Behind the Burly Q
Page 38
“Minsky theatres were especially nice” Dixie Evans
“seedy” Woodward Avenue by Rober t Genat
“Roses’s was the most fun” Alexandra the Great interview with author and rest of chapter
“Sketchy” Dee Ann Johnston interview with author and rest of chapter
“You’re late” Dee Ann Johnston interview with author
“Eating pork and beans” Dee Ann Johnston interview with author
“the bigger the theatre” Dixie Evans interview with author
“small stage” Dee Ann Johnston interview with author
“these girls were performers” Dee Ann Johnston interview with author
“Stars of the Hollywood” Dee Ann Johnston interview with author
“was a San Diego guy” Dee Ann Johnston interview with author
“They didn’t do completes” Dee Ann Johnston interview with author
“doing more than they” Dee Ann Johnston interview with author
“brothel” Vicki O’Day interview with author and rest of chapter
“stage” “cutting board” Sheila Rae interview with author
“New Orleans was fantastic” Kitty West interview with author
“New Orleans had jazz” Tee Tee Red interview with author
“quaint” Dardy Minsky interview with author
“all ex-hoodlums” Dardy Minsky interview with author
“no union stamp” Dixie Evans interview with author
“stage hands had a strong” Sequin interview with author
“most of us who were” Lady Midnight letter to author
“we didn’t know at the time” Betty Rowland interview with author
“you didn’t have an audience” Taffy O’Neil interview with author
“standing behind the curtain” Lady Midnight interview with author
“We’ll get into film” Betty Rowland interview with author
“you know I’d rather” Dee Ann Johnston interview with author
“A woman’s greatest asset” Ann Corio
“I confess that I am a brazen” Sally Rand
“two went down” Mike Iannucci interview with author and the rest of chapter
“busy making a living” “always mama’s” Mike Iannucci interview with author
“As long as they looka” Mike Iannucci interview with author
“she was competing with Gypsy” Mike Iannucci interview with author
“deserting her and discoloring her eye” Walter Winchell column
“released” “escaped” Mike Iannucci interview with author
“special occasions” Mike Iannucci interview with author
“he treated her just” Mike Iannucci interview with author
“this shouldn’t be” Carole Nelson interview with author
“it had generated” Mike Iannucci interview with author
“we emphasized comedy” Mike Iannucci interview with author
“she’d listen to” Carole Nelson interview with author
“They had almost no work” Mike Iannucci interview with author
” a little chubby girl” Mike Iannucci interview with author
“was the daughter” Carole Nelson interview with author
“clean” Mike Iannucci interview with author
“Could do almost anything” Mike Iannucci interview with author
“great sense of humor” Carole Nelson interview with author
“Bozo was the pet” Mike Iannucci interview with author
“Miss Corio, who looks” New York Times June 24,1982
“She didn’t have to do any more” Mike Iannucci interview with author
“fading from us” Carole Nelson interview with author
“The last day I saw” Carole Nelson interview with author
“awful” “bad guy” Sam Shad interview with author
“I’m pushing seventy-six” Mike Iannucci interview with author
“She was a little different” Dixie Evans interview with author and rest of chapter
“one of the big things” Sean Rand interview with author and rest of chapter
“I thought a girl who went on the stage” Studs Terkel Hard Times page 170
“I can get a horse” Sean Rand interview with author girlfriend called” Sean Rand interview with author
“disintegrate” Sean Rand interview with author
“it was easy to track her” Sean Rand interview with author
“wad of money” Sean Rand interview with author
“relentless tried to find” Sean Rand interview with author guts for her time” Sean Rand interview with author
“bubble dance” “Hill billy” Mike Iannucci interview with author
“you never saw anything” Mike Iannucci interview with author
“the doctors didn’t think” Sean Rand interview with author
“everyone from the show” Sean Rand interview with author
“I have something to reveal” Sean Rand interview with author
“bought fans from Sally” Alexandra the Great interview with author
“Those were the fans” Sean Rand interview with author
“Georgia had something” Maria Bradley interview with author
“she couldn’t even spell” Dixie Evans interview with author
“she wasn’t a dancer” Rita Grable interview with author
“you could steal” Beverly Anderson interview with author
“she was dynamic” Rita Grable
“breadliners” Salt Lake Tribune 1942
“Sally keith” Lily Ann Rose interview with autho and rest of chapter
“she was just” David Kruh interview with author
“very observant” Susan Weiss interview with author and rest of chapter
“the act was unique” David Kruh interview with author
“That I know” Susan Weiss interview with author
“she was robbed” Lily Ann Rose interview with author
“well respected” Dixie Evans interview with author
“the queen of the small claims court” Sherry Britton interview with author
“death’s door” Sherry Britton interview with author
“despised” Sherry Britton interview with author
“cavorting with different” Sherry Britton interview with author
“performed oral sex” Sherry Britton interview with author
“young handsome husband” Sherry Britton interview with author
“I said” Betty Rowland interview with author and rest of chapter
“we’ll go home next week” Betty Rowland interview with author
“drab theatrical hotel” Bernard, Susan Blondes, Brunettes and Redheads, page 235
“beauty was startling” Bernard, Susan Blondes, Brunettes and Redheads page 234
“The Three D’s” “dishes” Betty Rowland interview with author
“didn’t do too well” Betty Rowland interview with author
“we on the west coast” Vicki O’Day interview with author
“Black satin and pearls” Burke, Carolyn Lee Miller, by, page 152
“quite elegant” Kathleen Ross interview with author
“Until you get back” poem by Betty Rowland recited in the film Behind the Burly Q
“A gimmick” Betty Rowland interview with author
“breast size” Alexandra the great interview with author
“each girl” Dixie Evans interview with author
“she was wonderful” Joan Arline interview with author
‘I take offense at that” Betty Rowland interview with author
“educated muscles” Cabaret Magazine 1957
“I make mine work for me” Cabaret Magazine 1957
“she could make” Renny von Muchow interview with author
“grandmother of” Rachel Shteir interview with author
have baskets” Maria Bradley interview with author
“do you want a piece of” Candy Cotton interview with author
“I always say” Dixie Evans interview with author
“She was so beautiful” email from Lily Ann Rose to author
“JFK had a crush” David Kruh interview with author
“There I was” that paragraph – email from Lily Ann Rose to author
“I was classic” Alexandra the great interview with author
“pick a guy” Mimi Reed interview with author
“in those days, they didn’t” Dardy Minsky interview with author
“she would get out” Kelly DiNardo interview with authoror
“we all did” Betty Rowland interview
“I stood in the wings” White Fury interview with author
“I didn’t consider myself” Kitty West interview with author
“you did have to have” Rita Grable interview with author
“she’s laying there” Dardy Minsky interview with author
“it would be in the alley” Sequin interview with author
“I first saw Gypsy” Blaze Starr interview with author
“they made me a lot of money” Joan Arline interview with author
“a very inebriated” Joan Arline interview with author
“had an act” Helen Imbrugia interview with author
“I got a letter” Dixie Evans interview with author
“sexy type of number” Ricki Covette interview with author and rest of chapter
“came marching in” Ricki Covette interview with author
“breast size was big” Alexandra the Great interview with author
“I’d wrap” Tee Tee Red interview with author
“I was in awe” Maria Bradley interview with author
“you start with a” Sequin interview with author
“I had gas” White Fury interview with author
“At the end of your act” April March interview with author
“She’s show things” Dardy Minsky interview with author
“I didn’t even know” Maria Bradley interview with author
“thought they got a flash” David Kruh interview with author
“When I first saw” Alexandra the Great interview with author
“of course Rose” Dixie Evans interview with author
“Rose put me on the flash” Alexandra the Great interview with author
“certain girls” Dixie Evans interview with author
“strippers got into flashing” Harry Lloyd interview with author
“I had a lot of roses” Joan Arline interview with author
“I felt like a star” Maria Bradley interview with author
“fiery...” Roach, Marion The Roots of Desire 2006.
“Hell, I got” Maria Bradley interview with author
“We had a big” Vicki O’Day interview with author
“I had a waist” Carmela interview with author
“Someone had sent” Alexandra the Great interview with author
“everyone had groupies” Rita Grable interview with author
“big birthday cake” Maria Bradley interview with author
“many, many,” April March interview with author
“Did you know” Sherry Britton’s papers in author’s collection
“it was a great life” Alexandra the Great interview with author
“one of the girls” Lily Ann Rose interview with author
“my boss” Blaze Starr interview with author
“Now we can go out” Blaze Starr interview with author
“his entourage” Tempest Storm interview with author
“usually you sluff them off” Dixie Evans interview with author
“a cut above” Beverly Anderson interview with author
“A lot of guys” Carmela interview with author
“two men grabbed me” Kitty West interview with author
“I am a nudist” letter from Betty Rowland’s papers in author’s collection.
“Had the pleasure” Sherry Britton’s papers in author’s collection
“Blaze and I” Tee Tee Red interview with author
“I’m not nuts” Governor Earl Long 1959, Radio
“big politician” Blaze Starr interview with author
“subjected to more temptation” Bernard, Susan Blondes, Brunettes and Redheads
“you would be surprised” Carmela interview with author
“hunger is a” Beverly Anderson interview with author
“Where you’re working” Dixie Evans interview with author
“I became a stripper” Candy Cotton interview with author
“made good money” Beverly Anderson interview with author
“every six weeks” Lorraine Lee interview with author
“I learned a lot about” Sequin interview with author
“we did have money in those days” Dixie Evans interview with author
“There was a 60” Chris Costello interview with author
“My father never made money” Alan Alda interview with author
“Every year” Mike Iannucci interview with author
“I’ll come in and work” Mike Iannucci interview with author
“My wardrobe” Tee Tee Red interview with author
“went up to” April March interview with author
“when you were a chorus” Joni Taylor interview with author
“chorus girl in” Maria Bradley interview with author
“there was no” Dixie Evans interview with author
“big ticket” Dixie Evans interview with author
“I’d saved” Blaze Starr interview with author
“The show became an instant” Mike Iannucci interview with author
“I would tell” Carmela interview with author
“Your salary” Vicki O’Day interview with author
“you were away” Sequin interview with author
“A really big part” Kelly DiNardo interview with author
“Champagne in those” Kitty West interview with author
“if you made money” Blaze Starr interview with author
“mingle” Tee Tee Red interview with author
“When you’re pouring” Dixie Evans interview with author.
“I don’t drink” Carmela interview with author
“it is a girl” Kitty West interview with author
“accidentally” Dardy Minsky interview with author
“In my contract” Tempest Storm interview with author
“had to sit with” Tempest Storm interview with author
“I’d feel bad” Dixie Evans interview with author
“allowed some women” Rachel Shteir interview with author
“made a lot” Vicki O’Day interview with author
“She had to work in” Dixie Evans interview with author
“If one has morals,” Lili St. Cyr speaking to Mike Wallace in the film Behind the Burly Q
“go Garboesque” Ben Bethia interview with author
“early burlesque” Alan Alda interview with author
“There were never” Val Valentine interview with author
“They had” Lily Ann Rose interview with author
“Harmonica” Renny von Muchow interview with author
“Some acts were goofy” Rachel Shteir interview with author
“he was a hairdresser” Dee Ann Johnston interview with author
“lets keep our bodies” Renny von Muchow interview with author
“hire everyone” Dee Ann Johnston interview with author
“he kept people working” Dee Ann Johnston interview with author
“they never” Betty Rowland interview with author
“Clows had drag” ADD PROFESSOR Janet Davi
s interview with author
“integral” Prof Janet Davis interview with author
“They had special” Lily Ann Rose interview with author
“This woman looked” Vicki O’Day interview with author
“He was a paratrooper” Dee Ann Johnston interview
“Christine Jorgenson” Steve Weinstein interview with author
“beautiful act” Rita Grable interview with author
“A ribbon of flesh” Dean Jensen interview with author in film Bound by Flesh
“winning act” interview with Amy Fulkerson with author in film Bound by Flesh
“they stayed drunk” Dee Ann Johnston interview with author
“They were the comics” April March interview with author
“exotic other” Rachel Shteir interview with author
“strict racial segregation” San Diego’s Bygone Burlesque: The Famous Hollywood Theatre by Jaye Furlonger
“It didn’t last very” Rachel Shteir interview with author
“torrid” Feb. 1953 Jet Magazine
“They had crepe” Dee Ann Johnston interview with author
“You don’t” Kitty West interview with author
“I became Vicki” Vicki O’Day interview with author
“I sewed my first” Blaze Starr interview with author
“Blaze was very crafty” Rita Grable interview with author
“smoking and sewing” Lily Ann Rose email to author
“Between shows” Dardy Minksy interview with author
“plastic beads” Carmela interview with author
“had a stripper” Sequin interview with author
“The one I started out with” Taffy O’Neil interview with author
“You don’t let the boss” Dixie Evans interview with author
“back then you couldn’t see flesh” Rachel Shteir interview vie with author
“you came off the stage” Joan Arline interview with author
“everything had its place” Sequin in interview with author
“I had beautiful wardrobe” Lady Midnight interview with author
“it was an expensive game” Dixie Evans interview
“went for a regular” Mike Innucci interview with author
“French bikini” Kitty West interview with author