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Soul of The Swords: Brotherhood is More Than Metal

Page 7

by Saxon Andrew

  Delilah’s Sword was now traveling stern first at high speed toward the damaged hull on the Tronan as Sam used the lateral and bow thrusters to keep the ship in line. As it rushed up on the stricken vessel, Sam pushed the booster controls fully forward and pressed three controls on his panel injecting massive fuel into the new plasma chambers. The blast from the six giant boosters on the rear of the sword hit the Tronan Vessel and blew into the hole Jek made with the blasters. Delilah’s Sword came rushing up on the Tronan that was now being pushed away by the giant thrust of the six boosters and the massive flames went through the growing hole in the Tronan’s hull and shot through the passages inside the rear of the vessel toward the front of the giant ship.

  The first thing the super-heated jets burned out were the conduits from the reactors to the blasters on the giant ship. Every blaster that was holding off the missile barrage went out at the same moment. The Director looked at his monitor and saw the flames rushing toward the front of his ship up the passages and also saw the clouds of missiles were bearing in on his ship. He realized that this voyage was ending here. He sat back in his chair and pressed a button on his panel as the super-heated flames rushed through the bridge’s portal; that was the last thing he saw. More than a hundred black colored probes left the Tronan’s hull just before the missiles hit.

  Delilah’s Sword suddenly reversed direction and accelerated away from the Tronan Ship at high speed just as the thousands of missiles hit it. It went up in a massive explosion as Sam activated the stardrive and left normal space. The Dojuit Colony Ship along will all the Heaven Warships left normal space just before the missiles hit and barely escaped the massive explosion that was seen on the surface of Heaven more than a hundred-thousand miles away.

  Sam grabbed his communicator and yelled, “Jeles, get the forty modified ships after those probes. Stop them before they make the intersection.”

  The forty modified ships came roaring in from the place they had been powered down outside the intersection and began firing on the black probes moving toward them. Twenty-six probes managed to make it past but the newly modified warships were faster and all of them were chased down and destroyed. Sam moved the Sword into the filament and headed toward Heaven. He looked at Shelly and smiled, “Tell the crew to board their shuttles and return to the ship.”

  Shelly smiled and began talking on her communicator. Jek sat in his chair and said, “I never saw you thinking about doing that maneuver.”

  “I thought of it on the spur of the moment. Your burning a hole in the hull made it possible.” Jek stared at him and Sam said, “What?”

  “Looks like I won’t get that school named after me.”

  Sam laughed, “Jek, trust me on this. If there is ever a statue of me, it will have you there beside me.”

  Jek smiled, “You think?”

  “Whoever decided to make it will know that both of us are incomplete without the other.”

  Jek looked at Shelly, “I think there will be three after today.”

  Shelly heard him and shook her head, “Oh no! I just played a minor role in this.”

  Sam laughed, “Tell it to the historians.”

  Jek looked at Shelly, “I believe Sam held up his end of getting you through this. You said we could watch.”

  Shelly’s eyes narrowed as she smiled, “And indeed you shall be a witness. But first, the Commander has some explaining to do to the crew.”

  Sam sighed and looked at the monitor. He could see the shuttles boosting toward the ship. He looked at Jek and he shook his head, “Oh no! This is your responsibility.”

  Sam sighed and said, “And you wonder why I don’t smile.”

  Shelly burst out laughing.

  • • •

  It took an hour for Sam to explain why he had the crew sent to Heaven and, though they weren’t happy, they understood why he did it. He was right; all of them knew a missile didn’t need a crew. It was at that moment that Sam, Jek, and Shelly were directed to report to the Government Center. Jek looked at Sam, “I thought I was not allowed to attend government meetings.”

  Sam shrugged, “I guess things change. Let’s get moving.” Jek and Shelly boarded a shuttle with Sam and headed toward the planet. They arrived and found the streets around the building were filled with the citizens of Killamed cheering the shuttle as it landed in front of the Government Center. All of the party officials were present and they moved forward to greet the three sailors. The crowd went wild as Dyget raised Sam’s arm over his head. The three were escorted onto a large transport and drove around the city to the cheers of the populace. Sam looked at Jek, “We really don’t deserve this.”

  “Speak for yourself. I’m enjoying this immensely.”

  Sam sighed and continued to wave at the cheering masses. They finally arrived back at the Government Center and President Dyget walked with them to a podium and spoke over the giant loud speakers on each side, “Fleet Commander, I believe our people would like to hear from you.”

  The crowd erupted in a huge roar as Dyget handed Sam the microphone. Sam looked out at the huge gathering and after a few minutes, they grew silent. He tried to decide what to say and after a moment decided. He glanced at Jek and saw him smiling.

  “I think I speak for the three of us standing before you that we are humbled by your presence here to honor us.” The crowd roared again but Sam held up his arms and they grew silent again. “However, the real heroes that made this possible are the engineers and their teams that built the missiles and new ships that allowed all this to happen. They worked more than twenty hours a day for more than four months to build the tools that we needed to confront this enemy and without their tireless efforts, we would have lost this confrontation. What we did was only possible because of their efforts and I feel ashamed that I am being given the credit for what they made possible.” Sam looked at President Dyget, “I ask our ruling party to have all of them brought here tomorrow for you to show them your appreciation for all of their hard work. Will you do it, Mr. President?”

  Dyget smiled and took the microphone, “Indeed I will and less you grow too unassuming, it was your plan that we followed doing this. You deserve everything we can give you, Commander.”

  Sam’s face turned red and the crowd exploded into cheers. Jek heard Shelly think, “You were right, Jek.”

  “What is that?”

  “Like father, like son. Just like his father, he tried to give the credit to those that go unnoticed.”

  Jek looked at her, “I’ve been asked many times in the past why I’ve chosen to follow his father and now him. Do you know why?”

  Shelly sighed and thought, “I didn’t until this moment.”

  Jek smiled and waved at the crowds still cheering them. He thought, “He and his father have never ceased to amaze me at who they are. This is just another example of it.”

  Shelly nodded and looked at Sam. His face was still red and she turned to wave at the cheering thousands. Jek had made his choice. Now she had to make hers.

  • • •

  The next day the engineers, scientists, and sailors from Heaven’s Fleets were paraded around the capital city to the cheers of the gathered thousands and all of them knew it was Sam that made it happen. Sam and Jek watched the parade from the top of the Government Center as it moved through the city and Jeg thought to them, “I see the two of you are planning something else.” Sam turned to him and nodded. “Are you certain about this? Are there not others that can do this?”

  Jek looked at his father, “You know the answer to those questions.”

  “I know but I was hoping the two of you saw another way to do this.”

  Sam looked back out of the window and sighed, “No, this is the only way to do it safely. You know the danger we’ll have to face.”

  President Dyget entered the room and saw Sam’s expression, “What’s going on. This is not the time for glum expressions.”

  Jeg turned to Dyget, “I believe you need to discuss this
with the Fleet Commander.”

  Dyget looked at Sam and walked over to a conference table, “Why don’t the two of you come sit down and tell me what you’re thinking.”

  Suddenly the door to the room opened and Shelly walked in the room, “I’m sorry I’m late. I was held up by my family.”

  Dyget nodded and said, “Come join us Team Leader.”

  Sam looked at Jek and saw him frown. Something was going on with Shelly but now wasn’t the time to find out what it was. Dyget turned to Sam, “What’s bothering you Fleet Commander?”

  “Sir, I am going to step down from my position and place Commander Jeles in my position.”

  Dyget immediately frowned and Sam noticed Shelly didn’t look surprised. “We need you in your position, Fleet Commander. I understand that the Tronan Warship launched a message probe back to their civilization before they entered our filament. You know they will come to investigate what happened to their vessel.”

  “That’s why I have to do it, Mr. President. What we did to defeat the Tronan Warship will not work against more than one of their vessels. We have to go out and find advanced technology that will allow us to meet them on even terms just like we did when faced with the possibility of a Huddes attack. Jek and I are the best ones to make that happen.”

  Dyget stared at them for a long moment and looked at Jeg, “What do you think about this?”

  “I’m forced to agree with them. It will take about a year for that first probe they launched before they entered our filament to arrive at their fleets and then another year for them to send additional ships to investigate. During that time, we won’t need the Fleet Commander. However, we better find technology that will give us a fighting chance against those warships when they arrive or Heaven will become a hell.”

  “Just how do you see this happening, Fleet Commander?”

  “I’ll load up ten warships with Bretel, which we will use to trade for advanced technology. I’ll then go out and seek out civilizations that have what we need.”

  “Why can’t someone else do this.”

  “Because you know the danger of advanced aggressive civilizations. You need look no further than the Huddes. Whoever goes is going to need a telepath to warn them of any danger they encounter.”

  Dyget looked at Sam and Jek, “Couldn’t Jek just go?”

  Jeg looked at Dyget, “Mr. President, my son has many talents but he is not anywhere close to the strategic talent the Fleet Commander possesses. They are a unit and the two of them together are far more talented than either of them are alone. You know this is the best thing to do in our current circumstances; why are you reluctant to do this?”

  “We’re going to need someone to get our fleets ready. Jeles is a good commander but he is not up to what must be done.”

  Sam smiled, “Then it appears you are going to have to call the former Fleet Commander back into service.”

  “You’re talking about Commander Hefin?”

  “I am and he told me numerous times when I went to replace him that he would be very happy to assist me should I ever need his help.”

  Dyget sighed and Jek said, “Commander Oliver’s fame will rapidly fade as our planet starts to prepare for what’s coming. It would only serve your political purposes for a short time.”

  Dyget looked at Jeg and shook his head, “This is why I don’t like telepaths in our meetings.” He turned to Sam and said, “Choose the ships you want to take with you.” He turned to Shelly and said, “You have been promoted to the rank of Captain and will take command of one of our warships.”

  “I’m sorry Mr. President but I must refuse the promotion.” Everyone in the room immediately turned to her and she shrugged, “I’ll accept the command when we return from searching for advanced technology but Commander Oliver and Jek are going to need the best officer in the Fleet to handle the communications on their vessel. I believe that I am that person.”

  Shelly looked at Sam with an expression that he knew she was wanting him to agree with her and he struggled with what to do. He looked at Jek and heard in his mind, “You know she’s right. Now do the right thing.”

  Dyget looked at Sam and he quickly said, “Team Leader Stevens is right. We are going to be encountering numerous new civilizations and I’m going to need a top notch Communications Officer to find their communication channels. Her promotion should be made now and she will be the third officer in command of my ship.”

  Sam saw Shelly’s shoulders come down as she relaxed. Dyget looked at Jeg and he shrugged. “Alright, she will go with you on your ship. Choose the others and let me know when you’re ready to take off.”

  “Sir, I am not taking the Flag Ship.”

  “Why not?”

  “I want ten of the modified warships and I don’t want any one ship to stand out from the others. It would be the prime target if we’re attacked and I don’t need that large of a crew to do our search. Plus, Commander Hefin is familiar with most of the crew on the Sword and the time for him to get back up to speed will be greatly reduced.”

  Dyget smiled and turned to Jeg, “You’re right about his strategic skills.” Dyget turned to Sam, “Choose your ships and let me know.”

  “Sir, I do recommend that our building facilities start converting the rest of the fleet to the new booster system. We’re going to need to be able to maneuver with the Tronan when they show up.”

  Jeg smiled, “I’ll make sure it happens.”

  Dyget stood up, “Well, if that’s all, this meeting is adjourned.” Dyget and Jek left the room and once the door closed, Sam looked at Shelly. Jek immediately held up his hand and stopped Sam from speaking. Jek pointed to his head and then the door. Sam smiled, Jeg was still in telepathic range.

  Jek waited and after a few minutes said, “Father is now occupied with Engineer Hardy. He’s no longer listening to us.”

  Sam looked at Shelly, “Why do you want to go with us? I thought you didn’t like being on the same ship with me.”

  “I didn’t. But it became clear to me during our attack on the Tronan that Jek has chosen to link himself to you because of who you are. I saw that if I’m going to be serving under a superior officer, there is no one better than you. So, where the two of you go, I want to be there as well. I really do think we make a good team.”

  Jek snickered, “So now there are going to be three statues.”

  Shelly jerked her head toward him and, after a moment smiled, “Yeah, something like that.” Sam stared at her and Shelly’s eyes narrowed, “Don’t even think for a moment that I am romantically attracted to you, I’m not. I just see that you are really remarkable in your planning abilities and I want to be a part of it.”

  Sam shrugged, “Ok. I’ve seen you’re pretty darn good with the communication systems. I can use your help, Captain.”

  Shelly smiled, “I’ve also planned a little soiree this evening for the three of us.”

  Jek started chuckling and Shelly said, “I called Rolf and he told me a couple of days ago he was going to have to work late tonight. I know he is a creature of habit and I started calling every restaurant he’s taken me to and found that he has a reservation at the Green Frond tonight at seven. I called back and reserved the table next to his and persuaded the head waiter not to let him know I was coming. I’m bringing Bob with me and I thought the two of you might want to be around to watch the proceedings.”

  Sam looked uncomfortable but Jek said, “OUTSTANDING!!”

  Shelly looked at Sam, “What’s the matter? Don’t have what it takes to confront her?”

  “She called me two days ago and told me that she was wrong and wanted us to get back together.” Shelly and Jek stared at him in silence and he said, “I told her there wasn’t any sense in it. I was leaving on a long voyage and she needed to get on with her life.”

  Shelly smiled, “That must be when she contacted Rolf and they made their plans for tonight. Buck up, Sam. This is going to be fun.”

  Sam shook his head,
“Why is it that a man feels very uncomfortable confronting a cheating partner and a woman looks forward to it?”

  Shelly smiled, “There’s a lot of truth in the old adage nothing is worse than a woman scorned. Just don’t ever make that mistake.”

  Sam shook his head, “I’ll be sure not to do it.”

  Shelly nodded, “Alright, I’ll meet the two of you out front of the Frond at seven twenty-five. The two of you will go in first and Bob and I will follow you in four minutes later.”

  Sam looked at Jek and he smiled, “We’ll be there!” Sam sighed and left the room with them.

  • • •

  Shelly left them and headed home to make sure Bob was going to go with her. When she arrived she found him in the living room, “Are you ready for tonight?”

  Bob shook his head and lifted his communicator. He punched in a code and waited. After a moment he said, “I was checking to see if you were available tonight.” Shelly watched him and heard, “An audition?” There was a pause and he sighed, “Ok, I’ll see you later.”

  Shelly looked at him, “Who was that?”

  “Oh, it was Annie. She says she has an audition tonight. You know how she’s trying to get her acting career started.”

  “So that means you’ll be going with me.”

  “Sis, I really don’t feel like going out.”

  “But Fleet Commander Oliver and the Guyton are expecting us. The Commander wants to meet you.” Bob’s eyes narrowed and Shelly quickly said, “The Guyton has mental images of Dad when he was alive. You’ve never seen him and you can’t pass this up.”

  “Alright, I’ll go.”

  “Hey, Bob, it’s going to be an eye-opening experience. Trust me.”

  “I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing.”

  Shelly laughed and said, “Ya just never know!”

  • • •

  That night, Shelly and Bob arrived and saw Sam and Jek standing outside the restaurant. Shelly looked at Jek and he nodded. Sam was wearing civilian clothes and his long black hair hung down to the middle of his back. He was quite handsome. She looked at Sam and said, “Why don’t the two of you go to our table. I need to talk with Bob for a minute.”


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