Book Read Free


Page 1

by Mac Park


  Title Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8


  Long ago beast and man shared one world. Then they began to battle.

  After many battles the world was split in two. Beasts were given Beastium. Man was given Earth.

  A border-wall was made. It closed the two worlds off.

  The beasts tried to get through the border-wall many times. The Border Guards had to stop them. Border Guards were trained to defend the border-wall. Battles won by beasts made beasts stronger. Battles won by guards earned them new battle gear. And they got new upgrades. Then their battle gear could do more.

  Five guards now defend the border-wall. Their work is top secret. They battle and learn. One day they will become Border Masters. Just like their dads. But first they must learn and become Border Captains.

  Their dads were also Border Guards once. They kept learning until they became Border Masters.

  And now they make up the Bordaria Master Command. The BMC. The BMC help the Border Guards during battle. They show them how to defend the wall. They give the Border Guards new battle gear.

  The guards must earn their new battle gear. They need to learn from their battles. And from their mistakes.

  Kai Masters is a Border Guard. He wants to become a Border Captain. The BMC watch Kai closely. Kai must keep learning.

  The beasts of Beastium lived in four different lands. There was a fire land and a rock land. There was a water and an air land. Past these lands were the Outlands. Only the BMC knew about them. That would soon change.

  Over time, the edges of the lands mixed. That was how the border-lands were made. The beasts from each of the worlds mixed too.

  The BMC had been watching Beastium closely. New things had been happening. Strange things.

  Kai Masters must think about his old battles. He must learn. If he does, he will make it to Border Captain.

  Kai Masters was working on some new battle gear. He was in the test room with BC3. BC was Kai’s robotic dog.

  ‘I’m doing something to the Jet Striker, BC,’ said Kai.

  ‘The one we used in the wind-land battle?’ asked BC.

  ‘Yes. It made strong winds. Now it will be able to make ice balls too. Let’s try it out.’

  ‘Yes, I will test my eye lasers too,’ said BC.

  Kai and BC went into the testing range. It was next to the test room.

  The test lab was part of Kai’s Border Guard home.

  Kai Masters was a Border Guard. He wanted to become a Border Captain.

  I’m going to be even better at beast battling, thought Kai. Then the BMC will make me a captain.

  Kai put the jet striker on his back. Then he turned on the air strikers.

  Kai hit the ice ball button. Balls of ice flew out. They hit the test range target.

  ‘It works!’ said Kai. ‘We can shoot ice and make winds at the same time now, BC.’

  ‘It’s better than before,’ said BC.

  ‘Yes,’ said Kai. ‘I’m going to try that target over there. I want to see how far this can shoot,’ said Kai. Kai blasted wind and ice at his target. It was a long way away.

  It hit the target.

  ‘Excellent,’ said Kai. ‘I’ll try and add something else now.’ But then his orbix beeped.

  Kai took his orb out. ‘It’s the BMC,’ he said.

  ‘Is a beast trying to get through the wall?’ asked BC.

  ‘I’m not sure,’ said Kai.

  ‘Something strange is going on in the ice land.’

  ‘What is it?’

  ‘The ice is melting,’ said Kai.

  ‘That means the ice land will turn to water,’ said BC.

  ‘I hope it’s not a mutant beast again,’ said Kai. ‘Let’s get to the battle chamber fast.’

  Kai’s test room was under the ground. It was hidden in the hill where Kai lived. Kai’s home was a lighthouse. It sat high on the hill and looked out over the sea.

  ‘We have to take the bullet train back to the lighthouse,’ said Kai.

  Kai grabbed the Jet Striker. He walked over to the bullet train. ‘I love this train. It goes so fast! Climb in, BC,’ he said.

  BC jumped into the back seat. Kai climbed in the front. He closed the train’s door. Then he took out his Border Guard Card.

  They were ready to go when Kai’s orb beeped once more. Kai took the orb from his pocket and looked at it.

  ‘Rain in the wind land! This isn’t good,’ said Kai. ‘Water from the melted ice must be coming into the wind land.’

  ‘Yes, and the wind picks it up and makes the water like rain,’ BC said.

  ‘That is bad in the wind land,’ said Kai. He started the train. ‘Let’s get going. We can use the Gear Mash-Up centre again to make some new battle gear.’

  The train shot down the tunnel like a rocket.

  The train slowed down at the track’s round-about. ‘The BMC is building more rooms at the end of the other tracks. I wonder what they will be,’ Kai said. ‘And when they will be open?’

  Then the train turned right to go to the battle chamber.

  Kai and BC climbed out of the train. They stood in front of the battle chamber walls.

  ‘The Gear Mash-Up is open,’ said BC.

  ‘Yes,’ said Kai. ‘We need to choose two things to put in it. Then they will join and make something new.’

  ‘What about the Jet Striker?’ asked BC. ‘It can shoot ice now. Ice balls will be handy in an ice land.’

  ‘Yes,’ said Kai. ‘In the ice land we must battle only with ice. We don’t want to mix things up in the lands.’

  Kai put the Jet Striker into the Gear Mash-Up’s first chamber. ‘We can add one more thing,’ said Kai.

  ‘I think it should be the sword,’ said Kai.

  ‘The one that turned everything to ice in the lava land?’ asked BC.

  ‘Yes. We can try and freeze the melted ice again with it.’

  Kai took the sword from wall two. He put it in the chamber with the Jet Striker.

  Kai hit the Gear Mash-Up button on the computer. After a while the computer screen flashed.

  Kai opened the chamber. ‘This looks excellent, BC.’

  Then Kai heard a computer voice. It said

  Kai grabbed his new battle gear. Then he and BC slid down into the transport chamber.

  ‘We must pick a ride,’ said BC. ‘Then add new things to it for better beast battling.’

  ‘That’s right,’ said Kai. ‘What will we need BC? Ice has melted. I think the sub would be good. It can travel through water.’ Kai hit the sub button on the computer.

  The computer screen went black. Then a new image came onto the screen. ‘It’s the add-ons,’ said Kai.

  ‘Can we have more than two things this time?’

  ‘Yes, we can have three things,’ said Kai. ‘The sub can only travel under water. It would be good if it could fly as well. We don’t know how much ice has melted.’

  ‘It might only be a little bit of ice,’ said BC.

  Kai hit the chopper blades button. ‘And if we fly we will need to land somehow. There is landing gear here.’ Kai hit that button next. ‘One more thing.’

  ‘The slushy-maker,’ said BC. ‘Slushy ice dumps in an ice land.’

  ‘Yes, good idea, BC.’ Kai hit the slushy-maker button. Then they waited.

  The new ride popped up on the screen.

  ‘That looks awesome,’ said Kai.

  Then a noise started and Kai and BC looked at the floor behind them.

  ‘Here comes our ride,’ said Kai. They s
tood and watched as part of the floor began to move. The new ride rose up through the open space in the floor.

  ‘Climb in BC, and I’ll start the ride with my Border Guard Card,’ said Kai.

  BC jumped onto the back seat. ‘My jet pack is here,’ he said. ‘BMC must think I need it for this battle.’

  ‘Maybe it’s been given an upgrade, BC,’ said Kai. ‘And if you need your jet pack I will need to fly too. We chose well with the chopper blades.’

  Kai put the card into the slot on the dashboard.

  The ice chopper’s computer turned on.

  Then a computer voice said

  ‘We’re leaving from the transport chamber again,’ said Kai.

  The wall of the transport chamber slid open. ‘I think we should check out the rain in the wind land first,’ said Kai. ‘On the way to the ice land.’

  ‘Good plan,’ said BC. ‘The wind land and the ice land are next to each other.’

  Kai keyed in the codes on his orb. Then the ice chopper shot out through the tunnel to Beastium.

  The ice chopper bounced around in strong winds.

  ‘We are in the wind land,’ said Kai. He looked at the dashboard. ‘The GPS map says we are very close to the border.’

  Then Kai looked at the temp. ‘We’re nearly in the ice border land but it’s not that cold, BC.’

  ‘Should be colder,’ said BC. ‘The rain is making it hard to see.’

  ‘Yes, the rain is very heavy,’ said Kai. ‘Things are really messed up in Beastium now.’

  Suddenly BC’s tail began to wag. ‘Trouble coming,’ the dogbot said.

  ‘Where?’ asked Kai.

  Out of nowhere came a group of flying beasts. ‘They look like the jelly fish from the water land,’ said Kai. ‘But they’re flying. And they’re headed straight for us!’

  ‘They’re hurling toxic fireballs,’ said BC. ‘The fire is green like the slime from the water land.’

  ‘Toxic fire,’ said Kai. ‘That fire-slime can’t hit the ice chopper. It will burn right through it. I’ll hit them with slushy ice-dumps.’

  ‘And I can get some with my eye lasers,’ said BC.

  Kai put BC’s jet pack on. Then he opened the cockpit.

  BC flew out of the chopper. He shot his lasers at the flying pests. One by one they fell away.

  ‘Good dog!’ yelled Kai as he got the last ones with slushy ice. ‘Test range practice has made you an excellent shot!’

  BC flew back into the ice chopper. Then Kai closed the cockpit.

  ‘The ice land is just ahead,’ said BC pointing.

  ‘Yes,’ said Kai. ‘And the temp is dropping. That’s good.’

  There was water all along the border between the wind and the ice land. They flew into the ice land.

  ‘Look,’ said BC. ‘The temp is going up instead of down. It’s getting hotter!’

  ‘That’s very strange,’ said Kai. ‘And there’s so much water here. But it’s still too cold for ice to melt by itself.’

  Then Kai saw something moving on the ice.

  ‘It’s an ice-land beast,’ he said. ‘But what is it battling?’

  Kai quickly took a photo of the ice beast on his orb.

  The beast it was battling looked like a snake. It sat up on its two tails and swung its head at the ice beast.

  ‘It has little wings,’ said BC. ‘Do you think it can fly?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ said Kai. ‘But it must not win. If it does, it will change into something bigger. Remember the last battle?’

  Kai took a photo on his orb. A card popped up on the screen.

  ‘I’ll swoop down and try to get it away from the ice beast,’ said Kai. ‘You try to get it with your eye lasers.’

  ‘It’s shooting fire from its wing tips,’ BC said. ‘It’s melting the ice and the ice beast.’

  BC flew out from the chopper. He circled around the mutant beast. Then he fired his eye lasers.

  The beast growled.

  Then it flicked its two tails and smashed the ice. Kai flew around the mutant’s head. This made the beast very mad. It opened its mouth and let out a massive spray.

  ‘Watch out, BC,’ Kai shouted. ‘It has toxic breath.’

  Kai and BC both moved away from the beast. But toxic breath hit the ice beast. The ice beast fell.

  The mutant beast growled once more.

  It slammed its two tails down hard on the melting ice. The ice cracked open.

  ‘Oh no,’ said Kai.

  ‘The ice beast is going to fall through the cracks.’

  ‘It’s been hit with the toxic gas,’ said BC. ‘The mutant beast has won.’

  The ice beast fell between the cracks in the ice. Kai and BC watched as the baby beast changed. There was nothing they could do to stop it.

  The beast began to spin. Fire flew out onto the ice. Then the beast stopped and rose up into the air. ‘Look at its wings,’ said Kai. ‘They’re massive and they look like they’re on fire!’

  ‘It has three tails now and they are longer and stronger,’ said BC.

  ‘Its head is a mix of the fire, water and air beasts.’

  Kai took a photo on his orb. Then a card popped onto the screen.

  ‘This one is shooting heaps of fire from its wing tips,’ said Kai. ‘We must beat this beast quickly. The ice land must not melt.’

  ‘But we can only battle with ice,’ said BC. ‘This is going to be hard.’

  The beast hovered in front of the chopper. Then it flapped its huge wings. ‘It’s a fire-wave attack!’ said Kai.

  Kai hit the slushy button. Ice slush flew out from the chopper’s roof. As it hit the beast it turned to water.

  Then the beast lifted its largest tail. With one quick flick the tail wrapped around BC. The dogbot was caught.

  ‘I’m coming, BC,’ Kai called. He swooped back in with the chopper. But the beast flicked its other tails and sent the chopper backwards. It will breathe toxic breath on BC, thought Kai. I must save him.

  Suddenly the beast’s tail let go and BC began to fall. Oh no! The beast must have smashed his jet pack, thought Kai. I have to catch him.

  But then BC zoomed back up towards the chopper.

  ‘You’re okay,’ said Kai.

  ‘Yes. I tricked it,’ said BC. ‘I got an upgrade. It stops toxic breath. And its breath can’t hurt me anymore.’

  But then the beast flapped its wings once more.

  The beast whipped its tails through the walls of ice. Then it gave one massive flap of its wings.

  Suddenly a wave of water and ice fell on Kai and BC.

  Kai and BC flew through the water and ice. They just made it back to the chopper. ‘Are you okay, BC?’ Kai asked.

  ‘Yes, toxic breath is gone but this beast is tough,’ said BC. ‘We need as much ice as we can get. But how?’

  Then Kai’s orb beeped. Kai took off the Sword Ice-Striker and looked at the orb sitting in it. ‘It’s the BMC again,’ said Kai.

  ‘We got an upgrade to the chopper, BC. It has voice-activated flying now. I don’t need to be in it to fly it. I can fly the chopper by telling it what to do with my orb. That means I can battle with the Sword-Ice Striker and we can use the chopper too. I’m going to try it.’

  Kai hit chopper command on his orb. Then he put his Sword-Ice Striker back on. He and BC hovered just behind the chopper.

  ‘Slice through the mountains,’ said Kai in a loud voice into the orb. The chopper took off.

  ‘Dump slushy ice on the beast,’ said Kai again into the orb. ‘It’s working BC. Quick, let’s go get this beast.’

  The chopper cut through a wall of ice. It fell on the beast. Then it dumped slushy ice on the beast’s tails.

  ‘We are winning,’ said BC.

  But it wasn’t enough.

  The beast’s huge wings rose out from the ice. ‘Another fire-wave attack coming,’ said BC.

  ‘Not this time,’ said Kai. He flew in very close to the beast. Its wings were ready to flap. I have to time
this just right, thought Kai. As its wings were closing together Kai pushed the sword button on the Sword-Ice Striker.

  The sword shot out at the beast’s wings. The wings closed around the sword. And then they froze and turned to ice.

  The frozen beast fell to the ground.

  ‘The beast is beaten,’ said Kai. ‘It has no more fire and toxic breath. Time to take this beast to the Outlands.’ He called the chopper to him and climbed in. Then he took the Sword-Ice Striker off. ‘Ready to do your stuff, BC?’

  ‘Ready,’ said BC.

  Kai hit the button on BC’s collar. Beams of red light flew from BC’s collar. They formed a cage around the beast.

  BC lifted the ray cage. ‘Follow me,’ he said to Kai. Then they flew to the ice border-land’s beast gate.

  Kai slowed the chopper and sent a message to the BMC to open the gate.

  The gate in the wall slid open. BC pushed the beast inside.

  The sword hovered back to Kai. Then BC’s ray cage turned off.

  As the gate closed, the beast’s wings slowly opened.

  But Kai and BC did not see that.

  ‘We’ve done it, BC.

  Good job,’ said Kai. ‘Time to go home now.’

  BC climbed back into the chopper. Then Kai keyed in the codes for the lighthouse.

  ‘The ice border-land and the wind land are safe again,’ said BC.

  ‘And the wall between Beastium and Earth is safe again too,’ said Kai. Or so he thought.


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