lee Coleman made love to her, filling her body, filling her soul.

  The entire time their eyes remained connected. His gaze as well as his touch saying he was there for her. He rocked harder, brushing over her clit until her response was unstoppable. She let her pleasure spill out for him to see. Tightening around him, holding him close as he too found release.

  They lay on the bed afterward, her head resting on his chest as she stroked his belly and his fingers played over her shoulders.

  “Whatever happens,” he repeated, “I’m there for you.”

  They were the words of a promise, one he’d already made with his body and his actions so many times before.

  Rachel leaned on an elbow so she could smile down at him. “I know.”


  “But I don’t want to do anything special for Valentine’s Day,” Rachel grumbled. “Damn Hallmark holiday. Nothing but an excuse to make people buy overpriced cards and foul-tasting chocolates.”

  Lee laughed, his hands wrapped around the final box out of the back of his truck. “That’s most guy’s attitude toward cheesy romantic holidays.”

  “Hey, I don’t like chick flicks either.” She poked her tongue at him. “Sorry. You’re officially stuck with the least romantic woman on the planet.”

  “Don’t stick it out
unless you plan on using it,” he warned, pinching her on the butt as he walked past into her bedroom to unpack the last of his clothes.

  Their bedroom.

  It still seemed unreal, but there had been no reason for them to wait. When the storm had rolled in and trapped them in the cabin for another three-night stay, they’d had plenty of time to talk, and one decision they’d made was he would move in with her.

  She followed him into the room, settling on the mattress to watch him. “I have no objections to putting my tongue to work, but I thought we had to go to this Valentine’s Day party. Unless it’s a costume party and you want to go as—no, I can’t think of any costume that requires me giving you a blow job in public.”

  Lee abandoned the shirt and hanger in his hands, diving for her and rolling her on top. “What? You don’t think you can make me come before it’s time for us to leave? I’m afraid you underestimate your superpowers.”

  “You’ve got superhero recovery time.” Rachel folded her hands on his chest and rested her chin on top of them, her smile a trifle sad. “Sorry for being a pain in the ass. I’m a bundle of contradictions right now. I’m glad I got my period, and at the same time, I’m sad.”

  He stroked his fingers through her hair. “I get it. Honest.” He traced a finger down her forehead and over the ridge of her nose before pressing it against her lips. “When I told you back at the cabin I was okay with us having a baby, I wasn’t doing damage control. You know how much I love my family, and I look forward to us having one of our own someday.”

  She nodded, pressing a kiss to his fingertips. “I’m glad we get more time with just the two of us.”

  “You sure your mom doesn’t want grandkids ASAP?” he teased.

  “Bite your tongue. Plus, we’re not planning our lives around making my parents happy.” Rachel grimaced. “Although it would be good if you work that patented Coleman charm hard when we have dinner with them next week.”

  “Trust me, they’ll love me.”

  She stared at him as worry drifted over her expression.

  “Or…they won’t,” he admitted. “Either way, they’ll know how I feel about you, and that’s all that matters. I’m not Gary. I’ll never hurt you like he did.”


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