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The Rebel and the Rogue: Interstellar Brides® Program - 19

Page 2

by Goodwin, Grace

  One dark brow winged up, but he said nothing. He wasn’t leaving. Oh, he was big enough to pick me up and handily move me out of the way, but he wouldn’t. Not with his cock pressing thick and long beneath the black fabric, and getting bigger as I watched. How had he walked around the canteen with that? How was it not busting out the seams?

  I licked my lips, realizing all of that was for me. Because of me.

  My eager need wasn’t as readily apparent, but if he were an Everian Hunter who could scent a female’s arousal, he’d know my pussy was hot, wet and primed for him. He could no doubt see how hard my nipples were. Space bras weren’t anything like the Victoria’s Secret bits of lace and satin I used to wear on Earth. But after four years with the Coalition Fleet and the last six months as a bounty hunter roaming the rogue-controlled fringe areas of space, I’d learned a space guy—an alien—didn’t give a shit about lingerie. Or weight. Or height. Bra size. High heels. Makeup. Hairstyle or what name-brand handbag a woman carried. None of the things I’d grown up worrying about.

  Coalition or not, these alien males liked a female willing. Bare. Wet. Ready. And if she wasn’t any of those things and he wanted her, he’d get her that way.

  This male would find out soon enough I didn’t need any help in that department. Except maybe for the naked part. I was already wet, willing and ready.

  I wasn’t worried about foreplay, and I didn’t want to know his name. Neither were needed. Hell, just looking at the gorgeous specimen of a stranger was all the warm-up necessary. Because, wow. I wanted hot, wild sex and no strings. I wanted him. Now.

  “And it will be impossible for me to lick that pussy with you wearing yours.” The deep rumble that was his voice had felt like a challenge out in the canteen. His current words were one sentence of foreplay. But the promise I saw in his gaze and the thought of what he planned to do to me caused a whimper to slip from my lips.

  He heard it, and the corner of his mouth tipped up.

  Damn and holy hell, he was too gorgeous to be real. But he was here, living, breathing, eye fucking.

  Real or not, I wanted him to lick my pussy. God, yes. I was horny. I wasn’t ashamed. I was single. Alone in space. I wanted some cock, and I was going to get it. The dinner I’d eaten earlier had filled my body. I’d craved the food, and it left me sated. Now I craved him, and I wanted him to fill my body. He’d leave me sated, too, but in a completely different way.

  “You’re still dressed,” I said.

  His gaze darkened, his voice dropping to a growl. Another challenge that made my legs tremble. “So are you.”

  For two people who wanted sex, we weren’t getting very far. We were at a clothing stalemate. We were positioning, testing our power, who would dominate. At this point it was even.

  I liked that. A lot. But I knew he was holding back, could turn me and take me against the door at any moment. Knew that I wanted him to take me, make me wild, give me no choice but to let go and give in to the pleasure.

  But I would never admit that, not to a dominant, bossy male alien like him. Because if I did, he’d want to own me. So I would give him the green light, get his cock inside me, and hope like hell he was as wild as he looked.

  Our hands went to our clothes at the same time. It was as if we’d both reached the tipping point of need and neither of us wanted to pretend for another moment

  Shutting out the world, my mission, my past, everything but this moment, this little sliver of time, I focused on him until he was all I saw. All I wanted. And we still hadn’t gotten to the good stuff.

  My shirt went flying. His boot bounced off the wall where he kicked it. Pants dropped. We were both bare within seconds, everything we wore like a yard sale around us. There was only a locked door between us and the full canteen. The knowledge of that, the rush that someone might discover us, made this all the hotter.

  The air was cool on my heated skin. When his gaze raked down my body, taking in every inch, I shivered. I wasn’t perfect. I had every feminine doubt Earth’s culture bred into women. I wasn’t a supermodel, not before the accident and definitely not after. I had a scar running down my neck and half my spine. A big scar, one giant among dozens of smaller battle wounds I’d earned the hard way. A ReGen pod could heal a lot, but not if it took too long to get in one. Not after the body had begun to heal itself. Even after ten hours in a pod, my scars remained, and I waited for him to notice the marks visible on my thighs, abdomen and shoulders, waited for some kind of reaction.

  He stared at me all right, but his gaze flickered past my scars like they weren’t there. Instead he focused on all the right parts and in a very appreciative way. For him I was tall enough, but my boobs were too big, my hips wide. My ass… well, my ass was glorious. It was my vanity.

  The way he licked his lips, it seemed he liked a whole lot more of me than my ass.

  And him? Holy fuck. He was like Michelangelo’s David combined with huge alien hunk. Slabs of muscle. Shoulders as wide as Texas. Narrowed waist. Slim hips. That V thingy that made my mouth water. And between that V… porn stars would bow down to this cock.

  It wasn’t so huge the size scared me, because who wanted to be fucked with a lead pipe? But it was big. Stretch me open and maybe hurt just a little, big. My pussy clenched in anticipation of this masterpiece before me. Thick enough he would open me up, rub over every hot spot I had and probably discover some I never knew were in there. Long, but not so long as to break me. I’d take him all, barely.

  I liked the idea. A lot.

  “I want you inside me now,” I said.

  He shook his head as he slowly approached, his cock bobbing hard and erect before him. It aimed, pointed at me as if it knew I was its next conquest.


  No? Fuck, yes. I shivered. His denial made a bolt of electricity run through my flesh.



  He was naked, stalking me, and he said no?

  “Now, female, I lick that pussy until you scream.”

  Oh. I retreated, leaned back against the door once again. With that one step, triumph flared in his eyes. He’d declared the dominance here. But when he dropped to his knees and pushed my legs wide with his hands on the insides of my thighs, I didn’t care.

  “You are scarred,” he commented as his palms felt the blemished flesh. His gaze raked over the pink and white tracks, remnants of my personal nightmares.

  “So?” I asked defensively. Good thing he hadn’t seen my back. If he didn’t like what he saw, then he could just fuck himself.

  “So where I come from, they are a sign of bravery. Of life experienced. Of honor.”

  He looked up at me from his position on his knees.

  I had no idea what to say to that, for it was completely not what I was expecting. I didn’t want to like this guy; I just wanted to fuck him.

  “You talk too much. Less talk, more licking,” I ordered.

  No woman breathing would say no to this guy eating her out. I might be brazen, but I wasn’t stupid. And I wasn’t into self-denial, either.

  I wanted those lips on me. I wanted that tongue. Those hands. The long fingers. I didn’t want praise.

  I shouted when he gave me all those things at once. A long slide of his tongue up my slit. Hands on my ass tugging me closer. Fingers tightening on my hips so I’d know I wasn’t allowed to move, that he had no intention of letting me go until I came all over his face.

  His mouth settled over my clit, sucked, his tongue working magic. My eyes fell closed, but he lifted his head to say, “So greedy.”

  My fingers tangled into his hair, tugged him back into me. I felt the smile against my lower lips, his satisfaction at my need clearly amusing him.

  “I pulled you in here, didn’t I?” I breathed, tilting my head back as he easily worked me. My orgasm swiftly approached; he was that talented. Or I was that horny. Or both.

  He growled, turned his head and nipped the inside of my right thigh and I pressed hot, sticky palms t
o the door behind me, used it for leverage. “Your ability to talk indicates you are not satisfied with my attentions. I shall remedy that now.”

  “Oh fuck,” I whimpered, then nothing else. It was as if he shifted and went into pussy-eating high gear.

  I couldn’t talk after that, only moan, beg, whimper. His mouth was on my clit, a finger inside my pussy and doing some magic curl over my G-spot. The thumb of the hand cupping my ass pressed against my back entrance, adding even more sensation I hadn’t known existed.

  “More,” I said, and he pressed the thumb deeper until it breached me, until he was fingering both my holes. I’d never had anyone do that to me before, never knew I wanted it. Until now. I didn’t have to be shy or vulnerable or hell, even think. If I wanted his thumb in my ass, then I was going to tell him to put it there.

  I didn’t have to worry about a thing with him because I didn’t even know his name. This was anonymous. Hot. Crazy. Perfect.

  Lifting my sweaty palms from where they were pressed into the door, I cupped my breasts, tugged on the nipples. I needed even more stimulation, and I added it. The combination of his mastery and my hands pushing myself to the brink made me gasp. Writhe. Something sharp nicked my skin, just a bit. Quick, like a jolt of static electricity going straight to my clit.

  I came on a scream, my knees buckling, my hands slapping against the door as if it would hold me up.

  I heard the clatter of things striking the floor just before my back hit a flat surface. I hadn’t noticed much of the room when we entered—I co uld hardly see around the huge alien—but I knew he had swept a gaming table clear, the items scattering and rolling on the floor as I tried to catch my breath.

  He stalked toward me, his mouth glistening with my arousal. His eyes narrowed. His cheeks were flushed with desire. So was his cock. He wasn’t Atlan but looked like one in this moment, as if he had a beast beneath the surface ready to break out and wreak havoc on my pussy.

  This guy’s beast was between his legs, and there was no question it would own my pussy.

  “Your scream of pleasure pleases me,” he said, wrapping his fingers around my thighs and slowly pulling me toward the edge of the table. “No doubt everyone in the canteen knows how well I’ve satisfied you.”

  God, that should have mortified me, that I’d given over to him so much I’d forgotten where I was. I should have been embarrassed or ashamed that everyone in the canteen would know exactly how he had wrung the scream from me, that he was proud to share his virility with the entire space station. Instead the naughty factor made me hot. If he could do that to me with just his mouth, then I was going to love what he did with his cock.

  The table was made for us, high enough to get my body’s needy core close to him. To his cock. It was at the right height for him to only need to bend his knees a little to be aligned.

  “The way your body clenched and tightened. The gush of your nectar.” He licked his lips.

  “Are you a poet?” I asked, coming up on my elbow, reaching out and gripping his cock—as best I could—in my hand. I gave it a tug, a long stroke. Felt how smooth the skin was, how hard beneath. How long. Thick. Pulsing with heat.

  He hissed.

  “I am male, satisfied by my female’s response to my touch.”

  I stiffened at that. “I am not your female. This is one time only.”

  He grinned then, feral and broad.

  “Um… what are those?” I asked, my gaze focused on the sharp tips of his canines. Holy shit, he was part Forsian. A Rogue 5 guy with Forsian ancestry. Just as I’d learned about Forsians—I’d done a lot of studying up about the planets once I left the Coalition—he had vampire teeth, but now they were on display and the idea of being bitten by him wasn’t nearly as abhorrent as I’d hoped.


  I shook my head. “Don’t you dare bite me. I want hot sex, but biting? Not a chance. I don’t want a mate.”

  He gently tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, which contradicted every wild thing we’d done so far. “I will not bite you. As you said, we are together for pleasure. Nothing more. These”—he slid his tongue back and forth over the sharp tips—“are for claiming a mate.”

  I licked my lips. pushed up to sitting, and he stood between my spread knees. He wasn’t getting inside me until I knew the score. On Earth it would be about safe sex, about using a condom, protection. Birth control. That had been taken care of for me by the Coalition. Kids weren’t happening until I was ready.

  But biting? This was the weirdest conversation ever.

  “Do not worry, female. To claim a mate, I must bite and fuck at the same time.”

  His cock stood long and thick, ready.

  “Same difference,” I countered. “The plan was to get that big dick in me, but how do I know you won’t bite me?”

  He shrugged slightly. “I slid my fangs along your inner thigh.”

  “Holy shit, you bit me?” I put my hand over the spot, remembering the exquisite feel.

  “No. You will know when I bite you.”

  “You won’t be biting me,” I countered.

  He tipped his head. “You would know if I bit you. But I won’t. You have my word. I promise you. I vow not to bite you.”

  “Then why did you nip my leg?”

  He smiled, those fangs long and lethal looking. “Because I wanted to.”

  Oh God. That was hot. Too hot. His chest was hard and huge and right in front of me. His cock was hot and ready, and my legs were spread open around his hips. All I had to do was take him. “But—”

  “I will get my cock in you as you desire,” he said, speaking over me. “It’s going to happen, human, but even if you begged, you would not get my fangs. It would be too dangerous.” His hand moved down the center of my body to my core, his fingers sliding over my sensitive folds, entering me easily because of how wet I was.

  My back arched. He was playing me. Working my body to make my mind forget.

  It was working.

  “I will not lose control. You trust me with your orgasms. Trust me in this.”

  It was the way he touched me, almost reverently, which was completely at odds to how we’d been behaving, that had me nodding. I didn’t know him, but I did trust him in this. Why? I had no fucking idea, but it seemed he wanted a wild fuck for a short time, not a mate for life.

  “We’ve spoken too much,” he said, pulling his hand from me, lifting his fingers and licking them clean.

  I whimpered again at the loss of his touch, at how blatant he was in his sexuality, in wringing the same from me.

  He stepped even closer so his cock was pressed against my belly. “There is only so much time before I must leave you. Do you wish to talk or take my cock?”

  I laid back down, set one foot on the table so my toes curled over the edge, then the other.

  He growled at the sight of me open and ready for him.

  He could lean over and bite me, but like this he could fuck and keep his distance. The last thing I wanted was to be mated to a strange alien with fangs, no matter how glorious his dick. And I knew he spoke the truth. He was a hybrid Forsian, like Makarios of Kronos. The item I’d brought in trade to my Rogue 5 contact would help him later, once I was gone. I liked the idea of that. And the truth was, I wasn’t afraid of his bite. It wouldn’t kill me like he presumed. I wasn’t exactly a normal human female. But I didn’t want a mate, that was for damned sure.

  I had things to do, people to meet, problems to solve.

  I didn’t need a Superman in my life, and I knew enough about the Forsian hybrids—Forsian mixed with Hyperion that populated Rogue 5—to know that one bite of those fangs and he’d be thinking I belonged to him forever.

  No, thank you. I was not the settle-down kind of woman. Not yet, anyway. I had a mission, a very dangerous, very personal mission to complete before I could even think about anything permanent. Vengeance. Revenge. Redemption. I had stopped asking myself why I needed to finish this and accepted tha
t I wouldn’t be able to stop until the criminal who had killed my entire ReCon unit was dead.

  Dead or alive. I preferred dead, but the bounty set out by the Coalition’s Intelligence Core wasn’t specific like that. Dead or alive was the official line. But that decision was for later. I’d meet my contact from Rogue 5, trade what I had for a ride into their fortress of a moon base, capture Gerian Eozara and end this.

  That didn’t mean I couldn’t have some fun in the meantime. And this massive male was exactly what my inner sex-starved goddess wanted. Big. Hard. Willing.

  And no strings. For once Fate seemed to be on my side.

  His hand went to the base of his cock, worked it so the tip slid up and down my slit. I gasped, lifted my hips for more.

  “Like this?” he asked, his gaze meeting mine.

  “Put your cock in me, Forsian. Now,” I growled.

  He grinned ferally and plunged deep.

  My back bowed, my body rippled and stretched to take him.

  “Fuck,” I moaned.

  He pulled out slowly, slammed deep. “Yes, female, now we fuck.”

  His thrusts were so powerful his hands went to my hips to keep me from sliding across the counter. He’d been gentle there for a moment or two, but that was no longer.

  He was intense, forceful, his gaze on me, watching my breasts sway, my mouth open on a gasp. The way sweat broke out on my skin. The way I gripped the edge of the table with my fingers as if I needed to hold on or fly away.

  “Yes,” I begged.

  His pace was deliberate, focused, as if every time his cock filled me it was intentional, the motion, the speed, the angle were all deliberate. He grabbed an ankle and wrapped my leg around his hip. I took the hint and hooked both behind his back. I wouldn’t have been able to do it if I didn’t have long legs. He was so big.

  Now we were joined, locked together by me, his motions minimized by the hold. A hand hooked behind my back and lifted me up so I was impaled on his cock. He pivoted, pressed me into the wall.

  There was nowhere to go, no give. Nothing to do but take the pummeling he was giving me. He hit deep, stroking over spots I didn’t even know I had.


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