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Listen To Me (Fusion #1)

Page 6

by Kristen Proby

  “This is a story better suited for another time. First, I want you to talk to me about Jeremy.”

  “You know everything.”

  She buries her face in my chest again, hiding.

  “Does he have a key to your apartment?”

  “I’ll have the locks changed tomorrow.”

  “Why didn’t you do that already?”

  “I didn’t think he’d do anything. He was gone.”

  I’m not leaving here tonight.

  “Have the gate code changed too.”

  “I will.” She’s quiet for a long moment. “He was going to hit me.”

  My gut clenches all over again and I wish he were here so I could beat the fuck out of him. “No, he wasn’t. I wouldn’t have let him.”

  “If you hadn’t been there, he would have. I wasn’t the one who cheated on him. I didn’t do anything wrong, but he was going to hit me.”

  “He doesn’t matter,” I whisper, and kiss her head as I lift her into my arms and walk to her bedroom. I toe off my shoes, pull the covers back, and lay her on the bed, then with all of my clothes still on, I climb in after her.

  “What are you doing?” Excellent question, sweetheart. I believe this is called comforting without the expectation of sex afterward.

  And it’s a completely new experience for me.

  “Curing cancer.” I tug her to me, tangle our legs, and wrap my arms around her as she rests her head on my chest. “We could both use some comforting, I think.”

  “Why do you need comforting?”

  Oh, sweetness, for so many reasons that if I laid them all out for you, you’d run from this room screaming.

  “Because I hit a guy tonight and bruised my hand.”

  “Oh!” She grabs my fist in her hands and kisses my knuckles, making the breath hiss out between my teeth. “I’m sorry.”

  “You should kiss it again.”

  She does, gently pressing her sexy, full lips against my skin, and then to my utter surprise, she uncurls my fingers and tucks her cheek in my palm, holding my hand to her face. “Thank you.”

  “For what?” I whisper.

  “For saving me from that douche bag. For being so nice to me even though I’ve been an utter bitch to you.”

  “You’re not a bitch. You just like me.”

  “Do not.”

  I smile and hold her close, staring at the shadows from her window on the ceiling. The room is dark and cool. Perfect sleeping conditions.

  “You like me. It’s okay, I have that effect on women.”

  She stiffens for a moment, then relaxes again. “I’m sure you do.”

  I tip her face up, so I can see her eyes in the moonlight. “It was a joke, Addie.”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  “Yes, I think with you, it does.”

  Her eyes drop to my lips as she licks her own and it takes all of my willpower not to roll her under me and take her right here and now. But then she looks back up at me and presses her lips to my chin. “Thank you.”

  “You already thanked me.”

  “It was worth saying twice.” And with that she settles in against me, and mere minutes later, she’s breathing the long, deep breaths of slumber.

  I’ve fought insomnia for years, so I settle in for a long night of staring at Addie’s ceiling, but as she breathes long and slow against me, her arms wrapped around my waist and legs tangled with mine, I find myself drifting with her.

  She just fits.

  Chapter Five


  He’s not gone.

  I haven’t opened my eyes yet, but I can feel the heat from his body next to me. I can hear his even breathing. Of course Jake Knox doesn’t snore.

  I do. Which is only the most mortifying thing in the world.

  I open one eye, and sure enough, there he is, still in his clothes from last night, looking all rumpled and sexy as hell. He’s on his back, and I’m on my side next to him, and we aren’t touching.

  But with the heat and sexy vibes rolling off of him, we may as well be. God, he’s hot. Like, if you look up hot in the dictionary, there’s Jake’s picture. And when he smiles, all bets are off. He’s been melting my panties off for a month with that cocky smile.

  It was nice of him to make excuses for me last night, but I know the truth. I have been horrible to him. Because I’m so damn attracted to him, and my man picker isn’t just broken: I’m pretty sure it doesn’t exist.

  My heart just can’t take any more bruises.

  Last night, my face almost gained a few bruises, and my stomach clenches again at the thought. What the ever loving fuck was that all about? I’d just reached my car when Jeremy scared the fuck out of me, coming up behind me and spinning me around, pinning me in place and yelling about how he has nowhere to go, and it’s all my fault.

  I’m no shrinking violet, so I gave it right back to him, calling him a loser who needs to get his shit together.

  He didn’t take kindly to that.

  But I never would have believed that he would have hurt me. Jeremy is a lot of things, but an abuser isn’t something that was on my radar.

  And then Jake came to the rescue. I’ve never felt such relief as I did when he pulled Jeremy away from me. He was my savior.

  And that’s just corny as hell.

  Lying here in the early morning sunshine, I can’t help but admit that he’s sexy, and surprisingly has a sweet side.

  And it’s not just the way he looks that has me attracted. Don’t get me wrong, my fingertips itch to trace the tattoos on his arm, to feel his hair in my hands. But I’ve also come to learn this past month that Jake is a nice guy.

  And I’m mature enough to admit that he scares me more than a little.

  Now it’s the morning after. Nothing happened, yet it feels like it was way more intimate than getting naked together.

  I roll onto my back, bite my lip, and try to sneak out of the bed, but suddenly a strong arm wraps around my stomach and Jake pulls me tightly against his chest.

  “Where are you going?” he rasps into my ear.

  “It’s morning.”

  His hand slips under the hem of my T-shirt and his fingertips begin to draw circles on my skin.

  Holy mother of God, that feels good.

  “I’m not having sex with you,” I say primly and try to inch away from him.

  “I didn’t invite you to. Stop squirming.” He nuzzles my neck, making my eyes cross, and continues to play my stomach like a freaking guitar. Then he pushes more firmly against me, making me giggle.

  “Whatever it is that’s pressed to my ass disagrees with you.”

  “That’s nothing. Just a flashlight.”

  I burst out laughing. “Do you carry a flashlight in your pocket often?”

  “Mostly just in the morning,” he replies seriously and kisses my neck, right under my ear, and my hips circle involuntarily. My nipples are puckered, and I know my panties are soaked.

  This man is potent.


  So fucking hot.

  “Seriously, Jake, I am not having sex with you.”

  “Seriously, Addie, I am not even attracted to you. Stop trying to have sex with me.”

  I giggle some more, grip his hand in mine, and raise it to my lips.

  And bite.

  “Ah, she’s a biter.”

  “I’m not attracted to you either.”

  “Let’s not get crazy, sweetheart. Yes you are. You like me.”

  “You’re delusional.”

  He tugs me onto my back, smiling down at me. He drags his fingertips down my cheek, then tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.

  And hello, morning breath.

  Not him, of course. But I’m quite sure my breath could rival a dragon’s right now, so I tug the sheet up and over my mouth, as Jake’s eyes smile down at me.

  “Making sure I won’t kiss you?”

  “Making sure I don’t kill you with my morning breath.”

; He chuckles and leans in to nuzzle my temple. “You smell so good.”

  “Right. Don’t you have somewhere you need to be?”

  “It’s Sunday, Addison,” he whispers.

  “So? Maybe you need to go to the grocery store. Or the gym. Or church.”

  He chuckles. “None of that is on my list today.”

  “Well, some of it is on my list.” His hand takes a journey up my shirt again, and those talented fingers skim my skin.

  “You make me crazy when you bite your lip like that,” he whispers as the sheet is tugged down around my chin. His green eyes are on fire as he continues to nuzzle me, cuddle me.

  When was the last time I was just cuddled? I don’t even remember.

  Probably because I hate to snuggle.


  “You’re overthinking,” he says.

  “I am not.”

  “You’ve been overthinking for the past thirty minutes,” he says simply. “As someone who shares that affliction, I’m here to tell you to stop. It’ll make you crazy.”

  “You make me crazy.”

  “I know. You’re wild about me. It’s embarrassing, really.”

  I giggle, unable to stop myself. This playful side of him is just . . . fun. My chest feels lighter with the entertaining banter, making me relax. Maybe he’s right, maybe I do overthink everything.

  “You really need an ego check.”

  “Oh, I have plenty of those,” he replies and kisses my forehead. “But you were right, I do have things to do today.”

  Damn. Not that I had any intention of keeping him to myself today, but this just feels so good. I don’t want it to end.

  “Where is your phone?” he asks.

  “Over there.” I point to the bedside table on his side, and suddenly he moves away, grabs it, then returns to me and pulls his phone out of his pocket. “We don’t need to text, Jake. I’m right here.”

  “I don’t have your number. I only have the restaurant number.” He wakes his phone up, then waits expectantly for me.

  “That’s the only number you need.”

  “No, it’s not.” He leans in and nuzzles my nose. “Because I want to see you outside of Seduction.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Been sure since the first moment I saw you, sweetness.”

  I swallow hard and frown. “I don’t just hand my private number out.”

  He looks a little hurt for a split second, which brings some tightness back to my chest, and then his lips spread in that cocky grin.

  “Addison, will you please give me your number?”

  God, he’s cocky. And I know I’m not going to tell him no. I mean, I can always choose to just not answer the phone. I rattle off my number for him. A few moments later, my phone pings with a text from him.

  You are beautiful.

  “You’re too charming for your own good,” I reply, rolling my eyes.

  “Doesn’t change the fact that you look good in the morning.”

  I grin shyly, then bury my face in my hands. He chuckles and nudges my hands away. His lips are just inches from mine.

  “Addie, I want to kiss you.”

  “Okay. I’m okay with that.”

  “If I kiss you, we won’t leave this bed. So I’m going to save it.” Disappointment sits heavily in my belly as he simply kisses my forehead, then hugs me again, burying his face in my neck. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes.” I smile as he pulls back. “I’m okay.”

  “Good. Now, I need you to stop snuggling me and let me go. I have to work today.”

  I raise a brow and let go of him, but he pulls my arms around him again and sighs, as though he’s frustrated.

  “Seriously, Addie, I have to go. God, you’re clingy.”

  “You’re not all that, you know.” I chuckle and sit up, then gasp when I see the time. “Holy shit, we slept until almost eleven!”

  “You did. I’ve been awake for a while. Did you know that you snore?”

  “Damn.” I bury my face in my hands again. “I was hoping I wouldn’t do that.”

  “It’s kind of cute, actually. And it means that you slept well. I didn’t mind.”

  I drop my hands and stare over at him. “You’re very nice to me.”

  “I have moments.” He kisses my cheek and then climbs out of bed, scratches his head, making his hair even messier, then grins down at me. “I’m outta here. Call me if you need me.”

  If I need him for what?

  “Have a good day.”

  “What? No call me if you need me too?”

  “What could you possibly need me for?”

  His eyes sober and he sighs as he watches me, as though he wants to climb back into this bed and take us for a tumble.

  And I’m not so sure I’d turn him down if he did.

  “That’s a list we’ll talk about later. Have a good day.”

  And with that, he’s gone.

  Did that just happen? I drag my hand over the bed, and sure enough, it’s still warm where he was lying.

  Deciding to get my ass out of bed, I pad into the bathroom and start the shower and sigh in happiness when the hot water hits my shoulders and back.

  Jake is funny. This morning could have been very, very bad.

  But instead he made me feel at ease. He made me feel cared for.

  He’s good at the morning-after thing.

  And then it hits me: he’s good at the morning-after thing.

  Which means he’s done it a lot. It’s old hat to him.


  I hurry through the rest of my shower and reach for my phone. I need some girl time. Mia and Kat are probably still sleeping, so they’re out. Riley would be way too logical.

  Cami. She’s sweet, but also logical, and she has to be up by now. So I call her.

  “What’s up, buttercup?”

  “Hey, I need you to go to the gym with me.” I pull on yoga shorts, jumping in place to get them over my ass, then reach for a sports bra. I kind of did the whole shower-and-gym thing backward, but that’s what happens when you need an emergency heart-to-heart with a best friend and have too much energy to sit still.

  “What did I do? Are you mad at me?”

  I smile softly. God, I love Cami. “No, silly. I need to talk, and I need to get on the treadmill, so we might as well do both at the same time.”

  “I don’t want to.” Her voice is just a little whiny.

  “Come on. It’ll be fun. And you’re my person, and I need to talk.”

  “You have three other persons, Addie. Riley likes the gym.”

  “I want you. I need to talk about Jake.”

  “Jake?” That perked her up. “I’ll meet you there in fifteen.”

  “YOU KNOW, YOU have a membership to this gym,” I remind Cami as we begin walking side by side on the treadmills. She’s glaring at hers, as though it’s an evil entity.

  “I know. And I came here, once.”

  “Once?” I chuckle and increase my speed.

  “I had these horrible side effects. I got sweaty. I was out of breath. My legs were shaky. I’m pretty sure that all means that this is not good for me. I mean, I couldn’t breathe, Addie.”

  “You are a hot mess.” I laugh loudly as I increase the speed to a slow jog.

  “Okay, I’m on this machine of destruction. Talk.”

  “I spent the night with Jake last night.”

  Cami stumbles, almost falling off the back end of the treadmill, then coughs hysterically. The hot guy at the customer service counter watches with concern, his finger hovering over the speed-dial button for 911, I’m sure.


  “You heard me.”

  “You had sex with Jake Knox?”


  She frowns. “Wait. What?”

  “He stayed with me last night, but we didn’t have sex.”

  “What did you do? Play Parcheesi?”

  I relay the story of Jeremy cornering me at my car last night, b
ut leave out the part about Jake saving me from having my first black eye.

  That’ll only freak her out, and it didn’t happen. He’s gone. Probably already moved on to the next poor girl.

  She can have him.

  “I knew I hated that guy.”

  “Yeah, I should have listened.”

  “So how did you end up with Jake?”

  “He followed me home to make sure I was safe.”

  “Hello, swoon,” she says with a sigh. “And then?”

  “And then he held me most of the night.”

  She stares at me for a long minute. “And that’s it?”


  “And you let him hold you? You’re not a snuggler.”

  “I know. It felt good.” I shrug and wipe the sweat from my forehead. “I don’t remember the last time I snuggled with someone.”

  “That’s because you’re not a snuggler,” she says again. “I’m quite sure you’ve always been anti-snuggle.”

  Yeah, because that was before I’d been snuggled by Jake.

  “He wants to see me again.”


  “Not good.”

  “I’m so confused.” Cami shakes her head, her honey-blond hair bouncing as she walks quickly beside me. “Why is it bad? You enjoyed the snuggling. He rescued you from the ex–douche bag. He’s nice to you, Addie. This is a good thing.”

  “He’s too good at it. He made this morning easy and funny and relaxing.”

  “That bastard! You’re right. Stay away from him.” She rolls her eyes.

  “Look, smart-ass, I’m saying that he’s too good at it. Like, he’s good at it because he’s done it so much already. I’m not special. I’m just another woman that he’s woken up next to.”

  “Okay, number one, that’s kind of a bitchy thing to say. He didn’t have to go to your place at all. And he certainly didn’t have to stay the night. Just because he didn’t want this morning to be weird doesn’t mean that he does it every day.”

  “Except, he’s a rock star, so he probably does.”

  She glares at me for a minute. “He’s an ex–rock star. He hasn’t been in the limelight for five years, Addie. People change a lot in five years. And that leads me to number two. He’s a good guy. He’s always really nice to all the staff at the restaurant. He’s quick to give a sweet compliment, but he’s not overly flirty. Except with you.”


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