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Soul of The Swords: Brotherhood is More Than Metal

Page 10

by Saxon Andrew

  The Pirate nodded and he followed the tall being out of the landing bay and up a long corridor. He noticed that one of the crew walked behind him with a drawn hand blaster. He could feel the plastic communicator box in his waistband and he hoped he wouldn’t have to use it. After a long walk, they arrived outside a portal and the tall being pressed a button on it. The portal opened and the being pointed for him to enter, “After you, Captain.”

  The Pirate entered the room and saw a man with extraordinarily long black hair sitting at the front of a table. Seated next to him was a very attractive blonde woman. Her hair was cut in a pixie style and her bangs hung down just above her incredibly green eyes. The man said, “Come take a seat.”

  The Pirate walked forward and sat down across the table from the two humans. The long haired man looked at the tall black being and he stepped forward and put a hand blaster against the Pirate’s head, “Please be still. Place your hands on the table in front of you.” The Pirate looked at the dark being and did as he was instructed. Jek suddenly jabbed his hand into the Pirates waistband and pulled out a small white box with a button on it. The Pirate jerked his head at the tall creature and it said, “Now we can’t have your crew doing something stupid, can we.”

  “How did you know about that transmitter. It’s supposed to be undetectable.”

  Jek smiled, “Just lucky, I guess.”

  Sam said, “I have some questions I want you to answer and I’ll know if you’re not telling the truth. Now I know you probably don’t believe me when I tell you this but just to make sure you know, I’m going to ask you your name and you will tell me as many names as you can think of. I’ll let you know when you tell me your real name.”

  The Pirate stared at Sam and said, “Alex.”

  Sam said, “Wrong.”




  “Wrong, again.” Sam watched Jek out of the corner of his eye and saw him remain absolutely still.

  The Pirate continued to call out names and after fifteen more he said, “Daniel.”

  Sam saw Jek blink and he said, “It’s good to meet you, Daniel.”

  The Pirate stared at Sam and shook his head, “How did you do that?”

  “Just know that if you do not answer my questions honestly, you and your ship will die. Do you understand?” The Pirate nodded just as the door to the conference room opened and four crewmen brought trays in for each of the attendees. The Pirate saw an extraordinary meal before him and he looked up at Sam who smiled, “Daniel, I will release you and your ship if you answer my questions honestly.”

  “What assurance do I have that you’ll keep your promise?”

  “None. But I do not lie and I keep my promises. Please eat and we’ll have our discussion while we have our meal. Why have you chosen to be a Pirate, Daniel?”

  Daniel took a bite of the meat and was amazed at how good it was. He looked at the man and said, “I actually had no choice.”

  “Why is that?” Sam asked.

  “I was formerly a naval officer in an organization that was attacked and destroyed.”

  “Where was this organization located.”

  “On Earth.”

  Sam’s eyes narrowed but he saw Jek nod slightly, “Isn’t Earth the legendary home world of our species.”

  “It’s not legendary, it still exists.”

  “Tell me what happened, Daniel.”

  Daniel sighed and put his fork down, “My leaders on Earth were working to build advanced warships to take control of the known universe and return Earth to its former glory. As I understand it, in order to make it happen, the Leaders of the Movement needed some children with special mental abilities to complete the plan.”

  The Pirate paused and Sam said, “Go on.”

  “The Leaders had previously taken two children with those abilities a couple of decades earlier from a distant planet but they turned on my Leaders and both of them managed to escape. Our fleet was ordered to take our warriors to the planet where they came from and capture some new ones.”

  “How did you feel about going to capture children?”

  “I think most of those that weren’t hard core fanatics hated it. This was not something a true warrior would do.”

  “But you went along with it?”

  Daniel looked at Sam and sighed, “If you don’t trust your leaders are doing the right thing, then you’re lost. I guess we all tried to justify it in our minds. After everything that subsequently happened, I know we were wrong to do it.”

  “What happened?”

  “We went to the planet and landed in a threshing machine. Close to a million warriors landed on that planet along with all their advanced weapons and a little less than forty thousand managed to escape with their lives.” Sam saw Jek wasn’t giving any sign the Pirate was lying and he shook his head. The Pirate said, “More than a two hundred thousand of those that managed to escape to our ships died within a few hours from a lethal dose of radiation from the weapons we brought to the planet.”

  “How did that happen?”

  “No one really knows. However, several weeks after we attacked the planet, the two children that escaped our leaders went to earth with a species known as Dragons with them. They took control of our headquarters building and used the computers inside it to deactivate all the weapons on our ships.”

  “What kind of weapons?” Shelly asked.

  Daniel looked at her, “We had blasters that were more powerful than any in the known universe. We also had force fields around our ships.” Sam’s eyebrows came together and Daniel quickly said, “I know that force fields are supposed to be impossible but I assure you that all of our ships had them and they functioned as they were designed.”

  Shelly asked, “What do you mean by, had them?”

  “Oh they’re still on my ship.”

  Sam eyes widened, “What?”

  “They’re in sealed, armored compartments and if anyone attempts to get into them, the ship has been set to immediately self-destruct. I’ve seen more than ten vessels blasted into rubble when the crews tried to get to their former weapons.”

  Jek looked at Daniel, “Why didn’t your fleet go to your leader’s defense when they were attacked?”

  Daniel stared at Jek for a moment and said, “Someone removed the filament to Earth after the attack began. We had no way to go to their defense.”

  Jek said, “I find that impossible to believe.”

  Daniel’s eyes showed his sorrow, “It’s true. We could do nothing to stop them.”

  Sam stared at Daniel and then asked, “What happened after your leaders were defeated?”

  Those two escapees came out and told us that Earth had a warrant for all of our arrests to punish us for attacking another human planet. If we went back to Earth, we would face a death sentence. All of the ships in the fleet were forced to flee and try to find a way to survive in a dangerous universe with no weapons to defend them.”

  Shelly’s head tilted as her eyes narrowed, “How were they able to come out and confront you? I thought you said the filament was gone.”

  Daniel’s eyes widened slightly, “We were all at the intersection closest to Earth and suddenly the filament reappeared. Two ships covered in a brilliant metal came out and we discovered that our weapons were no longer operational. They told us that to go to Earth was a death sentence and warned us that if we tried to use our blasters or force fields we would die. We had no choice but to leave Earth and try to survive. Piracy was my only option.”

  “What about the blaster on the front of your ship?” Sam asked.

  “I paid to have that installed. It’s depressing to know that inside my ship are four blasters I can’t use and that each of them are more than a hundred times more powerful than the one I had installed.”

  “Are you sure you can’t get to them?” Shelly asked.

  “If we attempt to disable the computer, the ship will self-destruct. If we attemp
t to break through the armor around the weapons, the ship will self-destruct. If we attempt to change the computer’s programming, the ship will self-destruct.”

  Jek looked at Daniel, “How do you like being a Pirate, Captain?”

  Daniel turned to him and took a deep breath. He blew it out slowly and said, “I think all of us have come to hate it with a passion.”

  “Why do you do it then?”

  Sam knew that Jek was asking these questions for his benefit. Daniel shook his head, “We don’t have any other skills. We were trained to be warriors and there’s not a huge market for that particular talent pool.” Daniel looked up at them, “It was hard to stop my crew from using the self-destruct circuit on my ship when you brought me here. I think all of us really want to die and I saw in my officer’s eyes that he longed to engage the destruct-circuit and end his miserable existance.”

  Sam leaned over and whispered to Shelly. She nodded and left the room. Sam nodded to Jek and he said, “I understand your ship is in a bad way.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Is it?”

  “We’re about out of power. We hoped the sale of this freighter’s cargo would make us enough to buy enough fuel to continue.”

  Sam picked up the microphone from his console, held it out to Daniel, and said, “I think you need to contact your crew and let them know everything is alright.”

  Daniel looked at Sam, “Is it?”

  “I will not harm your ship. Just press the button on the microphone to speak to them.”

  Daniel stared at Sam and took the microphone. He hesitated and said, “Albert.”


  “Deactivate the self-destruct. We will not be harmed.”

  Sam looked at Jek, who sent a thought to Fen, “Shutdown your blasters, Captain.”

  “Shutting them down, Sir.”

  Daniel heard over the wall speaker, “Captain, the ships around us have shut down their weapons.”

  “Stand by and I’ll speak with you shortly.”

  “Captain, are you sure about this?”

  “Nothing is certain, Albert. But I believe these people do not intend to harm us. Now is not the day for us to die.”

  “Yes, Captain.”

  Shelly walked in and handed Sam a small box. Sam pushed it across the table to Daniel and said, “Open it, Captain.” Daniel took the small box and opened the cover. He looked inside and his eyes flew wide open. He looked at Sam with his mouth wide open and Sam said, “Will this provide you with enough funds to get by?”

  Daniel looked in the box and said, “There’s enough Trillium here to pay for a hundred ships.”

  Sam glanced at Shelly as he said, “Tell me what that metal is used for, Daniel.”

  “Don’t you know?”

  “I do. But I want to make sure you know what I’m giving you.”


  “I am. Now answer my question.”

  “If this is truly Trillium, it will repower my reactors and sell for billions of credits. It’s also the most powerful explosive in the universe.”

  Sam’s eyes narrowed, “How did you know about it being an explosive?”

  “Everyone knows about that!” Daniel replied. “Just combine it with a small amount of pure radioactive material and a microscopic amount of it will blow this ship into fragments and gas.”

  Sam smiled, “And tell me why that doesn’t happen in a reactor?”

  “Because the reactor fuel is not pure. It’s going through a fusion process and the Trillium only enhances the process. But put it with a pure radioactive material and the blast is unbelievable.”

  Sam smiled, “I think we can trust you to be careful with it and not endanger your ship and crew.”

  “Why are you doing this?”

  I’m going to make you another offer, Captain. There are some places in the universe where the talents of warriors are sorely needed. I’m offering you the opportunity to join me and fight for the survival of my planet against an enemy that is beyond anything you’ve ever encountered. Are you interested?”

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “Because that enemy is real and we need every resource we can find. If you decide to join us, you will have a planet to call home, where you will find a safe environment to live. Either way, the box is yours to keep and I wish you a good life.”

  Daniel stared at Sam and heard Jek say next to him, “The Commander does not lie and he keeps his promises. Can you say the same?”

  Daniel looked at Jek, “I have to discuss this with my crew.”

  Sam smiled, “You have my frequency. You may leave in peace and if you decide you want to join us, contact me.”

  Daniel shook his head, “When your ships came flashing up on me, I really believed my life was over and I actually looked forward to it. Now I find myself wondering if this is destiny trying to tell me something.”

  Sam smiled, “Let me know what you decide.” Sam looked at Jek, “Send him back to his ship. Once the shuttle returns, we’ll boost out.”

  Shelly looked at Daniel as he stood up, “What was the name of the Planet you invaded and the species that fought with them?”

  Daniel’s eyes narrowed, “We called it the Demon Planet from Hell. Its name was Bellingham. All I know about the species that was with them is that they were called Dragons.”

  Sam smiled, “Good luck, Daniel. I do hope you find peace.”

  Daniel stared at him and then started as Jek touched him on the arm, “This way, Captain.”

  Daniel looked at Sam and said, “Thank you for your generosity.” Sam nodded and Daniel followed Jek out of the room.

  Sam waited in silence for Jek to return and Shelly allowed him silence to think things through. Jek entered the conference room and Sam said, “Do you think he was being honest about bretel being a powerful explosive?”

  “He was.”

  Shelly shook her head, “Explosives are no good if you can’t deliver them to the target. Our missiles stand no chance of getting through the Tronan blaster coverage.”

  “That’s true but at least we have something that might be effective in a missile’s warhead,” Sam replied. Sam lifted his communicator and pressed a button, “Fen, I’m sending you a recording of a conversation I just had with the Commander of that white ship. I want you to listen to it and then dispatch one of your ships back to Heaven with it and have it delivered to Chief Engineer Hardy. Make sure the Commander of the ship you send tells Engineer Hardy to do any experiments off the planet’s surface. Make sure he understands.”

  “Yes, Sir. I’m sending Ship Commander Ardun aboard the Green Hills back with the information.”

  “Good.” Sam looked at Shelly, “Look in the Cartian Map for any filament designated as Bellingham.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Jek looked at Sam, “That pirate was scared stiff of that planet.”

  “They invaded that planet, Jek. I truly hope we can make the Tronan just as frightened of us. I’ve not heard anything that proves the inhabitants of Bellingham are evil.”

  “They killed close to a million warriors.”

  “If two million warriors invade Heaven, I’d try to kill three million.”

  Jek shrugged, “And you call me an assassin.”

  Sam smiled, “Indeed you are.”

  “Sometimes I wonder who the real killer is.”

  Sam lowered his eyes, “Don’t. All of us are. You just happen to be more talented at it than everyone else.”

  “I haven’t killed anyone in a long time.”

  “The opportunity hasn’t presented itself. Trust me, you haven’t lost any of your skills,” Sam replied to Jek.

  Jek shrugged, “I guess you’re right. Heaven was once such a peaceful place. I miss that.”

  “And look where it got us, Jek. I’ll take peace any day but I will not have pity for anyone that attacks my home. Never forget the Huddes; let’s go to work.”

  Sam wa
lked out of the conference room and Shelly announced from her panel, “I found the filament to Bellingham in the Cartian data. I’ve started the group moving toward it.”

  “Very good, Captain. Let’s go see what a planet of demons looks like.” The other members of the bridge crew all started looking at each other. Demons?

  Jek looked at Sam, “Are we going straight there, Commander?”

  “No, we’re going to stop and investigate anything that remotely looks like it could benefit us. I wonder if the filament to Bellingham is still there. We can’t afford to waste any time.”

  “It could take us several months to get there.”

  “I know that, Jek. But we can’t pass up any opportunity.”

  Shelly listened to them and sent directives to her team of scanners to be searching for warships. Sam was right; time was growing short.

  Chapter Eight

  Three months passed before the Group of Heaven Warships arrived at the intersection of the Bellingham Filament. As they approached, Shelly announced over the bridge’s PA system, “Sir, it appears there are close to a thousand warships gathered around the intersection.”

  Sam sat up straight in his chair, “Are they all the same type of warships?”

  “No, Sir. It appears there are anywhere from seventy to a hundred different ship types. I see that three warships directly ahead of us are being approached by fifteen other ships in a threatening manner.”

  Sam pressed a button on his console, “Attention all ships. Go to Battle stations.”

  Jek thought, “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m moving our ships to the sides of those three ships. We don’t need to have hostilities break out. Maybe those aggressive vessels will back off?”

  • • •

  “Captain, I have nine warships moving in to either side of us. They’ll arrive before the Gronan Squadron.”

  “Are they directing their weapons at us?”

  “No, Sir. It appears they are pointed toward the approaching Gronan Vessels.”

  Gem and John appeared on Leonidas’ monitor and Leo said, “I see them, but those ships don’t appear to be moving in a hostile manner toward us. Remain at battle stations and let’s see what’s going on. Only open fire on my order.” John and Gem nodded and they disappeared from the monitor.


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