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Dangerous Silence (O'Connor Brothers Book 5)

Page 21

by Rhonda Brewer

  “Doncha worry, none a dis got to be heated or anyting. Gotta keep ya strent up.” John shook his head and turned around.

  “Thanks, Nan.” Mike tried not to laugh at his brother’s sigh. “I’m sure everyone appreciates it.”

  “Yes, Mrs. O’Connor, we do.” Steve grabbed a sandwich off one of the trays she’d uncovered.

  “Oh dear.” Billie covered her mouth when Nanny Betty glared up at the man.

  “Mrs. O’Connor was me mudder-in-law, and she was a witch. Yar here ta help our girl?” Nanny Betty asked.

  “Yes, umm…ma’me.” Steve stammered.

  “Den ya call me Nan or Nanny Betty like everyone else.” Nanny Betty touched his arm and nodded. “I’m off. If ya needs any more food, text me.”

  With that statement, she scurried out with poor Tom following behind her. All eyes in the room watched as his bigger than life grandmother disappeared through the door.

  “Wasn’t that Tom Roberts, the business mogul?” One of the other officers asked.

  “Yep,” Smash laughed.

  “And he’s driving around your grandmother?” Steve’s expression was one of shock.

  “Well, no. Nan's probably driving.” Sandy laughed.

  “Is he retired?” Steve asked.

  “Since he found Nan again, yes.” Aaron chuckled.

  “I’m not even gonna ask.” Steve laughed. “Let’s see that report, Sandy and get Harris here.”

  Billie sat next to her brother and helped him look through the pile of papers for any reports of break and entries they'd missed. Mike helped John mark out points where the abductions and break-ins occurred.

  “Why exactly are you using my house as a command post?” Mike finally got a chance to ask.

  “Because it’s big.” Steve chuckled.

  “Not enough room at the station?” Mike shook his head.

  “There is but haven’t you noticed not all the people here work there, and they wouldn’t be able to help if we did this there.” John raised his eyebrow.

  “Uncle Kurt’s idea?” Mike knew that Kurt tried to keep to the rules, but when it came to family he allowed them to be bent but if asked he knew nothing. After all, he was now Chief of Police of the Newfoundland Police Department.

  “I can’t comment on that.” John chuckled.

  “Wow, you really will make a great superintendent.” Steven laughed.

  “What?” Mike didn’t realize his brother was about to be promoted.

  “Yeah, he’s taking over the end of the year.” Sandy grinned.

  “Jesus, bro. Will this fuck that up?” Mike didn’t want his brother to ruin his career.

  “I don’t give a fuck if it does. That girl over there is family.” John grabbed Mike on the shoulder and squeezed. “You were there for Steph and me and the rest. It’s our turn to help you now.”

  Mike wasn’t an emotional person, but that statement from his brother had a huge lump form in his throat, and he had trouble swallowing it down. The fact that his house was full of people who were there to protect the love of his life. It hit him straight in the heart.

  “If this Kumbaya moment is over, can we get on with it?” Steve circled his hand in front of the map.

  How could they have been at this until almost midnight? Mike was exhausted, and Billie was curled up on the couch next to her brother. Matt’s head dropped, and he snored softly. Most of the people had left except Steve, John, Aaron, and Smash.

  “By the way, where’s Abbie, Dana, and Philip?” Mike felt sorry he hadn’t realized they weren’t around.

  “They’re staying at Kim’s place tonight. Kim and Emily are at some conference in Montreal for a few days. Keith suggested it. Trunk's staying with them.” John explained.

  “Why didn’t they just stay here?” Mike didn’t understand the change in arrangements.

  “Philip said he was getting a little uncomfortable with the night noises.” Aaron chuckled.

  “Fuck off,” Mike snapped at his brother.

  “That’s not a joke, bro.” John raised his eyebrow. “Seems you guys were a little enthusiastic last night.”

  “Damn,” Mike wasn’t embarrassed, but he knew Billie would be. “Keep that little bit of info to yourselves please.”

  “At least her parents weren’t staying here.” Aaron grinned.

  For the next few days, Mike dealt with his house full of people. The only time he got alone time with Billie was at night when they went to bed. By that time they were both so exhausted, they’d do little but fall asleep in each other’s arms. Not that he was complaining about that aspect.

  “Steve’s been in touch with the head of the Human Trafficking Taskforce. They gave him the number to the liaison here in Newfoundland. Apparently, they have a couple of people here doing surveillance. The guy said when we’re ready to let him know and he’d help with whatever we need.” John explained as he and Mike finished their map layout.

  They’d found almost twenty missing children over a ten month period who’d fit the parameters they’d found. From what they could figure out, the children were all between the ages of six and thirteen. All transferred from one foster home to the next, and every one of them dealt with Felix Morris.

  Steve was also investigating three missing women cases. All women lived alone, had no family, and reported a break-in several days before they disappeared. The other issue was, all three names were on the list they’d retrieved from Felix Morris’s computer, and that terrified Mike. Chloe and Billie’s names were on that list, and they were the only ones that hadn’t vanished.

  “I don’t understand why they’d go after me. I’ve got a family which includes two very intrusive brothers.” Billie glanced at Matt.

  “Intrusive, no. Protective, yes.” Matt poked her.

  “Either way, I don’t fit that profile.” Billie tapped her finger on the paper.

  “By the way, we went to talk to Boyd Bannister yesterday. He’s out of the office for a couple of weeks.” Steve raised an eyebrow. “I asked if it was possible to get in touch with him, but the office told me that he was not able to be reached.”

  “Really? The supervisor of Child Protection Services can't be reached?” Mike chuckled.

  “Have you ever heard of that happening?” John asked.

  “Never.” Mike had dealt with CPS many times. Especially, during a custody case when the child was at risk.

  “Who do you deal with when you contact them?” Steve asked.

  “I deal with the office on Elizabeth Avenue regularly, but when I had the meeting about Chloe, they wanted to meet at the foster home,” Mike said. “I thought it was weird at first and I called my contact on Elizabeth, and they do that sometimes for the convenience of the child.”

  “You never met at one of the homes before?” John asked.

  “I have but usually the foster parent was there but the only ones there that day was me, Chloe, Morris, and Bannister.” Mike turned to Steve. “I do remember getting an uneasy feeling, but I figured it was because I didn’t like the way they were glaring at Chloe.”

  “So, you think this Boyd guy is involved, don’t you?” Billie linked her arm into his.

  Steve looked at John and something about the way they exchanged glances, Mike knew there was something they hadn’t told them.

  “We think Boyd could be the buyer.” Steve leaned back in his chair. “We believe that day you got Chloe; they were prepared to tell you she was staying in foster care and as soon as you left they were taking her.”

  Billie’s grip on his arm tightened, and he felt someone’s hand on his shoulder. When he glanced behind him, Matt stood over him, and his face was white as a sheet.

  “If Mike hadn’t had those papers, Chloe would have vanished?” Matt stumbled over his words, and Mike could feel the man tremble.

  “Yes,” Steve glanced up at Matt.

  “I need to go.” Matt turned and hurried from the room.

  “I’ll be right back.” Billie jumped t
o her feet and went after her brother.

  “I can’t imagine what that man is going through.” John leaned his elbows on the table.

  “I think he’s dealing with a lot of guilt but he shouldn’t. It wasn’t his fault.” Mike glanced back to see if Billie had returned. “I don’t think he’s faced losing Peggy either.”

  Mike sat up in bed. He was exhausted, but he wanted to wait for Billie to return. She’d been outside for the last hour talking to Matt. Mike didn’t mind because it seemed like the man needed to talk. John was right. It was hard to know how Matt felt. To lose the woman he loved had to be excruciating because even the thought of something happening to Billie gave Mike a sick feeling.

  It had to be even worse when the death was so senseless, and there was no closure. He prayed everything they’d put together over the last few days would work. They’d catch Peggy’s killer, give Billie and her family back their lives and make sure the evil bastards responsible were put away for a long time.

  Chapter 26

  Matt was next to Lane hunched over and vomiting. Lane looked as if nothing was wrong as he glanced at Billie heading toward them. He stepped aside when Billie got close.

  “I think it’s just nerves. Happens to Ian all the time.” Lane handed her a bottle of water, walked away and plopped down on the front step.

  “It’s not fucking nerves.” Matt gagged. “It just makes me physically sick to think of what that fucker wanted to do with Chloe and Billie.”

  “But he didn’t, and he’s not going to.” Billie rubbed her brother’s back as he heaved again.

  “I didn’t know you were there.” Matt wiped his sleeve across his mouth and stood up.

  “I couldn’t let you take off when you looked about ready to kill someone.” Billie opened the bottle and held it out to Matt.

  Matt took a mouthful of water, swished it around and spit it out. He stared at her for a moment before he wrapped his arm around her neck and kissed the top of her head. She’d spent so much time over the last few days practicing with Jess and getting comfortable shooting that she hadn’t thought about what all this was doing to Matt.

  He was on board to help but to think about what could have happened to his daughter had to be killing him. It terrified her.

  “You know Nanny Betty’s food don’t taste quite as good coming back up.” Matt’s attempt at humor made Billie step back and stare up at him.

  “Don’t tell her that.” Billie smiled.

  Matt stared at her, and she didn’t miss the unshed tears in his eyes. She just didn’t know why they were there at that moment.

  “I don’t want you to do this,” Matt whispered.

  “I have to, Matt.” Billie linked into his arm, and they walked to where Lane had sat a few minutes earlier.

  “You don’t have to. They could use a decoy or something.” Matt sat on the step and leaned his elbows behind him.

  “I want to be the one to help catch this guy.” Billie sat next to him.

  “You know, Mike doesn’t like this either.” Matt glanced at her.

  “I don’t like it either, but I have to do this.” Billie would have a chat with Mike about not being honest with her.

  “I need to buy that fucking cat a full salmon.” Matt smiled.

  “Why?” Billie laughed.

  “He’s the reason that guy didn’t break into your place, and it’s as if he watches over Chloe.” Matt tilted his head to look at Billie. “He lays at the foot of the bed Chloe sleeps in, and as soon as anyone enters the room, he jumps to his feet. It’s like he knows.”

  “Maybe he does,” Billie said.

  “Animals do have a sixth sense.” Billie turned her head because she’d forgotten Lane was still there. He sat on one of the deck chairs with his feet propped up on the rail. “My mother grew up on a reserve. She was Metis. I’m ashamed to say I don’t know a lot about my ancestors but she always said animals could sense things that people couldn’t.”

  Lane hadn’t raised his head, but when she or Matt didn’t speak, he looked up.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to listen, but hey when you do this job, you can’t help it.” Lane smiled, and Billie had to admit the man was quite handsome. She did see a resemblance between him and Sandy as well.

  “It’s okay. I also think you may be right.” Matt stood up and stretched. “I think I’m going to crash here for the night if that’s okay?”

  “I’m sure Mike won’t mind.” Billie stood up.

  “I’ll make sure I wear my headphones,” Matt chuckled, and Lane snorted.

  “What?” Billie glanced back and forth between the two men.

  “Nothing.” Matt opened the door and motioned for her to go ahead of him.

  Billie walked into the bedroom and smiled. Mike sat against the headboard softly snoring with a book on his lap. He’d obviously been waiting up for her, but like her, he had to be exhausted. She couldn’t believe she could get so tired and not even work every day.

  She made her way to the bathroom and got ready for bed. She caught her reflection in the mirror and stared at herself. She looked tired but what she was trying to see is if she had what it took to do this. Matt didn’t seem to think it was a good idea and from what he said neither did Mike.

  She returned to the bedroom and flicked off the light. Mike hadn’t moved, so, when she crawled on the bed, she removed the book and tried to ease him down. The man was not easy to move.

  “What?” Mike’s eyes opened, and he stared at her.

  “I was trying not to wake you.” Billie smiled.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”

  “It’s okay.” Billie slid under the covers and took her usual position tucked into his side with her head on his chest.

  “Is Matt okay?” Mike kissed the top of her head.

  “He will be. I think we all will when this is over.” Billie turned her head and kissed his bare chest.

  “We will be.” Mike murmured.

  “Do you think I don’t have what it takes to get this done?” Billie whispered.

  “Huh? What makes you say that?” Mike placed his finger under her chin and lifted her face, so she had to look at him.

  “Matt said you didn’t want me to do this.” Billie cupped his cheek.

  “I don’t, but that’s not because I don’t think you can’t. Jesus, Billie, you can do anything you put your mind to.” Mike kissed her forehead.

  “I don’t know if I’ve got the guts to go through with this.” A tear rolled out of her eye and down the side of her face.

  “I want you to know if you don’t want to do this, you don’t have to. They’ll find another way to draw this fucker out. As for you not having the guts, Billie you’ve got more courage in your little finger than any of those cowards who are stealing kids and turning them over to God knows what.” Mike stared into her eyes, and she let herself get lost in his blue gaze.

  “I love you,” Billie whispered.

  “I love you too, Beautiful. More than I could ever say.” Mike brushed his lips against hers, and she pulled back.

  “By the way, Matt is staying here tonight.” Billie giggled when Mike leaned in to kiss her again. “Can you tell me why he thinks he needs to wear his headphones?”

  “Maybe because Philip has a big fucking mouth.” Mike chuckled.


  “I wasn’t going to say anything but apparently the reason Philip decided to move over to Kim’s for a few days was because…” Mike laughed.

  “What?” Billie pushed him.

  “We were a little noisy.” Mike wiggled his eyebrows.

  “Oh my God.” Billie laughed. “Oops.”

  “I guess it’s awkward to hear your sister scream with pleasure.” Mike moved above her and pressed his growing erection against the apex of her thighs.

  “Hmmm… I’ll try to keep it down for Matt’s sake.” Billie raised her hips to meet his.

  “This should be interesting.” Mike leaned down and
pulled one nipple into his mouth, and Billie gasped.

  Yep, it was going to be interesting.


  Billie stood in the window of the small house across the street from her parents. The plan set in place, and although she knew she had security, she was nervous. Her parents were back in their house as well, and she could see her mother peek through the curtain for the tenth time in as many minutes.

  Mike was with her, but he was supposed to leave at eight in the evening and leave her alone. Not that she was because there were four other men hidden in the back room. It was a good thing the house was up for sale, and Abbie asked the owner to rent it for a few weeks. They didn't know the real reason they needed the place, but Abbie convinced them, or maybe it was because Truck was with her.

  They told the owners Truck was in St. John's on business, needed a residence close to his office, and money was no object. The cash wasn't an issue because Tom Roberts offered to finance the whole operation. He wanted Billie and Chloe to be safe and wouldn't take no for an answer.

  “Tom has more money than he could ever spend,” Mike told her. “He offered. No, he demanded they take the money and shut up about it.”

  Billie laughed when she thought about the quiet man that followed Nanny Betty around yelling at Steve. They were cute together. Mike told her the story about how they’d been in love as teenagers and how a series of unfortunate events separated them for years. When they found each other again, they knew they were meant to be. It was a beautiful story about long lost love.

  “If that cat growls at me once more I’m going to castrate it,” Hulk grumbled as he made his way to the kitchen to grab a drink.

  “Too late for that.” Billie laughed. “He’s been fixed.”

  “Well, no wonder he’s such an ass.” Hulk gulped down the bottle of water.

  “Nah, he was like that before he was neutered.” Mike moved over when Cougar jumped up on the couch.

  “Billie, you probably shouldn’t be staring out the window.” Hulk closed the dark curtains and returned to the room in the back.


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