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King's Baby: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance

Page 2

by Nicole Fox

  “Hey, gorgeous.” I walked right up next to King and stood before him, a hand on my waist and an inviting smile on my face.

  I wasn’t put off by his lack of response.

  “So, how’s your first night?”

  Still nothing.

  “I heard it got a little rowdy earlier. You had to throw out some guys?”

  Jade had told me a story about a man who had gotten too drunk earlier in the night and was getting a little insistent with a dancer. We’d all had our fair share of men acting like assholes, so it was no big deal. But it was still nice to know we had a bouncer like King at our side, in case things ever got worse.

  “Thanks for doing that, by the way. I know it’s your job, but the last bouncer we had was a total waste of space. You don’t know how many times we’ve all been cornered, without him raising a finger. I’m surprised it took Rossi so long to hire someone else.”

  King actually acknowledged this, giving me a firm nod before his eyes returned to scanning the crowd for any signs of danger. I took it as a good sign.

  “So, were you always a bouncer, or is this a new profession?”

  Still no answer, though I could tell that I was beginning to entertain him a little. Or that’s what I kept telling myself.

  “See, I’ve always been a dancer. I’ve ever only had two skills in my life, dancing and keeping up one-sided conversations with tall, dark, and brooding men.”

  The corner of King’s lips tipped up, and I almost laughed in delight. I knew he found me entertaining.

  “Oh, would you look at that,” I said instead. “Looks like you are listening. The girls made a bet to see who can make you talk first, but I think a smile might be even better. What about a hello to seal the deal?”

  “Would you leave me to work in peace then?”

  I almost froze at the sound of his voice, not expecting him to actually deign to speak with me. It was deep, rumbling, and pure sin. It was a voice that I could see myself taking demands from as I lay spread eagle on a bed, waiting to be dominated.

  Shaking the thoughts out of my head, I focused back on King.

  “Oh, it speaks!”

  King shook his head in defeat.

  “Well, now that I know you’ll respond, I’m Christy.”


  “I know, gorgeous. Every single girl knew everything about you the second you stepped foot in here. We’re like vultures, you know?”

  “That’s… concerning.”

  “Don’t worry, we’re mostly harmless,” I looked up at him from under my lashes and smiled seductively.

  “So, how’re you liking the place?”

  “It’s fine,” he said, eyes flicking back to me every few seconds.

  “That’s good to hear.” I waited a second as someone walked behind me and stumbled forward into King, pretending that I’d been jostled. Just as I’d planned, I fell straight into his waiting arms, my breast pressing firmly into his side. I could tell that he felt my nipples brush him through the fabric before he pushed me away from him.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, sorry, just tripped.” I bit my lip and looked up at him. He’d placed his hands on both sides of me, just above my waist, when he’d caught me, but he still hadn’t let go. His thumbs were touching the underside of my breasts, something easily accomplished with the thin fabric I was wearing.

  Apparently noticing what he was doing, he pulled back quickly and stood back to attention, scanning the crowd once more. It was too late though. I knew he liked it. Teasing him was just too fun.

  “So, King, there’s a Diamond Castle tradition for all the new staff.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “It’s just a welcoming dance routine. I know you saw me on stage, but this one will be a little different. You’re off soon right?”

  “I might be.”

  I stepped forward so that our bodies were flush against each other, and King made no move to stop me. This was going to be too easy.

  “Will you come and let me dance for you?”

  King gave nothing away, but his eyes were darting over my face, and I could tell that if he wasn’t so good at his poker face, then he would be granting me the small smirk from before.

  “Well, who am I to argue with tradition?”

  I grinned up at him and moved impossibly closer, opening my mouth to speak when I was interrupted by a voice that naturally made me cringe.

  “Christy! What do you think you’re doing? That’s twice in one night now.”

  I took a few steps back from King and turned to Jarren with an innocent expression.

  “Sorry, Jarren. I was just welcoming our new bouncer. Much better than Jim, wouldn’t you say?”

  “Christy, come with me.” His voice was hard and unrelenting, and I internally rolled my eyes as he stalked off and expected me to follow.

  “Bye, gorgeous,” I said to King, as I followed behind Jarren.

  We reached his office, and he waited until I entered before slamming the door shut behind me.

  “What the hell was that, Christy?” he demanded angrily. “Do I pay you to work, or do I pay you to flirt with the bouncer?”

  “Jarren, I bring you more customers than any of the other girls.”

  “But the other girls aren’t even half the amount of trouble you are.”

  Something seemed off with Jarren. He was normally sleazy and slightly crazy, but I’d never seen him this riled up. I wondered sometimes if he had anything against my favorite client, since he always acted like this after he came by for a session.

  “Just do your job,” he growled. “And leave my bouncer alone!”

  “All right, boss,” I muttered.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Yes, Jarren. I’ll be sure to do that,” I amended. “Is that all?”

  Rossi let out a sound of frustration. “Get outta here.”

  I didn’t hesitate to leave, never wanting to be in his presence for long. I may not have gotten to dance for King, but at least I’d won the bet. Jade would be so pissed; it was almost worth having Rossi on my ass.

  And King … Shit, was he sexy! I had a feeling things were starting to look up.

  Chapter Two


  The pounding of the sensual beat seemed to resonate in my chest as I eyed the room and tried to keep my eyes off the stage. When I was offered a chance to work at the trashy strip club, I grabbed the opportunity with both hands. I had to find work where I could, even if it was working under the likes of Jarren Rossi. That weasel got on my nerves but I seemed to intimidate him enough that he let me be.

  It was my first night at Diamond Castle, and I could already tell that this would be a draining job. I’d already thrown out three people by seven o’clock, and half the staff were coming and hitting on me. In fact, one was doing it right now.

  “I’m Felicity,” she purred, placing a hand on my arm. She reminded me of a cat with her nails as sharp as claws and her screeching voice. “Can I interest you in some fun in the back?”

  I didn’t even bother answering, standing stoically and doing my job. No way would I risk getting fired when I was so desperate for money. She eventually sauntered off, probably spreading word of the new bouncer who wouldn’t speak to her. Good. Maybe that would ward off the next one.

  It appeared I wasn’t so lucky, though. An hour later, and four more girls had propositioned me. It wasn’t hard to ignore them and keep focused on my job. I wanted them all to get the message that I wasn’t the type to be swayed so easily. Maybe then everyone would leave me alone, and I could get on with things in peace.

  For the tenth time that minute, my eyes flickered onto the stage and back away from it.

  You’re not here to drool over the dancers, I reminded myself to little avail. Though I was determined that none of the girls could get to me, there was a sweet piece on stage that might be able to do it if she really wanted to.

  Fuck, she was half naked, with a little white thing that
covered barely anything, swinging her ass to some ridiculous tune while a crowd of men ogled her. No, she wasn’t the girl for me. But a little fun? I wouldn’t say no to that.

  Sick of fighting the urge, I let my eyes rake over and drill holes into her. I could tell she noticed, too, swaying a little deeper, turning a little slower, and dancing a little sexier. I’d made eye contact with her twice, and each time her eyes would skitter away and a small smile would creep up on her lips.

  She finished her routine with one last pose, her ass on full display to the crowd as her audience cheered. I felt sorry for the other two girls with her, neither able to compete with her, as she drew the eyes of every man in the crowd. They seemed to know it too.

  As the girls exited the stage, I snapped out of my stupor and returned to monitoring the crowd. Rossi had said the last guy had been so useless that I could just stand there looking angry and do a better job. That wasn’t how I worked, though.

  I watched as a man walked in through the front doors, different from the rest of the crowd. He was in a suit, a fucking expensive one by the looks of it, and had two men trailing him. He was refined and distinguished. I wondered what a guy like that was doing in a place like this. He disappeared into Rossi’s office, and I was immediately on guard, reminding myself to keep an eye on him.

  My mind returned to the platinum blonde goddess from before. I’d been watching her from the moment I’d set foot in the place, and she never slowed down for a minute, even if she seemed like it. The men responded to her, too, way more than the other girls. I knew Rossi used her to his advantage, knowing she brought in business and kept it there. I could see him leering at her from time to time, and I knew she noticed too from the look of revulsion on her face every time he looked at her.

  At that moment, Rossi came out of his office with the businessman following close behind. After pointing him to one of the back rooms, Rossi headed on back stage. He returned a few minutes later with the blonde angel, who headed off in the same direction as the businessman. I supposed she was everyone’s type.

  “King,” Rossi said as he made his way past, running a hand through his thinning hair. “How’s it been?”

  “Fine. You all right?”

  “Yeah. Just– Just keep an eye out.” With those parting words, he marched off back to his office.

  A little while later, the business man left again, seemingly with nothing interesting having happened. No sooner had he left, that I heard a husky voice from beside me.

  “Hey, gorgeous.”

  I almost smiled at her tone. Yes, she would be like all the other girls tonight, but I wouldn’t give any sign that I’d actually say yes to her.

  Christy. The name fit her—simple, but strangely sexy. Or maybe that was just her.

  No, I wouldn’t do it. But, apparently, my actions were beyond my control when she pressed herself completely up against me, and I felt myself harden in less than an instant.

  Fuck, she was sexy.

  If it wasn’t for Rossi taking her away then and there, I wasn’t sure what I would have done. Probably dragged her off caveman-style to the nearest room and fucked her like an animal. She’d probably thrive off it, too—thrive off my hands coming down hard on her ass, my cock pressing so deep into her mouth, she’d be choking on it, or so deep in her ass that she’d be screaming for it.

  Shit, this really wasn’t work appropriate.

  No, I’d settle for keeping an eye on her for the rest of the night. That was what Rossi had asked for anyway.

  It was easy enough. One thing I’d learned was that Christy could definitely take care of herself. She slipped in and out of the crowd, granting smiles freely and flirting in a way that softened the blow when she left an instant later. Most guys either didn’t notice, or didn’t care, that she was giving them a complete brush off.

  Only one guy didn’t seem to get the message—a shabby and overeager kid, who didn’t even look old enough to be in the club. He was drunk too. What a combination.

  He’d saddled himself up behind her, arms locked around her waist.

  “Dance for me,” he said, or screamed, considering I could hear him from where I was.

  I watched steadily, seeing how Christy would handle it. The rule was no touching, according to the dancers, but Rossi had implied that things were a little more lenient, depending on the girl. I wouldn’t interrupt unless Christy needed me.

  “Sorry, babe. You know the rules—hands off.”

  I’d wandered a bit closer without being too conspicuous. I’d been warned not to make a scene if anything happened, unless it was completely unavoidable.

  “You know you want to, Christy. Come on, I know how you girls are.”

  The drunken man’s hands rubbed all over her, but Christy wasn’t panicking or struggling.

  I spotted Rossi a few feet away and called him over.

  “That kid’s feeling Christy up. You want me to step in?”

  “Christy? Jesus, now. She’ll probably cut you open for trying to help her. Besides, look at her. She doesn’t mind. He tips well, so she should be grateful, if anything. Don’t interfere.”

  Rossi walked off, but I wasn’t satisfied with his response. The fact that he was encouraging it left a sour taste in my mouth.

  There was no way any girl would want to put up with that pawing. He might have had a point though, as Christy really did seem to be okay.

  The kid spun Christy around in his arms, and that’s when I got a good look at her face. She was pissed and completely unable to get out of the hold he’d put her in.

  ‘She doesn’t mind’, my ass.

  Fuck Rossi. There was no way I was letting this punk do anything under my watch.

  “Is there a problem here?” I said as soon as I got close enough.

  The kid’s eyes flickered up to mine, and the goofy drunken look dropped from his face.

  “Yeah, everything’s fine,” he slurred.

  “Would you mind letting go of her, then? Club rules, you know?”

  The kid looked back and forth between Christy and me, seeming to weigh his options.

  “Nah, I don’t think I will. You can go now.”

  I almost laughed out loud at the kid’s confidence.

  “Christy?” I asked.

  “Please get him off me,” she said calmly, though a little mechanically.

  At her words, I grabbed the boy’s collar in both hands and pulled him away from Christy. He put up a feeble fight for a minute, struggling against my grip, but realized only a few seconds later that I had no intention of letting go.

  At this point, I still hadn’t created much of a scene and planned on keeping it that way.

  “Now, are you going to let me escort you out like a man and avoid a scene, or are you going to act like a boy and start something?”

  I could almost read every thought going through his mind until he nodded stiffly, and I loosened my grip.

  Grabbing him by the upper arm instead, I escorted him out of the club, Christy following close behind.

  “Don’t come back here,” I said when we got outside. “I have a great memory for faces, and I won’t forget you.”

  “You can’t do that. This is a strip club! She’s a slut, what do you–”

  I took a step forward with a growl and raised my fist, taking no enjoyment from the way he immediately cowered beneath me. Damn it, if only he had kept talking, so I would have had reason enough to beat the shit out of him. Maybe then he’d learn a valuable lesson. Since he didn’t, I’d have to settle for his cowardice.

  “Okay, okay. I won’t come back, I swear.”

  “Good,” I bit out. “Leave.”

  He all but sprinted away from the building, leaving me and a very silent Christy behind.

  “Come on,” I said to her, leading her back inside and into one of the back rooms for some quiet.

  I met Rossi’s angry eyes on the walk in and nearly groaned, though not with regret. I’d do it again, if I had to.
/>   Chapter Three


  King and I were seated in one of the back rooms on a leather couch. It was quiet. King seemed oddly angry and frustrated about what had happened, and I was oddly turned on.

  I knew it was a strange reaction to have, after being accosted by a man. I had grown so used to things like that happening in the club, though, that it no longer shocked me. However, having King come and help me out was really sexy. Even more so, it was sexy that he’d asked me before he did anything drastic. I may have been able to handle the situation on my own, albeit not as quickly or effectively, but having someone else at my back was the biggest turn on for me.


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